search for a specific Column and then lookup the value of the matching row based off a name - google-sheets

I am trying to get a google sheet to search for a specific cell in a table. The headers change so it might be A6 one week and then A9 the other and so on.
Once it's found that row, I want it to search and pull all of that departments names and data for the column its matched with.
I am 23 sheets in and my heads hit a brick wall and I just can figure it out.

You can try:
=QUERY({A:B,INDEX(A:G,0,MATCH(D25,1:1,0))},"SELECT * WHERE Col2='" & LOWER(F25) & "'")
Note - you should remove unnecessary spaces. In sample data, they were in cells C1 and D25.

Try this:
TRIM(1:20) = "", 0,
ISNUMBER(1:20), 1:20,
True, LOWER(TRIM(1:20))
1:1 <> ""
"SELECT Col1, Col2, Col" & MATCH(TRIM(D25), ARRAYFORMULA(TRIM(1:1)),) & "
WHERE Col2 = '" & LOWER(F25) & "'",

You can use a combination of CHAR(MATCH...)) and Query formula to get this
=QUERY('Sheet Name'!A1:G20,"SELECT A, B, "&CHAR(MATCH("Log 4",'Sheet Name'!A1:G1)+64)&" WHERE B='w'")
Above formula only works till column Z, but thanks to Kishkin's comment below, you can use it beyond Z like this:
=QUERY('Sheet Name'!A1:G20,"SELECT A, B, `" & =REGEXEXTRACT(ADDRESS(1, MATCH("Log 4",'Sheet Name'!A1:G1), 4), "\D+") & "` WHERE B='w'")
You use SUBSTITUTE instead of REGEXTRACT too. You can refer to this Question.
the CHAR(MATCH...)) gets the column name of the desired Log
you can then use the column name to include that column in Query select statement
In the MATCH formula, you can also dynamically Match for a cell reference instead of specifying "Log 4" manually
Note: This is basically splitting the Query formula and concatenating it with another formula. So the &, ' and " symbols are really important
Sample Screenshot:


Counting over aggregated columns in Google Sheets

I have the yellow table shown below, and I'm trying to get the blue table, which aggregates columns B:F by value, and then counts the number of 'x' symbols for each row value of column A.
Is there some basic SQL/array magic formula to get this, please? There must be.
Use this new functions formula
=BYROW(B2:4, LAMBDA(v, COUNTIF(v, "=x")))
v is the array_or_range
={ A2:A4, BYROW(B2:4, LAMBDA(vv, COUNTIF(vv, "=x")))}
For fun
Update 02
" Select * Where Col1 is not null ", 1)},
" Select (Col1),sum(Col2),sum(Col3),sum(Col4) Group by Col1 ", 1)))

Array of IMPORTRANGEs in Google Sheets

For this sample table:
= Formula here
I have this working formula in C1:
A1 contains the range to pull from the target Sheets.
Links to the target Sheets are found in column B.
(This is a simplified example. My actual Sheet has 21 entries in column B.)
If I will have to add/remove URLs in column B, I have to adjust the formula in C1 and add/remove IMPORTRANGEs.
I would like to have a formula that automatically adjusts to the entries in column B.
Solutions tried:
I tried this, but it did not work:
={JOIN("", ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(B1:B), "IMPORTRANGE(""" & B1:B & """, """ & A1 & """); ", "")))}
The JOIN function returns a text that should be identical to what the array { ... } parses as a formula. But it doesn't. Wrapping it with INDIRECT also does not work.
Any suggestions on how I could make this work?
if by "working formula" you mean valid formula that returns data then only thing you can do is hardcode it like this:
IFERROR(IMPORTRANGE(B1, A1), {"","",""});
IFERROR(IMPORTRANGE(B2, A1), {"","",""});
IFERROR(IMPORTRANGE(B3, A1), {"","",""})},
"where Col1 is not null", )
A1:C5 = 3 columns = {"","",""}
you can generate formula dynamically with arrayformula but the result will be always a text string and not active formula. tho if you wanna go this way you will need a script that will convert your text string into active formula. example:

Google Sheet | Excel | Array Formula + CountIf + Partial Text Problem

I'm pretty new with ArrayFormula, have been trying but sometime the formula works, sometimes does not. What I'm trying to do is the combination of ArrayFormula, Countif for searching partial text.
As shown in the worksheet below, there are 10 subjects (column A), each subject has at least one of 4 samples (A,B,C,D) summarized as a string (column B). What I'm trying to do is to find which subject has sample A or B or C or D.
I have tried single formula for each sample, eg cell D3
it returns the correct results. However, when I try arrayformula in cell I3,
The answers are weird. For example: Subjects (Gamma, Zeta, Eta, Theta) who don't have the sample "A" are shown to have sample "A". And this applies to sample B,C,D too
Not sure what went wrong in here. Here is the link to the worksheet
I wouldn't use Countifs or an array formula. Use filter instead. Put this formula in cell i3.
SPLIT(B3:B, ",")&"×"&A3:A)), "×"))),
"select max(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col2 pivot Col1"))
or use in row 2 if you want to sort it as in your example:
IF(IFERROR(SPLIT(B3:B, ","))="",,SPLIT(B3:B, ",")&"×"&A3:A)), "×"))),
"select Col2,max(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col2
pivot Col1 label Col2'Subjects'"), {2,3,4,5}, 0)))
You can accomplish all four columns of results with a single formula.
Delete all formulas from I3:L3.
Place the following formula into I3:
In plain speech, this read "If anything in B3:B matches a value found in I2:L2, return A3:A in the matching columns(s) at the matching row(s); if not, return null."

google sheets find by row and sum

This is a simplified version of my data.
I want to calculate the "Whole Tax" row Automatically. I mean I'm looking for any special google sheets formula that can search for those records that are equal to "TAX" and SUM on the values in corresponding month.
In google sheet QUERY() function is really faster and more scalable. You can use wildcard character to ignore leading and trailing spaces. Try below formula.
On single go get sum of all columns. As per my screenshot put below formula to B17 cell.
=QUERY($A$3:$D$16,"SELECT SUM(B), SUM(C), SUM(D) WHERE LOWER(A) LIKE '%tax%' LABEL SUM(B) '', SUM(C) '', SUM(D) ''")
You should have posted a spreadsheet instead of an image to find out your locale. Try in B17, assuming TAX is not preceded by white spaces
Consider placing sums at the top of each column so you can select cells using A2:A for rest of column.
Anyhow, use =SUMIF($A$1:$A$15, "*tax", B1:B15) for strings that end in tax, case-insensitive. The wildcard selectors are * for wildcard strings and ? for wildcard characters. Use ~ to escape.
Following on from Harun24HR, here is a more flexible formula in which you do not have to designate each column
=QUERY({A3:D16},"SELECT SUM(Col"&arrayformula(textjoin("),SUM(Col",,COLUMN(B3:D)))&") WHERE LOWER(Col1) LIKE '%tax%' LABEL SUM(Col"&arrayformula(textjoin(")'', SUM(Col",,COLUMN(B3:D)))&") '' ")

Using =averageifs with multiple text criteria in different columns

I'm busy with creating an spreadsheet where I can get the average price of holidaydeals with a specific tag (f.e. a destination). When I do this for only one tag column the formula is working :) :
=averageifs(C4:C10,E4:E10,L1,F4:F10,"Frankrijk vakantie")
But... I have more then 10 tag columns in total and in every column something like "Frankrijk vakantie" could be found. My simple mind thought, okay lets change F4:F10 (in this example) to F4:G10 to look for "Frankrijk vakantie" in two columns. But... the formula didn't work.
Link to spreadsheet:
I've also added a screenshot. I hope that someone can help me with this. Would be great, thank you!
In L2 try
=query({C4:C11, ArrayFormula(N(mmult(N(F4:O11="Frankrijk vakantie"), transpose(column(F3:O3)^0))>0))}, "Select AVG(Col1) where Col2 > 0 label AVG(Col1) '' ")
and see if that works?
EDIT: to include a month/year filter try
=query({C4:C11, ArrayFormula(N(mmult(N( (F4:O11="Frankrijk vakantie")*(E4:E11=L1)), transpose(column(F3:O3)^0))>0))}, "Select AVG(Col1) where Col2 > 0 label AVG(Col1) '' ")
The formula makes use of a virtual array, containing the values of column C and the output of the mmult() function. The latter creates a column with 1's if 'Franrkijk vakantie' is found in that row AND the date in column E matches the date in L1. The query then averages the values from column C and filters out the rows where the conditions of the MMULT() are not met.
EDIT 2: To check for a 'double match' in the row, try
=query({C4:E11, transpose(query(transpose(F4:S11),,9^99))}, "Select AVG(Col1) where Col3='"&L1&"' and Col4 contains 'Frankrijk vakantie' and Col4 contains 'Europa vakantie' label AVG(Col1)''", 0)
Change range to suit.
