Latex-url link manipulating - url

I am trying to insert a link like this: to my document using latex.
I tried this line of code:
\href{}{\textit{\textbf{\underline{Something Linky}}}
And it produced an error.
Any help?

You are missing one closing } at the end:
\href{}{\textit{\textbf{\underline{Something Linky}}}}


Is there a way to make the a glossary entry clickable?

I'm making a glossary using the package \usepackage{glossaries}. This works fine but I have a slight problem.
I would like to make the word I call from the glossary (with \gls(a_word)) clickable, so the reader is automatically taken to the glossary entry that match the word he clicked on.
So far, I tried to use hyperlinks, without any success, and I couldn't find a similar problem on Internet nor on SO.
I hope you will be able to help me out with this!
Thanks by advance
Edit: Here's the code I'm using
In glossary:
\setglossarypreamble{Source is INSEE}
description={The description of what AAV is.}
In document:
sometextsometext (see \Gls{AAV}). Sometextsometext
If you load the hyperref package, the abbreviation will automatically be clickable:
\setglossarypreamble{Source is INSEE}
description={The description of what AAV is.}
sometextsometext (see \Gls{AAV}). Sometextsometext

How can i use special characters (ä,ü..) in LaTeX package qrcode

Code with Vcard informations in it. How can i use sepcial german characters like ä,ü, and so on. My file is saved under utf-8 encoding. This minimal example gives error.
FN:Dr. Jon Do\?
ORG:Firma; Überirdische Firma\?
I could solve the problem. But i do not know why it works..
Adding this line VERSION:3.0\? fixed the problem.

Latex Commands with URL

I am having trouble adding a URL to the Linkedin command. I want it to essentially print the Linkedin logo, text that I want to be explicitly seen, and a URL that the user will be redirected to upon clicking it. Below is the current .cls file.
.cls file:
\newcommand{\printinfo}[2]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}#2\hspace{2em}}}
I tried turning the last line into the following:
However, upon doing so, I get the following errors:
! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.91 ...{\printinfo{\linkedinsymbol}{#1}}{\url{#2}
! Undefined control sequence.
\hyper#linkurl ...tionraw >>}\relax \Hy#colorlink
\#urlcolor #1\Hy#xspace#en...
l.91 ...{\printinfo{\linkedinsymbol}{#1}}{\url{#2}
! Undefined control sequence.
\close#pdflink ->\Hy#endcolorlink
\Hy#VerboseLinkStop \pdfendlink
l.91 ...{\printinfo{\linkedinsymbol}{#1}}{\url{#2}
Minimum Reproducible Example:
.cls file:
\ProvidesClass{altacv}[2018/07/27 AltaCV v1.1.4, yet another alternative class for a résumé/curriculum vitae.]
\msg_redirect_name:nnn { fontspec } { font-not-found } { none }
\newcommand{\printinfo}[2]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}#2\hspace{2em}}}
Here is the code that ended up working for my scenario:
% \newcommand{\printinfo}[2]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}#2\hspace{2em}}}
\newcommand{\weblinks}[3]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}{\href{#2}{#3}}\hspace{2em}}}
% \newcommand{\linkedin}[2]{\printinfo{\linkedinsymbol}{#1}{\url{#2}}}
This minimal example works for me:
\newcommand{\printinfo}[2]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}#2\hspace{2em}}}
At least it produces some output... I don't know what exactly you expect, but you can probably take it from here.

Custom caption prefix

When using:
The caption will say: Listing x: foo. How can I replace the word Listing with something else?
If you are using minted (I am, and my source looks like yours), you may want to try
\renewcommand{\listingscaption}{Some fancy listing}
You might want to read the manual
page 32
\begin{listing}[caption=Some fancy listing]
or try
\begin{listing}[title=Some fancy listing]
or try
\renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{A funny listing}
Minimal example that works for me:
Some text.
Some more text.

LaTeX lstlisting underlined

Is there an easy way to have the complete code in a lstlisting environment underlined?
My current solution looks like this, but I'm not really happy with it.
$\ul{if(gt(x1, 0)) then} $
Thanks for any tips.
According to page 5 in the user guide (found here):
If you want to underline the entire line (and not only the keywords), the best solution I can come up with is to do something along the lines below:
\newcommand{\lstul}[1]{\underline{\mbox{\tt #1}}}
$\lstul{if condition}$
$\lstul{statement 1}$
$\lstul{statement 2}$
