iOS app missing splash screen, new black borders and ui glitching after visualstudio 8.10.10 and xcode 13 update - ios

Just updated to Xcode 13 and Visualstudio Mac to 8.10.10. Since then my app:
Wont display the splash screen.
The app is cropped at top and bottom.
Ui is acting generally weird.
Now I have read old threads on similar problems and adding the Launch screen interface file base name. in the info.plist file does make the app cover the whole screen.
I have tried switching splash screens and change location. But it's just black. I don't use a storyboard for the splash and instead provide several different resolutions, which have worked fine for several years.
The UI is glitching like the loader picture, and several different ui elements where colors are provided are "cut" in the middle showing two colors when it should switch.
I have read the release notes for xcode13 but haven't found anything related that would break the whole UI.
The interface glitching and no splash screen I can't seem to find a solution for. Everything worked fine before the update.
What could be the problem? Some setting in the info.plist, a checkbox in the storyboard?
I'm still new to Xamarin and iOS development and greatly accept suggestions.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
iOS load glitch picture

According to your statement, you are not using a storyboard, so you need to replace the Launch Screen with a LaunchImage, then check the LaunchImage file (if it does not exist, you need to create it yourself) and add all strictly standardized pictures inside.


iOS app not taking up entire screen in iOS 12 or 13

I have an old iOS app last built on iOS 8. When the app runs on iOS 10 or higher on larger phones the view doesn't take up the entire screen, there is a black bar on the top and bottom of the screen. In the past, Apple would just expand the app so it was stretched a little.
Not sure how to fix this? I am sure there has to be an expand setting or something? I believe it has to do with setting a Launch Screen, but not sure where to set that or how to? I do have a LaunchScreen.storyboard in my files.
I have tried multiple things to fix the issue, but nothing seems to work?
Also, not sure if it is related, but the Navigation Item (deprecated?) was once sticking to the top and now just randomly floats.
I have solved this problem on my older project by adding launch screen.
Try this if you are missing launch screen:
Add a new launch screen by going to File -> New -> File... -> Launch
Make sure the newly added LaunchScreen.storyboard is selected as
the launch screen file under project settings.
to check this follow this steps:
1)Choose your project name in Xcode. 2)Select your project target. 3)Then select app icons and launch images and choose your newly added LaunchScreen.storyboard.
Given the age of the app I suspect it uses fixed sizes or size classes for its layout?
You will need to update the code that controls the layout. If the design is simple and vertical based, you may be able to a 'quick and dirty" solution by embedding everything in a stack view. However you should really update your code and/or storyboard to use Autolayout. This will fix the current problem and ensure it will work with future devices of different sizes.

Launch Screen issues

When I first started to create my app, I thought that using launch screens would be a good idea, so I added the LaunchScreen.storyboard file and created a view controller meant to be the launch screen.
Now, however, I would like to remove this launch screen now. I have tried to delete the view controller and the file itself, which does not work, as the launch screen view controller still appears somehow. I have tried this answer, but nothing changed. I tried another answer(can't remember the link) which told me to delete a key-value pair in the project info. After doing that, the launch screen is gone, but a black screen replaces it, and the app is not full screen anymore on iPhone 8. There are black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.
My question is: how can I remove the launch screen completely without any side effects?
Xcode 9, Swift 4
Using a Launch Screen
It’s best to use an Xcode storyboard for your launch screen, but you can provide a set of static images if necessary.
Including static images will increase the size of your binary because you must include all resolutions (see below) otherwise you will see "black screen & the app is not full screen".
Starting April 2018, all new iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 11 SDK. All new apps for iPhone, including universal apps, must support the Super Retina display of iPhone X.
So, you would be best off replacing the launch screen with a really simple view of your application (with no data).
Take at the Human Interface Guidelines for more information:
To quote:
Design a launch screen that’s nearly identical to the first screen of your app.
Avoid including text on your launch screen.
Downplay launch
Don’t advertise.
You can do this by using the menu bar:
File >
New >
Once you have created your new LaunchScreen.storyboard you need to ensure it's the one assigned to the application. You can do this either through the project file explorer or through the application plist.
Using Static Images
If you are really committed to avoid using a storyboard then you can migrate to using launch images inside an asset catalog by pressing the button above the launch screen storyboard.
By migrating to launch screen images you will be required to provide all variants of screen sizes otherwise you will not support devices such as the iPhone X.
You might be required to delete the LaunchScreen.storyboard and delete the references in the project explorer / plist.
Final notes
You may be required to delete Derived Data to remove any cached version of the launch screen storyboard.

iOS 9 xCode 7 built app displays black rectangle instead of splash screen

I know this question may seem like a duplicate of a few existing ones but its not.
I am struggling with this issue where universal (iPad/iPhone) application does not display the splash screen anymore.
Before upgrading to iOS 9 and Xcode 7, no such issues were present. After upgrading no changes were made to the splash screen in any way.
Tech data relevant to the question:
Supported devices are iPad (landscape only) and iPhone
I use "Launch Screen.xib" that has an UIImageView with size classes and
constraints set up so that it's always full screen.
I have added all splash screen images in image assets (except iPad
Portrait ones)
I use Xcode Version 7.0.1 (7A1001) and iOS 9.0.2
This issue does not happen on an iPad
The wrong splash screen looks like this on iPhone 5s:
This is made in portrait mode, so there are white squares on top and on bottom of this "black square".
I was struggling with this issue yesterday but I managed to fix it by renaming my launch screen to "LaunchScreen.xib" (without the space). But this morning the issue re-appeared.
Things I've tried:
Removing and creating LaunchScreen.xib again with and without space
Creating LaunchScreen.storyboard file instead of xib
Adding #2x and #3x versions of image used in LaunchScreen.xib
Removing/adding/replacing images in image assets
Cleaning, build cleaning and even deleted derived data
Restarting device, reinstalling app, relaunching without building and many other solutions that I could think of.
Nothing helped, so maybe someone fixed a similar issue already and can lead me to the right direction.
So I renamed my LaunchScreen.xib image used from "Default.png" to "DefaultSplash.png". This instantly fixed all issues on iPhone. But now I have a new problem - iPad splashscreen is now black. If I set the LaunchScreen image to some other image used in project, the Ipad displays it as splashscreen without any problems, but neither Default.png nor DefaultSplash.png can be used on ipad now. This is really weird issue.
In my case the images in the "Launch Screen.xib" weren't displaying. I had to rename them and reset the new names in the nib file to make it work.
So I fixed the issue like this:
Since I renamed the file LaunchScreen.xib, it fixed an issue on iPhone but caused a similar problem on iPad. Since then, I cannot use the same image file name for the same xib (i.e. if image "Default.png" failed, it cannot be used anyomre... Bug?). So I created two files, LaunchScreen.xib and LaunchScreen~iphone.xib with separate image files for each. Now it works okay.
Seems ugly and buggy but it works.
There is a change in Xcode7 iOS 9 onwards. They have modified Launchscreen(Black screen we will get).If you change deployment target means you can see the previous launch screen. Only empty view controller is present so we have make changes on it.
As per requirement in assets add images in imagecassets.
It may sound stupid but something related to this scenario may happen:
If you hook any outlet and then break it by changing the custom class you will get this black screen behavior without any warning, instead of the typical crash from any non launch storyboard/scenes this will lead to a black screen before the app start.

iOS Universal app seems slightly zoomed in on phone

I have an iPad app that I'm converting to a universal app to show on phones. It has both a tab bar and a navigation bar, and my problem is that they are both way too big on the phone. I could swear I heard Paul Hegarty (from the iTunes U class from Stanford on Swift app development) mention a switch or trick somewhere that would cause the bars to adapt to the iPhone, but I can't find it.
Here are screenshots of my apps bars, vs the Photos app in the iPhone 6 simulator to show what I'm talking about.
Not a huge difference, but significant on a small phone screen.
My fonts are also way to big, which is confusing since I have them set to the system "headline" or "body" options for all size classes, but that may be a separate issue.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
App written in Swift, using storyboards for iOS8, btw.
The more I look at this, the more I'm convinced it's not related to the bars, but the entire app - the fonts and everything. The whole app appears to be zoomed in to 120%, which is subtle, but looks really bad and wastes space.
I have also now seen this in a second app - the Apple DateCell sample. It also appears 'zoomed in' when run on the iPhone 6 simulator.
Edit 2:
This effect is even more exaggerated on the iPhone 6 Plus simulator - everything is even more 'zoomed in' looking - the top and bottom bars are almost twice the height they should be. This can be seen by downloading the Apple DateCell sample and running it.
Edit 3:
ARGGGG, all this time wasted, and it was due to the launch screen image - why on earth would a launch screen image not being set cause the entire app to scale?
I finally figured this out - it was related to the launch screen image. Apparently if it's not setup right, the whole app scales on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus for some reason. This question is what pointed me to the answer.
For me, I had to both create a LaunchScreen image in Assets, and set it in the project file, and ALSO select the launchScreen.xib as the Launch Screen File in the project. I don't have a real launch screen yet, so these are both just empty or defaults in my case.

iOS XCode Storyboard controls moved and now look strange in simulator

I am following the course on iOS through iTunes university and working on the calculator project. I moved the controls on the storyboard to make room for another control at the top. Everything looks fine on the storyboard but when run in the simulator, controls are bunch up, on top of each other, and some are clearly off the top of the simulator screen. This leads to the following very related questions.
How does one move controls around on the storyboard? I went to the size inspector of each control (buttons in my case) and changed the 'Y' value (increased it by 10). I did this for each control. I didn't think about it as I was doing it because as I said, all looks fine on the storyboard. Is there a better way to move controls around? I could not figure out how to grab more than one control at a time and move them. Grabbing all and moving or all but one and moving would have been ideal.
I anticipate someone is going to say, "We need more info. " How do I show the storyboard? Is there a xml file somewhere? How is the storyboard saved? How should I show the results of the simulator?
In general, what the heck is going on? Why would things look so different in the simulator?
Is there a better forum/group to ask newbie questions about iOS programming?
My specs are these:
XCode 4.5.2
Ios simulator versions set to 6.0 and iPhone
Any other info needed? Thanks in advance,
Try setting your simulated device size to 'freeform' instead of 'inferred'. This screen is a bit smaller so the controls are no longer overlapping. The latest xcode sets it by default to ios6 (screen size of iPhone 5)
edit For a better insight in xcode IDE, please refer to the documentation provided by apple (includes screenshots for clarity)
