How to automatically add a value to sheet 3 if not found in sheet 1 - google-sheets

can anyone tell me how to add a value to sheet number 3 if the value is not found in sheet number 1? Should I use vlookup or something? I set up a very basic google form and corresponding google sheet for a spare bus and truck parts business. I would like to add a row to sheet number 3 for every part number that comes into sheet 1 from the google form, that isn't already in sheet number 3. And if possible have the other columns in the new row update information automatically as well.
Sheet number 1 records stock coming in, and sheet number 2 records stock being used, and sheet number 3 is supposed to update inventory records by adding stock coming in and subtracting stock being used. For this, I used the sumif function but there might be a more efficient way to do this as well? =SUMIF('Parts In'!F:F,"*"&A3&"*",'Parts In'!E:E)-SUMIF('Parts Used'!E:E,"*"&A3&"*",'Parts Used'!C:C)
Screenshot of sheet number 3


Display all rows in a Sheet iff cell in a separate Sheet is true - Google Sheets

Situation: I have 2 sheets where I am working in.
Sheet1: Has the point metrics of all the Google Form responses for each person. There are 4 Forms. This sheet has 4 columns with that users' score and one Boolean (True/False) column called "Passed?" that's meant to identify if the user scored higher than 75% (among many other metrics that I'm leaving out). Example below.
Sheet2: Is supposed to only list the names of the highest point scorers, so I can send them a reward or special message. I do this process manually currently.
Question: How might I be able to pull in every row of cells to access just specific cells in that row (ie. "Email" & "Score") of a different Sheet, based on a true or false column? How can I automate this process of identifying the winners and putting them in Sheet2?
Expected Result:
In Sheet 2, I include the email, first name, last name, and score.
I just have a general idea of how I want to do it:
First fill in "Email" based on "Passed?" column in Sheet1, then repeat for "Score".
Then for the "names" columns, I do an index+match to get those based on "Email" from one of the Form responses sheet linked in this Spreadsheet.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Based on the layout of your sheets in screenshots; you can try:

Google Sheets formula help - total the number of X in a specific data range from another sheet

I have a spreadsheet with multiple pages. on page one i have a chart with row values of months and column values of different subjects.
i would like to have a formula that supplies a live update of all instances of X in a specific data range on page one and the data on page two. (ie: total number of times "Apple" is listed in column B for the month of august, date in column A).
of note: data is added to the top of this sheet every day, so the cells need to be dynamic
thank you for your assistance.

How can I count the number of items listed on a different google sheet based on dates in 2 different cells and if another cell is blank?

I have a google doc that tracks information about employee training (Example 1). I have another google doc that needs to summarize the information (Example 2) from multiple different sheets which mirror example 1 but for different teams.
Example 1: this sheet is tracking employees start dates, dates they finish training, and if they have quit. (there are multiple different docs all with the same format that I'm pulling from using importrange).
I need a formula that will count the number of employees currently in training. So count if start date is equal to or after today, end date is equal to or less than today, and the quit column is blank.
If the formula worked the way it should, and I was looking at the summary doc on 11/10/2021, it should report 4 people in the "# in Training" column on the table below (Example 2).
I have tried using an ArrayFormula with CountIfs to accomplish this, but it still pulls 0. Here is the formula I've been playing with:
=ArrayFormula(COUNTIFS('tracker'!$B$2:$B, "<="&TODAY(), 'tracker'!$C$2:$C, ">="&TODAY(), 'tracker'!$D$2:$D,""))
Give a try on below formula-
=COUNTIFS(B2:B8,"<=" & DATE(2021,11,10),C2:C8,">=" & DATE(2021,11,10),D2:D8,"")

Finding non zero row number in a google sheet from another sheet

I've looked on stackoverflow and Google forums for an answer to this but couldn't quite find what I wanted.
I have numerous sheets with different names, such as "members", "officers", "trustees" etc and each one has columns for peoples names, followed by birthdates, addresses etc. (each sheet has no header). I am trying to find the number of occupied rows in each sheet from another sheet, to give the number of people.
So, for instance, if I have a sheet called "numbers", the A1 would be the number of non-zero rows in "members", the B1 would be the same for "officers" etc.
I've referenced cells in other sheets before by doing something like =members!A14 but I don't know how to find the row number of the last row from another sheet. Can anyone help please? Ideally, I'd like this to be a formula rather than a function call.
This will count the number of non-blank cells in column A on the sheet named members.

Last row in google sheets

I'm sure this will be answered VERY quickly but its beginning to do my head in!
I have a stockcheck spreadsheet in Google Sheets. The stock check is done on a tablet and the data is sync'd with google sheets whereby the data from that stock check is appended in rows consecutively.
So week 1 would transfer to row 1, week 2 to row 2 etc etc etc.
The number of items on the stock check may decrease or increase to the length so consequently so the row length will do as well.
I want to transfer that raw data to a second sheet but only the last row, so I can in effect get the data from the most recent stock check.
I've tried numerous functions and can return both the number of the last row and the value of the first column in the last row.
I'm just at a complete loss in returning the values of the entire last row. Please help!
Without an example of your inventory sheet, I had to make one that is extremely simple (only has 3 columns). Next time, it would be helpful if you shared a link to your sheet (or at least made a copy of your sheet with insensitive data that you could share with us). Baring that data, I had to assume that you want the LATEST inventory row, and that you have a column with the date of the inventory in it...
Here's the sheet I created:
Basically, I created a filter in Cell A1 that gets all the columns in your range, and then returns that data filtered by all dates that are in the past, orders the array by date, and then limits the rows returned by 1 (and the columns by the number of columns in your range):
