What is the IMPACT of RESIZE and DEALLOCATE on the CPU performance - algol

I have 2 flavors of the same ALGOL code - its a ONE-ONE replacement
The one which the DEALLOCATE Consumes more CPU time and inturn more %processor Usage
Why is that the DEALLOCATE consumes more CPU?
and how to mitigate this?

Burroughs/Unisys/A-Series, I presume?
It's been a few years since I used one of those systems, but I presume this hasn't changed too much.
RESIZE changes the size of your object (let's say it's an array to simplify life). When the original array was created, it was pulled from an ASD pool. There are several pools of various sizes. The actual memory assigned to your program may not have been the exact size you requested, although your descriptor will be "doctored" so that it appears to be exactly that size (so various intrinsic calls work properly). If you RESIZE within the actual size of that memory item, then only that doctoring has to be updated. Fast, easy.
Otherwise, it actually calls the MCP procedure EXPANDAROW instead of RESIZEANDDEALLOCATE. Usually, but not always, this can find additional memory without having to return the original memory to the ASD pools.
In the second case, DEALLOCATE, the MCP procedure RESIZEANDDEALLOCATE is indeed called, the memory is returned to the ASD pools, dope vectors are deallocated, memory is cleared, memory link words are updated and the ASD pools are updated. Your program pays for all of that (just as it paid for the original allocation).
Your question doesn't have enough background to answer your mitigation question. Maybe you don't? Why are you calling RESIZE/DEALLOCATE anyway? This generally happens on BLOCKEXIT already.


RapidJSON doesn't reuse memory after removing members from a complex document

[This is a followup to a related question here.]
My code has a loop like the following:
Document d(kObjectType);
while (not done() and getNewStuff(d)) {
While this code produces the desired results, each iteration appears to allocate new memory for the members of the document; and, when the code is run in limited configurations, it exhausts all memory and terminates prematurely.
The document which is populated by getNewStuff() is arbitrarily complex (that is, it may contain nested objects, arrays, arrays of objects, etc.), and it uses the default allocation method. The answer to the previous question indicated that when the nested objects and/or arrays were destroyed, their storage would be returned to the the allocator (and not to the system). This explains why the process memory consumption doesn't drop when the members are removed. (However, I've confirmed via Valgrind that there is no "memory leak", because the memory is all still properly accounted for, and, when the process exits, it is all properly freed.)
However, it doesn't explain why the process memory consumption continues to increase over time. It seems clear that the call to RemoveAllMembers() is not making the memory underlying those members available for reuse by subsequent AddMembers() (etc.) calls.
My question is, what do I need to do, in addition to or in place of calling RemoveAllMembers() to allow my Document object (d) to be reused on the next iteration?
(By the way, I tried moving the declaration of d to the inside of the loop, and this does indeed produce the desired memory behavior, but I would rather avoid the overhead of destructing and re-constructing d on each iteration.)

Better to allocate too much memory on the stack, or the correct amount on the heap?

I have just started learning rust, and it is my first proper look into a low level language (I do python, usually). Part of the tutorial explains that a string literal is stored on the stack, because it has a fixed (and known) size; it also explains that a non-initialised string is stored on the heap, so that its size can grow as necessary.
My understanding is that the stack is much faster than the heap. In the case of a string whose size is unknown, but I know it will not ever require more than n bytes, does it make sense to allocate space on the stack for the maximum size, instead of sticking it on the heap?
The purpose of this question is not to solve a problem, but to help me understand, so I would appreciate verbose and detailed answers!
The difference in performance between the stack and the heap comes due to the fact that objects in the heap may change size at run time, and they must then be reallocated somewhere else in the heap.
Now for the verbose part. Imagine you have an integer i32. This number will always be the same size, so any modifications made to it will occur in place. When it goes out of scope (it stops being needed in the program) it will either be deleted, or, a more efficient solution, it will be deleted along with the whole stack it belongs to.
Now you want to create a String. So you create it in the heap and give it a value. And then you modify it and add some characters to it. Now two things can happen.
There is free memory after the string, so the allocator uses this memory to write the new part.
There already is an object allocated in the memory right after the string, and of course, you don't want to overwrite it. So the allocator looks for the next free memory space with enough size to hold the new string and copies into it that string. Then deletes the old one, freeing that memory.
As you can see in the heap the number of operations to be made is incredibly higher than in the stack, so its performance will be lower.
Now, in your case, there are some methods specifically for memory reservation. String::reserve() and String::reserve_exact(). I would recommend you to look at the documentation for Rust always. Usually there already is a std method for what you want.

Does FastMM support reserving virtual memory and calling in chunks to grow an array?

I know I can reserve virtual memory using VirtualAlloc.
e.g. I can claim 1GB of virtual memory and then call in the first MB of that to put my a growing array into.
When the array grows beyond 1MB I call in the 2nd MB and so on.
This way I don't need to move the array around in memory when it grows, it just stays in place and the Intel/AMD virtual memory manager takes care of my problems.
However does FastMM support this structure, so I don't have to do my own memory management?
Pseudo code:
PBigarray = ^TBigarray;
TBigArray = array[0..0] of SomeRecord;
VirtualMem:= FastMM.ReserveVirtualMemory(1GB);
PBigArray:= FastMM.ClaimPhysicalMemory(VirtualMem, 1MB);
procedure GrowBigArray
FastMM.ClaimMorePhysicalMemory(PBigArray, 1MB {extra});
//will generate OOM exception when claim exceeds 1GB
Does FastMM support this?
No, FastMM4 (as of the latest version I looked at) does not explicitly support this. It's really not a functionality you would expect in a general purpose memory manager as it's trivially simple to do with VirtualAlloc calls.
NexusMM4 (which is part of NexusDB) does something that gives you a similar result, but without wasting all the address space before it is needed in the background.
If you make an initial large allocation (directly via GetMem, or indirectly via a dynamic array or such) the memory is allocated in just the size needed, via VirtualAlloc.
But if that allocation is then resized to a larger size, NexusMM will use a different way to allocate memory which allows it to simply unmap the allocation from the address space an remap it again, at a larger size, when further reallocs takes place.
This prevents the 2 major problems that most general purpose memory managers have when reallocating:
during a normal realloc the existing and new allocation need to be present in the address space at the same time, temporarily doubling the address space and physical memory requirements
during a normal realloc, the whole contents of the existing allocation needs to be copied
So with NexusMM you would get all the advantages of what you showed in your pseudo code (with the exception that the first realloc will involve a copy, and that growing your array might change it's address) by simply using normal GetMem/ReallocMem/FreeMem calls.

What is the purpose of each of the memory locations, stack, heap, etc? (lost in technicalities)

Ok, I asked the difference between Stackoverflow and bufferoverflow yesterday and almost getting voted down to oblivion and no new information.
So it got me thinking and I decided to rephrase my question in the hopes that I get reply which actually solves my issue.
So here goes nothing.
I am aware of four memory segments(correct me if I am wrong). The code, data, stack and heap. Now AFAIK the the code segment stores the code, while the data segment stores the data related to the program. What seriously confuses me is the purpose of the stack and the heap!
From what I have understood, when you run a function, all the related data to the function gets stored in the stack and when you recursively call a function inside a function, inside of a function... While the function is waiting on the output of the previous function, the function and its necessary data don't pop out of the stack. So you end up with a stack overflow. (Again please correct me if I am wrong)
Also I know what the heap is for. As I have read someplace, its for dynamically allocating data when a program is executing. But this raises more questions that solves my problems. What happens when I initially initialize my variables in the code.. Are they in the code segment or in the data segment or in the heap? Where do arrays get stored? Is it that after my code executes all that was in my heap gets erased? All in all, please tell me about heap in a more simplified manner than just, its for malloc and alloc because I am not sure I completely understand what those terms are!
I hope people when answering don't get lost in the technicalities and can keep the terms simple for a layman to understand (even if the concept to be described is't laymanish) and keep educating us with the technical terms as we go along. I also hope this is not too big a question, because I seriously think they could not be asked separately!
What is the stack for?
Every program is made up of functions / subroutines / whatever your language of choice calls them. Almost always, those functions have some local state. Even in a simple for loop, you need somewhere to keep track of the loop counter, right? That has to be stored in memory somewhere.
The thing about functions is that the other thing they almost always do is call other functions. Those other functions have their own local state - their local variables. You don't want your local variables to interfere with the locals in your caller. The other thing that has to happen is, when FunctionA calls FunctionB and then has to do something else, you want the local variables in FunctionA to still be there, and have their same values, when FunctionB is done.
Keeping track of these local variables is what the stack is for. Each function call is done by setting up what's called a stack frame. The stack frame typically includes the return address of the caller (for when the function is finished), the values for any method parameters, and storage for any local variables.
When a second function is called, then a new stack frame is created, pushed onto the top of the stack, and the call happens. The new function can happily work away on its stack frame. When that second function returns, its stack frame is popped (removed from the stack) and the caller's frame is back in place just like it was before.
So that's the stack. So what's the heap? It's got a similar use - a place to store data. However, there's often a need for data that lives longer than a single stack frame. It can't go on the stack, because when the function call returns, it's stack frame is cleaned up and boom - there goes your data. So you put it on the heap instead. The heap is a basically unstructured chunk of memory. You ask for x number of bytes, and you get it, and can then party on it. In C / C++, heap memory stays allocated until you explicitly deallocate. In garbage collected languages (Java/C#/Python/etc.) heap memory will be freed when the objects on it aren't used anymore.
To tackle your specific questions from above:
What's the different between a stack overflow and a buffer overflow?
They're both cases of running over a memory limit. A stack overflow is specific to the stack; you've written your code (recursion is a common, but not the only, cause) so that it has too many nested function calls, or you're storing a lot of large stuff on the stack, and it runs out of room. Most OS's put a limit on the maximum size the stack can reach, and when you hit that limit you get the stack overflow. Modern hardware can detect stack overflows and it's usually doom for your process.
A buffer overflow is a little different. So first question - what's a buffer? Well, it's a bounded chunk of memory. That memory could be on the heap, or it could be on the stack. But the important thing is you have X bytes that you know you have access to. You then write some code that writes X + more bytes into that space. The compiler has probably already used the space beyond your buffer for other things, and by writing too much, you've overwritten those other things. Buffer overruns are often not seen immediately, as you don't notice them until you try to do something with the other memory that's been trashed.
Also, remember how I mentioned that return addresses are stored on the stack too? This is the source of many security issues due to buffer overruns. You have code that uses a buffer on the stack and has an overflow vulnerability. A clever hacker can structure the data that overflows the buffer to overwrite that return address, to point to code in the buffer itself, and that's how they get code to execute. It's nasty.
What happens when I initially initialize my variables in the code.. Are they in the code segment or in the data segment or in the heap?
I'm going to talk from a C / C++ perspective here. Assuming you've got a variable declaration:
int i;
That reserves (typically) four bytes on the stack. If instead you have:
char *buffer = malloc(100);
That actually reserves two chunks of memory. The call to malloc allocates 100 bytes on the heap. But you also need storage for the pointer, buffer. That storage is, again, on the stack, and on a 32-bit machine will be 4 bytes (64-bit machine will use 8 bytes).
Where do arrays get stored...???
It depends on how you declare them. If you do a simple array:
char str[128];
for example, that'll reserve 128 bytes on the stack. C never hits the heap unless you explicitly ask it to by calling an allocation method like malloc.
If instead you declare a pointer (like buffer above) the storage for the pointer is on the stack, the actual data for the array is on the heap.
Is it that after my code executes all that was in my heap gets erased...???
Basically, yes. The OS will clean up the memory used by a process after it exits. The heap is a chunk of memory in your process, so the OS will clean it up. Although it depends on what you mean by "clean it up." The OS marks those chunks of RAM as now free, and will reuse it later. If you had explicit cleanup code (like C++ destructors) you'll need to make sure those get called, the OS won't call them for you.
All in all, please tell me about heap in a more simplified manner than just, its for malloc and alloc?
The heap is, much like it's name, a bunch of free bytes that you can grab a piece at a time, do whatever you want with, then throw back to use for something else. You grab a chunk of bytes by calling malloc, and you throw it back by calling free.
Why would you do this? Well, there's a couple of common reasons:
You don't know how many of a thing
you need until run time (based on
user input, for example). So you
dynamically allocate on the heap as
you need them.
You need large data structures. On
Windows, for example, a thread's
stack is limited by default to 1
meg. If you're working with large
bitmaps, for example, that'll be a
fast way to blow your stack and get
a stack overflow. So you grab that
space of the heap, which is usually
much, much larger than the stack.
The code, data, stack and heap?
Not really a question, but I wanted to clarify. The "code" segment contains the executable bytes for your application. Typically code segments are read only in memory to help prevent tampering. The data segment contains constants that are compiled into the code - things like strings in your code or array initializers need to be stored somewhere, the data segment is where they go. Again, the data segment is typically read only.
The stack is a writable section of memory, and usually has a limited size. The OS will initialize the stack and the C startup code calls your main() function for you. The heap is also a writable section of memory. It's reserved by the OS, and functions like malloc and free manage getting chunks out of it and putting them back.
So, that's the overview. I hope this helps.
With respect to stack... This is precicely where the parameters and local variables of the functions / procedures are stored. To be more precise, the params and local variables of the currently executing function is only accessible from the stack... Other variables that belong to chain of functions that were executed before it will be in stack but will not be accessible until the current function completed its operations.
With respect global variables, I believe these are stored in data segment and is always accessible from any function within the created program.
With respect to Heap... These are additional memories that can be made allotted to your program whenever you need them (malloc or new)... You need to know where the allocated memory is in heap (address / pointer) so that you can access it when you need. Incase you loose the address, the memory becomes in-accessible, but the data still remains there. Depending on the platform and language this has to be either manually freed by your program (or a memory leak occurs) or needs to be garbage collected. Heap is comparitively huge to stack and hence can be used to store large volumes of data (like files, streams etc)... Thats why Objects / Files are created in Heap and a pointer to the object / file is stored in stack.
In terms of C/C++ programs, the data segment stores static (global) variables, the stack stores local variables, and the heap stores dynamically allocated variables (anything you malloc or new to get a pointer to). The code segment only stores the machine code (the part of your program that gets executed by the CPU).

How can I find the size of the memory referenced by a pointer?

GetMem allows you to allocate a buffer of arbitrary size. Somewhere, the size information is retained by the memory manager, because you don't need to tell it how big the buffer is when you pass the pointer to FreeMem.
Is that information for internal use only, or is there any way to retrieve the size of the buffer pointed to by a pointer?
It would seem that the size of a block referenced by a pointer returned by GetMem() must be available from somewhere, given that FreeMem() does not require that you identify the size of memory to be freed - the system must be able to determine that, so why not the application developer?
But, as others have said, the precise details of the memory management involved are NOT defined by the system per se.... Delphi has always had a replaceable memory manager architecture, and the "interface" defined for compatible memory managers does not require that they provide this information for an arbitrary pointer.
The default memory manager will maintain the necessary information in whatever way suits it, but some other memory manager will almost certainly use an entirely different, if superficially similar, mechanism, so even if you hack a solution based on intimate knowledge of one memory manager, if you change the memory manager (or if it is changed for you, e.g. by a change in thesystem defined, memory manager which you perhaps are using by default, as occurred between Delphi 2005 and 2006, for example) then your solution will almost certainly break.
In general, it's not an unreasonable assumption on the part of the RTL/memory manager that the application should already know how big a piece of memory a GetMem() allocated pointer refers to, given that the application asked for it in the first place! :)
And if your application did NOT allocate the pointer then your application's memory manager has absolutely no way of knowing how big the block it references may be. It may be a pointer into the middle of some larger block, for example - only the source of the pointer can possibly know how it relates to the memory it references!
But, if your application really does need to maintain such information about it's own pointers, then it could of course easily devise a means to achieve this with a simple singleton class or function library through which GetMem()/FreeMem() requests are routed, to maintain a record of the associated requested size for each current allocated pointer. Such a mechanism could then of course easily expose this information as required, entirely reliably and independently of whatever memory manager is in use.
This may in face be the only option if an "accurate" record is required , as a given memory manager implementation may allocate a larger block of memory for a given size of data than is actually requested. I do not know if any memory manager does in fact do this, but it could do so in theory, for efficiency sake.
It is for internal use as it depends on the MemoryManager used. BTW, that's why you need to use the pair GetMem/FreeMem from the same MemoryManager; there is no canonical way of knowing how the memory has been reserved.
In Delphi, if you look at FastMM4, you can see that the memory is allocated in small, medium or large blocks:
the small blocks are allocated in pools of fixed size blocks (block size is defined at the pool level in the block type)
TSmallBlockType = packed record
{True = Block type is locked}
BlockTypeLocked: Boolean;
{Bitmap indicating which of the first 8 medium block groups contain blocks
of a suitable size for a block pool.}
AllowedGroupsForBlockPoolBitmap: byte;
{The block size for this block type}
BlockSize: Word;
the medium blocks are also allocated in pools but have a variable size
{Medium block layout:
Offset: -8 = Previous Block Size (only if the previous block is free)
Offset: -4 = This block size and flags
Offset: 0 = User data / Previous Free Block (if this block is free)
Offset: 4 = Next Free Block (if this block is free)
Offset: BlockSize - 8 = Size of this block (if this block is free)
Offset: BlockSize - 4 = Size of the next block and flags
{Get the block header}
LBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^;
{Get the medium block size}
LBlockSize := LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask;
the large blocks are allocated individually with the required size
TLargeBlockHeader = packed record
{Points to the previous and next large blocks. This circular linked
list is used to track memory leaks on program shutdown.}
PreviousLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader;
NextLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader;
{The user allocated size of the Large block}
UserAllocatedSize: Cardinal;
{The size of this block plus the flags}
BlockSizeAndFlags: Cardinal;
Is that information for internal use only, or is there any way to retrieve the size of the buffer pointed to by a pointer?
Do these two `alternatives' contradict each other?
It's for internal use only.
There is some information before the allocated area to store meta information. This means, each time you allocate a piece of memory, a bigger piece is allocated and the first bytes are used for meta information. The returned pointer is to the block following this meta information.
I can imagine that the format is changed with an other version of the memory manager so don't count on this.
That information is for internal use only.
Note that memory managers doesn't need to store the size as part of the memory returned, many memory managers will store it in an internal table and use the memory address of the start of the chunk given out as a lookup key in that table.
