Can I define new mustache template variables in swagger-codegen? - swagger

I have developed a rest-api client (in java) customised to the needs of my product. I wanted to generate tests using my rest api client using swagger-codegen modules based on yaml-file.
I have already extended DefaultCodegenConfig & even tried implementing the CodegenConfig interface to build my custom jar. I have customized the api.mustache and api_test.mustache files and passing them in the constructor and processOpts() method of my CustomCodeGen that extends DefaultCodegenConfig.
However, I want to use the custom/new mustache template variables that I have added in my customised api.mustache.
For e.g. if refer to standard api.mustache, the template variables it typically uses are
- {{classname}}
- {{#operation}}
- {{#contents}}
- {{#parameters}}
Now, I want to introduce a new template variable, let's say {{custom_param}}. Now I am not clear how do I integrate this new template variable with the implementation.
Looks like from this Mustache-Template-Variables published here, swagger-codegen does not allow adding new template-variables and perhaps we are restricted to only the variables mentioned on this page.
So, is there some way to make the new template variables work ?

Some time ago I added the uniqueItems parameter for bean validation as it was not getting processed by the engine even though it was a part of the implemented JSR.
So I believe codebase needs to be updated to use your own variable which is only possible if you fork the code.
In case it helps, these two were the PRs:
For query parameters:
For body parameters:


VS2019 custom template - parent variable prefix (ext_) not working

I am trying to create a custom template for VS2019 comprised of multiple projects (based on this guide), and I'm having problems with the references.
My solution is based on the classic 3-tier architecture (data/business/ui), so when I create a new solution - call it "MySolution", I get "MySolution.Data", "MySolution.Business" and "MySolution.UI" - all good. I need the business layer to have a reference to the data layer - however, using the $ext_safeprojectname$ variable just gives me an unresolved reference in the projects node of my dependencies to "$ext_safeprojectname$.Data"
Other variables seem to work fine - for example, if I use $safeprojectname$, I get "MySolution.Business.Data" in my reference - correct parsing of the variable, for the business layer project, but not the desired result.
Has the ext_ prefix been replaced? I cannot seem to find any documentation for this anywhere.
I was able to solve it after commenting on your question. I was missing the CopyParameters=true attribute for ProjectTemplateLink element in the .vstemplate file. It is mentioned as a tip on Create a multi-project template from an existing solution. My ext_ variables were replaced once I did this. Your ProjectTemplateLink element should look something like below:
<ProjectTemplateLink ProjectName="MyProject" CopyParameters="true">...</ProjectTemplateLink>

Swagger identifies rare endpoints in REST API

Some days ago I started a REST API in JavaEE 7, I implemented a single class with three methods and implemented succesfully Swagger and Swagger-UI in the project, which showed the three endpoints I implemented succesfully in the generated JSON.
However, I migrated to JavaEE 8, and after this change Swagger detects several unknown endpoints, like the "default" ones (this capture shows only part of all of them):
Investigating a bit I discovered that these endpoints may belong to a JPA REST API in Eclipselink implementation, as described here and here
Despite they appear in the generated JSON, all of them contain variable paths, so I can't access them following the path given by Swagger, even inventing some parameters like "version" using the webs above examples.
The Swagger version I use is v3, aka OpenAPI version. I specify OpenAPI properties with #OpenAPIDefinition in the endpoint class, which also contains a #Tag annotation to group them and the three methods contain #Operation tag with their own #ApiResponse. There is no more Swagger/OpenAPI annotations/files/classes written by me.
The question is, how can I make Swagger ignoring these endpoints?
Finally I have found a solution. The case is that Swagger scanner engine scans the whole project, ignoring if the class and his methods have #Operation or not. If my hypothesis is true, some Eclipselink classes could have Swagger annotations (I'm not sure), so when Swagger scans, if finds them and add them to the JSON/YAML.
The solution is creating/adding to the existant openapi.yaml (it can have several names and can be in several locations, as enumerated here: this:
prettyPrint: true
cacheTTL: 0 
scannerClass: io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.integration.JaxrsAnnotationScanner
readAllResources: false
Instead of resourceClasses it can be written resourcePackages, and then it should be specified the whole package and the class in the same style as used to specify the package. To be honest, this property does not affect to my problem.
The solution comes on setting readAllResources to false. The reason is here, in a note:
Note: swagger-jaxrs2 reader engine includes by default also methods of scanned resources which are not annotated with #Operation, as long as a jax-rs #Path is defined at class and/or method level, together with the http method annotation (#GET, #POST, etc).
I hope this solution serves for anyone if he/she has to face the same problem.

Dynamic Controller Plugin for grails

I'am new to grails, I wanted to make use of Dynamic Controller Plugin ( in my project.
I am using grails version 3.2.11
I've added the dependency as directed on the page. It downloads the dependency in the form of zip, I can see it in External libraries. But when I am trying to import two classes (as directed on Linking to existing Controller Actions
import com.burtbeckwith.grails.plugins.dynamiccontroller.ControllerClosureSource
import com.burtbeckwith.grails.plugins.dynamiccontroller.DynamicControllerManager
it gives " unable to resolve class" error. Please suggest what am I doing wrong here. Thanks!
You're trying to install a Grails 2 plugin in a Grails 3+ app, but that's not possible since they're not compatible. Grails 2 plugins must be upgraded and reworked to be used in Grails 3, and there's no plan to do so for this plugin.
I would say take a look at the URL Mappings & Embedded variables in the grails documentation.
For example:
static mappings = {
"/blog/$topic"(controller: "blog")
which gives you a feeling like you are dynamically declaring actions.
And the topic variable is accessible through GrailsParameterMap params object # controller.
With this you can construct url like:
Edit: you can also take a look at Dynamic Controller and Action Names []

Creating macros using DWScript

I read this paragraph from the Delphi Tools Site
Changes since the last SVN update are:
Added support for FreePascal-like compile-time $INCLUDE “macros”:
%FILE% and %LINE% insert the current filename and line number into the source
%FUNCTION% inserts the current function name, or class.method name into the source
%DATE% and %TIME% allow inserting the compile date/time
Is there a way we can define macros in DWScript (other than these functions) just like people define macors in excel (using VBscript) in a simple way, where the name of the script will be the name of the function that will be used later, without adding {$Include XXX} in the executed script?
N.B.: I konw this can be done by managing the written script to be saved in a certain file called functions for ex. then save the added function with its name to be used (Add), then the user will write Add(1,2) to get the result; but my boss at work wants it to be something that looks like vbscript in excel.
I'm not sure to understand the question, so I'll list various answers to various possible interpretations...
If you want to declare functions that are implicitly supported by the scripting engine without having to "{$include}" or "uses" them, you can declare them via a TdwsUnit component, and attach it to the script component. If you don't have the "coExplicitUses" option set, they'll be available automatically, and you get design-time support in the IDE.
If you want to add internal functions (that are always there), use one of the RegisterInternalFunction overloads, you can check any of the "dwsXxxxFunctions.pas" units for examples. That's potentially more efficient, but also more cumbersome.
If you want to pre-process custom source-level macros in the source code (ala C's macros), you can use the filters functionality (check the HTML or JS filters as example of how a filter can be implemented).
If you want to react dynamically to "unknown" names, so you can declare them on the spot or bind them to something dynamically, you can use TdwsLanguageExtension.FindUnknownName, that's how the RTTI environment works f.i. (see TRTTIEnvironment in dwsRTTIConnector).
If you want to parse completely custom areas of code in a completely custom way, you can use language extensions too, override ReadInstr and check how asmLib & the JSLibModule do it to support "asm".

Scaffolding Web Services in Grails

I need to implement a web app, but instead of using relational database I need to use different SOAP Web Services as a back-end. An important part of application only calls web services and displays the result. Since Web Services are clearly defined in form of Operation: In parameters and Return Type it seems to me that basic GUI could be easily constructed just like in the case of scaffolding based on Domain Entities.
For example in case of SearchProducts web service operation I need to enter search parameters as input, so the search page can be constructed. Operation will return a list of products, so I need a page that will display this list in some kind of table.
Is there already some library in grails that let you achieve this. If not, how would you go about creating one?
Probably the easiest approach is to use wsimport on the WSDL files to generate the client-side stubs. Then you can call methods in the stubs from Groovy just as you would have called them from Java.
For example, consider the WSDL file for Microsoft's TerraServer, located at . Then you run something like
wsimport -d src -keep
which puts all the compiled stubs in the src directory. Then you can write Groovy code like
import com.terraserver_usa.terraserver.*;
TerraServiceSoap sei = new TerraService().getTerraServiceSoap()
Place home = new Place(city:'Boston',state:'MA',country:'US')
def pt = sei.convertPlaceToLonLatPt(home)
println "$, $pt.lon"
assert Math.abs( - 42.360000) < 0.001
assert Math.abs(pt.lon - -71.05000) < 0.001
If you want to access a lot of web services, generate the stubs for all of them. Or you can use dynamic proxies instead.
The bottom line, though, is to let Java do what it already does well, and use Groovy where it makes your life easier.
You should be able to use XFire or CXF Plugins. For automatic scaffolding, modify your Controller.groovy template in scaffolding templates so it auto-generates methods you need.
