What is the purpose of each of the memory locations, stack, heap, etc? (lost in technicalities) - memory

Ok, I asked the difference between Stackoverflow and bufferoverflow yesterday and almost getting voted down to oblivion and no new information.
So it got me thinking and I decided to rephrase my question in the hopes that I get reply which actually solves my issue.
So here goes nothing.
I am aware of four memory segments(correct me if I am wrong). The code, data, stack and heap. Now AFAIK the the code segment stores the code, while the data segment stores the data related to the program. What seriously confuses me is the purpose of the stack and the heap!
From what I have understood, when you run a function, all the related data to the function gets stored in the stack and when you recursively call a function inside a function, inside of a function... While the function is waiting on the output of the previous function, the function and its necessary data don't pop out of the stack. So you end up with a stack overflow. (Again please correct me if I am wrong)
Also I know what the heap is for. As I have read someplace, its for dynamically allocating data when a program is executing. But this raises more questions that solves my problems. What happens when I initially initialize my variables in the code.. Are they in the code segment or in the data segment or in the heap? Where do arrays get stored? Is it that after my code executes all that was in my heap gets erased? All in all, please tell me about heap in a more simplified manner than just, its for malloc and alloc because I am not sure I completely understand what those terms are!
I hope people when answering don't get lost in the technicalities and can keep the terms simple for a layman to understand (even if the concept to be described is't laymanish) and keep educating us with the technical terms as we go along. I also hope this is not too big a question, because I seriously think they could not be asked separately!

What is the stack for?
Every program is made up of functions / subroutines / whatever your language of choice calls them. Almost always, those functions have some local state. Even in a simple for loop, you need somewhere to keep track of the loop counter, right? That has to be stored in memory somewhere.
The thing about functions is that the other thing they almost always do is call other functions. Those other functions have their own local state - their local variables. You don't want your local variables to interfere with the locals in your caller. The other thing that has to happen is, when FunctionA calls FunctionB and then has to do something else, you want the local variables in FunctionA to still be there, and have their same values, when FunctionB is done.
Keeping track of these local variables is what the stack is for. Each function call is done by setting up what's called a stack frame. The stack frame typically includes the return address of the caller (for when the function is finished), the values for any method parameters, and storage for any local variables.
When a second function is called, then a new stack frame is created, pushed onto the top of the stack, and the call happens. The new function can happily work away on its stack frame. When that second function returns, its stack frame is popped (removed from the stack) and the caller's frame is back in place just like it was before.
So that's the stack. So what's the heap? It's got a similar use - a place to store data. However, there's often a need for data that lives longer than a single stack frame. It can't go on the stack, because when the function call returns, it's stack frame is cleaned up and boom - there goes your data. So you put it on the heap instead. The heap is a basically unstructured chunk of memory. You ask for x number of bytes, and you get it, and can then party on it. In C / C++, heap memory stays allocated until you explicitly deallocate. In garbage collected languages (Java/C#/Python/etc.) heap memory will be freed when the objects on it aren't used anymore.
To tackle your specific questions from above:
What's the different between a stack overflow and a buffer overflow?
They're both cases of running over a memory limit. A stack overflow is specific to the stack; you've written your code (recursion is a common, but not the only, cause) so that it has too many nested function calls, or you're storing a lot of large stuff on the stack, and it runs out of room. Most OS's put a limit on the maximum size the stack can reach, and when you hit that limit you get the stack overflow. Modern hardware can detect stack overflows and it's usually doom for your process.
A buffer overflow is a little different. So first question - what's a buffer? Well, it's a bounded chunk of memory. That memory could be on the heap, or it could be on the stack. But the important thing is you have X bytes that you know you have access to. You then write some code that writes X + more bytes into that space. The compiler has probably already used the space beyond your buffer for other things, and by writing too much, you've overwritten those other things. Buffer overruns are often not seen immediately, as you don't notice them until you try to do something with the other memory that's been trashed.
Also, remember how I mentioned that return addresses are stored on the stack too? This is the source of many security issues due to buffer overruns. You have code that uses a buffer on the stack and has an overflow vulnerability. A clever hacker can structure the data that overflows the buffer to overwrite that return address, to point to code in the buffer itself, and that's how they get code to execute. It's nasty.
What happens when I initially initialize my variables in the code.. Are they in the code segment or in the data segment or in the heap?
I'm going to talk from a C / C++ perspective here. Assuming you've got a variable declaration:
int i;
That reserves (typically) four bytes on the stack. If instead you have:
char *buffer = malloc(100);
That actually reserves two chunks of memory. The call to malloc allocates 100 bytes on the heap. But you also need storage for the pointer, buffer. That storage is, again, on the stack, and on a 32-bit machine will be 4 bytes (64-bit machine will use 8 bytes).
Where do arrays get stored...???
It depends on how you declare them. If you do a simple array:
char str[128];
for example, that'll reserve 128 bytes on the stack. C never hits the heap unless you explicitly ask it to by calling an allocation method like malloc.
If instead you declare a pointer (like buffer above) the storage for the pointer is on the stack, the actual data for the array is on the heap.
Is it that after my code executes all that was in my heap gets erased...???
Basically, yes. The OS will clean up the memory used by a process after it exits. The heap is a chunk of memory in your process, so the OS will clean it up. Although it depends on what you mean by "clean it up." The OS marks those chunks of RAM as now free, and will reuse it later. If you had explicit cleanup code (like C++ destructors) you'll need to make sure those get called, the OS won't call them for you.
All in all, please tell me about heap in a more simplified manner than just, its for malloc and alloc?
The heap is, much like it's name, a bunch of free bytes that you can grab a piece at a time, do whatever you want with, then throw back to use for something else. You grab a chunk of bytes by calling malloc, and you throw it back by calling free.
Why would you do this? Well, there's a couple of common reasons:
You don't know how many of a thing
you need until run time (based on
user input, for example). So you
dynamically allocate on the heap as
you need them.
You need large data structures. On
Windows, for example, a thread's
stack is limited by default to 1
meg. If you're working with large
bitmaps, for example, that'll be a
fast way to blow your stack and get
a stack overflow. So you grab that
space of the heap, which is usually
much, much larger than the stack.
The code, data, stack and heap?
Not really a question, but I wanted to clarify. The "code" segment contains the executable bytes for your application. Typically code segments are read only in memory to help prevent tampering. The data segment contains constants that are compiled into the code - things like strings in your code or array initializers need to be stored somewhere, the data segment is where they go. Again, the data segment is typically read only.
The stack is a writable section of memory, and usually has a limited size. The OS will initialize the stack and the C startup code calls your main() function for you. The heap is also a writable section of memory. It's reserved by the OS, and functions like malloc and free manage getting chunks out of it and putting them back.
So, that's the overview. I hope this helps.

With respect to stack... This is precicely where the parameters and local variables of the functions / procedures are stored. To be more precise, the params and local variables of the currently executing function is only accessible from the stack... Other variables that belong to chain of functions that were executed before it will be in stack but will not be accessible until the current function completed its operations.
With respect global variables, I believe these are stored in data segment and is always accessible from any function within the created program.
With respect to Heap... These are additional memories that can be made allotted to your program whenever you need them (malloc or new)... You need to know where the allocated memory is in heap (address / pointer) so that you can access it when you need. Incase you loose the address, the memory becomes in-accessible, but the data still remains there. Depending on the platform and language this has to be either manually freed by your program (or a memory leak occurs) or needs to be garbage collected. Heap is comparitively huge to stack and hence can be used to store large volumes of data (like files, streams etc)... Thats why Objects / Files are created in Heap and a pointer to the object / file is stored in stack.

In terms of C/C++ programs, the data segment stores static (global) variables, the stack stores local variables, and the heap stores dynamically allocated variables (anything you malloc or new to get a pointer to). The code segment only stores the machine code (the part of your program that gets executed by the CPU).


why stack pointer is initialized to the maximum value?

why stack pointer is initialized to the maximum value?
I only knows that It is the tiny register which stores the last program request’s address in a stack. It is the particular kind of buffer that stores the information in the order of top-down. but can anyone explain me why initially it's having max value.
Without more detail on the actual microprocessor, there isn't a single exact answer; but in general, each architecture handles stack pointer initialization a bit differently. For example, the version of ARM used in many microprocessors initializes the stack pointer (also R13) from the vector table (the first entry). Other architectures either initialize the register to 0 or some other value; so it's not always all 1s as you mention in your question. If the hardware itself doesn't initialize the stack pointer so somewhere meaningful, some of the first instructions usually does. And usually this value is near or at the top of memory as you mention, the stack typically grows down from higher addresses to lower ones; so a value of all 1s or some other larger value might make sense depending on how memory is laid out and managed.
One thing also worth mentioning is that you say the stack stores the "last program request's address" which if I understand correctly is one of the things the stack stores. In more architectures, the stack can store much more than just the return address of a call but also local variables, saved context when a call is made or a context is swapped (either by an OS or by an exception/interrupt) and anything else the program might want to push onto it.
So the short answer is: it isn't always set to the maximum value but it's usually set to some high value as the stack will grow down to lower addresses as things like data and addresses are pushed on it.

Better to allocate too much memory on the stack, or the correct amount on the heap?

I have just started learning rust, and it is my first proper look into a low level language (I do python, usually). Part of the tutorial explains that a string literal is stored on the stack, because it has a fixed (and known) size; it also explains that a non-initialised string is stored on the heap, so that its size can grow as necessary.
My understanding is that the stack is much faster than the heap. In the case of a string whose size is unknown, but I know it will not ever require more than n bytes, does it make sense to allocate space on the stack for the maximum size, instead of sticking it on the heap?
The purpose of this question is not to solve a problem, but to help me understand, so I would appreciate verbose and detailed answers!
The difference in performance between the stack and the heap comes due to the fact that objects in the heap may change size at run time, and they must then be reallocated somewhere else in the heap.
Now for the verbose part. Imagine you have an integer i32. This number will always be the same size, so any modifications made to it will occur in place. When it goes out of scope (it stops being needed in the program) it will either be deleted, or, a more efficient solution, it will be deleted along with the whole stack it belongs to.
Now you want to create a String. So you create it in the heap and give it a value. And then you modify it and add some characters to it. Now two things can happen.
There is free memory after the string, so the allocator uses this memory to write the new part.
There already is an object allocated in the memory right after the string, and of course, you don't want to overwrite it. So the allocator looks for the next free memory space with enough size to hold the new string and copies into it that string. Then deletes the old one, freeing that memory.
As you can see in the heap the number of operations to be made is incredibly higher than in the stack, so its performance will be lower.
Now, in your case, there are some methods specifically for memory reservation. String::reserve() and String::reserve_exact(). I would recommend you to look at the documentation for Rust always. Usually there already is a std method for what you want.

how does malloc work in details?

I am trying to find some useful information on the malloc function.
when I call this function it allocates memory dynamically. it returns the pointer (e.g. the address) to the beginning of the allocated memory.
the questions:
how the returned address is used in order to read/write into the allocated memory block (using inderect addressing registers or how?)
if it is not possible to allocate a block of memory it returns NULL. what is NULL in terms of hardware?
in order to allocate memory in heap we need to know which memory parts are occupied. where this information (about the occupied memory) is stored (if for example we use a small risc microcontroller)?
Q3 The usual way that heaps are managed are through a linked list. In the simplest case, the malloc function retains a pointer to the first free-space block in the heap, and each free-space block has a header that points to the next free space block in the heap. So the heap is in-effect self-defining in terms of knowing what is not occupied (and by inference what is therefore occupied); this minimizes the amount of overhead RAM needed to manage the heap.
When new space is needed via a malloc call, a large enough free-space block is found by traversing the linked list. That found free-space block is given to the malloc caller (with a small hidden header), and if needed a smaller free-space block is inserted into the linked list with any residual space between the original free space block and how much memory the malloc call asked for.
When a heap block is released by the application, its block is just formatted with the linked-list header, and added to the linked list, usually with some extra logic to combine consecutive free-space blocks into one larger free-space block.
Debugging versions of malloc usually do more, including retaining linked-lists of the allocated areas too, "guard zones" around the allocated heap areas to help detect memory overflows, etc. These take up extra heap space (making the heap effectively smaller in terms of usable space for the applications), but are extremely helpful when debugging.
Q2 A NULL pointer is effectively just a zero, which if used attempts to access memory starting at location 0 of RAM, which is almost always reserved memory of the OS. This is the cause of a significant quantity of memory violation aborts, all caused by programmer's lack of error checking for NULL returns from functions that allocate memory).
Because accessing memory location 0 by a non-OS application is never what is wanted, most hardware aborts any attempt to access location 0 by non-OS software. Even with page mapping such that the applications memory space (including location 0) is never mapped to real RAM location 0, since NULL is always zero, most CPUs will still abort attempts to access location 0 on the assumption that this is an access via a pointer that contains NULL.
Given your RISC processor, you will need to read its documentation to see how it handles attempts to access memory location 0.
Q1 There are many high-level language ways to use allocated memory, primarily through pointers, strings, and arrays.
In terms of assembly language and the hardware itself, the allocated heap block address just gets put into a register that is being used for memory indirection. You will need to see how that is handled in the RISC processor. However if you use C or C++ or such higher level language, then you don't need to worry about registers; the compiler handles all that.
Since you are using malloc, can we assume you are using C?
If so, you assign the result to a pointer variable, then you can access the memory by referencing through the variable. You don't really know how this is implemented in assembly. That depends on CPU you are using. malloc return 0 if it fails. Since usually NULL is defined as 0, you can test for NULL. You don't care how malloc tracks the free memory. If you really need this information, you should look at the source in glibc/malloc available on the net
char * c = malloc(10); // allocate 10 bytes
if (c == NULL)
// handle error case
*c = 'a' // write a in the first character on the block

Reading from a stack and memory allocation at compile time

Objects can be put on and removed only from the top of a stack. But what about reading and writing their values? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think process must be able to read from any part of the stack, since if only reading from the top was possible it would have to remove (and store somewhere) whole content of the stack above a variable it wants to examine. But in that case, how does the process know where exactly in the stack is a particular variable? I suspect it just holds a pointer to it, but where is that pointer stored?
Another thing - reading about stacks I often find phrases like "All memory allocated on the stack is known at compile time." Well, I probably misunderstand this, so please tell me where's the flaw in my logic:
Suppose a local variable is created when an if() statement is true, and isn't when it's false. Whether it's true will turn out at run time. So at compile time there's no way to know if it should be created, hence I wouldn't think memory for it is allocated at all, as it would be wasteful. Consequently, it isn't created/known at compile time.
At compile time, it's known how much space each type needs: An Integer, for instance, is 4 Bytes wide on 32 bit platforms, and a class with 2 Integers consumes 8 Bytes. Whether this space is allocated for a specific variable is not necessarily known (may depend on an if, as you stated).
When you invoke a method, all parameters and the return address are pushed onto the stack. To get one parameter, you walk up the stack up to its position, which is computed by the base pointer and the size of each parameter.
So it is not entirely true for this stack that you can access the top element only. It is, however, for the Stack data structure.

How does a program look in memory?

How is a program (e.g. C or C++) arranged in computer memory? I kind of know a little about segments, variables etc, but basically I have no solid understanding of the entire structure.
Since the in-memory structure may differ, let's assume a C++ console application on Windows.
Some pointers to what I'm after specifically:
Outline of a function, and how is it called?
Each function has a stack frame, what does that contain and how is it arranged in memory?
Function arguments and return values
Global and local variables?
const static variables?
Thread local storage..
Links to tutorial-like material and such is welcome, but please no reference-style material assuming knowledge of assembler etc.
Might this be what you are looking for:
The PE file format is the binary file structure of windows binaries (.exe, .dll etc). Basically, they are mapped into memory like that. More details are described here with an explanation how you yourself can take a look at the binary representation of loaded dlls in memory:
Now I understand that you want to learn how source code relates to the binary code in the PE file. That's a huge field.
First, you have to understand the basics about computer architecture which will involve learning the general basics of assembly code. Any "Introduction to Computer Architecture" college course will do. Literature includes e.g. "John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" or "Andrew Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization".
After reading this, you should understand what a stack is and its difference to the heap. What the stack-pointer and the base pointer are and what the return address is, how many registers there are etc.
Once you've understood this, it is relatively easy to put the pieces together:
A C++ object contains code and data, i.e., member variables. A class
class SimpleClass {
int m_nInteger;
double m_fDouble;
double SomeFunction() { return m_nInteger + m_fDouble; }
will be 4 + 8 consecutives bytes in memory. What happens when you do:
SimpleClass c1;
c1.m_nInteger = 1;
c1.m_fDouble = 5.0;
First, object c1 is created on the stack, i.e., the stack pointer esp is decreased by 12 bytes to make room. Then constant "1" is written to memory address esp-12 and constant "5.0" is written to esp-8.
Then we call a function that means two things.
The computer has to load the part of the binary PE file into memory that contains function SomeFunction(). SomeFunction will only be in memory once, no matter how many instances of SimpleClass you create.
The computer has to execute function SomeFunction(). That means several things:
Calling the function also implies passing all parameters, often this is done on the stack. SomeFunction has one (!) parameter, the this pointer, i.e., the pointer to the memory address on the stack where we have just written the values "1" and "5.0"
Save the current program state, i.e., the current instruction address which is the code address that will be executed if SomeFunction returns. Calling a function means pushing the return address on the stack and setting the instruction pointer (register eip) to the address of the function SomeFunction.
Inside function SomeFunction, the old stack is saved by storing the old base pointer (ebp) on the stack (push ebp) and making the stack pointer the new base pointer (mov ebp, esp).
The actual binary code of SomeFunction is executed which will call the machine instruction that converts m_nInteger to a double and adds it to m_fDouble. m_nInteger and m_fDouble are found on the stack, at ebp - x bytes.
The result of the addition is stored in a register and the function returns. That means the stack is discarded which means the stack pointer is set back to the base pointer. The base pointer is set back (next value on the stack) and then the instruction pointer is set to the return address (again next value on the stack). Now we're back in the original state but in some register lurks the result of the SomeFunction().
I suggest, you build yourself such a simple example and step through the disassembly. In debug build the code will be easy to understand and Visual Studio displays variable names in the disassembly view. See what the registers esp, ebp and eip do, where in memory your object is allocated, where the code is etc.
What a huge question!
First you want to learn about virtual memory. Without that, nothing else will make sense. In short, C/C++ pointers are not physical memory addresses. Pointers are virtual addresses. There's a special CPU feature (the MMU, memory management unit) that transparently maps them to physical memory. Only the operating system is allowed to configure the MMU.
This provides safety (there is no C/C++ pointer value you can possibly make that points into another process's virtual address space, unless that process is intentionally sharing memory with you) and lets the OS do some really magical things that we now take for granted (like transparently swap some of a process's memory to disk, then transparently load it back when the process tries to use it).
A process's address space (a.k.a. virtual address space, a.k.a. addressable memory) contains:
a huge region of memory that's reserved for the Windows kernel, which the process isn't allowed to touch;
regions of virtual memory that are "unmapped", i.e. nothing is loaded there, there's no physical memory assigned to those addresses, and the process will crash if it tries to access them;
parts the various modules (EXE and DLL files) that have been loaded (each of these contains machine code, string constants, and other data); and
whatever other memory the process has allocated from the system.
Now typically a process lets the C Runtime Library or the Win32 libraries do most of the super-low-level memory management, which includes setting up:
a stack (for each thread), where local variables and function arguments and return values are stored; and
a heap, where memory is allocated if the process calls malloc or does new X.
For more about the stack is structured, read about calling conventions. For more about how the heap is structured, read about malloc implementations. In general the stack really is a stack, a last-in-first-out data structure, containing arguments, local variables, and the occasional temporary result, and not much more. Since it is easy for a program to write straight past the end of the stack (the common C/C++ bug after which this site is named), the system libraries typically make sure that there is an unmapped page adjacent to the stack. This makes the process crash instantly when such a bug happens, so it's much easier to debug (and the process is killed before it can do any more damage).
The heap is not really a heap in the data structure sense. It's a data structure maintained by the CRT or Win32 library that takes pages of memory from the operating system and parcels them out whenever the process requests small pieces of memory via malloc and friends. (Note that the OS does not micromanage this; a process can to a large extent manage its address space however it wants, if it doesn't like the way the CRT does it.)
A process can also request pages directly from the operating system, using an API like VirtualAlloc or MapViewOfFile.
There's more, but I'd better stop!
For understanding stack frame structure you can refer to
It gives you information about structure of call stack, how locals , globals , return address is stored on call stack
Another good illustration
It might not be the most accurate information, but MS Press provides some sample chapters of of the book Inside Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Third Edition, containing information about processes and their creation along with images of some important data structures.
I also stumbled upon this PDF that summarizes some of the above information in an nice chart.
But all the provided information is more from the OS point of view and not to much detailed about the application aspects.
Actually - you won't get far in this matter with at least a little bit of knowledge in Assembler. I'd recoomend a reversing (tutorial) site, e.g. OpenRCE.org.
