Save multiple videos in custom designed layout in swift - ios

I've developed a dual camera app in ios. It has this layout. While developing, I came across the challenge of saving the video in this specific layout. I couldn't think of any other way of recording the video so I came up with the solution of recording the entire screen and save it as a video. But recently I've seen apps that do not record the screen and yet they're able to save the video in a custom layout. One example of such an app is this. Now I'm unable to figure out how to make a video and save it in custom layout without screen recording(since its not perfect solution). So any help in this regard would be appreciated.


How To Make A images/video Transition Animation Like in the kizoa App

I am working on an application using Swift.
I really worked hard to do this and I have done a major part of it.
Actually the application takes some photos and a music file and then merges them into a video that can be played at a computer or web-like photo slideshow like this Sample video
i am creating video from images using This Answer.
Everything is working fine but i needed some special animation like Halo, Like app and also Kizoa App.
I need to use convert images into video with animation. and convert into mp4 file.
P.S. : Let me know if any paid library of that
Please help

YTPlayerView Play video in full screen ipad

I am using "YTPlayerView" to play video in iOS. When I am using this in iPhone it automatically play video in full screen but when I am using same thing in the iPad it does not switch to full screen. I also tried the below parameters but no success.
NSDictionary *playerVars = #{ #"playsinline" : #0 };
[self.playerView loadWithVideoId:videoIDURL playerVars:playerVars];
We have developed a very video intensive app for both iPhone and iPad in the past, and actually had the opposite problem - we wanted to use the YTPlayerView for displaying videos inline (non-fullscreen) on both devices, but weren't able to get it done on the iPhone. We ended up using XCDYouTubeVideoPlayerViewController, which seemed to have resolved most of our issues. This is not really the recommended way to approach this, since it pretty much breaks YouTube's terms of use (it parses the html page, finds the .mp4 url, and plays it in MPMoviePlayer, which gives all all of the flexibility you need for full screen, loading times and other notifications.
Throughout the process of trying to find a way to work with YTPlayerView, I contacted engineers form Google who work on the YouTube helper framework, and they recommended to work directly with the iframe player API, which lets you customize the controls and receive events about the video. This means you'll have to use your own web view instead of the YouTube helper. The communication between the JavaScript and the Objective-C parts can be tricky (and that's what the helper library actually tries to save from the developer), but it will give you more flexibility.
This can also help with working with UIWebView to display YouTube videos: Playing YouTube Videos in a WebView Inline.
I know it's not exactly what you asked, but I hope it can help lead you in the right direction. I've had a lot of issues working with YouTube videos on iOS, so I know how frustrating it can be. Good Luck!

Trying to create an Xcode Objective-C function that records a video capture of my UIView contents and saves to phone

I'm trying to create an Xcode Objective-C function that can be called from a button tap, that will record the contents of a UIView and its subviews (or a fixed section of the screen e.g. 320x320 in the center) and then allow the user to save the video to their iPhone camera roll. I also want to include the audio that is being played by the app at the time of the recording e.g background music and sound effects.
I'm having trouble finding any info on this as their seems to be a lot of people trying to record their running app for external purposes like the app store video preview. I need my video captured within the app, to be used as an app feature.
Does anyone know if this can be done or know a website or tutorial where I can learn what's needed? Thanks
I know this post is two years old, but for anybody who comes along who might need to record their iOS app's screens and save them to the phone's camera roll or even a specific URL, take a look at
I've tried it and it works! The frames per second aren't 60 so I don't know how well it would work if you were trying to record an action game, but it's still pretty awesome.
You can't do that with just one function, check that project:

How to capture screen video in iphone?

I want to capture video from screen.
I am unable to capture video from avplayer layer. But, can record from other viewes.
Do I need to search code for OpenGLES?
You can have look at the blog.
I think it covers what you want.
Actually this blog does not use AVPlayer, but rather it uses AVAssetWriter.
Look into the comments there you can get hint using AVPlayer.
Or you can have this project, which is for recording of screen.
These two libraries are the best possible options that you can use to record video of your application screen.
Yes I'm working with the same job it comes black screen because of high frameDuration of video .But I've solved this
Don't add AVPlayer to that view. Add to another view and note the time at play and then crop the video of time that has played and after all merge with the recorded video.
I've stated it shortly but I hope you will understand.
You need to work on OpenGLES to render video layer, otherwise it will look black
I would suggest using the GPUImage framework, for a number of reasons:
It IS OpenGL but is wrapped in Objective-C, so there's no need to learn OpenGL to implement it
It is 100% App Store vetted - I have an app in the store that uses it now, as do dozens of others
There is a class named GPUImageMovie that wraps AVAssetReader for playback and another named GPUImageMovieWriter that allows you to write textures to file - these can be the same file, or separate.
There are quite a few examples available within the repository that should be pretty easy to understand...
Source Code / Git Repo
Hope that helps !
This is good for you testing you achieve that goal through this framework for screen capture. But, it can be used to record simulator only. You can't submit app to appstore using this code as it use private api.

iOS App: AVFoundation Video camera recording delegates

I am trying to develop an app that records the video using the rear camera.
I want the video to be tweaked (adding overlay image, green screen) before saving it to a file.
I am using AVFoundation, and have researched anywhere, but I still cant make the correct codes to preview and record (without the tweaking)
Some codes that Iget from the internet use BufferDelegate, the rest are using RecordingDelegate.
Do I need to use both to achieve what I want? or is it just one ofthem?
Could you please pinpoint me how I can achieve this?
