I want to know what is the key shortcut for console.log() in jsbin?
Is there a combination of keys on a keyboard to do it? Thanks
I found it, if anyone ever will need it, it's type "cl" letters together and press TAB.
I would like to easily check property values by typing them into the console (how it works in browser's console). It seems to not be possible. What are the alternatives for easy debugging of different property values instead of breakpoints?
You have to use breakpoints. there is no other options. breakpoints is something like debugger so put break point wherever you need and then when you reach at that breakpoint application will pause and If you simply take mouse curser over that line then also you can know the value of different properties.
you can use po command to print value of any property. write in console(beside lldb),
po then space and than property or variable name and you will get value of it.
You can use step over to go to next line and can use continue execution to continue through all breakpoints.
You can refer this tutorial. It is for old xcode but conceptually same with current.
Hope this will help :)
Type 'po propertyname' into the console and click enter.
In the console you can see the property values using po propertyName.
For view debugging, xcode provides view debugger as this image
Closest thing is the console where you can look at variables and there is an option to look at an exploded view of you UI, where the classes and properties can be inspected. This is activated when you are running your app and click on the button with a hover-text "Debug View Hiererachy". You can find this button just above the console, to the left of the location icon.
I need to edit a gem(Devise) in order to understand where exactly a particular error occurs, so I need to put a "logger.debug" after every variable.
Problem is, I cannot edit any of the Gems, as they appear locked in Rubymine under 'external libraries".
Is there an easy way to do what I am trying to do?
Thank you!
Open the file, attempt to edit it, and you should see the following pop-up:
Choose the appropriate option, click "OK", and edit away.
Printing code with Notepad++ is very handy because of the syntax-highlighting.
Unfortunately I'm experiencing a problem with printing.
Now at the left top of the page $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) is printed, which is, D:\cppWorkspace\project1\display\GUI\main.cpp
I don't want the whole path, to the project, to be printed. However it also should not only print the file name.
In this case it should be, display\GUI\main.cpp. (which are packages inside the project and the file itself)
I tried to edit or set a Notepad++ variable, but I couldn't find a way to do this.
Hopefully someone knows how this can be fixed.
Thanks in advance,
Unfortunately the variables are fixed, and cannot be "set" - at least as of the current version (6.3.1). They are simple replacements, handled in the expandNppEnvironmentStrs method in RunDlg.cpp
You're welcome to suggest an idea on IdeaTorrent (see the hosted apps menu on the Sourceforge project), or vote a similar idea up if one exists.
I'm developing a Word addin, and somehow the shortcuts defined in TAction.ShortCut are always trigged more than one time, and this is tricky to me and hard to solve, so I resort to TForm.OnKeyDown event and cleared all TAction.ShortCut properties, this approach works well, except that the shortcuts are not shown on the corresponding menu items, but I want them to be displayed on those menu items.
So I come up this idea: Set values for TMenuItem.Shortcut so that the program can show the shortcut hint to the end user, and does not allow VCL to handle these shortcuts, instead, handle them in TForm.OnKeyDown. So my question is how to disable TAction.Shortcut or TMenuItem.Shortcut? Thank you in advance.
For a start, you have an Enabled property on both TAction and TMenuItem. Just set it to False.
Next, one of the possible causes of your event being triggered more than once is that you may be using Application.ProcessMessages; or at least a badly written component that you're using is doing so. One should be very wary of using that Delphi feature because it can cause 're-entrant' code (unintentional recursion).
The root cause of your problem is the events being triggered more than one time. You could try to workaround this problem offcourse but I would suggest to:
Place a breakpoint in your eventhandler.
Copy the Call Stack's content [CTRL+ALT+S] to whatever editor you like for every time you hit the breakpoint.
Start brainstorming as to why the calls lead to hitting the event multiple times.
Fix your code if it is your code to fix.
Hacker way (usually not recommended):
copy unit that contain TAction in separate folder, modify source of TAction that makes ShortCut method do nothing. Put this folder to search path as first item.
rebuild your app.
I use this technique to fix bugs in VCL, but after installing Delphi patches you should not forget to update 'hacked' version of modified units.
When submitting SAS code via the SAS Toolbar (eg cmjohns response) the compiler knows that the code is being "DM'd" and will not run certain code (eg %window).
Is there a way to trick SAS into believing that code submitted from the Toolbar is coming from the Editor, therefore allowing interfaces (using %window) to be triggered via point and click?
It isn't super clean, but this will do it. The only downside is a program editor window will be open after it runs. There's probably a way to close it when it's done but I don't know what that is off hand.
pgm; clear;include "C:\path\code.sas"; submit;
Basically, this says to open a new program editor window and make sure no other code is in it, then include the contents of code.sas into the editor, then submit all the code that's in the program editor.
As a side note, in addition to a toolbar button, I think you could map a function key to a command like this as well. Press F9 to pull up the current mapping. There is a limit to the length of the command mapped to a key though so no long paths.