Google sheets formula to add order quantities over several sheets - google-sheets

here is a link to my google sheet for reference: []
What I am trying to do is in the "Clients" sheet there is the column "Orders". Here I want a count of all the times that "Client ID" has been used across all the other pages. Any tips on what formula to use? Thanks

I would use:
={"Orders";ArrayFormula(IF(A2:A="","",COUNTIF({Jun!B:B;July!B:B;August!B:B;Sept!B:B}, A2:A)))}

from what i saw you only needed to add the ARRAYFORMULA to your formula, it should end up like this: =ArrayFormula(COUNTIF({Jun!B:B;July!B:B;August!B:B;Sept!B:B},A2)).
But, even after adding it, to me at least, the results didn't change. Could you verify and make sure there's a problem with the results the SUMIFS is giving you?
If you find anything that's broken I'll try and help.


proportion formula google sheets

im am still doing my google sheets test and need help finding the answer to the question: what proportion of products are discontinued. i have to express my answer in a formula on google sheets
you can find the link to the data stack here:
products list:
my idea was to count the 0 in the column J(discontinued) with the formula: =Countif(J2:J78,"0"). in the next step i would have to show a proportionality and i have no clue how i am supposed to do that. could anyone tell me if the first step is correct and how i should go about the proportionality?
thank you!!
You can also use the formula PERCENTIF:
Returns the percentage of a range that meets a condition.
PERCENTIF(range, criterion)
In this case if you want to know the percentage of 0 this would be:
You do not need any formula, just build a pivot table

Google Sheets ImportXML Split Definitions

I made a Google Sheets Dictionary for my ESL students. My issue is when the sheet is pulling multiple definitions. I would like it to only pull the first/top definition from the site. I know there is a way to fix this but can't seem to figure it out.
"//ul[#class='o_list verdana_font']")
or if you want just first one try:
"//span[#class='def_text']"), 1, 1)

Google Sheets Query/ImportRange formula - not giving me #REF so I can connect to the worksheet?

I'm collecting vaccine information for the teachers in our school and because of privacy, teachers can only see their own staff's information. Therefore, I've created a worksheet for each teacher with their staff listed. A form went out to collect the data from staff members. I am trying to use the following formula to pull the data from the form responses into the teacher's spreadsheet, and it works in some spreadsheets but not others. I'm not getting the #REF to click on and connect the sheets. I think that's the issue. Has any seen this and/or know how to resolve? I feel like I'm missing something simple.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($B2:$B,IMPORTRANGE("1bQnPrmZwqQnziVsCktNE7hDNhMmzIbxqcZNDrXF716o","Form Responses 1!A1:J"),5,FALSE),"")
This works in one of the teacher's worksheets. The exact same formula does not work in the next teacher's worksheet. It doesn't throw any errors - just leaves blank data in the cell.
I'm in a time crunch here and any help is appreciated! Thank you!
before an IMPORTRANGE() will work nested in a formula it has to be "connected". The only way to prompt that #ref error and establish the "access" is to use the IMPORTRANGE() once first "Naked". That is, not nested in another function.
so just pick a new cell somewhere and try just a single IMPORTRANGE() of any particular cell. Then you'll be prompted to "allow access". Once you click allow, the other functions using IMPORTRANGE should work.

Google Sheets: Is it possible to simplify this formula? Preferably, I'd like it to calculate all the cells in the row

Can the following formula be simplified as described in the paragraph below it?
The problem is that I don't know how many columns I'm going to end up with, and I certainly don't want to continue manually writing each column into the formula. Is there I way to simplify this formula so that every column in a row is calculated?
I've been trying various formulas to no avail, and I can't get usable results via Google searches. I suppose I don't know how to effectively word the question without writing a paragraph.
Thanks, in advance!
Try this one:

How to show duplicates on 2 google sheets at the same time?

This conditional format command shows duplictes on the Sheet1 perfectly:
Appliy to range A:A
Is it possible make it work with Sheet2 at the same time. I've read that INDIRECT could help but I don't understand how to do that.
I tried this with no luck:
If you want it to check both sheets for duplicates, you can still use almost the same formula, but you have to put the references into an Indirect statement:
as mentioned in the documentation
