Haskell: Parsing a file finishes after first expression despite more input in file - parsing

The following is an example program of a language in which I'm writing a parser.
n := 1
Do (1)-> -- The 1 in brackets is a placeholder for a Boolean or relational expression.
n := 1 + 1
When the program looks like this, the parseFile functions ends after the assignment on the first line however when the assignment is removed, it parses as expected. Below is how it's called in GHCI, first with the first line present then removed:
λ > parseFile "example.hnry"
Assign "n" (HInteger 1)
λ > parseFile "example.hnry"
Do (HInteger 1) (Assign "n" (AExpr (HInteger 1) Add (HInteger 1)))
The expected output would look similar to this:
λ > parseFile "example.hnry"
Assign "n" (HInteger 1) Do (HInteger 1) (Assign "n" (AExpr (HInteger 1) Add (HInteger 1)))
I first assumed it was something to do with the the assignment parser but in the body of the loop, there exists an assignment which parses as expected so I was able to rule that out. I believe that the issue is within the parseFile function itself. The following is the parseFile function and the other functions that make up the parseExpression function that I'm using to parse a program.
I think that the error is within parseFile because it parses an expression only once and doesn't "loop" for the want of a better word to itself to check if there's more input left the parse. I think that's the error but I'm not quite sure.
parseFile :: String -> IO HVal
parseFile file =
do program <- readFile file
case parse parseExpression "" program of
Left err -> fail "Parse Error"
Right parsed -> return $ parsed
parseExpression :: Parser HVal
parseExpression = parseAExpr <|> parseDo <|> parseAssign
parseDo :: Parser HVal
parseDo = do
_ <- string "Do "
_ <- char '('
x <- parseHVal -- Will be changed to a Boolean expression
_ <- string ")->"
y <- parseExpression
_ <- string "Od"
return $ Do x y
parseAExpr :: Parser HVal
parseAExpr = do
x <- parseInteger
op <- parseOp
y <- parseInteger <|> do
_ <- char '('
z <- parseAExpr
_ <- char ')'
return $ z
return $ AExpr x op y
parseAssign :: Parser HVal
parseAssign = do
var <- oneOf ['a'..'z'] <|> oneOf ['A'..'Z']
_ <- string ":="
val <- parseHVal <|> do
_ <- char '('
z <- parseAExpr
_ <- char ')'
return $ z
return $ Assign [var] val

As you note, your parseFile function parses a single expression (though maybe "statement" would be a better name) using the parseExpression parser. You probably want to introduce a new parser for a "program" or sequence of expressions/statements:
parseProgram :: Parser [HVal]
parseProgram = spaces *> many (parseExpression <* spaces)
and then in parseFile, replace parseExpression with parseProgram:
parseFile :: String -> IO [HVal]
parseFile file =
do program <- readFile file
case parse parseProgram "" program of
Left err -> fail "Parse Error"
Right parsed -> return $ parsed
Note that I've had to change the type here from HVal to [HVal] to reflect the fact that a program, being a sequence of expressions each of type HVal, needs to be represented as some sort of data type capable of combining multiple HVals together, and a list [HVal] is one way of doing so.
If you want a program to be an HVal instead of an [HVal], then you need to introduce a new constructor in your HVal type that's capable of representing programs. One method is to use a constructor to directly represent a block of statements:
data HVal = ... | Block [HVal]
Another is to add a constructor represent a sequence of two statements:
data HVal = ... | Seq HVal HVal
Both methods are used in real parsers. (Note that you'd normally pick one; you wouldn't use both.) To represent a sequence of three assignment statements, for example, the block method would do it directly as a list:
Block [Assign "a" (HInteger 1), Assign "b" (HInteger 2), Assign "c" (HInteger 3)]
while the two-statement sequence method would build a sort of nested tree:
Seq (Assign "a" (HInteger 1)) (Seq (Assign "b" (HInteger 2)
(Assign "c" (HInteger 3))
The appropriate parsers for these two alternatives, both of which return a plain HVal, might be:
-- use blocks
parseProgram1 :: Parser HVal
parseProgram1 = do
xs <- many (parseExpression <* spaces)
return $ Block xs
parseProgram2 :: Parser HVal
parseProgram2 = do
x <- parseExpression
(do xs <- parseProgram2
return $ Seq x xs)
<|> return x


Using chainl1 correctly with infix in Haskell

For the MVE code below it outputs [] rather than the expected Not (Oper Eq 2 2)) for the input parseString "2+2" which is supposed to call pOper. My guess is that pOper would expect three arguments for the anonymous function to work. That is 3 strings. However due to partial call of a function only one argument is passed. Is there a way to work around to preserve the type signature of pOper while dealing with the Not and at the same time not changing the type definitions?
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
type Parser a = ReadP a
data Value =
IntVal Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Exp =
Const Value
| Oper Op Exp Exp
| Not Exp
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Op = Plus | Minus | Eq
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
space :: Parser Char
space = satisfy isSpace
spaces :: Parser String
spaces = many space
space1 :: Parser String
space1 = many1 space
symbol :: String -> Parser String
symbol = token . string
token :: Parser a -> Parser a
token combinator = (do spaces
parseString input = readP_to_S (do
e <- pExpr
token eof
return e) input
pExpr :: Parser Exp
pExpr = chainl1 pTerm pOper
pTerm :: Parser Exp
pTerm =
pv <- numConst
return pv)
numConst :: Parser Exp
numConst =
y <- munch isDigit
return (Const (IntVal (read y)))
-- Parser for an operator
pOper :: ReadP (Exp -> Exp -> Exp)
pOper = symbol "+" >> return (Oper Plus)
<|> (symbol "-" >> return (Oper Minus))
<|> (symbol "=" >> return (Oper Eq))
<|> (symbol "!=" >> return (\e1 e2 -> Not (Oper Eq e1 e2)))
There's nothing wrong with your parser for !=. Rather, your parser for operators in general is broken: it only parses the first operator correctly. A simpler version of your pOper would be
pOper = a >> b
<|> (c >> d)
But because of precedence, this isn't the same as (a >> b) <|> (c >> d). Actually, it's a >> (b <|> (c >> d))! So the symbol your first alternative parses is accidentally mandatory. It would parse 2+!=2 instead.
So, you could fix this by just adding in the missing parentheses. But if, like me, you find it a little tacky to rely so much on operator precedence for semantic meaning, consider something that's more obviously safe, using the type system to separate the clauses from the delimiters:
pOper :: ReadP (Exp -> Exp -> Exp)
pOper = asum [ symbol "+" >> return (Oper Plus)
, symbol "-" >> return (Oper Minus)
, symbol "=" >> return (Oper Eq)
, symbol "!=" >> return (\e1 e2 -> Not (Oper Eq e1 e2))
This way, you have a list of independent parsers, not a single parser built with alternation. asum (from Control.Applicative) does the work of combining that list into alternatives. It means the same thing, of course, but it means you don't have to learn any operator precedence tables, because , can only be a list item separator.
The best way I can think of to solve the problem is by creating these to modificatoins: 1) this alternative in the expression
pExpr :: Parser Exp
pExpr =
(do pv <- chainl1 pTerm pOper
pv2 <- pOper2 pv
return pv2)
<|> chainl1 pTerm pOper
And 2) this helper function to deal with infix patterns
pOper2 :: Exp -> Parser Exp
pOper2 e1 = (do
symbol "!="
e2 <- numConst
return (Not (Oper Eq e1 e2)))
This is the output, althought I don't know if there will be problems if other operations such as / and * which has different associativety are to be taken into account as well.
parseString "2+4+6"
[(Oper Plus (Oper Plus (Const (IntVal 2)) (Const (IntVal 4))) (Const (IntVal 6)),"")]
ghci> parseString "2+4+6 != 2"
[(Not (Oper Eq (Oper Plus (Oper Plus (Const (IntVal 2)) (Const (IntVal 4))) (Const (IntVal 6))) (Const (IntVal 2))),"")]
ghci> parseString "2 != 4"
[(Not (Oper Eq (Const (IntVal 2)) (Const (IntVal 4))),"")]

Parser written in Haskell not working as intended

I was playing around with Haskell's parsec library. I was trying to parse a hexadecimal string of the form "#x[0-9A-Fa-f]*" into an integer. This the code I thought would work:
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Numeric
import System.Environment
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces)
parseHex :: Parser Integer
parseHex = do
string "#x"
x <- many1 hexDigit
return (fst (head (readHex x)))
testHex :: String -> String
testHex input = case parse parseHex "lisp" input of
Left err -> "Does not match " ++ show err
Right val -> "Matched" ++ show val
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
putStrLn (testHex (head args))
And then I tried testing the testHex function in Haskell's repl:
GHCi, version 8.6.5: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( src/Main.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
*Main> testHex "#xcafebeef"
*Main> testHex "#xnothx"
"Does not match \"lisp\" (line 1, column 3):\nunexpected \"n\"\nexpecting hexadecimal digit"
*Main> testHex "#xcafexbeef"
The first and second try work as intended. But in the third one, the string is matching upto the invalid character. I do not want the parser to do this, but rather not match if any digit in the string is not a valid string. Why is this happening, and how do if fix this?
Thank you!
You need to place eof at the end.
parseHex :: Parser Integer
parseHex = do
string "#x"
x <- many1 hexDigit
return (fst (head (readHex x)))
Alternatively, you can compose it with eof where you use it if you want to reuse parseHex in other places.
testHex :: String -> String
testHex input = case parse (parseHex <* eof) "lisp" input of
Left err -> "Does not match " ++ show err
Right val -> "Matched" ++ show val

Parsec custom while loop parser only parses one statement in loop body

I'm trying to write a parser to parse a loop in the following form:
(:= x 0)
Do ((< x 10))->
(:= x (+ x 1))
What's occurring however is that my parser can only work for a loop whose body contains only one statement. To parse more than one statement, the body above would have to be written in the following way:
(:= x (+ x 1))(:= x 20)
I have tried to use delimiters such as semi-colons to try and force the parser to allow for loop body parsing to be taken line by line the above behaviour persists such that it would have to be written like: (:= x (+ x 1));(:= x 20) instead of on separate lines.
Please find my parsers below:
parsersHStatement :: Parser HStatement
parsersHStatement = try (parsePrint) <|> try (parseDo) <|> try (parseEval)
parseLoopBody :: Parser [HStatement]
parseLoopBody = many1 $ parsersHStatement
parseDo :: Parser HStatement
parseDo = do
_ <- string "Do"
_ <- string "("
p <- try (parseExpr) <|> try (parseBool)
_ <- string ")->"
q <- parseLoopBody <* spaces
_ <- string "Od"
return $ Do p q
parseEval :: Parser HStatement
parseEval = liftM Eval $ parsersHVal
parsersHVal :: Parser HVal
parsersHVal = try (parseAssign) <|> try (parsePrimitiveValue) <|> try (parseExpr)
parsePrint :: Parser HStatement
parsePrint = string "print(" *> parsersHVal <* string ")" >>= (return . Print)
parseExpr :: Parser HVal
parseExpr = do
char '('
op <- try (parseOperation)
x <- try (sepBy (parseExpr <|> parseVarOrInt) spaces)
char ')'
return $ Expr op x
parseBool :: Parser HVal
parseBool = classifyBool <$> ( (string "True") <|> (string "False") )
classifyBool "True" = Bool True
classifyBool "False" = Bool False
Within parseLoopBody, I tried 'feeding' spaces (many1 $ spaces *> ...) but nothing would parse then.
The following is the ADT:
data HVal
= Integer Integer
| Var String
| Bool Bool
| List [HVal]
| Expr Operation [HVal]
| Assign HVal HVal
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
data HStatement
= Eval HVal -- Bridge between HVal and HStatement
| Print HVal
| Do HVal [HStatement]
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
parseDo was altered to the following :
parseDo :: Parser HStatement
parseDo = do
string "Do"
string "("
p <- try (parseExpr) <|> try (parseBool)
string ")->"
q <- many1 $ parsersHStatement
string "Od"
return $ Do p q
This allows for the parsing of two statements but the second statement breaks the loop.
After a lot of fiddling around, it seemed that the error lay responsible on the function parseEval. This was changed to:
parseEval :: Parser HStatement
parseEval = do
x <- try (parseAssign) <|> try (parseExpr)
return $ Eval x
Furthermore my parseDo function was changed to:
parseDo :: Parser HStatement
parseDo = do
string "Do"
string "("
p <- try (parseExpr) <|> try (parseBool)
string ")->"
q <- many1 $ parsersHStatement
string "Od"
return $ Do p q

Haskell : Operator Parser keeps going to undefined rather than inputs

I'm practicing writing parsers. I'm using Tsodings JSON Parser video as reference. I'm trying to add to it by being able to parse arithmetic of arbitrary length and I have come up with the following AST.
data HVal
= HInteger Integer -- No Support For Floats
| HBool Bool
| HNull
| HString String
| HChar Char
| HList [HVal]
| HObj [(String, HVal)]
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
data Op -- There's only one operator for the sake of brevity at the moment.
= Add
deriving (Show, Read)
newtype Parser a = Parser {
runParser :: String -> Maybe (String, a)
The following functions is my attempt of implementing the operator parser.
ops :: [Char]
ops = ['+']
isOp :: Char -> Bool
isOp c = elem c ops
spanP :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
spanP f = Parser $ \input -> let (token, rest) = span f input
in Just (rest, token)
opLiteral :: Parser String
opLiteral = spanP isOp
sOp :: String -> Op
sOp "+" = Add
sOp _ = undefined
parseOp :: Parser Op
parseOp = sOp <$> (charP '"' *> opLiteral <* charP '"')
The logic above is similar to how strings are parsed therefore my assumption was that the only difference was looking specifically for an operator rather than anything that's not a number between quotation marks. It does seemingly begin to parse correctly but it then gives me the following error:
λ > runParser parseOp "\"+\""
Just ("+\"",*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:80:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at /DIRECTORY/parser.hs:110:11 in main:Main
I'm confused as to where the error is occurring. I'm assuming it's to do with sOp mainly due to how the other functions work as intended as the rest of parseOp being a translation of the parseString function:
stringLiteral :: Parser String
stringLiteral = spanP (/= '"')
parseString :: Parser HVal
parseString = HString <$> (charP '"' *> stringLiteral <* charP '"')
The only reason why I have sOp however is that if it was replaced with say Op, I would get the error that the following doesn't exist Op :: String -> Op. When I say this my inclination was that the string coming from the parsed expression would be passed into this function wherein I could return the appropriate operator. This however is incorrect and I'm not sure how to proceed.
charP and Applicative Instance
charP :: Char -> Parser Char
charP x = Parser $ f
where f (y:ys)
| y == x = Just (ys, x)
| otherwise = Nothing
f [] = Nothing
instance Applicative Parser where
pure x = Parser $ \input -> Just (input, x)
(Parser p) <*> (Parser q) = Parser $ \input -> do
(input', f) <- p input
(input', a) <- q input
Just (input', f a)
The implementation of (<*>) is the culprit. You did not use input' in the next call to q, but used input instead. As a result you pass the string to the next parser without "eating" characters. You can fix this with:
instance Applicative Parser where
pure x = Parser $ \input -> Just (input, x)
(Parser p) <*> (Parser q) = Parser $ \input -> do
(input', f) <- p input
(input'', a) <- q input'
Just (input'', f a)
With the updated instance for Applicative, we get:
*Main> runParser parseOp "\"+\""
Just ("",Add)

Custom ADT vs. Tree for parser return value

I'm using Parsec to build a simple Lisp parser.
What are the (dis)advantages of using a custom ADT for the parser types versus using a standard Tree (i.e. Data.Tree)?
After trying both ways, I've come up with a couple points for custom ADTs (i.e. Parser ASTNode):
seems to be much clearer and simpler
others have done it this way(including Tiger, which is/was bundled with Parsec)
and one against (i.e. Parser (Tree ASTNode):
Data.Tree already has Functor, Monad, etc. instances, which will be very helpful for semantic analysis, evaluation, calculating code statistics
For example:
custom ADT
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data ASTNode
= Application ASTNode [ASTNode]
| Symbol String
| Number Float
deriving (Show)
int :: Parser ASTNode
int = many1 digit >>= (return . Number . read)
symbol :: Parser ASTNode
symbol = many1 (oneOf ['a'..'z']) >>= (return . Symbol)
whitespace :: Parser String
whitespace = many1 (oneOf " \t\n\r\f")
app :: Parser ASTNode
app =
char '(' >>
sepBy1 expr whitespace >>= (\(e:es) ->
char ')' >>
(return $ Application e es))
expr :: Parser ASTNode
expr = symbol <|> int <|> app
example use:
ghci> parse expr "" "(a 12 (b 13))"
(Symbol "a")
[Number 12.0, Application
(Symbol "b")
[Number 13.0]])
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Tree
data ASTNode
= Application (Tree ASTNode)
| Symbol String
| Number Float
deriving (Show)
int :: Parser (Tree ASTNode)
int = many1 digit >>= (\x -> return $ Node (Number $ read x) [])
symbol :: Parser (Tree ASTNode)
symbol = many1 (oneOf ['a' .. 'z']) >>= (\x -> return $ Node (Symbol x) [])
whitespace :: Parser String
whitespace = many1 (oneOf " \t\n\r\f")
app :: Parser (Tree ASTNode)
app =
char '(' >>
sepBy1 expr whitespace >>= (\(e:es) ->
char ')' >>
(return $ Node (Application e) es))
expr :: Parser (Tree ASTNode)
expr = symbol <|> int <|> app
and example use:
ghci> parse expr "" "(a 12 (b 13))"
(Node (Symbol "a") []))
[Node (Number 12.0) [],
(Node (Symbol "b") []))
[Node (Number 13.0) []]])
(sorry for the formatting -- hopefully it's clear)
I'd absolutely go for the AST, because interpretation/compilation/language analysis in general is very much driven by the structure of your language. The AST will simply and naturally represent and respect that structure, while Tree will do neither.
For example, a common form of language implementation technique is to implement some complex features by translation: translate programs that involve those features or constructs into programs in a subset of the a language that does not use them (Lisp macros, for example, are all about this). If you use an AST, the type system will, for example, often forbid you from producing illegal translations as output. Whereas a Tree type that doesn't understand your program will not help there.
Your AST doesn't look very complicated, so writing utility functions for it should not be hard. Take this one for example:
foldASTNode :: (r -> [r] -> r) -> (String -> r) -> (Float -> r) -> r
foldASTNode app sym num node =
case node of
Application f args -> app (subfold f) (map subfold args)
Symbol str -> sym str
Number n -> num n
where subfold = foldASTNode app sym num
And in any case, what sort of Functor do you wish to have on your AST? There's no type parameter on it...
