I wrote a small parsec parser to read samples from a user supplied input string or an input file. It fails properly on wrong input with a useful error message if the input is provided as a semicolon separated string:
> readUncalC14String "test1,7444,37;6800,36;testA,testB,2000,222;test3,7750,40"
*** Exception: Error in parsing dates from string: (line 1, column 29):
unexpected "t"
expecting digit
But it fails silently for the input file inputFile.txt with identical entries:
> readUncalC14FromFile "inputFile.txt"
[UncalC14 "test1" 7444 37,UncalC14 "unknownSampleName" 6800 36]
Why is that and how can I make readUncalC14FromFile fail in a useful manner as well?
Here is a minimal subset of my code:
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.String as P
data UncalC14 = UncalC14 String Int Int deriving Show
readUncalC14FromFile :: FilePath -> IO [UncalC14]
readUncalC14FromFile uncalFile = do
s <- readFile uncalFile
case P.runParser uncalC14SepByNewline () "" s of
Left err -> error $ "Error in parsing dates from file: " ++ show err
Right x -> return x
uncalC14SepByNewline :: P.Parser [UncalC14]
uncalC14SepByNewline = P.endBy parseOneUncalC14 (P.newline <* P.spaces)
readUncalC14String :: String -> Either String [UncalC14]
readUncalC14String s =
case P.runParser uncalC14SepBySemicolon () "" s of
Left err -> error $ "Error in parsing dates from string: " ++ show err
Right x -> Right x
uncalC14SepBySemicolon :: P.Parser [UncalC14]
uncalC14SepBySemicolon = P.sepBy parseOneUncalC14 (P.char ';' <* P.spaces)
parseOneUncalC14 :: P.Parser UncalC14
parseOneUncalC14 = do
P.try long P.<|> short
long = do
name <- P.many (P.noneOf ",")
_ <- P.oneOf ","
mean <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
_ <- P.oneOf ","
std <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
return (UncalC14 name mean std)
short = do
mean <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
_ <- P.oneOf ","
std <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
return (UncalC14 "unknownSampleName" mean std)
What is happening here is that a prefix of your input is a valid string. To force parsec to use the whole input you can use the eof parser:
uncalC14SepByNewline = P.endBy parseOneUncalC14 (P.newline <* P.spaces) <* P.eof
The reason that one works and the other doesn't is due to the difference between sepBy and endBy. Here is a simpler example:
sepTest, endTest :: String -> Either P.ParseError String
sepTest s = P.runParser (P.sepBy (P.char 'a') (P.char 'b')) () "" s
endTest s = P.runParser (P.endBy (P.char 'a') (P.char 'b')) () "" s
Here are some interesting examples:
ghci> sepTest "abababb"
Left (line 1, column 7):
unexpected "b"
expecting "a"
ghci> endTest "abababb"
Right "aaa"
ghci> sepTest "ababaa"
Right "aaa"
ghci> endTest "ababaa"
Left (line 1, column 6):
unexpected "a"
expecting "b"
As you can see both sepBy and endBy can fail silently, but sepBy fails silently if the prefix doesn't end in the separator b and endBy fails silently if the prefix doesn't end in the main parser a.
So you should use eof after both parsers if you want to make sure you read the whole file/string.
The following is an example program of a language in which I'm writing a parser.
n := 1
Do (1)-> -- The 1 in brackets is a placeholder for a Boolean or relational expression.
n := 1 + 1
When the program looks like this, the parseFile functions ends after the assignment on the first line however when the assignment is removed, it parses as expected. Below is how it's called in GHCI, first with the first line present then removed:
λ > parseFile "example.hnry"
Assign "n" (HInteger 1)
λ > parseFile "example.hnry"
Do (HInteger 1) (Assign "n" (AExpr (HInteger 1) Add (HInteger 1)))
The expected output would look similar to this:
λ > parseFile "example.hnry"
Assign "n" (HInteger 1) Do (HInteger 1) (Assign "n" (AExpr (HInteger 1) Add (HInteger 1)))
I first assumed it was something to do with the the assignment parser but in the body of the loop, there exists an assignment which parses as expected so I was able to rule that out. I believe that the issue is within the parseFile function itself. The following is the parseFile function and the other functions that make up the parseExpression function that I'm using to parse a program.
I think that the error is within parseFile because it parses an expression only once and doesn't "loop" for the want of a better word to itself to check if there's more input left the parse. I think that's the error but I'm not quite sure.
parseFile :: String -> IO HVal
parseFile file =
do program <- readFile file
case parse parseExpression "" program of
Left err -> fail "Parse Error"
Right parsed -> return $ parsed
parseExpression :: Parser HVal
parseExpression = parseAExpr <|> parseDo <|> parseAssign
parseDo :: Parser HVal
parseDo = do
_ <- string "Do "
_ <- char '('
x <- parseHVal -- Will be changed to a Boolean expression
_ <- string ")->"
y <- parseExpression
_ <- string "Od"
return $ Do x y
parseAExpr :: Parser HVal
parseAExpr = do
x <- parseInteger
op <- parseOp
y <- parseInteger <|> do
_ <- char '('
z <- parseAExpr
_ <- char ')'
return $ z
return $ AExpr x op y
parseAssign :: Parser HVal
parseAssign = do
var <- oneOf ['a'..'z'] <|> oneOf ['A'..'Z']
_ <- string ":="
val <- parseHVal <|> do
_ <- char '('
z <- parseAExpr
_ <- char ')'
return $ z
return $ Assign [var] val
As you note, your parseFile function parses a single expression (though maybe "statement" would be a better name) using the parseExpression parser. You probably want to introduce a new parser for a "program" or sequence of expressions/statements:
parseProgram :: Parser [HVal]
parseProgram = spaces *> many (parseExpression <* spaces)
and then in parseFile, replace parseExpression with parseProgram:
parseFile :: String -> IO [HVal]
parseFile file =
do program <- readFile file
case parse parseProgram "" program of
Left err -> fail "Parse Error"
Right parsed -> return $ parsed
Note that I've had to change the type here from HVal to [HVal] to reflect the fact that a program, being a sequence of expressions each of type HVal, needs to be represented as some sort of data type capable of combining multiple HVals together, and a list [HVal] is one way of doing so.
If you want a program to be an HVal instead of an [HVal], then you need to introduce a new constructor in your HVal type that's capable of representing programs. One method is to use a constructor to directly represent a block of statements:
data HVal = ... | Block [HVal]
Another is to add a constructor represent a sequence of two statements:
data HVal = ... | Seq HVal HVal
Both methods are used in real parsers. (Note that you'd normally pick one; you wouldn't use both.) To represent a sequence of three assignment statements, for example, the block method would do it directly as a list:
Block [Assign "a" (HInteger 1), Assign "b" (HInteger 2), Assign "c" (HInteger 3)]
while the two-statement sequence method would build a sort of nested tree:
Seq (Assign "a" (HInteger 1)) (Seq (Assign "b" (HInteger 2)
(Assign "c" (HInteger 3))
The appropriate parsers for these two alternatives, both of which return a plain HVal, might be:
-- use blocks
parseProgram1 :: Parser HVal
parseProgram1 = do
xs <- many (parseExpression <* spaces)
return $ Block xs
parseProgram2 :: Parser HVal
parseProgram2 = do
x <- parseExpression
(do xs <- parseProgram2
return $ Seq x xs)
<|> return x
I'm new to Haskell and could use some guidance.
The challenge: take an S-expression and parse it into a record.
Where I have succeeded: I can take a file and read it into a parsed String.
Yet, using parsing Text to DFA s.t
toDFA :: [L.Text] -> EntryDFA
toDFA t =
let [q,a,d,s,f] = t
in EntryDFA {
state = read q
,alpha = read a
,delta = read d
,start = read s
,final = read f }
returns this error:
• Couldn't match type ‘L.Text’ with ‘[Char]’
Expected type: String
Actual type: L.Text
There must be a more idiomatic approach.
read is a partial function with type Read a => String -> a, which throws an exception on parsing failure. Normally you want to avoid it (use readMaybe instead if you have a string). String and L.Text are different types, which is why you're getting an error.
Your sample code is missing an extra ) after the trans-func.
I'm using the Megaparsec package which provides an easy way to work with parser combinators. The author of the library has written a longer tutorial here.
The basic idea is that Parser a is the type of a value that can parse something of type a. In Text.Megaparsec there are several functions which you can use (parse, parseMaybe etc.), to "run" the parser on a "stringy" data type (e.g. String or strict/lazy Text).
When you use do notation for IO, it means "do one action after another". Similarly, you can use do notation with Parser, it means "parse this one thing, then parse the next thing".
p1 *> p2 means run the parser p1, run p2 and return the result of running p2. p1 <* p2 means run the parser p1, run p2 and return the result of running p1. You can also look up documentation on Hoogle in case you're having trouble understanding something.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-- In practice, many of these imports would be unqualified, but I've
-- opted for explicitness for clarity.
import Control.Applicative (empty, many, some, (<*), (*>))
import Control.Exception (try, IOException)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MPC
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as MPCL
type Q = Text
type E = Char
data EntryDFA = EntryDFA
{ state :: Set Q
, alpha :: Set E
, delta :: Set (Q,E,Q)
, start :: Q
, final :: Set Q
} deriving Show
inputFile = "foo.sexp"
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- read file and check for exception instead of checking if
-- it exists and then trying to read it
result <- try (TIO.readFile inputFile)
case result of
Left e -> print (e :: IOException)
Right txt -> do
case MP.parse dfaParser inputFile txt of
Left e -> print e
Right dfa -> print dfa
type Parser = MP.Parsec () Text
-- There are no comments in the S-exprs, so leave those empty
spaceConsumer :: Parser ()
spaceConsumer = MPC.space1 empty empty
symbol :: Text -> Parser Text
symbol txt = MPCL.symbol spaceConsumer txt
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens p = MP.between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") p
setP :: Ord a => Parser a -> Parser (Set a)
setP p = do
items <- parens (p `MP.sepBy1` (symbol ","))
return (Set.fromList items)
pair :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)
pair p1 p2 = parens $ do
x1 <- p1
x2 <- symbol "," *> p2
return (x1, x2)
stateP :: Parser Text
stateP = do
c <- MPC.letterChar
cs <- many MPC.alphaNumChar
return (T.pack (c:cs))
dfaParser :: Parser EntryDFA
dfaParser = do
() <- spaceConsumer
(_, state) <- pair (symbol "states") (setP stateP)
(_, alpha) <- pair (symbol "alpha") (setP alphaP)
(_, delta) <- pair (symbol "trans-func") (setP transFuncP)
(_, start) <- pair (symbol "start") valP
(_, final) <- pair (symbol "final") (setP valP)
return (EntryDFA {state, alpha, delta, start, final})
alphaP :: Parser Char
alphaP = MPC.letterChar <* spaceConsumer
transFuncP :: Parser (Text, Char, Text)
transFuncP = parens $ do
s1 <- stateP
a <- symbol "," *> alphaP
s2 <- symbol "," *> stateP
return (s1, a, s2)
valP :: Parser Text
valP = fmap T.pack (some MPC.digitChar)
As a follow-up to this question, I am now trying to parse an expression language that has variables and case ... of ... expressions. The syntax should be indentation-based:
Expressions can span multiple lines, as long as every line is indented relative to the first one; i.e. this should be parsed as a single application:
f x y
Each alternative of a case expression needs to be on its own line, indented relative to the case keyword. Right-hand sides can span multiple lines.
case E of
C -> x
D -> f x
should be parsed into a single case with two alternatives, with x and f x y as the right-hand sides
I've simplified my code into the following:
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Lexer as L
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (space)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char hiding (space)
import Text.Megaparsec.String
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Applicative
data Term = Var String
| App [Term]
| Case Term [(String, Term)]
deriving Show
space :: Parser ()
space = (void spaceChar) empty empty
name :: Parser String
name = try $ do
s <- some letterChar
if s `elem` ["case", "of"]
then fail $ unwords ["Unexpected: reserved word", show s]
else return s
term :: Parser () -> Parser Term
term sp = App <$> atom `sepBy1` try sp
atom = choice [ caseBlock
, Var <$> L.lexeme sp name
caseBlock = L.lineFold sp $ \sp' ->
Case <$>
(L.symbol sp "case" *> L.lexeme sp (term sp) <* L.symbol sp' "of") <*>
alt sp' `sepBy` try sp' <* sp
alt sp' = L.lineFold sp' $ \sp'' ->
(,) <$> L.lexeme sp' name <* L.symbol sp' "->" <*> term sp''
As you can see, I am trying to use the technique from this answer to separate alternatives with sp'aces that are more indented than the case keyword.
This seems to work for single expressions made up of application only:
λ» parseTest (L.lineFold space term) "x y\n z"
App [Var "x",Var "y",Var "z"]
It doesn't work for list of such expressions using the technique from the linked answer:
λ» parseTest (L.lineFold space $ \sp -> (term sp `sepBy` try sp)) "x\n y\nz"
incorrect indentation (got 1, should be greater than 1)
case expressions fail out of the gate when trying to use line-folding:
λ» parseTest (L.lineFold space term) "case x of\n C -> y\n D -> z"
Unexpected: reserved word "case"
case works without line folding for the outermost expression, for one alternative only:
λ» parseTest (term space) "case x of\n C -> y\n z"
App [Case (App [Var "x"]) [("C",App [Var "y",Var "z"])]]
But case fails as soon as I have multiple alternatives:
λ» parseTest (term space) "case x of\n C -> y\n D -> z"
incorrect indentation (got 2, should be greater than 2)
What am I doing wrong?
I'm answering since I promised to take a look at this. This problem represents a rather difficult problem for Parsec-like parsers in their current state. I probably could make it work after spending much more time that I have available, but in the slot of time I can spend answering this, I only got this far:
module Main (main) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (void)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.String
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Lexer as L
data Term = Var String
| App [Term]
| Case Term [(String, Term)]
deriving Show
scn :: Parser ()
scn = (void spaceChar) empty empty
sc :: Parser ()
sc = (void $ oneOf " \t") empty empty
name :: Parser String
name = try $ do
s <- some letterChar
if s `elem` ["case", "of"]
then (unexpected . Label . NE.fromList) ("reserved word \"" ++ s ++ "\"")
else return s
manyTerms :: Parser [Term]
manyTerms = many pTerm
pTerm :: Parser Term
pTerm = caseBlock <|> app -- parse a term first
caseBlock :: Parser Term
caseBlock = L.indentBlock scn $ do
void (L.symbol sc "case")
t <- Var <$> L.lexeme sc name -- not sure what sort of syntax case of
-- case expressions should have, so simplified to vars for now
void (L.symbol sc "of")
return (L.IndentSome Nothing (return . Case t) alt)
alt :: Parser (String, Term)
alt = L.lineFold scn $ \sc' ->
(,) <$> L.lexeme sc' name <* L.symbol sc' "->" <*> pTerm -- (1)
app :: Parser Term
app = L.lineFold scn $ \sc' ->
App <$> ((Var <$> name) `sepBy1` try sc' <* scn)
-- simplified here, with some effort should be possible to go from Var to
-- more general Term in applications
Your original grammar is left-recursive because every term can be either a case expression or an application and if it's an application, then the first part of it again can be either case expression or application, etc. You'll need to deal with that somehow.
Here is a session:
λ> parseTest pTerm "x y\n z"
App [Var "x",Var "y",Var "z"]
λ> parseTest pTerm "x\n y\nz"
App [Var "x",Var "y"]
λ> parseTest manyTerms "x\n y\nz"
[App [Var "x",Var "y"],App [Var "z"]]
λ> parseTest pTerm "case x of\n C -> y\n D -> z"
Case (Var "x") [("C",App [Var "y"]),("D",App [Var "z"])]
λ> parseTest pTerm "case x of\n C -> y\n z"
incorrect indentation (got 3, should be equal to 2)
This last result is because of (1) in the code. Introducing a parameter to app makes it impossible to use it without thinking of context (it would be no longer stand-alone expression, but factored-out part of something). We can see that if you indent z with respect to start of y application, not the entire alternative, it works:
λ> parseTest pTerm "case x of\n C -> y\n z"
Case (Var "x") [("C",App [Var "y",Var "z"])]
Finally, case expression works:
λ> parseTest pTerm "case x of\n C -> y\n D -> z"
Case (Var "x") [("C",App [Var "y"]),("D",App [Var "z"])]
My advice here would be to take a look at some pre-processor and use Megaparsec on top of that. The tools in Text.Megaparsec.Lexer are not that easy to apply in this case, but they are the best we could come up with and they work fine for simple indentation-sensitive grammars.
I need to write a code that parses some language. I got stuck on parsing variable name - it can be anything that is at least 1 char long, starts with lowercase letter and can contain underscore '_' character. I think I made a good start with following code:
identToken :: Parser String
identToken = do
c <- letter
cs <- letdigs
return (c:cs)
where letter = satisfy isLetter
letdigs = munch isLetter +++ munch isDigit +++ munch underscore
num = satisfy isDigit
underscore = \x -> x == '_'
lowerCase = \x -> x `elem` ['a'..'z'] -- how to add this function to current code?
ident :: Parser Ident
ident = do
_ <- skipSpaces
s <- identToken
skipSpaces; return $ s
idents :: Parser Command
idents = do
skipSpaces; ids <- many1 ident
This function however gives me a weird results. If I call my test function
test_parseIdents :: String -> Either Error [Ident]
test_parseIdents p =
case readP_to_S prog p of
[(j, "")] -> Right j
[] -> Left InvalidParse
multipleRes -> Left (AmbiguousIdents multipleRes)
prog :: Parser [Ident]
prog = do
result <- many ident
return result
like this:
test_parseIdents "test"
I get this:
Left (AmbiguousIdents [(["test"],""),(["t","est"],""),(["t","e","st"],""),
Note that Parser is just synonym for ReadP a.
I also want to encode in the parser that variable names should start with a lowercase character.
Thank you for your help.
Part of the problem is with your use of the +++ operator. The following code works for me:
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
type Parser a = ReadP a
type Ident = String
identToken :: Parser String
identToken = do c <- satisfy lowerCase
cs <- letdigs
return (c:cs)
where lowerCase = \x -> x `elem` ['a'..'z']
underscore = \x -> x == '_'
letdigs = munch (\c -> isLetter c || isDigit c || underscore c)
ident :: Parser Ident
ident = do _ <- skipSpaces
s <- identToken
return s
test_parseIdents :: String -> Either String [Ident]
test_parseIdents p = case readP_to_S prog p of
[(j, "")] -> Right j
[] -> Left "Invalid parse"
multipleRes -> Left ("Ambiguous idents: " ++ show multipleRes)
where prog :: Parser [Ident]
prog = do result <- many ident
return result
main = print $ test_parseIdents "test_1349_zefz"
So what went wrong:
+++ imposes an order on its arguments, and allows for multiple alternatives to succeed (symmetric choice). <++ is left-biased so only the left-most option succeeds -> this would remove the ambiguity in the parse, but still leaves the next problem.
Your parser was looking for letters first, then digits, and finally underscores. Digits after underscores failed, for example. The parser had to be modified to munch characters that were either letters, digits or underscores.
I also removed some functions that were unused and made an educated guess for the definition of your datatypes.