How to automate splitting google sheet columns when Jira Cloud data is imported - google-sheets

I am attempting to fully automate a data pull from Jira into Google Sheets using the Jira cloud add-on for Google Sheets.
I am having trouble as when doing a Jira cloud pull, it creates a column in the sheet for each "value" you are pulling out of Jira.
I want to:
place a formula on a particular column that will always be the same data, but often includes data separated by semi-colons.
have the data in specific columns automatically split into 2 columns next to each other when the scheduled weekly job runs to pull the data.
I am unsure how to do this as the data pulled overwrites the entire sheet (including removal of an additional column since the import didn't have that extra value/column when pulling the data).
You can have conditional formatting in place and it is not overwritten by the data import, but if you were to have a formula typed into a specific cell it is overwritten by the data in the import.


Pushing Monday data to Google Sheets via Zapier

I have a CRM board in which has contact details for my suppliers. I would like to create a Zapp that pushes the data of this CRM to a Google Sheets file. After the initial push, I want it to always be in sync so if any new items are created in the CRM or existing ones updated, Google Sheets rows update to reflect this.
How can I do this? In the below, I am not sure which accomplishes first A) the initial push of all the data in the board (given that the Google Sheet is empty now) and then B) the continual update + sync.
I can find lots of material online on pushing data from Gsheets to Monday but not as much for the vice versa.

How looks like the log of a google sheets sourced table update in BigQuery?

I have several tables in BigQuery that are sourced from Google Sheets tables. When the Google Sheets table is updated then automatically the table in BigQuery is also updated. I am trying to understand how the log of this event looks like in the Operations Logging. My end idea is to create a sink of theses logs in order to create a Pub/Sub and run scheduled queries based on these events.
Thank you
When you use external Table (Google sheet or other) the data are never stored in BigQuery native storage. It's always external.
Therefore, when you update your Google Sheet, nothing happens in BigQuery. It's only when you query the data, you will read (again) the sheet document and get the latest data.
Therefore, there is no insert log that you can track when you update the data in Google Sheet. The only log that you have is when you perform a request in BigQuery to read the data (external or not), as mentioned by Sakshi.
When the external data source(Google Sheet or other) is updated and the BigQuery table associated with it is queried, BigQuery initiates an insert job which is visible in Cloud Logging.
You can find this log by applying filter resource type as BigQuery Project in Cloud Logging console, ie. you will see protoPayload.methodName set to
For more information on BigQuery Logs you can refer to this documentation.

Google Data Prep - cannot import table from BigQuery (created from Google Sheets) "Nothing found"

I created one table in BigQuery from Google Sheets, when I tried importing it in Cloud Data Prep it says that there are no tables in the dataset.
I'm not sure whether it's an issue with the Google sheet integration, because when I check the details of the table it says there are 0 rows even though there are 3 rows (it's test data).
I already tried giving Cloud Data Prep viewer permission for both the dataset and the project and nothing changes.
Print screens:
Data Prep
BigQuery table info
BigQuery entries
Well apparently when you create a table from google sheets it is not recognized as an actual table, so I made a query to replicate it to a second table and it works!

Publishing sheets results in all errors

I have a roster style spreadsheet from which I want to publish a few pages. I can publish most of the pages fine, but I'm having trouble with displaying the values in a few.
I've created a sheet that takes today's date and populates with the values from another sheet with today's date in its title. That way when I publish this particular sheet it will change every week, without the need to re-publish a different sheet every Monday.
The thing is, when I do publish these individual sheets every week there's no issue; but when I try and publish this automatically updating one every cell with values just contains #VALUE!, with a couple of #REF! errors.
This doesn't make sense to me, as they contain the same values. The only difference is that one has values that populate from other sheets (but even the ones that are working have some cells that update from other sheets, and they work fine!)
EDIT: When using ImportRange() to try and port the data to another sheet a few cells display: the ones only locally referencing this particular sheet, and not calling information from elsewhere.

Monitoring a google sheet for changes and validating data

Problem: Write a program that creates a spreadsheet and constantly monitors it for changes. Any row that contains "invalid data" (according to a rule defined by a regex) in one of the columns should be deleted. For example, lets say that column A must be a valid date, while all the other columns can hold arbitrary data. Then, if someone enters an invalid date into cell A5, all the data in row 5 should be removed.
Attempted solution:
The program will have to deal with a lot of data, so when i am monitoring the sheet, i would like to obtain changes made to the spreadsheet as just the change. That is, i dont want to have to request the entire spreadsheet of data every time an edit is made. The only way that i have found to obtain only edits is through google apps script, but i have not found a way to create a spreadsheet along with an apps script bound to it. Is this possible through google apis, or is there a better way to tackle this problem?
I also looked into data validations as a possible solution, but I cannot find a setting that deletes an entire row when one specific column is invalid.
