Create a Dockerfile from NiFi Docker Container - docker

I'm pretty new to using Docker. I'm needing to deploy a NiFi instance through my employer, but the internal service we need to use requires a Dockerfile, not an image.
The service we're using requires the Dockerfile because each time the repository we're using is updated, the service is pointed to the Dockerfile and initiates the build process from it, then runs/operates the container.
I've already set up the NiFi flow to how it needs to operate, I'm just unsure of how to get a Dockerfile from an already existing container (or if that is even possible?)

I was looking into this myself, apparently there is no real way to do it, but you can inspect the docker container and pretty much get all the commands used to create the container except the OS used which is easy to find, you can spawn a bash into the container and do something like sudo uname -a, which you can just take and make your own docker image with. Usually you can find it on github, though.
docker inspect <image>
or you can do it through the docker desktop UI

You can use the Dockerfile that is in NiFi source code, see in this directory:


How to Recreate a Docker Container Without Docker Compose

TLDR: When using docker compose, I can simply recreate a container by changing its configuration and/or image in the docker-compose.yml file along with running docker-compose up. Is there any generic equivalent for recreating a container (to apply changes) which was created by a bare docker create/run command?
Elaborating a bit:
The associated docker compose documentation states:
If there are existing containers for a service, and the service’s configuration or image was changed after the container’s creation, docker-compose up picks up the changes by stopping and recreating the containers (preserving mounted volumes).
I'm having troubles to understand which underlaying steps are actually performed during this recreation, as e.g. the docker (without compose) documentation doesn't really seem to use the recreate term at all.
Is it safe to simply run docker container rm xy and then docker container create/run (along with passing the full and modified configuration)? Or is docker compose actually doing more under the hood?
I already found answers about applying specific configuration changes like e.g. this one about port mappings, but I'm still wondering whether there is a more general answer to this.
I'm having troubles to understand which underlaying steps are actually performed during this recreation, as e.g. the docker (without compose) documentation doesn't really seem to use the recreate term at all.
docker-compose is a high level tool; it performs in a single operation what would require multiple commands using the docker cli. When docker-compose says, "docker-compose up picks up the changes by stopping and recreating the containers", it means it is doing the equivalent of:
docker stop <somecontainer>
docker rm <somecontainer>
docker run ...
(Where ... represents whatever configuration is implied by the service definition in your docker-compose.yaml).
Let's say it recognizes a change in container1 it does (not really, working via API):
docker compose rm -fs container1
docker compose create (--build) container1
docker compose start container1
What is partially close to (depending on your compose-config):
docker rm -f projectname_container1
(docker build --flags)
docker create --allDozensOfAttributes projectname_container1
docker start projectname_container1
docker network connect (--flags) projectname_networkname projectname_container1
and maybe more..
so i would advise to use the docker compose commands for single services instead of docker cli if suitable..
The issue is that the variables and settings are not exposed through any docker apis. It may be possible by way of connecting directly to the docker socket, parsing the variables, and then stopping/removing the container and recreating it.
This would be prone to all kinds of errors and would require lots of debugging to get these values.
What I do is to simply store my docker commands in a shell script. You can just save the command you need to run into a text file, name it .sh, set the -x on the file, then run it. Then when you stop/delete the container, you can just rerun the shell script.
Another thing you can do would be to replace the docker command with a function (in something like your ~/.bashrc) that stores the arguments to a text file and rechecks that text file with a passed argument (like "recreate" followed by a name). However, I'm more a fan of doing docker containers in their own shell scripts as its more portable.

Is there a point in Docker start?

So, is there a point in the command "start"? like in "docker start -i albineContainer".
If I do this, I can't really do anything with the albine inside the container, I would have to do a run and create another container with the "-it" command and "sh" after (or "/bin/bash", don't remember it correctly right now).
Is that how it will go most of the times? delete and rebuilt containers and do the command "-it" if you want to do stuff in them? or would it more depend on the Dockerfile, how you define the cmd.
New to Docker in general and trying to understand the basics on how to use it. Thanks for the help.
Running docker run/exec with -it means you run the docker container and attach an interactive terminal to it.
Note that you can also run docker applications without attaching to them, and they will still run in the background.
Docker allows you to run a program (which can be bash, but does not have to be) in an isolated environment.
For example, try running the jenkins docker image:
this will create a container, without you having attach to it, and you would still be able to use it.
You can also attach to an existing, running container by using docker exec -it [container_name] bash.
You can also use docker logs to peek at the stdout of a certain docker container, without actually attaching to its shell interactively.
You almost never use docker start. It's only possible to use it in two unusual circumstances:
If you've created a container with docker create, then docker start will run the process you named there. (But it's much more common to use docker run to do both things together.)
If you've stopped a container with docker stop, docker start will run its process again. (But typically you'll want to docker rm the container once you've stopped it.)
Your question and other comments hint at using an interactive shell in an unmodified Alpine container. Neither is a typical practice. Usually you'll take some complete application and its dependencies and package it into an image, and docker run will run that complete packaged application. Tutorials like Docker's Build and run your image go through this workflow in reasonable detail.
My general day-to-day workflow involves building and testing a program outside of Docker. Once I believe it works, then I run docker build and docker run, and docker rm the container once I'm done. I rarely run docker exec: it is a useful debugging tool but not the standard way to interact with a process. docker start isn't something I really ever run.

Some questions on Docker basics?

I'm new to docker.Most of the tutorials on docker cover the same thing.I'm afraid I'm just ending up with piles of questions,and no answers really. I've come here after my fair share of Googling, kindly help me out with these basic questions.
When we install a docker,where it gets installed? Is it in our computer in local or does it happen in cloud?
Where does containers get pulled into?I there a way I can see what is inside the container?(I'm using Ubuntu 18.04)
When we pull an image.Docker image or clone a repository from
Git.where does this data get is stored?
Looks like you are confused after reading to many documents. Let me try to put this in simple words. Hope this will help.
When we install a docker,where it gets installed? Is it in our
computer in local or does it happen in cloud?
We install the docker on VM be it you on-prem VM or cloud. You can install the docker on your laptop as well.
Where does containers get pulled into?I there a way I can see what is
inside the container?(I'm using Ubuntu 18.04)
This question can be treated as lack of terminology awareness. We don't pull the container. We pull the image and run the container using that.
Quick terminology summary
Container-> Containers allow you to easily package an application's code, configurations, and dependencies into a template called an image.
Dockerfile-> Here you mention your commands or infrastructure blueprint.
Image -> Image gets derived from Dockerfile. You use image to create and run the container.
Yes, you can log inside the container. Use below command
docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash
When we pull an image.Docker image or clone a repository from
Git.where does this data get is stored?
You can pull the opensource image from Docker-hub
When you clone the git project which is docerized, you can look for Dockerfile in that project and create the your own image by build it.
docker build -t <youimagenae:tag> .
When you build or pull the image it get store in to your local.
user docker images command
Refer the below cheat-sheet for more commands to play with docker.
The docker daemon gets installed on your local machine and everything you do with the docker cli gets executed on your local machine and containers.
(not sure about the 1st part of your question). You can easily access your docker containers by docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash for that you will need to have the container running. Check running containers with docker ps
(again I do not entirely understand your question) The images that you pull get stored on your local machine as well. You can see all the images present on your machine with docker images
Let me know if it was helpful and if you need any futher information.

How can I pull a Docker image in a Dockerfile?

I have a very simple system consisting of two containers, and I can successfully orchestrate them on my local machine with docker compose. I would like to put this system in a single VM in the cloud and allow others to easily do the same.
Because my preferred cloud provider provides easy access to a container OS, I would like to fit this system in a single container for easy distribution and deployment. I don't think I'm doing anything to violate the difficulties here, so I was hoping to use a Docker-in-Docker setup and make a single composite image that runs docker compose to bring up my two containers, just like on my local machine.
But, when I try to add
RUN docker pull my/image1
RUN docker pull my/image2
to the composite Dockerfile that extends the Docker image, those commands fail upon build because the Docker daemon is not running.
What I'm trying to accomplish here is to pull the two sub-images into my composite image at build time to minimize startup time of the composite image. Is there a way to do that?
There is a way to do this, but it is probably a bad idea.
Use docker-machine to create a docker-machine instance.
Use docker-machine env to get the credentials for your newly created docker-machine instance. These will be a couple of environment variables.
Add something like ARG DOCKER_HOST="tcp://" for each of the credentials created in the previous step. Put it in your Dockerfile before the first RUN docker ....
After the last ARG .. but before the first RUN docker ... put in some ENV DOCKER_HOST=${DOCKER_HOST} for all credential variables.
This should enable the docker pull to work, but it does not really solve your problem because the pull happens on the docker-machine and does not get captured in the docker image.
To get your desired effect you would need to additionally have
RUN docker save ... to export the pulled image to a tar archive file on the image.
Then you would have to add corresponding logic to docker load ... import the tar archive file.
The bottom line is that you can do this, but you probably should not. I don't think it will save you any time. It will probably cost you time.

Docker backup container with startup parameters

Im facing the same problem since months now and i dont have an adequate solution.
Im running several Containers based on different images. Some of them were started using portainer with some arguments and volumes. Some of them were started using the CLI and docker start with some arguments and parameters.
Now all these settings are stored somewhere. Because if i stop and retart such a container, everything works well again. but, if i do a commit, backup it with tar and load it on a different system and do a docker start, it has lost all of its settings.
The procedure as described here: does not work in my case.
Now im thinking about to write an own web application which will create me some docker compose files based on my setting rather than to just do a docker start with the correct params. This web application should also take care of the volumes (just folders) and do a incremental backup of them with borg to a remote server.
But actually this is only an idea. Is there a way to "extract" a docker compose file of a running containter? So that i can redeploy a container 1:1 to an other server and just have to run docker run mycontainer and it will have the same settings?
Or do i have to write my web app? Or have i missed some page on google and there is already such a solution?
Thank you!
To see the current configuration of a container, you can use:
docker container inspect $container_id
You can then use those configurations to run your container on another machine. There is no easy import/export of these settings to start another container that I'm aware of.
Most people use a docker-compose.yml to define how they want a container run. They also build images with a Dockerfile and transfer them with a registry server rather than a save/load.
The docker-compose.yml can be used with docker-compose or docker stack deploy and allows the configuration of the container to be documented as a configuration file that is tracked in version control, rather than error prone user entered settings. Running containers by hand or starting them with a GUI is useful for a quick test or debugging, but not for reproducibility.
You would like to backup the instance but the commands you're providing are to backup the image. I'd suggest to update your Dockerfile to solve the issue. In case you really want to go down the saving the instance current status, you should use the docker export and docker import commands.
NOTE: the docker export does not export the content of the volumes anyway, I suggest you to should refer to
