How to draw lines on the screen for an iOS game - ios

I am working on a game where I need to draw a bunch of lines to create a wireframe sort of object, I can do this in sprite kit using nodes but adding a bunch of nodes to the screen will drop the frame rate down a lot. I don't know how to use OpenGL Es at all so that's not an option for me. Is there anything that would just allow me to draw lines on the screen in Sprite kit without adding nodes or is there another framework that will allow me to do that?

If you want a 3D wireframe then your choices are sprite kit (which is built on top of OpenGL), OpenGL, or Metal. Or I guess you could use somebody's 3rd party framework that is also built on top of OpenGL or Metal.
I tend to agree with nhgrif's comment that you're "I don't know xyz so I can't do that" is needlessly limiting. If you can't do anything that involves learning new APIs then you're never going to get very far as a developer.


Split Screen 2 Player Local Multiplayer with SpriteKit

I want to make a 2 player mode, split screen style, like Tiny Wings HD did where each side of an iPad gets a flipped orientation screen of the current Level.
I wanted to also implement it on tvOS (without the flipped orientation) as I feel TV begs for this sort of gameplay as it's pretty classic to have this style of gameplay on TV (e.g. Mario Kart 64 or Goldeneye).
Over on the Apple Developer forum, someone suggested that it could be done as follows, but, there we're no other responses.
"You can have two views attached to the main window (add a subview in your viewcontroller). To both views you can present a copy of the scene. Then you can exchange game data between scenes via singletons."
I was looking for a more in-depth explanation as I don't exactly understand what the answer is saying.
I'd just like to be able to have two cameras both rendering the same scene but one focusing on player 1 and the other player 2.
Obviously this isn't a simple answer, so I don't expect a full in-depth tutorial.
Unfortunately I could find no info on this.
Has anyone tried this?
A sample project would be ideal or some documentation/links that might help.
I'm sure a demonstration of this would be valuable to quite a lot of people.
No Cameras involved or necessary
The players just look like they're moving along the x axis because the backgrounds are scrolling by. You can allow the players to move up & down on the y axis whether jumping, ducking, rolling or following a path like in Tiny Wings, but the player never leaves their x position. You can even have each half of the screen background scrolling at different speeds to represent that one player is moving faster than the other.
In your update method in you scene file you can scroll your backgrounds, and in your touches methods you can jump, duck etc the players
Instead of using an SKView to present an SKScene, you can use SKRenderer and MTKView. SKRenderer renders a scene into a Metal pipeline, which in turn can be presented by an MTView.
Crucially, you can decide if SKRenderer updates the scene, allowing you to render the same scene frame multiple times (possibly using different cameras).
So a pipeline might look like this:
Apple actually talk about this option in Choosing a SpriteKit Scene Renderer. There's also a section about using SKRenderer in Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit from WWDC17 which is quite helpful. This answer also shows how to use SKRenderer (albeit in Objective-C).

Sprite Kit physics variables comparing to Cocos2d+Box2d

I trying to rewrite simple game (developed by me with Cocos2d+Box2d sometime ago) using Sprite Kit framework. Everything looks much simpler in Sprite Kit, which is great, but I have a problem adjusting physics world parameters in the new project. I have noticed that sprites created using exactly same graphic images (all have basic rect-based bodies) have four times lower mass in Sprite Kit than it had in Cocos2d+Box2d. Setting bodies density to 4 solve the problem, unfortunately that's not the main issue. It looks like the same problem with 4-time multiplier works for all forces in the physics world. I have done some testing in Sprite Kit and create a body with mass four time higher than in Cocos2d+Box2d, I have also set the world gravity to be four time lower than in Cocos2d+Box2d. As a result physic in both projects (first using Cocos2d+Box2, second using Sprite Kit) behaves similarly. I can't find anything like PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO (that was available in Box2) in Sprite Kit. Is there any option that allows to adjust the physics world in Sprite Kit to behave like in Cocos2d+Box2d without multiplying all forces, masses etc? Maybe there is some kind of configuration property that allows to adjust it. If I leave the same values for gravity, mass and forces in Sprite Kit that I was using in Cocos2d+Box2d everything in the game will be simulated too fast. My question is how to deal with problems like this when migrating from Cocos2d with Box2d to Sprite Kit framework?
The only solution is to re-tweak the forces and other settings until things feel right.
Internally Sprite Kit uses Box2D but we have no way of knowing if and how Apple may have modified it. What is known is that they use different default settings for the Box2D world which means physics values can not be ported as is and expect the same results.
I believe this was discussed in the developer forum (under Sprite Kit) where someone investigated the actual numbers for changed settings. Note that these are settings in Box2D's code most users won't even consider to modify, so we have to assume Apple had their reasons to change them in the first place.

Cocos2d: graphics tool

I started to learn Cocos2d to develop games and also Box2d; I read some tutorials and I seen that are used two couples of tool "LevelHelper-SpriteHelper" & "PhysicsEditor-TexturePacker".
I noticed that LevelHelper-SpriteHelper are more "simply" and organize levels and physics objects very well.
While with PhysicsEditor-TexturePacker I noticed some difficulties where the approach is not very clear.
So what are the best tools between "LevelHelper-SpriteHelper" & "PhysicsEditor-TexturePacker"?
And what are the differences? Can you explain me? thanks
This should answer your questions:
Physics editor is a program that you use to create a tracing around a sprite that isn't a simple polygon. For example it could trace an image of a car, so that when you went to detect a collision between your car and another object with a physics engine (something like box2d) it registers a collision just with the car and not a square surrounding the car. Here is a picture that shows you what it does:
Texture-packer is used to put all your sprites that you use in your game into one spritesheet. This allows you to minimize the amount of memory that all of your sprites take up. That picture shows you what it does. Instead of having to add all your individual sprite images to your game you put them all on a spritesheet, which trims the space around each image and puts it into a file size that cocos2d and the iphone can work with.
This is helpful because cocos2d only takes images that have dimensions to the power of two. (2,4,8,16....) If you had a sprite that was 50x50, it would actually take up 64x64 amount of space in your game.
Here is a tutorial that explains most of that better than i did:
And here is project where both are used:
And here is one with levelhelper and spritehelper:
For a list of more tools go here"
SpriteHelper is essentially the same tool as TexturePacker. Both create a single large texture from individual images.
LevelHelper is an editing tool to design your game visually. It also allows editing of the physics world.
PhysicsEditor is a tool to create the (collision) shapes of physics bodies from images. No more, no less.

Graphics for a iOS 2D Game

I've already published a 2D game on the App Store, but I've noticed that when I add too many objects, the fps drop down, and it's a quite simple game, so I believe it shouldn't happen.
So I think that I'm not rendering the graphics properly.
What should I use, OpenGL ES, Quartz 2D, ...?
I've been reading Apple's documents about OpenGL ES for iOS, but they hardly ever mention 2D, so I'm not sure if it can be used for this.
I'm now using Quartz 2D, (I guess it's UIView, UIImages, UIImageViews), but in fact, I'm not using the drawRect method of the views, ever. I create the images or graphics within the init function of the view, and a save them into a variable if I need to modify their properties later.
Any suggestion, recommendation, pdf would be highly appreciated! :)
PS: Here's a link to the game, if you want to have a better idea about it:
I recommend you use Cocos2D. Its features will make game development a lot easier for you. If you think you're up for a challenge, try OpenGL ES. I'll warn you though: it has a very steep learning curve.

iOS - Cocos2d, Box2d or Chipmunk

I have to develop an app which has on screen 10 balls. When user shake the phone a sound will play and the ball have to move around the screen colliding each others without go out of bounds. I think i have to use cocos2d, box2d or chipmunk, but i don't know how can i do a thing like that. If someone have a tutorial, or some code it will be very appreciated.
I found another method that could be useful, it's CGRectIntersectRect(obj1.frame, obj2.frame)
but i think it isn't the correct way for my problem, is it right?
Box2d or Chipmunk are supposed to take care of the collisions, so you don't have to use functions like CGRectIntersectRect to handle these kinds of events.
Start with some cocos2d tutorials to see how to display sprites on the screen and after that see some tutorials for your physics system of choice.
Box2d and Chipmunk are physics engines that come WITH cocos2d, cocos2d is the graphics engine.
I suggest you go for Box2d as it not only provides collision detections (including with circle body shapes for your case) but also lets you handle all the physics etc. I've never used Chipmunk.
There is a short Objective-Chipmunk tutorial that does most of what you are looking for already:
