linkchecker ignore multiple urls - linkchecker

I would like to not check the url's that contain this:
I have tried several things in the conf file like this:
but I get "Error parsing configuration" errors
thank you in advance
i not understand how work the linkcheckerrc regex file:

You should be able to add the following to your linkchecker command line in order to skip checking URLs containing those domains:
--ignore-url=gitlab\.forge\.stanis\.fr --ignore-url=rosetta-store\.rd\.stanis\.fr


Seeing Bad parsing rule for Jenkins Log parser plugin

I am trying to use Log Parser Plugin with Jenkins. Following is my rule file which I have taken from the sample given on the link.
# match line starting with 'error', case-insensitive
error /(?i)^error/
# list of warnings here...
warning /[Ww]arning/
warning /WARNING/
# create a quick access link to lines in the report containing 'INFO'
info /INFO/
# each line containing 'BUILD' represents the start of a section for grouping errors and warnings found after the line.
# also creates a quick access link.
start /BUILD/
I still see following at the end of the Parsed Console Output page:
NOTE: Some bad parsing rules have been found:
Bad parsing rule: , Error:1
Bad parsing rule: , Error:1
Bad parsing rule: , Error:1
I did come across this, but dint help as I am not using space anywhere.
Can someone help me resolving this issue?
It appears you have extra white-space somewhere in the file that the plugin is interpreting as you attempting to define a rule. Maybe try running it with the empty lines removed. That plugin has given me quite a bit of trouble as well, it's not very well documented (as is the case with many Jenkins plugins).
I had tried no spaces in the pattern, but that did not work. Turns out that the Parsing Rules files does not support empty lines in it. Once I removed the empty lines, I did not get this "Bad parsing rule: , Error:1".
I think since the line is empty - it doesn't echo any rule after the first colon. Would have been nice it the line number was reported where the problem is.
I posted the same to this thread too - Log parsing rules in Jenkins
Hopefully, it helps out other folks who may be wondering what is causing this.

NEO4J: Couldn't load the external resource at: file:/var/lib/neo4j/import/

I am running Neo4J on Docker within Vagrant.
I am attempting to LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS from a file within the /import/ directory (I had to move my file there) via a cURL request. My request looks something like this:
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM \"file:///insert-neo4j.csv\" AS row ...
This provides me with the following error:
{"results":[],"errors [{"code":"Neo.ClientError.Statement.ExternalResourceFailed","message":"Couldn't load the external resource at: file:/var/lib/neo4j/import/insert-neo4j.csv"}]}
It is often suggested to me that I append the following to my '/conf/neo4j.conf' file, however this file DOES NOT EXIST, and creating it manually does not seem to work...
So I created the file /conf/neo4j.conf with the above variables, and I also tried adding these as environment variables to my docker-compose file. I seem to continuously have no luck uploading via CSV this way.
My questions are:
Is there anything blatantky wrong with this implementation?
Why does my /conf/neo4j.conf file NOT exist and how can I get it created?
Thank you
(p.s. my insert-neo4j.csv has -rwxr-xr-x)
The error message indicates it found the file but there is an error in the CSV ... most likely the formatting. Check this and if you can't see it, please post a few rows, including the header, of it so we might help.

valid YAML hash

Every time I use a ruby involving command I get a line that goes like this:
"Failed to load /home/s/.gemrc because it doesn't contain valid YAML hash".
It doesn't cause any inconvenience, only appears after every ruby command.
Couldn't find any straightforward instructions on how to get rid of this so I thought I'd ask you
try the following:
rm -f /home/s/.gemrc
It would remove your file so make sure about the file content but this will solve your problem. or you may have a backup of it and try the solution.

How to get Swagger UI to use my titles?

I am using Swagger-php and Swagger-UI and it all works just fine but for one annoyance. The UI that Swagger-UI creates has the expected click-to-expand sections for my API routes, but the title of each one appears to be the JSON file generated and not any name I can give it. After the title, the description is the one I give in my annotation, but the title I seem to have no control over.
So if I have routes that begin with a resourcePath of /foo, and a description that says "Foo API Functions," the UI looks like:
foo.json : Foo API Functions
I don't want "foo.json" I'd much rather specify what this says. Like just "Foo" or even "Foo Functions" and then change my description to something more meaningful like, "This is where you find the foo functions."
Am I missing which annotation to use for this?
If you manually edit the api-docs.json file. You can replace the .json with .{format} and all will display correctly and function correctly. Not sure why the .{format} is not inserted by default. Slightly annoying.
I too ran into this problem, but I couldn't find anything on either theswagger-php or swagger-ui github pages mentioning this. So, I wrote a short build script (assuming a Unix-like OS) as a work around, which will first build all the docs using swagger.phar and then run sed to do an inline string replace on the problematic string. Here is what I did below:
# write API documentation from "src" directory to the "docs" directory
/usr/bin/php swagger.phar src -o docs
# replace instances of "json" with "{format}" to fix swagger-php formatting issue
sed -i -e 's/json/{format}/g' docs/api-docs.json
Fixed in swagger-php 0.9.1
I don't know why swagger-ui strips out ".{format}" but not ".json"
The .{format} was not inserted by default because it might be confusing. It suggests the presence of different formats and swagger-php only supports the json format.

How to generate custom URLs with Docpad?

I'm looking to remove redundant directories from my output URLs. This seems like it would be straightforward, but I can't seem to figure it out. Specifically:
This: .com/tmj/recipes/cocktails/rye/toronto.html
Should be more like this: .com/cocktails/rye/toronto.html
I've got a bit of a funny set up using a git submodule that requires the actual src documents to be organized a special way. Anyone know how I can get around this?
I was able to get the URLs I wanted by reworking the src config. This was a bit counter-intuitive to me, but now that I see it working it makes sense. Essentially I told DocPad to ignore the extra directories, and generate the site with out them. Here is the code I used, to be placed in the docpad config (
documentsPaths: [ # default
'documents/the-mason-jar/recipes', 'pages'
