VS2019 custom template - parent variable prefix (ext_) not working - visual-studio-2019

I am trying to create a custom template for VS2019 comprised of multiple projects (based on this guide), and I'm having problems with the references.
My solution is based on the classic 3-tier architecture (data/business/ui), so when I create a new solution - call it "MySolution", I get "MySolution.Data", "MySolution.Business" and "MySolution.UI" - all good. I need the business layer to have a reference to the data layer - however, using the $ext_safeprojectname$ variable just gives me an unresolved reference in the projects node of my dependencies to "$ext_safeprojectname$.Data"
Other variables seem to work fine - for example, if I use $safeprojectname$, I get "MySolution.Business.Data" in my reference - correct parsing of the variable, for the business layer project, but not the desired result.
Has the ext_ prefix been replaced? I cannot seem to find any documentation for this anywhere.

I was able to solve it after commenting on your question. I was missing the CopyParameters=true attribute for ProjectTemplateLink element in the .vstemplate file. It is mentioned as a tip on Create a multi-project template from an existing solution. My ext_ variables were replaced once I did this. Your ProjectTemplateLink element should look something like below:
<ProjectTemplateLink ProjectName="MyProject" CopyParameters="true">...</ProjectTemplateLink>


Can I define new mustache template variables in swagger-codegen?

I have developed a rest-api client (in java) customised to the needs of my product. I wanted to generate tests using my rest api client using swagger-codegen modules based on yaml-file.
I have already extended DefaultCodegenConfig & even tried implementing the CodegenConfig interface to build my custom jar. I have customized the api.mustache and api_test.mustache files and passing them in the constructor and processOpts() method of my CustomCodeGen that extends DefaultCodegenConfig.
However, I want to use the custom/new mustache template variables that I have added in my customised api.mustache.
For e.g. if refer to standard api.mustache, the template variables it typically uses are
- {{classname}}
- {{#operation}}
- {{#contents}}
- {{#parameters}}
Now, I want to introduce a new template variable, let's say {{custom_param}}. Now I am not clear how do I integrate this new template variable with the implementation.
Looks like from this Mustache-Template-Variables published here, swagger-codegen does not allow adding new template-variables and perhaps we are restricted to only the variables mentioned on this page.
So, is there some way to make the new template variables work ?
Some time ago I added the uniqueItems parameter for bean validation as it was not getting processed by the engine even though it was a part of the implemented JSR.
So I believe codebase needs to be updated to use your own variable which is only possible if you fork the code.
In case it helps, these two were the PRs:
For query parameters: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/pull/10154.
For body parameters: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/pull/10490.

Using Strongly Typed models in Umbraco 7.6.9?

I have tried looking into using Strongly Typed models (setting Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.ModelsMode to either AppData or Dll) for a while now, and I never fully understood how it works.
I already changed the Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.ModelsMode value and I generated the models inside the backoffice ModelsBuilder, then I included the App_Data\Models into Visual Studio, but what then?
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage<ContentModels.Home>
#using Our.Umbraco.Vorto.Models;
#using Our.Umbraco.Vorto.Extensions;
#using ContentModels = Umbraco.Web.PublishedContentModels;
This is the code for my Home view. No matter what I try, I cannot access the #Model.PROPERTY or #CurrentPage.PROPERTY from my content. I can see the different properties inside my MODEL.generated.cs files.
What steps do I need to take, in order to do things like #Model.PROPERTY?
Okay, so it seems like there has been some changes in the newest 7.6.9 release (or maybe 7.6.8). This is what I had to do now:
<add key="Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.Enable" value="true" />
<add key="Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.ModelsMode" value="Dll" />
Then I can go into the backoffice and generate the models. The models are included into the project (location: ~\App_Data\Models\). Umbraco.Web.PublishedContentModels.dll from the ~\bin\ folder has to be included as well.
Then, because of .NET Core I think, I got an error when I tried loading my application saying this:
More than one type want to be a modle for content type File
This was caused because I had included everything inside ~\bin\, which means I had also included my Project.dll, Project.dll.config, and Project.pdb files. The Project.dll file also includes the same models, apparently, so I had to exclude those 3 files.
Now it simply works and I can now do #Model.Content.PROPERTY flawlessly.
You're not talking about "Dynamic" models, but Strongly Typed Models generated by Models Builder. By default Umbraco ships with PureLive setting which is keeping models in memory and generates them on the fly. It can be considered as "dynamic".
The tool and it's behaviour is well documented here: https://github.com/zpqrtbnk/Zbu.ModelsBuilder/wiki
Regarding modes of it, you can find all about it exactly in this place: https://github.com/zpqrtbnk/Zbu.ModelsBuilder/wiki/Builder-Modes
But answering your question - after you've changed the configuration, you need to compile your application as you need to keep those classes inside the DLL with which you're shipping your website. You're also able to regenerate models straight from your Developer's dashboard in Umbraco Backoffice.
You need to remember that if you would like to use DLL, LiveDLL or PureLive configuration - you need to get rid of classes generated inside your AppData or any other directory used with this mode as you'll experience errors saying about 'More that one type want to be a model for content type File'.
After that you should be able to access all properties of the document type via Model.Content.PropertyAlias. You probably missed the Content object, which is the strongly typed, IPublishedContent representation of you document.
Hope it will help you to make it work :)

How to add custom fields in ZFC-user module for zend 2 without doctrine?

I have tried using creating a different module and attaching the ZfcUser\Form\Register over init method. But it wasn't working.
I want to add few custom fields, with changing any thing in the vendor dir, as is it not a good practice. I also tried using user_entity_class ,creating a custom 'User' class, but it was creating some route issue in other modules, with zfc-user , I'm also using zfc-admin and zfc-adminuser, the error was coming in zfc-adminuser, Couldn't found the class was the error.
Thanks in advance.
Well there are some issue regarding the overriding of the module ZFC-User, But still you can overwrite it manually.
One way I have used is a bit old fashioned but working. What I have done is I have copied complete module the to module folder. Then pointing the form towards to my module where the changes are required, rest all are pointed to default.With this you can update your module. Make sure you point the user_entity_class to your module something like this:
'user_entity_class' => 'MyZfcUser\Entity\User',
you can find this in config\autoload\zfcuser.global.php

Zend Framework 2 Hierarchy Semantics?

I've been searching and trying to learn for ages but it just doesn't stick. There seems to be only 1 tutorial on Zend 2, and it's not very smart. Here we have a sample structure (and the tutorial proceeds with this application) http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.0/en/user-guide/modules.html :
That's not cool - how do I know which album is which? In Zend 1 it made a lot of sense - you have modules, then you have controllers, and those controllers have actions.
Now I have a module called Album. is the src/Album/... a "single controller"? Would:
zend1application/modules/album/albumcontroller.php map to zend2application/modules/album/src/album/controller/albumcontroller.php? In that case, why are there 3 albums now? Like what happens if I change albumcontroller.php to indexcontroller.php? (I have been testing but there are so many changes it never sticks - I finally thought I should ask someone and if I know why I'll remember.
If I look at it a different way it seems the Album in module/Album and module/Album/src/Album should be the same - then why would we have it twice? Doesn't that just make room for error? Like why have a src/album folder? Why not put Controller, Form, and Model under module/Album?
Why is there a folder called Controller? There used to be a folder called controllers (plural, why singular now?) in a module before, that makes sense. But why is/are controller(s) inside a src/Album folder now?
Thank you for your time. I have tried to research but I think it's just too big absorb when (in my opinion) it seems so sparsely documented. Or, if someone could point me to a book like http://survivethedeepend.com/ but for ZF2, it'd be greatly apprecated.
Zend Framework 2 follows PHPfigs PSR-0 Standards. This means that the directory structure directly relates to the classname. But before i come close to that, let me explain the basic architecture.
First you have the ModuleNAME. Since the Module name needs to be unique, it only makes sense to map the Modulename to the Namespace of your model.
Inside the modules folder you have three sub-folders. One folder for configuration items named config. One folder for source-code files named src and one additional folder for the view files view
This separation is simply for overview. You separate configuration, view and sourcecode from another. It makes no sense to bunch them together and i guess you'd agree. This pretty much has been the same for ZF1, too.
The interesting part is the source-folder src. Earlier i mentioned about the PSR-0 Standard. And this is the place where it comes into effect. By default the source-files for each module will be looked upon from the source-folder src. So whenever you have a class, it will be using PSR-0 Standards based off of the source-folder. Mewning: My\Funky\Class would be found within src\My\Funky\Class.php
And that's basically all there is to it. Controllers usually have a FQCN like Mymodule\Controller\SomeController so you will find this class inside src\Mymodule\Controller\SomeController.php
The main question arising could be: Why are the folders sometimes all lowercase and sometimes ucfirst. The answer, once again, is PSR-Standards. Classnames and/or Namespaces are supposed to begin with an upperchar character. And since path-names are case-sensitive, the folders need to match the classnames exactly!
EDIT Another nice read i've just stumbled upon is Rob Allens latest blogpost: Thoughts on module directory structure. He explains how you can change the default setup quite easily to your likings.

Content Processor Parameters in XNA 4 - what is missing?

I have a content processor in my XNA project and I would like to add a couple of parameters so I can control its behaviour for certain files in Visual Studio.
I follow the second section of this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb975253.aspx, which is the same info as on many other sites, however when I try to specify a property as a parameter I get "type or namespace cannot be found" for the three attributes.
Its probably something like a missing 'using' statement but without a working example project I can't find out what/where the namespace is.
You can find these classes in the System.ComponentModel assembly/namespace. For example, here's the MSDN documentation for the DisplayNameAttribute
