Import Textures in roomle - roomle

is it possible to add his own floor textures? Because the software itself is pretty good but I need this feature. I already tried other programs, but no one had this feature.
Regards Rimser

It is possible to add custom floor textures in the Rubens configurator but it's not possible in the floor planner.


How to draw lines on the screen for an iOS game

I am working on a game where I need to draw a bunch of lines to create a wireframe sort of object, I can do this in sprite kit using nodes but adding a bunch of nodes to the screen will drop the frame rate down a lot. I don't know how to use OpenGL Es at all so that's not an option for me. Is there anything that would just allow me to draw lines on the screen in Sprite kit without adding nodes or is there another framework that will allow me to do that?
If you want a 3D wireframe then your choices are sprite kit (which is built on top of OpenGL), OpenGL, or Metal. Or I guess you could use somebody's 3rd party framework that is also built on top of OpenGL or Metal.
I tend to agree with nhgrif's comment that you're "I don't know xyz so I can't do that" is needlessly limiting. If you can't do anything that involves learning new APIs then you're never going to get very far as a developer.

How to rotate an image in dart?

I'm trying to develop a simplistic 2D browser game with dart.
The player is drawn from a png-image represented by an ImageElement in dart.
I want the player-image to turn towards the mousepointer, but cant find how to rotate an image in dart.
Any suggestions as to how this might be done?
I would highly recommend using the StageXL library for this ( It's basically a recreation of the Flash APIs for Dart. It makes doing that sort of thing very easy, and it's often used to create Dart games.
I ended up using multiple images for the 8 general directions the player can move and set them accordingly.

How do i implement effects in cocos2d?

What is the best and most efficient way to add effects to a game built with cocos2d?
I mean effects like an explosion.
Are they just animation / sprits?
If not, then what should i receive from the designer?
You can run cocos2d project which comes with library and in the top left drop down list you can choose Particle System Test and build it. So you will able to see all basic particle effects cocos2d has.
Also there is a nice application ParticleDesigner, where you can make your nice looking particles and generate a file to add to cocos2d project, it also has a lot of samples, so it would be good for you to download it and see.
And cocos2d supports animations as well, so you can make animations from frames, but of course in the case of explosions particles would look much better
I would take a look at CCParticleSystem and or CCParticleSystemQuad. You or your designer can use tools like ParticleDesigner to create great looking particle effects.

Corona SDK 3d engine

I have been using Corona SDK for almost a year, and have a couple simple games developed. What I am looking for now is some way to create 3D illusions in Corona SDK. If anyone has any experience with 3D in Corona, I would appreciate any advice. I've tried several game engines, but they either don't work with Corona, or cost way too much.
You can create a 3D model in Sketchup, export an image, and add it to your Corona app.
If you want animations, you can also export a bunch of sprites from Sketchup (sort of) and use the movieclip library to play the animation.
Check out LIME library for Corona sdk, you can simulate 3D effect with parallax or orthogonal view. And there is some code in code sharing section of corona, but i dont know if that can be useful:

Language/Program for simple 2D animation

I want to write something like this: I mean, I want to have 2D gaming space, but to have stylized as 3D, so my characters will move on the surface, but will have nice 3D effect. I wounder if Flash/ActionScript will do? Any other suggestions?
Flash and Actionscript can definitely accomplish this. There are at least 2 ways to accomplish the 3D look in 2D space.
The easiest is to do as #Blender said in the comments. Render some 3D images and bring them into flash. There are easy tools in flash to create animated sprites, including a native movieClip class, that has a timeline to play back frame-based animation.
But there is also full 3D in flash. You can bring low-polygon 3D models into flash easily using free and open source libraries such as Away3d ( and papervision ( Presently, flash player 10 has runs slowly when using these libraries.
But Adobe is about to release a new version of the player (version 11) that supports open GL for 3D and has significant performance improvements.
Away3D and papervision have already developed version of their libraries to support the new beta player and openGL.
So to summarize, yes - flash can make a game like that. It is currently the best way to develop games that are intended to be played in a browser. Because at least for the time being it has the most widespread support, and is stable between platforms and browsers.
Your example is pretty much entirely 2D: it just uses effects like shadows, animation and parallax scrolling between layers to achieve a (mildly) 3D effect.
As Plastic Sturgeon and Blender have pointed out, Blender might help for creating your assets - but it has a pretty steep learning curve, and you might be more comfortable 'faking it' in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop if you've used those before.
Once you've created your assets, you need a platform to put together your gameplay: Flash is one possibility, but you could also look at Unity3D, which has good support for 2D and 3D, and has a browser plug-in if you want to make your game web-based.
If you're looking for a java-based solution, you could try Processing, which is cross-platform, and can export to javascript for web deployment. It's not exactly designed as a gaming environment, but it might do the trick - and it's free.
Hope this helps.
