LaTeX lstlisting underlined - latex

Is there an easy way to have the complete code in a lstlisting environment underlined?
My current solution looks like this, but I'm not really happy with it.
$\ul{if(gt(x1, 0)) then} $
Thanks for any tips.

According to page 5 in the user guide (found here):

If you want to underline the entire line (and not only the keywords), the best solution I can come up with is to do something along the lines below:
\newcommand{\lstul}[1]{\underline{\mbox{\tt #1}}}
$\lstul{if condition}$
$\lstul{statement 1}$
$\lstul{statement 2}$


Latex-url link manipulating

I am trying to insert a link like this: to my document using latex.
I tried this line of code:
\href{}{\textit{\textbf{\underline{Something Linky}}}
And it produced an error.
Any help?
You are missing one closing } at the end:
\href{}{\textit{\textbf{\underline{Something Linky}}}}

Unsuccessful changing 'Chapter' to 'Annex'

I am trying to change the title 'Chapter' in appendices into 'Annex' but am unable to do so. I looked up and found the solution as
but this does not solve my problem and the title still shows as 'Chapter'.
My guess is it might be because I have changed the titleformat of the chapters (or it might not be because of it....)
If someone could help me with the issue. My code in the preamble looks like:
{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries\center}{Chapter \thechapter}{0.3em}{\LARGE}
All contents that matters.....
\chapter{Some Annex}
The problem is that you hardcoded the word Chapter here:
{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries\center}{Chapter \thechapter}{0.3em}{\LARGE}
To use the right word, regardless of whether you're in the main content or in the appendices, use \chaptertitlename as documented in the titlesec package documentation (page 4):
It defaults to \chaptername except in appendices where it is \appendixname. Use it instead of \chaptername when defining a chapter.
Remember to add {} to make the trailing space significant:
{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries\center}{\chaptertitlename{} \thechapter}{0.3em}{\LARGE}

Custom caption prefix

When using:
The caption will say: Listing x: foo. How can I replace the word Listing with something else?
If you are using minted (I am, and my source looks like yours), you may want to try
\renewcommand{\listingscaption}{Some fancy listing}
You might want to read the manual
page 32
\begin{listing}[caption=Some fancy listing]
or try
\begin{listing}[title=Some fancy listing]
or try
\renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{A funny listing}
Minimal example that works for me:
Some text.
Some more text.

Problem creating a lstnewenvironment that starts/ends another environment

I am currently using Beamer and the listing package to pretty-print code into Beamer blocks. So what I'm doing looks like :
int foobar(void) { return 0; }
Now, I find it cumbersome to start the block and lstlisting environments everytime. I'd like to have a simple codeblock environment that just does it:
int foobar(void) { return 0; }
So, I tried something like :
But unfortunately, the Beamer document no longer compiles, with the following error:
! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text>
l.178 \end{frame}
Is there some way to do this ?
In Problem with creating a newenvironment in LaTeX, Andreas Grech had the same problem, but it could solve it since there was another way to enter/exit the enclosing environment. But in the case of the block Beamer environment, it seems there is no other way than doing \begin{block}...\end{block}.
I had the same problem and could not find a solution for it. My workaround was to use the \lstinputlisting command and have the code in a separate file. That's great if you have real code you want to include. Not so for small examples.
Another workaround is to put the code snipplet into a variable before starting the {frame} environment and then reference it. How to do this is explained in latex-beamer docs. It would also allow you to employ your custom environment/command.
I "solved" this by using the fancyvrb package's \VerbatimOut(See write environmnet body verbatim to a file) to create a temporary file which then can be included with lstinputlisting:
For some reason i could not make the environment-argument optional, though.
Used like this:
\begin{blocklisting}{language=Java, basicstyle=\Huge}
Code 2
Not the optimal solution, but it works, i guess.

Latex new command

I would like to define a new command like this
\newcommand{\bob}[1]{\excerpt \begin{lstlisting} {#1} \end{lstlisting}}
and then use it like this
but i get the following error in latex.
text dropped after begin of listing latex
I tried the following
\newcommand{\boy}[1] {{%
\begin{Verbatim} %
{ #1 } %
\end{Verbatim} }}
And I still get an error when I try to use it.
Perhaps you are looking for the \newenvironment macro.
In this case you would use it like this
\excerpt \begin{lstlisting}}{%
and later
The {listing} environment is special and magical; it can't be used inside a command like that. Changing to a \newenvironment setup as described by dmckee should work. If you can't make that work, check out the fancyvrb package.
Try the lstnewenvironment of the listings package.
