Google Oauth2.0 endpoint returns 404 Error - oauth-2.0

I'm trying to get the access token using an http request.
According to the Oauth guide:
the endpoint for exchanging authorization code to access token is but it gives a page can't be found HTTP 404 error
Here's my entire url (I've replaced the code, client id, and secrets)

It looks like you are passing in the required fields as query parameters, but you need to put them in the post body and send an HTTPS POST request to You can find this information further down in the documentation you were referring to:


LinkedIn - Getting Access Token Error invalid_redirect_uri

has anyone succeeded in connecting to Linkedin API here?
I followed the instructions on the docs but failed to retrieve the Authorization Code.
Here's the result of my POST request to get the access_token
"error": "invalid_redirect_uri",
"error_description": "Unable to retrieve access token: appid/redirect uri/code verifier does not match authorization code. Or authorization code expired. Or external member binding exists"
I'm using the https// as a redirect_uri
My GET get request to obtain the authorization token is the following:,r_ads_reporting,r_organization_social
I followed a couple advices in the different thread in SO
double checked my client_id and client_secret
encoded the URI in GET request
added scope parameters to the redirect_url at the POST request
Tested the request with the code within 20 seconds window.
Couple of things:
Ensure your redirect URI is also defined within your app's configuration as an allowed redirect URI. See The documentation specifies a certain URL to use when testing with Postman.
In your authorization call, your scopes are comma-delimited. They should be space-delimited and URL-encoded. See

400 bad request error when exact POST in docs for refresh_token with Google OAuth2.0

I believe I am running the exact POST request in the OAuth docs ( with my credentials ), but I'm getting a 400 error. I was getting a 404 error, but then reset my client_secret and started using the new client_secret and am now getting a bad request error. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Most probably the redirect_uri value that you send is off; it should be exactly the URL that you sent in the authorization request i.e. the redirect to the authorization endpoint earlier.
This may be a long shot, but according to the HTTP/REST example available at Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications (section Handling the OAuth 2.0 server response) you should be sending the payload with a content type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead of JSON.
I've seen other OAuth implementations accepting JSON payload besides the application/x-www-form-urlencoded mentioned in the specification, but maybe Google implementation is more strict.
I've tested your code and it works fine if you have a valid Authorization Code and fill the Client ID, Secret and Redirect URI accordingly. In your snippet client_id and client_secret are set to empty string and this may be why it's not working.
Google OAuth endpoints return nice error messages with the Bad Request responses and can help you discover what is wrong with the parameters you sent.
your grant_type needs to be different than 'authorization_code'. You are having issues while getting tokens.
try grant_type=refresh_token
Redirect URL in .env file should be the same URL in google developer account and also check the redirect url in your route web.php

Uber API | Requesting Access Token for Ride request returns 'invalid_grant' error

I want users to request Uber rides from my app.
Under OAuth 2.0 section at the above url, there are 6 steps :
1. Authorize (done)
2. Receive Redirect (done)
3. Get an Access Token ('invalid_grant' error)
The following screenshot is from Postman.
I tried passing client_id, client_secret, grant_type, redirect_uri and code as params, form-data and x-www-form-url-encoded. But everytime it returns the same error.
I have put 'http://localhost:3000/auth/uber/callback' as redirect url in my Uber App dashboard.
I have even tried the following curl command in the terminal,but it returns the same 'invalid_grant' error
Can someone help me with this issue.
Your postman request looks correct to me. My best guesses at whats going on:
1) You have multiple redirects set up, and you're using one redirect url when you do the authorization phase and a different one when you try and do token exchange
2) You're doing authorization for one client_id, and trying to do token exchange for another
3) You're authorization code has already been used / expired. Keep in mind its only good for one request.
Could you try the following and tell me what happens:
1) Do the authorization flow and pay special attention that the client id and redirect uri you put in your authorization URL are correct
2) After your browser redirects, copy the authorization code out of the redirect URL
3) Put the authorization code into the postman request / curl statement and make sure that the client id / redirect URI is correct when you do it.
Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
"error": "invalid_grant"
You are using an invalid refresh_token. You can generate multiple
access tokens, but you can only use the latest generated
You supplied an invalid code when exchanging an authorization code
for an access_token.

Eloqua OAuth2 authentication get token URL inaccessible

I want to use OAuth2 authentication in my application for calling Eloqua APIs using access token.
I'm following instructions given in the link… and using Resource Owner Password Credentials grant flow for getting access token.
Authorization: Basic Q09NUEFOWVhcdXNlcjE6cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
But I'm getting exception " Connection timed out: connect" while calling get token endpoint from java code.
I tried the endpoint using browser but getting similar error. Also tried accessing the endpoint using REST client but again same connection error.
I'm unable to understand that why the endpoint is giving connection timeout exception. I also tried increasing timeout but same error.
Please guide me as I'm stuck.
Is there any other endpoint for getting Eloqua access token?
Below is a POSTMAN Screenshot in case it helps.
Also written out in case someday that screenshot isn't there. Don't use built in Auth in POSTMAN since you need to base64 encode the clientid:clientsecret with the : in the middle. These values are provided when you created an App in Eloqua.
Be sure to include the content type as application/json and the Authorization. Use a double backslash in the Json for the username in between the site and username (clientsite\\username).
JSON body should look like this:
Make sure you are doing a POST to
From the docs:
Authorization: Basic Q09NUEFOWVhcdXNlcjE6cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
From your request, it looks like you are missing the redirect_uri and the code.
Try using the body contract from the docs:

Google OAuth 2.0 redirect_uri_mismatch error when trying to get access token

I am trying exchange authentication code to access token on OAuth2.
I sent a request to google using GET request, and I got a code. And now I'm trying to exchange the code to access token.
I sent request to with these arguments
using POST request
code=[Authentication code]
client_id=[Client ID]
client_secret=[Client Secret]
But google responsed like this with 400 error
"error" : "redirect_uri_mismatch"
I created Client ID on google developers console. I used type 'Installed Application'.
I also tried:
(# means http. I edited on my phone, so I couldn't insert code block for http)
But it didn't worked.
What's wrong with request?
Check these 2 steps below
The redirect uri to retrieve auth code and access token should be same
Use the same redirect uri that you configured while creating the application, screenshot below
