Why is [bitnami/minio] persistence.mountPath not respected? - bitnami

I'm using the bitnami/minio helm chart, and I'm trying to configure minio to write to a NFS backed PV. The path specified by persistence.mountPath is created in the pod and successfully mounted to the NFS share.
However, even though I'm setting persistence.mountPath, minio is still writing to /data (the default location) inside the minio pod. When I check the deployed deployment yaml, the mountPath is set correctly to persistence.mountPath.
- name: data
mountPath: /my-data
The directory /my-data is created in the pod and is successfully bound to the nfs share.
However, minio still creates buckets in /data despite the fact that I don't see /data anywhere in my deployed yaml.
To Reproduce:
Override persistence.mountPath
Deploy chart
Create bucket
Exec into minio pod and see where the bucket was created. It is created in /data, not persistence.mountPath.
Expected behavior:
Buckets should be created in persistence.mountPath.
Why is minio still writing to /data? Have I misunderstood the intention of persistence.mountPath?

I figure this out. I left the persistence.mountPath as default (/data), then I had to change the runAs user and group to 1000 (ubuntu).
fsGroup: 1000
runAsUser: 1000
And finally I had to change the owner of the NFS directory to ubuntu.


How to merge data from docker image with kubernetes volume (NFS)

I have a docker image that contains data in directors /opt/myfiles, Lets say the following:
I want to deploy that image to kubernetes and mount an NFS volume to that directory so that the changes to these files are persisted when I delete the pod.
When I do it in docker swarm I simply mount an empty NFS volume to /opt/myfiles/ and then my docker swarm service is started, the volume is populated with the files from the image and I can then work with my service and when I delete the service, I still have the files on my NFS server, so on next start of the service, I have my previous state back.
In kubernetes, when I mount an empty NFS volume to /opt/myfiles/, the pod is started and /opt/myfiles/ is overwritten with an empty directory, so my pod does not see the files from the image anymore.
My volme mount and volume definition:
- name: myvol
mountPath: /opt/myfiles
- name: myvol
server: nfs-server.mydomain.org
path: /srv/shares/myfiles
I read some threads about similar problems (for example K8s doesn't mount files on Persistent Volume) and tried some stuff using subPath and subPathExpr as in the documentation (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath) but none of my changes does, what docker swarm does by default.
The behaviour of kubernetes seems strange to my as I have worked with docker swarm for quite a while now and I am familiar with the way docker swarm handles that. But I am sure that there is a reason why kubernetes handles that in another way and that there are some possibilities to get, what I need.
So please, can someone have a look at my problem and help me find a way to get the following behaviour?
I have files in my image in some directory
I want to mount an NFS volume to that directory, because I need to have the data persisted, when for example my pod crashes and moves to another host or when my pod is temporarily shut down for whatever reason.
When my pod starts, I want the volume to be populated with the files from the image
And of course I would be really happy if someone could explain me, why kubernetes and docker swarm behave so different.
Thanks a lot in advance
This can be usually achieved in Kubernetes with init-containers.
Let's have an image with files stored in /mypath folder. If you are able to reconfigure the container to use a different path (like /persistent) you can use init container to copy files from /mypath to /persistent on pod's startup.
- name: myapp-container
image: myimage
- name: path
value: /persistent
- name: myvolume
path: /persistent
- name: copy-files
image: myimage
- name: myvolume
path: /persistent
command: ['sh', '-c', 'cp /mypath/*.* /persistent']
In this case you have a main container myapp-container using files from /persistent folder from the NFS volume and each time when container starts the files from /mypath will be copied into that folder by init container copy-files.

Kubernetes mountPropagation clarifications

I have a docker image A that contains a folder I need to share with another container B in the same K8s pod.
At first I decided to use a shared volume (emptyDir) and launched A as an init container to copy all the content of the folder into the shared volume. This works fine.
Then looking at k8s doc I realised I could use mountPropagation between the containers.
So I changed the initContainer to a plain container (side car) in the same pod and performed a mount of the container A folder I want to share with container B. This works fine but I need to keep the container running A up with a wait loop. Or not...
Then I decided to come back to the InitContainer pattern and do the same, meaning mount the folder in A inside the shared volume and then the container finishes cause it is an InitContainer and then use the newly mounted folder in container B. And it works !!!!
So my question is, can someone explains me if this is expected on all Kubernetes clusters ? and explain to me why the mounted folder from A that is no longer running as a container can still be seen by my other container ?
Here is a simple manifest to demonstrate it.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: testvol
- name: busybox-init
image: busybox
privileged: true
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "mkdir -p /opt/connectors; echo \"bar\" > /opt/connectors/foo.txt; mkdir -p /opt/connectors_new; mount --bind /opt/connectors /opt/connectors_new; echo connectors mount is ok"]
- name: connectors
mountPath: /opt/connectors_new
mountPropagation: Bidirectional
- name: busybox
image: busybox
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "cat /opt/connectors/foo.txt; trap : TERM INT; (while true; do sleep 1000; done) & wait"]
- name: connectors
mountPath: /opt/connectors
mountPropagation: HostToContainer
- name: connectors
emptyDir: {}
here the manifest to reproduce the behavior
This works because your containers run in a pod. The pod is where your volume is defined, not the container. So you are creating a volume in your pod that is an empty directory. Then you are mounting it in your init container and making changes. That makes changes to the volume on the pod.
Then when your init container finishes, the files at the pod level don't go away, they are still there, so your second container picks up the files when it mounts the same volume from the pod.
This is expected behavior and doesn't need mountPropagation fields at all. The mountPropagation fields may have some effect on emptyDir volumes, but it is not related to preserving the files:
All containers in the Pod can read and write the same files in the emptyDir volume, though that volume can be mounted at the same or different paths in each container. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted permanently.
Note: A container crashing does not remove a Pod from a node. The data in an emptyDir volume is safe across container crashes.
The note here doesn't explicitly state it, but this implies it is also safe across initContainer to Container transitions. As long as your pod exists on the node, your data will be there in the volume.

Migrating Docker Compose to Kubernetes Volume Mount Isn't Supported

I am trying to change my existing deployment logic/switch to kubernetes (My server is in gcp and till now I used docker-compose to run my server.) So I decided to start by using kompose and generating services/deployments using my existing docker-compose file. After running
kompose --file docker-compose.yml convert
#I got warnings indicating Volume mount on the host "mypath" isn't supported - ignoring path on the host
After a little research I decided to use the command below to "fix" the issue
kompose convert --volumes hostPath
And what this command achieved is -> It replaced the persistent volume claims that were generated with the first command to the code below.
- mountPath: /path
name: certbot-hostpath0
- mountPath: /somepath
name: certbot-hostpath1
- mountPath: /someotherpath
name: certbot-hostpath2
- hostPath:
path: /path/certbot
name: certbot-hostpath0
- hostPath:
path: /path/cert_challenge
name: certbot-hostpath1
- hostPath:
path: /path/certs
name: certbot-hostpath2
But since I am working in my local machine
kubectl apply -f <output file>
results in The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
I didn't want to connect my local env with gcp just to generate the necessary files, is this a must? Or can I move this to startup-gcp etc
I feel like I am in the right direction but I need a confirmation that I am not messing something up.
1)I have only one compute engine(VM instance) and lots of data in my prod db. "How do I"/"do I need to" make sure I don't lose any data in db by doing something?
2)In startup-gcp after doing everything else (pruning docker images etc) I had a docker run command that makes use of docker/compose 1.13.0 up -d. How should I change it to switch to kubernetes?
3)Should I change anything in nginx.conf as it referenced to 2 different services in my docker-compose (I don't think I should since same services also exist in kubernetes generated yamls)
You should consider using Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). If your cluster is managed, in most cases it can automatically create the PersistentVolumes for you.
One way to create the Persistent Volume Claims corresponding to your docker compose files is using Move2Kube(https://github.com/konveyor/move2kube). You can download the release and place it in path and run :
move2kube translate -s <path to your docker compose files>
It will then interactively allow you configure PVCs.
If you had a specific cluster you are targeting, you can get the specific storage classes supported by that cluster using the below command in a terminal where you have set your kubernetes cluster as context for kubectl.
move2kube collect
Once you do collect, you will have a m2k_collect folder, which you can then place it in the folder where your docker compose files are. And when you run move2kube translate it will automatically ask you whether to target this specific cluster, and also option to choose the storage class from that cluster.
1)I have only one compute engine(VM instance) and lots of data in my
prod db. "How do I"/"do I need to" make sure I don't lose any data in
db by doing something?
Once the PVC is provisioned you can copy the data to the PVC by using kubectl cp command into a pod where the pvc is mounted.
2)In startup-gcp after doing everything else (pruning docker images
etc) I had a docker run command that makes use of docker/compose
1.13.0 up -d. How should I change it to switch to kubernetes?
You can potentially change it to use helm chart. Move2Kube, during the interactive session, can help you create helm chart too. Once you have the helm chart, all you have to do is "helm upgrade -i
3)Should I change anything in nginx.conf as it referenced to 2
different services in my docker-compose (I don't think I should since
same services also exist in kubernetes generated yamls)
If the services names are name in most cases it should work.

Access Kubernetes pod's log files from inside the pod?

I'm currently migrating a legacy server to Kubernetes, and I found that kubectl or dashboard only shows the latest log file, not the older versions. In order to access the old files, I have to ssh to the node machine and search for it.
In addition to being a hassle, my team wants to restrict access to the node machines themselves, because they will be running pods from many different teams and unrestricted access could be a security issue.
So my question is: can I configure Kubernetes (or a Docker image) so that these old (rotated) log files are stored in some directory accessible from inside the pod itself?
Of course, in a pinch, I could probably just execute something like run_server.sh | tee /var/log/my-own.log when the pod starts... but then, to do it correctly, I'll have to add the whole logfile rotation functionality, basically duplicating what Kubernetes is already doing.
So there are a couple of ways to and scenarios for this. If you are just interested in the log of the same pod from before last restart, you can use the --previous flag to look at logs:
kubectl logs -f <pod-name-xyz> --previous
But since in your case, you are interested in looking at log files beyond one rotation, here is how you can do it. Add a sidecar container to your application container:
- name: varlog
mountPath: /tmp/logs
- name: log-helper
image: busybox
args: [/bin/sh, -c, 'tail -n+1 -f /var/log/*.log']
- name: varlog
mountPath: /tmp/logs
- name: varlog
hpostPath: /var/log
This will allow the directory which has all logs from /var/log directory from host to /tmp/log inside the container and the command will ensure that content of all files is flushed. Now you can run:
kubectl logs <pod-name-abc> -c count-log-1
This solution does away with SSH access, but still needs access to kubectl and adding a sidecar container. I still think this is a bad solution and you consider of one of the options from the cluster level logging architecture documentation of Kubernetes such as 1 or 2

Is there any better way for changing the source code of a container instead of creating a new image?

What is the best way to change the source code of my application running as Kubernetes pod without creating a new version of image so I can avoid time taken for pushing and pulling image from repository?
You may enter the container using bash if it installed on the image and modify it using -
docker exec -it <CONTAINERID> /bin/bash
However, this isn’t advisable solution. If your modifications succeed, you should update the Dockerfile accordingly or else you risk losing your work and ability to share it with others.
Have the container pull from git on creation?
Setup CI/CD?
Another way to achieve a similar result is to leave the application source outside of the container and mount the application source folder in the container.
This is especially useful when developing web applications in environments such as PHP: your container is setup with your Apache/PHP stack and /var/www/html is configured to mount your local filesystem.
If you are using minikube, it already mounts a host folder within the minikube VM. You can find the exact paths mounted, depending on your setup, here:
Putting it all together, this is what a nginx deployment would look like on kubernetes, mounting a local folder containing the web site being displayed:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 1
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80
- mountPath: /var/www/html/
name: sources
readOnly: true
- name: sources
path: /Users/<username>/<source_folder>
type: Directory
Finally we have resolved the issue. Here, we changed our image repository from docker hub to aws ecr in the same region where we are running kubernetes cluster. Now, it is taking very lesstime for pushing/pulling images.
This is definitely not recommended for production.
But if your intention is local development with kubernetes, take a look at these tools:
Telepresence is an open source tool that lets you run a single service
locally, while connecting that service to a remote Kubernetes cluster.
Kubectl warp
Warp is a kubectl plugin that allows you to execute your local code
directly in Kubernetes without slow image build process.
The kubectl warp command runs your command inside a container, the same
way as kubectl run does, but before executing the command, it
synchronizes all your files into the container.
I think it should be taken as process to create new images for each deployment.
Few benefits:
immutable images: no intervention in running instance this will ensure image run in any environment
rollback: if you encounter issues in new version, rollback to previous version
dependencies: new versions may have new dependencies
