Pushing Monday data to Google Sheets via Zapier - zapier

I have a CRM board in Monday.com which has contact details for my suppliers. I would like to create a Zapp that pushes the data of this CRM to a Google Sheets file. After the initial push, I want it to always be in sync so if any new items are created in the CRM or existing ones updated, Google Sheets rows update to reflect this.
How can I do this? In the below, I am not sure which accomplishes first A) the initial push of all the data in the board (given that the Google Sheet is empty now) and then B) the continual update + sync.
I can find lots of material online on pushing data from Gsheets to Monday but not as much for the vice versa.


APPSHEET move entire data to first row when data is updated/added

In my google sheet, I created a script that everytime a new data added or edited it will automically move it to the first row in my google sheet. What I want is when everytime I update a data or add a new data using the Appsheet, it will also automatically move it to the first row in my google sheet data
It's common when people are first starting to integrate AppSheet into their workflows, that they still rely on their spreadsheet as their primary interface.
You might consider changing where you're doing the bulk of your user interaction, changing it from the spreadsheet into AppSheet itself.
Inside AppSheet, you can easily sort the views of your sheet, basing everything off of a timestamp - so the most recently updated record is always visible at the top of the table
Doing it this way means you're just displaying your data, you're not actually modifying the data.

How to automate splitting google sheet columns when Jira Cloud data is imported

I am attempting to fully automate a data pull from Jira into Google Sheets using the Jira cloud add-on for Google Sheets.
I am having trouble as when doing a Jira cloud pull, it creates a column in the sheet for each "value" you are pulling out of Jira.
I want to:
place a formula on a particular column that will always be the same data, but often includes data separated by semi-colons.
have the data in specific columns automatically split into 2 columns next to each other when the scheduled weekly job runs to pull the data.
I am unsure how to do this as the data pulled overwrites the entire sheet (including removal of an additional column since the import didn't have that extra value/column when pulling the data).
You can have conditional formatting in place and it is not overwritten by the data import, but if you were to have a formula typed into a specific cell it is overwritten by the data in the import.

Sharing a created Google form with linked sheet for others to use

I have created several systems with Google Forms (and linked sheets) to log services provided and timekeeping. I would like to share these systems with other people to use as a template for their own data. Is there a way to easily do this keeping my formula's intact?
Successfully: I have found a way to share the form only as a template by copying the URL into an emailed hyperlink changing the ending from edit to copy.
Cumbersome but ok Migrant Service Log: This method does not seem to work entirely for spreadsheets. It still asks me to give them access to the original document. I can set access on the original to view only and limit the time to one day.
Unsuccessful Clock In/Out: The new "copy" of the spreadsheet is not automatically linked with new "copy" of the Forms so it does not update when a new response is added. I must link it in form. This becomes more of an issue with my sheets that have formulas based on these responses. It is now necessary for each new user to manually link and rename the sheets to make them function correctly.
Clock In/Out System (attendance purposes)
Clock In Form
Clock Out Form
MSA Sheet
Attendance Office Sheet
Migrant Service Log (team communication purposes)
Migrant Service Log Form
Migrant Service Log Sheet
I would like for them to all be user-friendly and easily shared while keeping everything confidential to the user.
if you want to keep your formulas as a secret you can set up the 2nd spreadsheet and use IMPORTRANGE formula to get data over and then just simply link the 2nd spreadsheet somewhere on the end of the form.

Google Data Prep - cannot import table from BigQuery (created from Google Sheets) "Nothing found"

I created one table in BigQuery from Google Sheets, when I tried importing it in Cloud Data Prep it says that there are no tables in the dataset.
I'm not sure whether it's an issue with the Google sheet integration, because when I check the details of the table it says there are 0 rows even though there are 3 rows (it's test data).
I already tried giving Cloud Data Prep viewer permission for both the dataset and the project and nothing changes.
Print screens:
Data Prep
BigQuery table info
BigQuery entries
Well apparently when you create a table from google sheets it is not recognized as an actual table, so I made a query to replicate it to a second table and it works!

Google Sheets: Keeping static data aligned with data returned from a query as new data is added on top

first time poster but I've been able to solve a lot of problems with through the brilliant answers this community provides to users. So, firstly, thanks!
I'm making a Job Request tracking spreadsheet as well as using a Google Form to get the input data.
Jobs fall under categories of Building, IT, Keys, Maintenance and OHS as asked in the first question of the Google Form.
Depending on which category is selected, the user will go to a different section of a form with different questions.
That's all working great.
The data for all responses is saved in the same form response sheet and then using the Query function I have 5 sheets set up, one for each category, and I'm reading the relevant data into each sheet. The data is sorted based on date and time so that the most recent entry is at the top of the sheet.
To the right of each data set on each individual sheet I want to track whether the job is Completed, Pending, Not Approved. I want to track who gave it approval, and so on.
The problem is that when new data comes into the sheet it moves to the top as it is the most recent data. But the Completed, Pending, Not Approved, and other notes will not move down the sheet with the older data.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
