How to send Data via BLE using a for loop - ios

I'm pretty new to BLE and I'm making an application that requires Data objects to be transferred via BLE in rapid succession. So far I've tried a for loop to change the characteristic based on the index. It successfully changes the characteristic for the first value but fails on the rest. I'm currently working on a POC which has the code which can be seen below.
guard let characteristic = self.transferCharacteristic else { return }
for x in "Hello there" {
let data = Data("\(x)".data(using: .utf8)!)
let didSend = self.peripheralManager.updateValue(data, for: characteristic, onSubscribedCentrals: nil)
if didSend {
print("Sent: \(x)")
} else {
print("Couldn't send: \(x)")
The output of this is,
Sent: H
Couldn't send: e
Couldn't send: l
Couldn't send: l
Couldn't send: e
Couldn't send: r
Couldn't send: e
How can I achieve what I want to?
Is there a better way?
I'm aware that transaction are a few milliseconds, but have no idea how I can sync the characteristic change with the transaction speed, IF POSSIBLE.
Thank you in advance.

If you receive false for this call, you need to store the rest of your packets and wait until peripheralManagerIsReady(toUpdateSubscribers:) is called. Then you can queue additional changes until it returns false again. You cannot just do this in a loop without dealing with back pressure.
Depending on your use case, you may find it better to throw away intermediate packets until the manager is ready, or you may queue them, or you may return an error if there are too many dropped, or many other strategies. What back pressure strategy makes sense depends on your problem.
Don't forget that it's also possible for you to lose the connection at any time. BLE is a reliable transport, so you'll never get packets out of order, or skipped or corrupted packets, but that doesn't mean the packet will be delivered.
That said, this is a very inefficient way to send lots of data. Typically you should combine your packets into chunks (up to maximumUpdateValueLength) and send them in fewer writes. There's a lot of overhead in sending a packet. Being a reliable transport comes at significant cost.


How to handle timeout in FreeRTOS - wake up task from interrupt before vTaskDelay expires?

Can I wake up task before vTaskDelay expires?
I have code like this:
In the task (hnd_uart_task) code:
vTaskDelay(100); // task should wait 100 ticks or be woken up by uart ISR
UART Interrupt:
// if byte was received
BaseType_t xYieldRequired = xTaskResumeFromISR(hnd_uart_task);
Instead of using vTaskDelay(), you can use task notifications with timeout.
USART Interrupt:
// if byte was received
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(hnd_uart_task, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
Task Code:
ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, 100);
ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, 100) returns when a task notification is received from the ISR, or when 100 tick timeout period elapses.
But as #Jacek Ślimok pointed out, a byte-by-byte parsing may not be good idea. The exact method depends on the protocol used. But in general, you set up your DMA or interrupts to fill a reception buffer with incoming bytes. For example, when parsing Modbus frames, you can use idle line detection hardware interrupt and give notification to a task which parses the RX buffer.
No, because that's not what vTaskDelay was meant to be used for.
The closest solution to yours would be to create a semaphore that you attempt to take inside the task with a 100ms delay and that you give from ISR. This way the task will block for a maximum of 100ms waiting for semaphore to be given, after which it'll unblock and resume execution anyway. If it's given earlier, it'll unblock earlier, which is what I assume you want.
However, from what you've written I assume you want to achieve something like the following:
Send some data over UART
Wait for response
As soon as response is received, do something with the response
In this case, doing both blocking and parsing in the same task is going to be hard (you reaaaalllly don't want to do any sort of parsing inside of your ISR). I'd therefore recommend the following "layout" of two tasks, an interrupt and one shared smepahore between the two tasks:
"High level" task (let's call it ApplicationTask) that can do the following:
Construct whole frames and request them to be sent over UART (add them to some kind of queue). This "construction of whole frames" and sending them over to the other tasks would usually be wrapped into some functions.
Will block waiting for response
Will receive already parsed data (full frame or object/structure holding that parsed data)
"Byte level" task (let's call it ByteTask) that can do the following:
Has a queue for transmitted data (queue of frames or queue of raw bytes)
Has a queue for received data
"Pushes" data from "data to be transmitted" queue into UART
Parses UART data that appears in "received data" queue and gives semaphore to unblock the ApplicationTask
UART Interrupt:
Only transmits data that it's told to transmit by ByteTask
Pushes received data into ByteTask receive queue
Shared semaphore between ApplicationTask and ByteTask:
Whenever ApplicationTask wants to "wait to receive response", it attempts to take this semaphore. Maximum blocking time can be used as a "response receiving timeout".
Whenever ByteTask receives and parses enough data to decide that "yes, this is a complete response", it gives this semaphore.
This above is a super simple example of something that should be easy enough to scale to more tasks as you develop your application. You can get a lot more fancy than that (e.g. ByteTask handling multiple UARTs at the same time, have a pool of semaphores used for blocking for multiple tasks, do some more sophisticated message dispatching etc.), but the example above should hopefully give you a better idea of how something like this can be approached.

Incomplete image sent over TCP using BlueSocket framework

I’ve been trying to send image over TCP using Kitura BlueSocket.
Every time I try to decode image from Data object I get
Warning! [0x7fb6f205e400] Decoding incomplete with error code -1.
This is expected if the image has not been fully downloaded.
And indeed the image is usually half-loaded. This is the code I use for downloading Data object:
func readData() -> Data {
var receivedData = Data.init()
do {
try mySocket?.read(into: &receivedData)
catch {
print("Error receiving data")
return receivedData
and this is how I decode image:
func decodeImage(from: Data){
imageRead.image = UIImage(data: from)
and this code is used in the View Controller like so:
let imageData = networkManager.readData()
decodeImage(from: imageData)
I do not know why the image doesn't download fully.
You're working with a low-level socket. TCP just knows about packets; it doesn't know anything about "images" or "records" or anything else. It just deals with packets. Depending on various factors, you may see packets as small as a few hundred bytes to as large as a few kB.
.read(into:) returns you whatever packets have arrived so far. It doesn't know where the boundaries of your image are. That's up to you to determine. You need to loop until all the data you want to process has arrived (what that means completely depends on the protocol you've designed). You can't run this on the main queue; it'll block your UI. It needs to run on a background queue.
A very common socket-level protocol is to send the length first, and then send the data. That way the reader knows how much data to expect, and will know when the transfer is done. If the sender doesn't know the size when it starts transmitting, then you would typically use an "end-of-transfer" token of some sort, or use a protocol that chunks the data into blocks, and then has some marker to note "this is the last block." But in any case, you'll need to choose or design a protocol you want to use here. (Or use an existing system like HTTP rather than a low-level socket.)

RxBluetoothKit: How to subscribe to Bluetooth state + Peripheral connection state and Write/Notify characteristics at same time?

I just started to study about RxBluetoothKit as easy solution to interact with BLE devices and I have very basic knowledge of Rx programing.
As i can see from examples, every time i have to write some characteristic i have to scan + establishConnection to Peripheral + discover Services and only then write and subscribe for confirmation of this specific Characteristic.
Same happen for read Characteristic.
If I understand correctly, this way I can subscribe only to one sequence/ connection at same time.
But what i need is to subscribe to Bluetooth state and to Peripheral connection state and to notify Characteristic, in addition i have send write commands to same Peripheral sometimes.
Need help to understand how should i handle this scenario by using RXBluetoothKit library?
Links to similar approachment on GitHub are welcomed.
Thank you!
This exact case isn't covered by RxBluetooth kit, so you'll have to manage this case by yourself. Not the most ideal, but you could go with something like this:
// Get an observable to the Peripheral, then share it so
// it can be used for multiple observing chains
let connectedPeripheral: Observable<Peripheral> = peripheral
.share(replay: 1, scope: .whileConnected)
// Establish a subscription to read characteristic first
// so no notifications are lost
let readDisposable = connectedPeripheral
.flatMap { $0.observeValueAndSetNotification(for: }
// Write something to the write characteristic and observe
// responses in the chain above
let writeDisposable = connectedPeripheral
.flatMap { $0.writeValue(data, for: Characteristic.write, type: .withResponse) }
The example above is just a gist, but the general idea should work since I'm doing a similar thing in a project of my own. Be careful to dispose the observables when done, either by .take or disposeBags.

Reading Bluetooth LE CBCharacteristic returns a smaller value on iOS 7 [duplicate]

I have a characteristic value which contains the data for an image. In the peripheral I setup the value like this:
_photoUUID = [CBUUID UUIDWithString:bPhotoCharacteristicUUID];
_photoCharacteristic = [[CBMutableCharacteristic alloc] initWithType:_photoUUID
My understanding is that when this value is requested, the didReceiveReadRequest callback will be called:
-(void) peripheralManager:(CBPeripheralManager *)peripheral didReceiveReadRequest:(CBATTRequest *)request {
if ([request.characteristic.UUID isEqual:_photoUUID]) {
if (request.offset > request.characteristic.value.length) {
[_peripheralManager respondToRequest:request withResult:CBATTErrorInvalidOffset];
else {
// Get the photos
if (request.offset == 0) {
_photoData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:_myProfile.photosImmutable];
request.value = [_photoData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(request.offset, request.characteristic.value.length - request.offset)];
[_peripheralManager respondToRequest:request withResult:CBATTErrorSuccess];
This comes pretty much from Apple's documentation. On the Central side in the didDiscoverCharacteristic callback I have the following code:
if ([characteristic.UUID isEqual:_photoUUID]) {
_photoCharacteristic = characteristic;
[peripheral readValueForCharacteristic:characteristic];
Which in turn calls the didUpdateValueForCharacteristic callback:
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic error:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"updated value for characteristic");
if ([characteristic.UUID isEqual:_photoUUID]) {
NSArray * photos = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:characteristic.value];
All of the callbacks are called but when I try to re-construct the array, it's corrupted because not all of the data is transferred correctly. I would expect the didRecieveReadRequest callback to be called multiple times with a different offset each time. However it's only called once.
I was wondering if anyone knew what I'm doing wrong?
I'm guessing you're bumping up against the 512 byte limit on characteristic length. You'll need to move to subscriptions to characteristics and processing of updates to get around this:
On the central:
Subscribe to the characteristic by calling -[CBPeripheral setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic] (with YES as the notify value).
In -peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error, every update will either be data to append, or something you choose to use on the peripheral side to indicate end-of-data (I use an empty NSData for this). Update your -peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error code so that:
If you're starting to read a value, initialize a sink for the incoming bytes (e.g. an NSMutableData).
If you're in the middle of reading a value, you append to the sink.
If you see the EOD marker, you consider the transfer complete. You may wish to unsubscribe from the characteristic at this state, by calling -[CBPeripheral setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic] with a notify value of NO.
-peripheral:didUpdateNotificationStateForCharacteristic:error: is a good spot to manage the initialization and later use of the sink into which you read chunks. If characteristic.isNotifying is updated to YES, you have a new subscription; if it's updated to NO then you're done reading. At this point, you can use NSKeyedUnarchiver to unarchive the data.
On the peripheral:
In -[CBMutableCharacteristic initWithType:properties:value:permissions], make sure the properties value includes CBCharacteristicPropertyNotify.
Use -peripheralManager:central:didSubscribeToCharacteristic: to kick off the chunking send of your data, rather than -peripheral:didReceiveReadRequest:result:.
When chunking your data, make sure your chunk size is no larger than central.maximumUpdateValueLength. On iOS7, between an iPad 3 and iPhone 5, I've typically seen 132 bytes. If you're sending to multiple centrals, use the least common value.
You'll want to check the return code of -updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals; if underlying queue backs up, this will return NO, and you'll have to wait for a callback on -peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: before continuing (this is one of the burrs in an otherwise smooth API, I think). Depending upon how you handle this, you could paint yourself into a corner because:
If you're constructing and sending your chunks on the same queue that the peripheral is using for its operations, AND doing the right thing and checking the return value from -updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals:, it's easy to back yourself into a non-obvious deadlock. You'll either want to make sure that you yield the queue after each call to -updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals:, perform your chunking loop on a different queue than the peripheral's queue (-updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals: will make sure its work is done in the right place). Or you could get fancier; just be mindful of this.
To see this in action, the WWDC 2012 Advanced Core Bluetooth video contains an example (sharing VCards) that covers most of this. It doesn't however, check the return value on the update, so they avoid the pitfalls in #4 altogether.
Hope that helps.
I tried the approach described by Cora Middleton, but couldn't get it to work. If I understand her approach correctly, she would send all partial data through the update notifications. The problem for me seemed to be that there was no guarantee each update would be read by the central if the values in these notifications would change often in short succession.
So because that approach didn't work, I did the following:
There's some characteristic that I use to keep track of the state of the peripheral. This characteristic would only contain some flags and would send out notifications if one or more flags change. Interactions by the user on the peripheral would change the state and there's one action on the peripheral that the user can perform to trigger a download from a connected central.
The data to be downloaded from the central is added to a stack on the peripheral. The last item on the stack is a terminator indicator (an empty NSData object)
The central registers to receive notifications of the aforementioned state characteristic. If some flag is set, a download is triggered.
On the peripheral side, every time I receive a read request for a certain characteristic, I remove 1 item from the stack and return this item.
On the central side I add all data that is returned from the read requests. If the empty data value is retrieved, then I create an object from the returned data (in my case it's a JSON string).
On the peripheral side I also know the download is finished after returning the empty NSData object, so afterwards I can change the state once again for the peripheral.

Reading long characteristic values using CoreBluetooth

I have a characteristic value which contains the data for an image. In the peripheral I setup the value like this:
_photoUUID = [CBUUID UUIDWithString:bPhotoCharacteristicUUID];
_photoCharacteristic = [[CBMutableCharacteristic alloc] initWithType:_photoUUID
My understanding is that when this value is requested, the didReceiveReadRequest callback will be called:
-(void) peripheralManager:(CBPeripheralManager *)peripheral didReceiveReadRequest:(CBATTRequest *)request {
if ([request.characteristic.UUID isEqual:_photoUUID]) {
if (request.offset > request.characteristic.value.length) {
[_peripheralManager respondToRequest:request withResult:CBATTErrorInvalidOffset];
else {
// Get the photos
if (request.offset == 0) {
_photoData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:_myProfile.photosImmutable];
request.value = [_photoData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(request.offset, request.characteristic.value.length - request.offset)];
[_peripheralManager respondToRequest:request withResult:CBATTErrorSuccess];
This comes pretty much from Apple's documentation. On the Central side in the didDiscoverCharacteristic callback I have the following code:
if ([characteristic.UUID isEqual:_photoUUID]) {
_photoCharacteristic = characteristic;
[peripheral readValueForCharacteristic:characteristic];
Which in turn calls the didUpdateValueForCharacteristic callback:
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic error:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"updated value for characteristic");
if ([characteristic.UUID isEqual:_photoUUID]) {
NSArray * photos = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:characteristic.value];
All of the callbacks are called but when I try to re-construct the array, it's corrupted because not all of the data is transferred correctly. I would expect the didRecieveReadRequest callback to be called multiple times with a different offset each time. However it's only called once.
I was wondering if anyone knew what I'm doing wrong?
I'm guessing you're bumping up against the 512 byte limit on characteristic length. You'll need to move to subscriptions to characteristics and processing of updates to get around this:
On the central:
Subscribe to the characteristic by calling -[CBPeripheral setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic] (with YES as the notify value).
In -peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error, every update will either be data to append, or something you choose to use on the peripheral side to indicate end-of-data (I use an empty NSData for this). Update your -peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error code so that:
If you're starting to read a value, initialize a sink for the incoming bytes (e.g. an NSMutableData).
If you're in the middle of reading a value, you append to the sink.
If you see the EOD marker, you consider the transfer complete. You may wish to unsubscribe from the characteristic at this state, by calling -[CBPeripheral setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic] with a notify value of NO.
-peripheral:didUpdateNotificationStateForCharacteristic:error: is a good spot to manage the initialization and later use of the sink into which you read chunks. If characteristic.isNotifying is updated to YES, you have a new subscription; if it's updated to NO then you're done reading. At this point, you can use NSKeyedUnarchiver to unarchive the data.
On the peripheral:
In -[CBMutableCharacteristic initWithType:properties:value:permissions], make sure the properties value includes CBCharacteristicPropertyNotify.
Use -peripheralManager:central:didSubscribeToCharacteristic: to kick off the chunking send of your data, rather than -peripheral:didReceiveReadRequest:result:.
When chunking your data, make sure your chunk size is no larger than central.maximumUpdateValueLength. On iOS7, between an iPad 3 and iPhone 5, I've typically seen 132 bytes. If you're sending to multiple centrals, use the least common value.
You'll want to check the return code of -updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals; if underlying queue backs up, this will return NO, and you'll have to wait for a callback on -peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: before continuing (this is one of the burrs in an otherwise smooth API, I think). Depending upon how you handle this, you could paint yourself into a corner because:
If you're constructing and sending your chunks on the same queue that the peripheral is using for its operations, AND doing the right thing and checking the return value from -updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals:, it's easy to back yourself into a non-obvious deadlock. You'll either want to make sure that you yield the queue after each call to -updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals:, perform your chunking loop on a different queue than the peripheral's queue (-updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals: will make sure its work is done in the right place). Or you could get fancier; just be mindful of this.
To see this in action, the WWDC 2012 Advanced Core Bluetooth video contains an example (sharing VCards) that covers most of this. It doesn't however, check the return value on the update, so they avoid the pitfalls in #4 altogether.
Hope that helps.
I tried the approach described by Cora Middleton, but couldn't get it to work. If I understand her approach correctly, she would send all partial data through the update notifications. The problem for me seemed to be that there was no guarantee each update would be read by the central if the values in these notifications would change often in short succession.
So because that approach didn't work, I did the following:
There's some characteristic that I use to keep track of the state of the peripheral. This characteristic would only contain some flags and would send out notifications if one or more flags change. Interactions by the user on the peripheral would change the state and there's one action on the peripheral that the user can perform to trigger a download from a connected central.
The data to be downloaded from the central is added to a stack on the peripheral. The last item on the stack is a terminator indicator (an empty NSData object)
The central registers to receive notifications of the aforementioned state characteristic. If some flag is set, a download is triggered.
On the peripheral side, every time I receive a read request for a certain characteristic, I remove 1 item from the stack and return this item.
On the central side I add all data that is returned from the read requests. If the empty data value is retrieved, then I create an object from the returned data (in my case it's a JSON string).
On the peripheral side I also know the download is finished after returning the empty NSData object, so afterwards I can change the state once again for the peripheral.
