How to use custom auth header with spring boot oauth2 resource server - spring-security

I'm configuring spring cloud api gateway to support several security chains. To do that I'm using several security filter chains which triggered on specific security header presence:
The legacy one which already use Authorization header
And new implementation, that integrated with external idp. This solution utilize resource service capabilities. And for this chain I'd like to use, lets say "New-Auth" header.
In case I tune my current setup to trigger second (idp) chain on Authorization header presence (and make call with IDP token), then everything works fine. This way security chain validates token that it expect in Authorization header against idp jwk. But this header is already reserved for legacy auth.
I guess I need a way to point spring resource server chain a new header name to look for.
My security dependencies:
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server'
My configuration
public class WebSecurityConfiguration {
// ...
public SecurityWebFilterChain iamAuthFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
ServerWebExchangeMatcher matcher = exchange -> {
HttpHeaders headers = exchange.getRequest().getHeaders();
List<String> strings = headers.get(SurpriseHeaders.IDP_AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER_NAME);
return strings != null && strings.size() > 0
? MatchResult.match() : MatchResult.notMatch();
.addFilterAt(new LoggingFilter("idpAuthFilterChain"), SecurityWebFiltersOrder.FIRST)
.addFilterAfter(new IdpTokenExchangeFilter(authClientService), SecurityWebFiltersOrder.AUTHENTICATION)
Dirty solution:
We can add some filter to edit request and duplicate incoming "New-Auth" header as an "Authorization" header at a beginning of security filter chain.
Looks like it works, but I believe it should be a better way.

You can specify a ServerAuthenticationConverter to your oauth2ResourceServer configuration, like so:
.oauth2ResourceServer((resourceServer) -> resourceServer
ServerAuthenticationConverter customBearerTokenAuthenticationConverter() {
ServerBearerTokenAuthenticationConverter tokenAuthenticationConverter = new ServerBearerTokenAuthenticationConverter();
return tokenAuthenticationConverter;

thats for the servlet stack, the other reply you can see is for the reactive stack
BearerTokenResolver bearerTokenResolver() {
DefaultBearerTokenResolver bearerTokenResolver = new DefaultBearerTokenResolver();
return bearerTokenResolver;
see reference here :


Spring SAML2 Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter custom AuthenticationSuccessHandler

I am using Spring Security v5.5.1 SAML2 code for SAML support. I have a working solution using the older Spring security extension, but I am "upgrading".
I have the SP initiated and IDP initiated flows working, but I cannot figure out how to configure the success handler redirect URL. It defaults to "/". I do not understand how I can access the Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter and/or the SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler to override the URL.
I set a default RelayState on the IDP and it does get sent with the assertions, but Spring does not appear to use it.
Also, using the older extension, I could store the SAML request in a DB and retrieve it when the response comes in since my app does not use sessions. I have not found a way to do the same here.
Here are my auth provider and relaying party registration as gleened from the docs and samples I found:
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
authenticationProvider.setAssertionValidator( OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider.createDefaultAssertionValidator( assertionToken -> {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put( CLOCK_SKEW, Duration.ofMinutes(10).toMillis());
String recipient = assertionToken.getToken().getRelyingPartyRegistration().getAssertionConsumerServiceLocation();
params.put( SAML2AssertionValidationParameters.SC_VALID_RECIPIENTS, Collections.singleton(recipient));
String audience = assertionToken.getToken().getRelyingPartyRegistration().getAssertionConsumerServiceLocation();
params.put( SAML2AssertionValidationParameters.COND_VALID_AUDIENCES, Collections.singleton( "blah"));
return new ValidationContext( params);
Converter<HttpServletRequest, RelyingPartyRegistration> relyingPartyRegistrationResolver =
new DefaultRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver( relyingPartyRegistrationRepository);
Saml2MetadataFilter filter = new Saml2MetadataFilter(
new OpenSamlMetadataResolver());
.antMatchers( "/saml2/**").permitAll()
.antMatchers( "/login/**").permitAll()
.saml2Login( saml2 -> saml2.authenticationManager( new ProviderManager( authenticationProvider)))
.addFilterBefore( filter, Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter.class);
RelyingPartyRegistration registration = RelyingPartyRegistration
.assertionConsumerServiceLocation( getAssertionRecipient( environment, "blah"))
.signingX509Credentials( c -> c.add( credentialSp))
.decryptionX509Credentials( c -> c.add( decryptSp))
.assertingPartyDetails(party -> party
.wantAuthnRequestsSigned( false)
.verificationX509Credentials( c -> c.add( credential))
I imagine that I can do the same as before somehow, but for all the docs that are supplied, it is difficult to make sense of much of it.
Thank you!
Maybe you should try a .successHandler(<my_successhandler>)
.antMatchers( "/saml2/**").permitAll()
.antMatchers( "/login/**").permitAll()
class MySamlLoginSuccessHandler extends SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler {
MySamlLoginSuccessHandler() {
Try something like this it worked for me.
.saml2Login( saml2 -> {saml2.authenticationManager( new ProviderManager( authenticationProvider); saml2.defaultSuccessUrl("url") }))
The following is how I set it
.authenticationManager(new ProviderManager(authenticationProvider))

How to provide an OAuth2 token to a Feign client using Spring Security for the client_credentials workflow

I am trying to write a program that accesses a public REST API. In order for me to be able to consume it, I need to provide an OAuth2 token.
My App uses Spring Boot 2.4.2 and Spring Cloud version 2020.0.1. The app itself does call the REST API once every 24h, download the data, and stores it in a database. A different microservice consumes this data at some other point and needs the data to have been refreshed daily.
My approach to this is to use OpenFeign to declare the REST Client that consumes the REST API and provide it an OAuth2 token. This is a problem that is quite common, so I assume that machine to machine client_credentials workflow is well documented.
And indeed, I did find a simple example to do this with OpenFeign - here:
TL;DR: Trying to write a machine-to-machine microservice requiring an OAuth2 token (client_credentials grant type).
This was my first try, but unfortunately with the new Spring Security release, I can't seem to get the OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor instantiated, I might have a package problem. I then went on to study the documentation for Spring Security and the new OAuth2 rewrite, which can be found here:
My approach is to use a RequestInterceptor which injects the current OAuth2 token into the request of the OpenFeign client, by adding an Authorization Bearer header. My assumption is that I can retrieve this, more or less automagically, using the Spring Security OAuth2 layer.
Using the documentation I tried providing a bean of OAuth2RegisteredClient to my interceptor, as well as a bean of type OAuth2AccessToken - which both didn't work. My last try looked like this and is to be seen, as a sort of hail mary, kind of approach:
public OAuth2AccessToken apiAccessToken(
#RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("MY_AWESOME_PROVIDER") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) {
return authorizedClient.getAccessToken();
This doesn't work because RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient requires a user session, lest it is null. I also saw someone else on Stackoverflow trying the same approach, but they actually did it in a Controller (=> Resolving OAuth2AuthorizedClient as a Spring bean)
I also tried some approaches that I have found here on SO:
Feign and Spring Security 5 - Client Credentials (Provided answer uses Spring Boot 2.2.4 - thus not relevant anymore)
Alternative For OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor as it is deprecated NOW another gentleman looking for an alternative for OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor
OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor class deprecated in Spring Boot 2.3 - solution here again required an active user-session this Github repo pops up every now and then, I studied it, but I deem it irrelevant to my question - maybe I missed something? From what I understood, this sample application has multiple providers using multiple scopes - but still a user that triggers a login and thus the automagic generation of an OAuth2 token through Spring Security. (also featured in this question: Migrating from Spring Boot Oauth2 to Spring Security 5) [1] -> as of right now there is no replacement for OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor
My assumption is that I can somehow use Spring Security 5 to solve this, but I simply can't wrap my head around how to actually do it. It seems to me that most of the tutorials and code samples I have found actually require a user-session, or are outdated with Spring Security 5.
It really seems that I am missing something and I hope that somebody can point me in the right direction, towards a tutorial or written documentation on how to achieve this.
In depth example
I tried supplying an OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager as seen in this example (
For this, I registered an OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager following the example code:
public OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager authorizedClientManager(ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository,
OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClientRepository) {
OAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider authorizedClientProvider =
DefaultOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager authorizedClientManager = new DefaultOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(
clientRegistrationRepository, authorizedClientRepository);
return authorizedClientManager;
and provided it for my RequestInterceptor as can be seen here:
public RequestInterceptor requestInterceptor(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager clientManager) {
return new OAuthRequestInterceptor(clientManager);
Finally I wrote the interceptor, which looks like this:
private String getAccessToken() {
OAuth2AuthorizeRequest request = OAuth2AuthorizeRequest.withClientRegistrationId(appClientId)
// .principal(appClientId) // if this is not set, I receive "principal cannot be null" (or empty)
return Optional.ofNullable(authorizedClientManager)
.map(clientManager -> clientManager.authorize(request))
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
log.debug("FeignClientInterceptor -> apply CALLED");
String token = getAccessToken();
if (token != null) {
String bearerString = String.format("%s %s", BEARER, token);
template.header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, bearerString);
log.debug("set the template header to this bearer string: {}", bearerString);
} else {
log.error("No bearer string.");
When I run the code, I can see "FeignClientInterceptor -> apply called" output in the console, followed by an Exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: servletRequest cannot be null
My assumption is that I receive this, because I don't have an active user session. It seems to me thus, that I absolutely need one to fix this problem - which I don't have in machine-to-machine communcations.
This is a common use-case so I am sure I must have made a mistake at some point.
Used packages
Maybe I made a mistake with my packages?
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-amqp'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jooq'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
implementation ''
According documentation need use AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager instead of DefaultOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager
When operating outside of the context of a HttpServletRequest, use AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager instead.
So. I was playing with your solution in my free time. And found the simple solution:
just add SecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication principle to your code OAuth2AuthorizeRequest request = OAuth2AuthorizeRequest.withClientRegistrationId(appClientId).build();
Should be like this:
val request = OAuth2AuthorizeRequest
.withClientRegistrationId("keycloak") // <-- here your registered client from application.yaml
Used packages:
keycloak: # <--- It's your custom client. I am using keycloak
client-id: ${SECURITY_CLIENT_ID}
client-secret: ${SECURITY_CLIENT_SECRET}
authorization-grant-type: client_credentials
scope: openid # your scopes
keycloak: # <--- Here Registered my custom provider
authorization-uri: ${SECURITY_HOST}/auth/realms/${YOUR_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/authorize
token-uri: ${SECURITY_HOST}/auth/realms/${YOUR_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token
enabled: true
mime-types: application/json
enabled: true
connectTimeout: 1000
readTimeout: 60000
decode404: false
loggerLevel: ${LOG_LEVEL_FEIGN:basic}
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
class SecurityConfiguration() : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
// #formatter:off
.authorizeRequests { authorizeRequests ->
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/test").permitAll() // Here my public endpoint which do logic with secured client enpoint
// #formatter:on
fun authorizedClientManager(
clientRegistration: ClientRegistrationRepository?,
authorizedClient: OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository?
): OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager? {
val authorizedClientProvider = OAuth2AuthorizedClientProviderBuilder
val authorizedClientManager = DefaultOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(clientRegistration, authorizedClient)
return authorizedClientManager
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
class FeignClientConfiguration(private val authorizedClientManager: OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager) {
fun requestInterceptor(): RequestInterceptor = RequestInterceptor { template ->
if (template.headers()["Authorization"].isNullOrEmpty()) {
val accessToken = getAccessToken()
logger.debug { "ACCESS TOKEN TYPE: ${accessToken?.tokenType?.value}" }
logger.debug { "ACCESS TOKEN: ${accessToken?.tokenValue}" }
template.header("Authorization", "Bearer ${accessToken?.tokenValue}")
private fun getAccessToken(): OAuth2AccessToken? {
val request = OAuth2AuthorizeRequest
.withClientRegistrationId("keycloak") // <- Here you load your registered client
return authorizedClientManager.authorize(request)?.accessToken
name = "test",
url = "http://localhost:8080",
configuration = [FeignClientConfiguration::class]
interface TestClient {
fun test(): ResponseEntity<Void> // Here my secured resource server endpoint. Expect 204 status

Spring security oauth2 login and resource server in same application

I have an application where users/applications can authenticate either with an OpenID provider or with a JWT token.
Here is my spring security configuration class.
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
private OAuth2UserService<OidcUserRequest, OidcUser> oidcUserService() {
return oidcUserRequest -> {
OidcUserService oidcUserService = new OidcUserService();
OidcUser oidcUser = oidcUserService.loadUser(oidcUserRequest);
return oidcUser;
It's working as expected but I would like to disable session creation for the JWT authorization part. Do I need to split this into multiple configurations? I understand that if we have multiple configuration classes we need to differentiate based on URL pattern which I can't do in my case as a user authenticated via OpenId or via JWT still should be able to access the same URLs.
Here is the complete sample code in Github.
I solved by splitting the configuration into two classes. One for OAuth login and the other for the resource server. Configured
http.requestMatcher(new RequestHeaderRequestMatcher("Authorization"))
on the resource server Configuration class and made it's Order as 1 and Open Id configuration order as 2. In Resource server configuration I have disabled session creation.
In this way, if any external clients are calling with a JWT token with header 'Authorization' then it will be handled by Resource server configuration or else it will be handled by the second/OAuth configuration.

Spring MVC Test MockMvc - how do I configure a url mapping prefix

I have a DispatcherServlet that has a URL mapping /api1 and subsequentially a Controller with a mapping #GetMapping("/resource1") for a controller method. So basically I have a valid URL /api1/resource1 that should be handled by the mentioned controller.
Also, the setup incorporates a Spring Security Filter that matches requests /* as it secures other URLs not handled by Spring (but Jersey for example).
The API secured by the Spring Security Filter is setup like
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
For testing I use the MockMvc* support to setup a mocked web environment including a Spring security setup
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
I want to test that security checks are applied and the controller method is called on successful security checks.
def result = mvc.perform(
.header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " + apiToken))
The code above is based on the Spock framework with the MockMvc stuff.
All of the security checks are passing so the Spring security setup is complete, but finally the controller should be invoked but fails with a 404 status i.e the resource - this is the mapped controller method - is not found.
I'm confident that it fails because the mocked setup does not incorporate a the /api dispatcher servlet mapping. To proof that assumption I can modify the controller method mapping to #GetMapping("/api1/resource1") and the test will result in a HTTP OK (200).
So, my question is, is it possible to configure a kind of URL prefix in the MockMvc setup?
There is one constraint, the code base is not using Spring Boot (and can't for a while in future)!
I added the following to my test to have all requests set the servletPath.
static MockHttpServletRequestBuilder get(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) {
new MockHttpServletRequestBuilder(HttpMethod.GET, urlTemplate, uriVars)
I think you just need to configure the contextPath for the request.
See org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockHttpServletRequestBuilder.contextPath(String) for details.

Spring Boot securing same endpoint with CSRF token and BasicAuth

I have a Spring Boot REST application which has two main parts:
UI where I want to protect the ajax calls with a token
public endpoints where I want to have Basic Auth
As far as I understand I can't protect the public endpoints with CSRF tokens, as these need a session. The problem is, some endpoints need to be reachable by both, so how can I protect them with CSRF when it is used by the UI and disable CSRF for Basic Auth?
Here is what I currently have, where I disable csrf completely so basic works...
http.requestMatchers().antMatchers("/form/fill", "/form/fill/*", "/form/fillParams", "/form/fillParams/*").and()
SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_FORM_FILLER, SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_ADMIN)
EDIT: I found this old answer and I wonder if there is a way I can leverage this for my case, but I'm still not sure how to distinguish between a "local" user and one that is authenticated with httpBasic()
In your Spring Security java configuration file you can configure the HttpSecurity object as follows in order to enable the CSRF check only on some requests (by default is enabled on all the incoming requests, and disable will disable for all incoming request so request Mather can help here for path you want to enable or disable csrf.).
Make sure to replace /urls-with-csrf-check/** with your paths by end point or multiple paths..
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
RequestMatcher csrfRequestMatcher = new RequestMatcher() {
private RegexRequestMatcher requestMatcher =
new RegexRequestMatcher("/urls-with-csrf-check/**", null);
public boolean matches(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
if (requestMatcher.matches(httpServletRequest)) {
return true;
return false;
http.requestMatchers().antMatchers("/form/fill", "/form/fill/*", "/form/fillParams", "/form/fillParams/*").and()
.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().hasAnyRole(SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_FORMS_AUTHOR, SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_FORM_FILLER, SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_ADMIN)
With the input from #kj007, I was able to get this working.
I am using the requireCsrfProtectionMatcher and this is how my matcher looks like:
public class UIRequestMatcher implements RequestMatcher {
public static final List<GrantedAuthority> USER_ROLES = new ArrayList<>();
static {
USER_ROLES.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_ADMIN));
USER_ROLES.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_FILES_AUTHOR));
USER_ROLES.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_FORMS_AUTHOR));
USER_ROLES.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(SecurityConfiguration.ROLE_TEMPLATES_AUTHOR));
public boolean matches(HttpServletRequest request) {
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
return "POST".equals(request.getMethod()) && auth.getAuthorities().stream().anyMatch(USER_ROLES::contains);
So I am checking if the Authentication has any of my user roles, as my basic auth should only be used for my technical users.
