Disable yeoman telemetry - yeoman

I'm on linux. I installed yo (v 4.3.0) and ran it.
It showed a prompt asking me to opt in for telemetry. I didn't answer in time and it moved past that prompt. When I run yo now, it doesn't show that prompt anymore.
How do I permanently disable telemetry?


running pycharm interpreter using nvidia-docker2

Im working on Ubuntu 20. I've installed docker, nvidia-docker2. On Pycharm, I've followed jetbrain guide, but in the advanced steps it isn't consistent with what I see in my setup. I use PyCharm Proffesional 2022.2.
In this step:
in the run options I put additionally --runtime=nvidia and --gpus=all.
Step 4 finishes as same as in the guide (almost, but it seems that it doesn't bother anything so on that later) and on step 5 I put manually the path to the interpreter in the virtual environment I've created using the Dockerfile.
In that way I am able to run the command of nvidia-smi and see correctly the GPU, but I don't see any packages I've installed during the Dockerfile build.
There is another option to connect the interpreter a little bit differently in which I do see the packages, but I can't run the nvidia-smi command and the torch.cuda.is_availble return False.
The way is instead of doing this as in the guide:
I press on the little down arrow in left of the Add Interpreter button and then click on Show all:
After which I can press the + button :
works, so it might be PyCharm "Python Console" issue.
and then I can choose Docker:
which will result in the difference mentioned above in functionality and also in the path dispalyed (the first one is the first remote interpreter top to bottom direction and the second is the second correspondingly):
Here of course the effect of the first and the second correspondingly:
Here is the results of the interpreter run with the first method connected interpreter:
and here is the second:
Of the following code:
Here is the Dockerfile file if you want to take a look:
Anyone configured it correctly and can help ?
Thank you in advance.
P.S: if I run the docker from services and enter the terminal the command nvidia-smi works fine and also the import of torch and the command torch.cuda.is_available return True.
The thing that has worked for me for now is to change the Dockerfile to install directly torch with pip without create conda environement.
Then I set the path to the python2.7 and I can run the code, but not debug it.
for run the result is as expected (the packages list as was shown before is still empty, but it works, I guess somehow my IDE cannot access the packages list of the remote interpreter in that case, I dont know why):
But the debugger outputs the following error:
Any suggestions for the debugger issue also will be welcome, although it is a different issue.
Please update to 2022.2.1 as it looks like a known regression that has been fixed.
Let me know if it still does not work well.

Electronjs app icons are big when launching in wsl2 using Xlaunch?

I have enabled WSL 2. I have also installed VcXsrv (I think its also called Xlaunch?).
I opened the settings and overrode these properties for XLaunch.exe as shown below:
After that I clicked XLaunch.exe and added -ac in one of the boxes as shown below and then pressed OK. This launched an instance of XLaunch/VcXsrv in my system tray.
Now I opened my terminal (in WSL 2) and git cloned the demo Electron app from their website. After running npm install and npm start, I see a window, but the icons are large.
I also tried adding these environment variables to my shell rc (I am using fish shell).
set -x DISPLAY {mywslip}:0
set -x GDK_SCALE 2
set -x GDK_DPI_SCALE 0.5
But even after this, Electron app's icons and text is a little bit large. To confirm if this was an Electron issue, I did npm start in my host machine (i.e., using Windows cmd meaning I ran it not in WSL 2, but on host windows machine itself). However in this case, it works perfectly fine, icons are perfectly scaled.
I think I need to play around with these environment variables, but is there an automatic fix without my having to guess the numbers for GDK_SCALE etc?
Note: I have a normal 1920 x 1080p resolution laptop with me.

Wireshark guidance, I installed it but can't detect any interface. It seems my winPcap is not installed right, any suggestions?

Basically I've installed wireshark on widows 10, but so far no interface is detected on my computer. Do I need to reinstall my wincap?
my winPcap error says:
click abort to stop the intsalltion,
retry again or ignore skip the file
I already done this step:
opening a command prompt as administrator (Win+R > cmd > Enter)
navigate to \windows\syswow64
delete Packet.dll
Install new version of Winpcap
Do I need to delete npf.sys?
The problem you're having is that Winpcap can't be installed because it doesn't have any permission to edit the file C:\WINDOWS\system32|drivers\npf.sys.
All you have to do is right-click on npf.sys < Properties < Security < Edit and check full control and all the other tasks.
You can solve that problem using the cmd window.
Check whether your npf status is "stopped" or not.
You can check your npf status by typing
'sc query npf'
If that status is "stopped", then you have to change it to "running".
You can change that status by typing
'sc start npf'

Problems with Cloud SDK

So I am a complete noob and have no idea how to even navigate these forum as it all sound like a foreign language. My issue is I recent was accepted to use Google page speed service and cannot even get the first step out of the way which is installing Cloud SDK.
Here is step by step what I did:
Extracted all from zip file
Clicked to launch the Batched file (upon clicking the command prompt black screen flashed in the corner, no instructions or anything else)
When attempting to authenticate google cloud platform by clicking windows key + r. THen typing in 'gcloud auth login', I get a message that says, "cannot find 'gcloud'.....".
When you run install.bat, this is an interactive process that should not exit immediately. I'm guessing you don't have Python installed? Install Python 2.7 and try again.
After the installer runs, it will print directions on how to add gcloud to your PATH. In general, though, gcloud is a command line tool that you shouldn't really run using windows+r. It's best to open a cmd prompt so you can more easily run multiple commands.

iphone reboot programmatically

I have code
The reboot command works in the terminal, but even if I run the app as root, the operation is still denied. Has anyone found any way that works, or can explain a bit about SBSetting's reboot, which makes me curious?
I have finally found a way to programmatically restart an iOS device without rooting a device!!!!
The command line tool to restart an iOS device is called libimobiledevice:
It is truly amazing. One snag I ran into while installing was trying to install this line:
brew install -v --devel --fresh automake autoconf libtool wget libimobiledevice
However I got around the install problem by running this line:
brew install -v --fresh automake autoconf libtool wget libimobiledevice
After that problem, I followed the rest of the instructions and voila!
Most of the commands can be found on this page:
The magic command that restarts the iOS device is:
idevicediagnostics restart
What is truly amazing about this tool is not only restarting an iOS device but also outputting iOS device logs to mac's terminal app using the following command:
I figured out a way to do it, although it's a bit convoluted. The problem is that even if you setup your app to run as root, when you make system() calls, you're apparently still limited to user mobile privileges. Since mobile cannot call reboot (successfully), this doesn't work.
The way I got around this problem is to take advantage of a new feature that SBSettings supports. SBSettings has a privileged daemon process that runs. It allows you to plug in your own commands, by simply writing a script (or other executable) and dumping it in the appropriate directory (/var/mobile/Library/SBSettings/Commands). Once you then restart the sbsettingsd process, you can get it to run your script by posting a notification. If you name your script
then from within your app, you can execute this code:
#import <notify.h>
Then, you make com.mycompany.reboot a simple shell script like this:
And make sure to chmod 755 on your com.mycompany.reboot script. The full details of this SBSettings command feature can be found here:
http://thebigboss.org/guides/sbsettings-toggle-spec (see Calling External Functions and Scripts ...)
Anyway, it does require your app to depend on SBSettings, but it's a free app, and most users would probably want to have it anyway. For now, it accomplishes the goal of rebooting (or anything else that requires root access) programmatically, via notify_post().
This answer might feel hacky to some but I have not found a better solution on how to restart an iOS device that has not been jailbroken so here goes my answer:
In order to restart a device from the command line I do some prep work:
Connect device to computer
Add iTunes shortcut to your dock
Select spotlight and search for an application called Automator [must have Xcode installed in order to launch Automator!]
When Automator launches, select the Application option
Select the record button to start recording following actions
Select the iTunes shortcut
Select your device from the Device options
Select the Restore Backup... button
Select the Restore button
Select the stop button on the Automator app to stop recording.
From the Automator application, select File from the top bar and Save your newly recorded app to a location of your choosing
At this point you have an app file that will execute the steps mentioned above. I tend to leave iTunes open as it will always have the iOS device hooked up and ready to be accessed. When iTunes is closed and relaunched, the device takes time to fully connect with iTunes and this tends to break the flow of the Automator app.
At this point I can go into a terminal, go to the location of the app file and run the following command [EXAMPLE]:
open automator.app
(replace 'automator.app' with the name of your file)
If you are like me and your are running this command in jenkins, you will need to run the following commands:
open [location]/[your_app_name.app]
sleep 30
For some reason, the automator app needs the sleep time to complete all the recorded actions.
Also, I am sure you can also write an applescript to do all of this but I hate applescript and took the easy way out!
did you try NSTask: Execute a terminal command from a Cocoa app
This is not possible if the app is running in its sandbox. on a jailbroken phone you might be able to execute the reboot shell command.
