Docker Hub Repository - docker

Can we push different multiple images to same docker hub repository?
For example:
I have 2 images Mysql and ubuntu and only one repository name is demo.
I want to push mysql and ubuntu image to demo repository.
How can we achieve this?

consider to do it in this way (works on my side):
docker image tag your_image_name:version your_account_name_dockerhub/image_name:version
docker image push your_account_name_dockerhub/image_name:version
for example:
docker image tag nginx:latest myname/nginx:latest
docker image push myname/nginx:latest


How to load updated docker image onto other machine

I have 2 hosts running the same docker customized image. I have modified the image on host 1 and saved the image to a custom.tar. If I take that image and load it onto host 2 will it just update or should I remove the old docker image first?
There are 2 ways to do that with repository and without repository using load and save.
With repository below are the steps.
Log in on Docker Hub
Click on Create Repository.
Choose a name and a description for your repository and click
Log into the Docker Hub from the command line
docker login --username=yourhubusername
tag your image
docker tag <existing-image> <hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>]
Push your image to the repository you created
docker push <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag>
Pull the image to host 2
docker pull <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag>
This will add the image to docker hub and available on internet and now you can pull this image to any system.
With this approach you can keep the same images with different tags on system. But if you don't need old images better to delete that to avoid junk.
Without docker hub.
This command will create tar bundle.
docker save [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]
example: docker save busybox > busybox.tar
Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
docker load [OPTIONS]
example:docker load < busybox.tar.gz
Recommended: Docker hub or DTR approach easy to manage unless you have bandwidth issue in case your file is large.
Docker Hub Repositories

docker + openshift. How to use only private registry?

Expand RED HAT CONTAINER REGISTRY with a local Docker image repository.
As a Docker user, I can work with the registry (pull, push) everything is OK!
But also, as a user, I can upload an image with the docker hub with the pull command.
For example:
$ docker pull debian
How to prevent the user to "pull" the image with docker hub and allow using only the openshift internal registry?
Those. Is it possible to configure any config so that the user accesses the internal repository of images?

Copy docker image between repositories

I have 2 private docker repositories. Is any way how can I copy one image from one repository to the second one?
You can pull the image, tag it and push it to the new registry.
docker pull old-registry/app:some_tag
docker tag old-registry/app:some_tag new-registry/app:some_tag
docker push new-registry/app:some_tag
Can be done with
Example for the README:
skopeo copy docker:// docker://
The advantage is that Skopeo does not require Docker on the machine it runs on.

Docker push local image under specified tag name

I need to push Docker image from my local machine to my repository under the specified tag name.
Locally I have the following image:
repo1/private image1 29234rs8dsf 5 months ago 1.07GB
Hot to push this image under the specified tag(not latest, for example, testtag1) under my repository inttest/myimage ?
If i understood the question correctly, you can do it with following 3 steps -
TAG your local image to dockerhub repo image -
$ docker tag repo1/private:image1 inttest/myimage:testtag1
Login to your dockerhub account using docker login
Push your dockerhub repo tagged image -
$ docker push inttest/myimage:testtag1

How to pull images to docker registry?

I read the tutorial in this,and it show me can use these commands to pull image to docker registry,like that:
docker pull ubuntu && docker tag ubuntu localhost:5000/batman/ubuntu
docker push localhost:5000/batman/ubuntu
I want to know whether I need to tag already image when I pull image to registry. Is it just only way to pull image to docker registry?
You always need to tag your images first with a tag containing repository information. Then you can push them to your private registry. Please refer also to this blogpost.
