Detailed Skype for Business reports from Microsoft Graph - microsoft-graph-api

my goal is simple: I want to fetch a detailed report of the PSTN usage of my users in Office 365. I wanted to achieve that with PowerShell but unfortunately, the Get-CxPSTNUsageDetailReport command was deprecated in January 2018.
I ended up playing around Microsoft Graph as suggested by this article (the one about the deprecated command). After taking a deep look in here, I wasn't able to find any information on how to get this report from the API.
Do any of you knows if there is:
An API query for that
An official support channel for this
Also, I've found some threads about Skype for Business and most of them were back from 2017 stating that a lot of S4B features were not available in Graph, is it still the case?
If so, why are they suggesting Microsoft Graph as an alternative then?

You can use this API:
/reports/SfbActivity(view=view-value, period=period-value, date=date-value)/content
For more information, refer to the documentation.


graph call behind get-cscallqueue

Is there a Graph equivalent of the Get-CsCallQueue command? I tried to search the Teams and Skype Graph documentation, but didn't find it. Tried to check on the GitHub page, but I only found the documentation, not the source code (I am not really familiar with GitHub).
There is no graph API available which is equivalent of the Get-CsCallQueue command.
Could you please raise an user voice here:

Microsoft Graph API Road Map

I can't seem to find anything more than the changelog, does anyone know if there's a roadmap for planned functionality?
Notably, we're looking to have our employees enroll in MFA through a custom app calling the Graph API and add their mobile number, other email, and authenticator. I found a confirmation that this would be available from here but there hasn't been any update for nearly two years.
Thanks in advance!
There is no roadmap for Microsoft Graph currently. We announce new features into preview throughout the year with two major moments at Build and Ignite conferences. You can keep up with those announcements at
We do have a Microsoft Graph UserVoice where you can request and see others requests. Our PMs will actually change the status of features that are in development. This will give you a subset of the things we're working on that relate to public requests.
As you mention , our Change log will be the way to track new things on the API
We also have a monthly Community Call online that we announce things that is the first tuesday of every month. . Existing events are blogged about and also available here,Videos

YouTube Cards API

I am wondering if anybody has any information or news regarding the API (if it exists yet?) of the new YouTube Cards (replacing the old annotations).
Is there any beta api information out yet?
I'm referring to this:
Thank you for your help
You can track the YouTube Developer Blog and also subscribe to the revision history of YouTube Data API v3, in order to get the latest info on the API, as soon as it is available. Currently (as of the last version of the API - April 27, 2015) there is no way to manage Cards, and I suspect that there would not be, at least not anytime soon.
I think so because currently even annotations are not fully supported by YouTube Data API v3 (they only added support for setting invideo annotations in v3). I suppose there is a specific reason that this feature has been missing for so long- maybe they don't want to unleash it because they foresee some problems that may arise if they do. It has been requested numerous times in the past by the community (See the last posts in this thread, where a YouTube representative has answered, also this question).
I'll investigate further to see if I can find any more info on future revisions of the API and will update my answer. Meanwhile, you can submit a feature request for Card Management API here. Good luck!

Is MetaWeblog API still supported?

Is the MetaWeblog API still supported? I ask because while researching XMLRPC, the Cook Computing library and implementing MetaWeblog API, I clicked a link that took me to MSDN that states the topic has been removed.
There is a link there that takes me to new docs for Windows Live SDK. On the new page i cannot find current info on MWAPI.
I am using EF, MV3, and VB.Net.
MetaWeblog API support had always seemed (to me) tenuous at best. Seeing as how the project hasn't been updated since 2003 ( I think it is safe to assume that support has essentially ceased. That's my .02 anyway.
(Also, the Yahoo web group's newest post is from 2004 (

Create new calendar system support in Exchange OWA

Since Exchange doesn't provide support for all local calendar types in OWA, I need to create one, using Microsoft.Net's support of calendars, but where should I start?
If I understand correct what you want, the usage of Exchange Server Web Services would be the best way for you. EWS gives you full set of API for appointments and they can be used in .NET very easy. You can use Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Web Services SDK (EWS SDK) with Exchange Server 2007 SP1 (you should just use ExchangeService constructor with ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1 parameter).
I recommend you to watch video I find this video as the best starting point.
Other 6 videos from can gives you more additional information. In two last videos from there you can learn some optimization tricks like retrieving only the properties which you need and paging of results. Using of custom extended properties in appointments is also explained in both of this video sources.
Some small examples how to work with with calendar items (appointment) with respect of EWS SDK you will find here:
On you will find more interesting information, links and some good examples.
