Changing user Privileges on a Database Informix - informix

How can I change a user privileges on a database, on all tables from consult to select, delete, update, insert, in Informix.
I tried to use something like this
dbaccess DATABASE exec for i in (select table_name from user_tables) loop execute immediate 'grant select,insert,update,delete on '||i.table_name||' to USER'; end loop
But it didn't work.

DB-Access isn't my favourite tool, but it can do the job with some support from a shell script. You end up invoking it twice, once to generate the list of table names and once to process the permissions.
Given the file so-6952-3871.sql containing:
unload to '/dev/stdout'
select tabname
from "informix".systables
where tabid >= 100
and tabtype = 'T';
the shell script does the job, revoking existing privileges and granting new ones:
# #(#)$Id$
# Grant select, insert, delete, update permission on all user tables in a database to a named user.
: "${DBACCESS:=dbaccess}"
if [ $# = 0 ]
echo "$0: you must specify the database and at least one user" >&2
echo "Usage: $0 database user [...]" >&2
if [ $# = 0 ]
echo "$0: must specify at least one user" >&2
echo "Usage: $0 database user [...]" >&2
exit 1
$DBACCESS $dbase so-6952-3871.sql |
sed -n '/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)|$/ s//\1/p' |
while read tabname
#echo "Table: $tabname" >&2
for user in "$#"
echo "revoke all on $tabname from $user;"
echo "grant select, insert, delete, update on $tabname to $user;"
done |
$DBACCESS $dbase -
I've chosen to use the "informix".systables system catalog table since I don't have a table called user_tables in my database. You can refine the selection criteria (for example, to omit the time series tables) as necessary.
Provided you have sufficient permissions to grant and revoke permissions in the database (e.g. as the DBA or as user informix), this should work OK.
Rather than use DB-Access, I'd use my SQLCMD (available from the IIUG Software
Archive), which
I wrote to behave consistently in shell scripting contexts whereas
DB-Access doesn't.
It dates back to 1986 (before there was dbaccess; in those days, you
used isql instead — DB-Access was carved out of isql in an
It bears no relation to Microsoft's johnny-come-lately program of the
same name — except for the name and having the same general purpose
(manipulate SQL databases). With SQLCMD, there'd be no need for the sed line to ignore noise output from DB-Access on standard output.


variable does not exist in sas data set

I am trying to check whether variable GROUP exist in SAS data set file or not from the UNIX command but unfortunately it's showing that GROUP variable does not exist in the data set,However GROUP variable is present in SAS data set.
In my command for case sensitive and whole word match I am using i and w options of grep command respectively. But still UNIX command is not giving the expected result.I s there any way to fix this issue?
Below is the command which I am using:
cat $sasfile | grep -iqw "$rwords"
Thank you
As mentioned in earlier comment
SAS data sets are stored in disk files using a proprietary format.
There may be encodings and storage methodologies that do not yield the
information you seek in a plain text examination of said disk file.
Running SAS code in a SAS session is the definitive way to glean information about a data set.
What will that code look like ?
Data step or macro code that uses VARNAME function
... many other ways ...
In UNIX SAS can use stdio.
From "SAS(R) 9.2 Companion for UNIX Environments", STDIO System Option: UNIX
This option tells SAS to take its input from standard input (stdin),
to write its log to standard error (stderr), and to write its output
to standard output (stdout).
This option is designed for running SAS
in batch mode or from a shell script. If you specify this option
interactively, SAS starts a line mode session.
The STDIO option
overrides the DMS, DMSEXP, and EXPLORER system options. The STDIO
option does not affect the assignment of the Stdio, Stdin, and Stderr
filerefs. See Filerefs Assigned by SAS in UNIX Environments for more
For example, in the following SAS command, the file
myinput is used as the source program, and files myoutput and mylog
are used for the procedure output and log respectively.
sas -stdio < myinput > myoutput 2> mylog
If you are using the C shell, you should
use parentheses:
(sas -stdio < myinput > myoutput ) >& output_log
With -stdio you want a short SAS program that can indicate if a variable is present in a data set, or perhaps emit a list of variables in a data set for further shell processing. A Proc CONTENTS step is short and sweet.
So looking for your proverbial needle in a haystack
sasfile=<path to data set file>/<dataset>.sas7bdat
echo "Proc CONTENTS data=""$sasfile""" | sas -stdio | grep $needle
The default CONTENTS output might contain yield some false matches. So you could also try
echo "Proc CONTENTS noprint data=""$sasfile"" out=list;data _null_;set list;file print;put name;"
| sas -stdio
| grep -i "GROUP"
You could try:
grep -iw "$rwords" "$sasfile"
The only difference between these and your original commands is that I omitted cat and grep's quiet flag -q.
Sample input in sasdata:
fasd group
fdsfds fdsfdsa
fdsfd as GROUP afdsfdsa
fasd group
fdsfd as GROUP afdsfdsa
The -q flag of grep will suppress standard output but echo $? can retrieve the return value of grep. Using the same input file as before:
grep -iqw "$rwords" "$sasfile" # No stout
echo $? # Prints 0, means grep succeeded
grep -iqw "word" "$sasfile" # No stout
echo $? # Prints 1, means grep failed

grep : to look up a valid entry in a log

Hello everyone I'm having an issue with this script. I've just begun work on it and it is supposed to look for entries previously generated by another script I made.
The gist of the thing is that the log has entries like:
the format is filename_inode:/originaldirectory/
and this script is supposed to take a parameter and look for its exact match in the log
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "No filename has been provided. Please enter a filename to restore!"
exit 1
echo You have entered $1
echo Looking for $1 in the list of items deleted by safe_rm...
restoredfile=$(grep ^$1 $HOME/
echo $restoredfile
The problem I'm having is, if the user entered "mak" or "make" or "makefi" as a parameter it will incorrectly look up this entry
I want it to specifically get the exact match for this, I don't know how to force grep to do that
Try either one of these and see if it'll work for you:
grep -w "makefile"
grep "\<makefile\>"
If that work, then just change your grep to:
grep either one of those with the $1 parameter inside.

SQLPlus: SPOOLing vs writing to log

I am using a shell script to 'spool' a query. Here is a toy version:
sqlplus -s userid/pass#SID << EOF
set echo off
set term off
set trims on
set pages 0
set feedback off
set linesize 1000
set colsep "|"
FROM $1;
And submitting using
nohup sh intable outtable > log &
The query runs fine and is formatted exactly how I would like, but the rows returned by the query are written to both the spool file and the log... I thought 'set echo off' would take care of this, but I am obviously missing something.
Any ideas?

Using While and Grep together in Bourne Shell Script

I'm building a student database in Bourne Shell Script, and this is literally the very first time I've ever even seen code written like this, so I'm terribly out of my element. I need to make it so that when the user inputs a course, the program checks the user input vs a database of courses I already have, and if the course doesn't exist, promps the user to input a new course. This is what I'm trying:
echo "course-1: \c"
read course1
while [[ grep -i "$course1" course3.dat == 1]]
echo "course does not exist"
echo "course-1: \c"
read course1
echo "course-2: \c"
read course2
while [[ grep -i "$course2" course3.dat == 1]]
echo "course does not exist"
echo "course-2: \c"
read course2
But I'm getting errors "conditional binary operator expected" and "syntax error near `-i' ". I've been trying to google answers but I'm not coming up with anything useful. So I was wondering if any of you could help me? Thanks so much.
[[ is a shortcut for /bin/test, which isn't what you want. (Here's a man page about it.)
Try this instead:
while ! grep -i "$course1" course3.dat
until grep -i "$course1" course3.dat
The grep expression evaluates to true when grep is successful (i.e. matching lines), and the ! inverts that. Until has built in the opposite semantics from while.
[[ and [ are "test", which is what you want.
However, different shells have different syntaxes; ksh or bash would interpret "[[" okay, but Bourne shell (normally /bin/sh) would not.

How can I remove duplicates (deduplicate) a mbox format email mailbox?

I've got a mbox mailbox containing duplicate copies of messages, which differ only in their "X-Evolution:" header.
I want to remove the duplicate ones, in as quick and simple a way as possible. It seems like this would have been written already, but I haven't found it, although I've looked at the Python mailbox module, the various perl mbox parsers, formail, and so forth.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
This a small script, which I used for it:
IDCACHE=$(mktemp -p /tmp)
formail -D $((1024*1024*10)) ${IDCACHE} -s
The mailbox needs to be piped through it, and in the meantime it will be deduplicated.
-D $((1024*1024*10)) sets a 10 Mebibyte cache, which is more than 10x the amount needed to deduplicate an entire year of my mail. YMMV, so adjust it accordingly. Setting it too high will cause some performance loss, setting it to low will let it slip duplicates.
formail is part of the procmail utility bundle, mktemp is part of coreutils.
I didn't look at formail (part of procmail) in enough detail. It does have such such an option, as mentioned in places like: and
'formail -D' and 'reformail -D' can only process one email per execution. Each mail needs to be separated from mbox first before being processed. I use reformail from maildrop instead since it's still in active development.
remove old idcache, tmpmail, nmbox
run .
nmbox is the output with duplicate messages removed.
#! /bin/sh
# $1 = mbox, thunderbird mailbox
# is called for each mail.
cat $1 | reformail -s ./
#! /bin/sh
# stdin: a email
# called by
if [ -f $TM ] ; then
echo error!
exit 1
cat > $TM
# mbox format, each mail end with a blank line
echo "" >> $TM
cat $TM | reformail -D 99999999 idcache
# if this mail isn't a dup (reformail return 1 if message-id is not found)
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
# each mail shall have a message-id
if grep -q -i '^message-id:' $TM; then
cat tmpmail >> nmbox
rm $TM
