Jira Restful api to get any completed sprint Comitted and delivered data - jira

I am writing a Java command like program to fetch Scrum information using Jira Rest API. I am not seeing any restful api to find a given completed sprint Committed and Delivered Story points or velocity chart information.
Can anyone help me out with what service I have to call to get it ?
I am using a raw rest call using basic authentication.

Unfortunately the answer varies for the Jira installation type
Jira Cloud
There's no direct way to get data about a sprint through the api, but I believe POST /rest/api/3/expression/eval would be your best option. From there you could find all the issues from your intended sprint with a JQL like Sprint=4, and then tally the story points. It's not perfect, but the best I'm aware of.
Jira Server/Data Center
Based on your version you may have to take the same approach as for Cloud, however some older versions of Jira have the Agile API which would probably speed things along


Direct Routing Reporting - Microsoft Teams

Using the Microsoft Graph API to create reports doesn't seem to cover many of the user scenarios we want to see, e.g. queue statistics, missed calls, calls answered/missed etc.
Has someone here experience with it and how to address those limitations if possible?
Hi #Andri Örvar Baldvinsson,This item remains on the backlog in Teams UserVoice,
Microsoft will always focus on customer’s feedback and experience, some new features would be added to the services based on customers' feedback in the future, we also recommend you give your new idea in Teams UserVoice.

Microsoft Graph API Road Map

I can't seem to find anything more than the changelog, does anyone know if there's a roadmap for planned functionality?
Notably, we're looking to have our employees enroll in MFA through a custom app calling the Graph API and add their mobile number, other email, and authenticator. I found a confirmation that this would be available from here but there hasn't been any update for nearly two years.
Thanks in advance!
There is no roadmap for Microsoft Graph currently. We announce new features into preview throughout the year with two major moments at Build and Ignite conferences. You can keep up with those announcements at https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/blogs/.
We do have a Microsoft Graph UserVoice https://microsoftgraph.uservoice.com/ where you can request and see others requests. Our PMs will actually change the status of features that are in development. This will give you a subset of the things we're working on that relate to public requests.
As you mention , our Change log will be the way to track new things on the API https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/changelog.
We also have a monthly Community Call online that we announce things that is the first tuesday of every month. https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/events . Existing events are blogged about and also available here https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/gallery/?filterBy=Podcasts,Videos

As part of our project we want to capture the information available in JIRA for our sprint into a databse"

As part of our new project we are trying to build a report using tableau.The report presents the information for a sprint as per the requirement.Currently we are manually updating the data source for the report.
"Is there a way through which i can access the JIRA information for a sprint and store it in a database so that i can abolish the manual updates".
Yes, due to Jira's popularity there is a Jira API for the vast majority of programming languages with which you could accomplish this.
I personally would suggest the jira-python api due to it's vast documentation that can be found here: https://jira.readthedocs.io/en/master/api.html#jira.
Then you would simply call sprints(...) or sprints_by_name(...), and iterate through the results printing relevant information into your database.

Detailed Skype for Business reports from Microsoft Graph

my goal is simple: I want to fetch a detailed report of the PSTN usage of my users in Office 365. I wanted to achieve that with PowerShell but unfortunately, the Get-CxPSTNUsageDetailReport command was deprecated in January 2018.
I ended up playing around Microsoft Graph as suggested by this article (the one about the deprecated command). After taking a deep look in here, I wasn't able to find any information on how to get this report from the API.
Do any of you knows if there is:
An API query for that
An official support channel for this
Also, I've found some threads about Skype for Business and most of them were back from 2017 stating that a lot of S4B features were not available in Graph, is it still the case?
If so, why are they suggesting Microsoft Graph as an alternative then?
You can use this API:
/reports/SfbActivity(view=view-value, period=period-value, date=date-value)/content
For more information, refer to the documentation.

Programming JIRA to show # of bugs and calculate time spent

I would like to program a filter in JIRA to show the number of bugs for a sprint and also calculate time spent. I have tried a number of the current reports but they do not automate this calculation. Has anyone successfully done this? I would prefer to do this via JQL rather than using the API.
With the standard JIRA functionality, the "issue search" page does not offer you a way to summarise values (yet).
There are a number of add-ons that can help you accomplish this though, for example:
There is the sumUp add-on which does exactly that and is probably the easiest option.
Script Runner
You could also use Script Runner and its aggregateExpression JQL function, which supports "time spent" and other time fields and can give you a view like this:
Script Runner also has a ton of other useful features to customise JIRA.
Pivot Gadget
And if you're looking for a gadget to add on a dashboard instead, you could also use the Pivot Gadget add-on. This one supports pivot tables and can sum up totals, so you get something like this:
No Add-Ons Possible: Use the JIRA REST API
If installing add-ons is not an option, then you can still script a solution using JIRA's REST API. Especially the search resources will be useful.
You can use any kind of programming or scripting language to build this. There's already another answer that explains how to do this with bash, but if you google you will also find JIRA REST client libraries for java, python, ...
Also, most programming languages have very good REST support, so use whatever you are familiar with.
#GlennV is right - JQL is not SQL, and it returns only issues, not issue fields.
If you have the plugins he mentions, you should follow his guidelines.
If not, using the REST API gets you exactly what you need, even if you're loathe to use it :)
For my project key "MRL", I called:
This returned a whole bunch of JSON info which I can then parse to get only the timeSpent field
If you're lucky enough to be on linux, you can use jq to quickly count the hours with this filter:
[.issues[] | .fields | select (.timespent != null) | .timespent] | add
If you want to try it, copy the entire JSON you got when you ran the REST API (the searchjql link), go to https://jqplay.org/, paste it into the JSON field, and paste the filter into the filter field.
I wrote a blog about something like this which you might want to refer to:
