valid YAML hash - ruby-on-rails

Every time I use a ruby involving command I get a line that goes like this:
"Failed to load /home/s/.gemrc because it doesn't contain valid YAML hash".
It doesn't cause any inconvenience, only appears after every ruby command.
Couldn't find any straightforward instructions on how to get rid of this so I thought I'd ask you

try the following:
rm -f /home/s/.gemrc
It would remove your file so make sure about the file content but this will solve your problem. or you may have a backup of it and try the solution.


NEO4J: Couldn't load the external resource at: file:/var/lib/neo4j/import/

I am running Neo4J on Docker within Vagrant.
I am attempting to LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS from a file within the /import/ directory (I had to move my file there) via a cURL request. My request looks something like this:
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM \"file:///insert-neo4j.csv\" AS row ...
This provides me with the following error:
{"results":[],"errors [{"code":"Neo.ClientError.Statement.ExternalResourceFailed","message":"Couldn't load the external resource at: file:/var/lib/neo4j/import/insert-neo4j.csv"}]}
It is often suggested to me that I append the following to my '/conf/neo4j.conf' file, however this file DOES NOT EXIST, and creating it manually does not seem to work...
So I created the file /conf/neo4j.conf with the above variables, and I also tried adding these as environment variables to my docker-compose file. I seem to continuously have no luck uploading via CSV this way.
My questions are:
Is there anything blatantky wrong with this implementation?
Why does my /conf/neo4j.conf file NOT exist and how can I get it created?
Thank you
(p.s. my insert-neo4j.csv has -rwxr-xr-x)
The error message indicates it found the file but there is an error in the CSV ... most likely the formatting. Check this and if you can't see it, please post a few rows, including the header, of it so we might help.

SP2-0310: unable to open file "dba_files_all.sql"

Please advise. This SQLPlus call:
SQL > #dba_files_all not working.
SP2-0310: unable to open file "dba_files_all.sql"
How can I resolve the error?
You need to provide the path of the file as string.
Put the path in double quotes and it will work.
For example:
#"C:\Users\Arpan Saini\Zions R2\Reports Statements and Notices\Patch\08312017_Patch_16.2.3.17\DB Scripts\snsp.sql";
I encountered this error when attempting to execute a file in the same folder as the calling function. In my example, this process:
Was executed in SQL Developer;
Has been a long-standing part of my system (moving a setup file with some settings and variable names through various folders; those folder names include the feature IDs and a short description);
Has worked fine in the past;
Did not require any pathing in my case because the files were in the same folder;
Failed on the most recent attempt with the error above (SP2-0310).
The issue in my situation was that the folder name in which it failed included a character (#) that was valid for a Windows file name, but confusing to SQL Developer.
1.Use absolute path:
2.Check the path to see if script exists:
ls -l /u01/app/oaracle/test.sql
Note that
SQL> #some_file.sql
means that sql app you are using will look for that using "absolute path" so if you want to use "relative path" use following format [add ?]
SQL> #?some_file.sql
else, use "full path" with first command.
All the answers so far imply that absolute paths are required. That aren't. Relative paths in sql is pretty universal in sql tools. Sometimes, you have to configure a lost default configuration such as in the case of SQLDeveloper as explained in this answer:
I just run into same error when I was trying to unlock oe schema.
While reading the error, I realized that when I run the following line:
>SQL #?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_main.sql
The error returned a completely different path
SP2-0310: unable to open file "C:/app/USER/product/18.0.0/dbhomeXE/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_main.sql"
Thus I copied my sql file to the path specified by the error and everything worked. I recommend that you do the same. Check the path in the error and adjust accordingly.
Use absolute path or run sqlplus command from a shell/dos that points to the path of the script. Also, to use a masterscript, refer to subscripts with ##.
verify that your file has an extension .sql not .sql.txt

Process Task - Unzipping files is failing

I am using sql 2012 SSIS process task to unzip my files but I am getting the following error
[Execute Process Task] Error:
In Executing "C:\Windows\System32\compact.exe" "x F:\Imports\RenLearn\'Roseville City School District'.zip -oF:\Imports\RenLearn\Roseville City School District" at "",
The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
The two paths above are created as variables along with the path to . Any suggestions and thanks ahead of time.
I had the exact same problem and I realised that I had copied the .exe file in the same folder as the .zip files because this resolved my problem in BIDS, but in Data Tools it seems like necessary to do that.. sounds little weird, but it worked for me so perhaps it will for you as well. :-)
If you have set the "Working directory" property, you need to remove it to make the task work.
Remove the space in zip file name as the Execute process fails if the file contains special characters. Instead of spaces, use "_" and try it. Even the same issue I got later was sorted out by this approach.

Vim E854: path too long for completion

I have a Rails RSpec file which looks something like
require 'spec_helper'
describe "Something" do
When I try to use Ctrl+N to autocomplete anything in that file, I get:
Text version:
Scanning included file: spec_helper.rb
E854: path too long for completion
Press ENTER or type command to continue
If I Ctrl+C this, it completes my word perfectly.
To avoid Vim to autocomplete by using included files I can do:
:set complete-=i
But that's not the root of the issue.
How can I fix this?
It results that I am using MacVim, and like romainl commented in the original post, the issue is related to a bug in ruby.vim. In this Stack Overflow post the third answer candidate actually suggests a possible cause (correctly), which is related to a bug in ruby.vim ( an old version is using a deprecated function ).
MacVim (Snapshot 64) is supplied with the old rails.vim, so to fix this I went into and did wget to the raw file in the official rails.vim plug-in repo
This fixed the issue for me.

ZSH `rvm-prompt` on RHS prompt not refreshing

I have rvm-prompt feeding into my RPrompt, however it is not refreshing between commands: (Larger image)
For example, when I cd from one ruby project to another with an .rvmrc file pointing to a new gemset, the rprompt simply will not refresh. It appears that it must be caching the rprompt for performance purposes, so I am curious as to how I can force a refresh for zsh at each command?
How do you generate the prompt? I do it like this:
local rvm_ruby=' %{$fg[red]%}[$(~/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt i v g s)]%{$reset_color%}'
And then use the rvm_ruby variable in my prompt:
→%b "
EDIT: Note that the place where you create the contents for the variable needs single quotes, otherwise the command will get substituted right away and not updated anymore. This initially took me a bit to figure out. You may have the same problem defining your RHS prompt.
