Query InfluxDB with a Flux string throws Syntax Error - influxdb

I inserted the below into my influxdb bucket named test.
t0921 name="A",population=93215,date_mod="2004-5-29"
t0922 name="B",population=23719,date_mod="2004-7-6"
t0923 name="C",population=43817,date_mod="2004-8-12"
Ran the following command... just as the documentation says
influx query 'from(bucket:"test")|> range(start:-24h)'
...Got the error
Syntax Error
Have been trying for hours but still cannot figure out. Could anyone help me what I am doing wrong?
I am new to this Flux language and been reading documentation but maybe I am missing something.


Graph Data Science Error (APOC Metadata Procedure Unavailable)

I have imported my data into my dbms and installed the plugins APOC ( and the Graf Data Science Library (1.4.1).
When I open the playground i get the following error:
I added following lines into my neo4j config,
but still getting the same error.
I have done a little research and found someone with the same error and he said:
"It turned out to be a problem with the schema - I had a node with a label that had a space in it "
Is that really an option it is not working for me?
I did my import with neo4j-admin like this:
bin/neo4j-admin import --database=neo4j --id-type=INTEGER --multiline-fields=true --skip-duplicate-nodes --skip-bad-relationships=true --nodes=commits=import/nodes-commits.csv --nodes=packages=import/nodes-packages.csv --nodes=users=import/nodes-users.csv --relationships=commits=import/relationship-projects_commits.csv
with some further relationships.
I also tried then newest version of the dbms, apoc and GDS, but the same error came up.
Anybody have any idea if it can be the import or is it some other error.
Thanks a lot

yaml: unmarshal errors: cannot unmarshal !!str `https:/...` into []string

I am having an error when I try pushing my app to cloud foundry. The manifest.yml file is the right format and also referenced it with that given as an example on the ibm forum but I get this error which doesn't add up in my opinion. What am I doing wrong here? Anybody to help out please?
yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 2: cannot unmarshal !!str https:/... into []string
I finally got an answer for this from someone else Unable to deploy to SAP Cloud foundry
My error was because I was writing buildpacks and giving it a value of a string url instead of an array. Once I enclosed it inside an array, it worked fine. This is because IBM cloudfoundry recently changed from using buildpack to buildpacks which meant using an array instead of a single url string.

S22.Imap.BadServerResponseException - IMAP xm003 BAD [CLIENTBUG] Command syntax error

Problem with the S22.Imap:
xm003 BAD [CLIENTBUG] Command syntax error
my Search Condition from the Example:
IEnumerable<uint> uids = client.Search(SearchCondition.SentSince(new DateTime(2015, 10, 20)));
oll other SearchCondition's work fine. Pls Help.
The problem is that S22.Imap is sending an incorrectly formatted date string in the SENTSINCE search query.
Since S22.Imap is a dead project, I would recommend switching to my open source MailKit library instead.
Hope that helps.

SQLite syntax error with Encrypted-Core-Data

I've been running into a syntax error for a very long time now and I am unsure as to what could be causing it. The debug log is as follows:
SQL DEBUG: SELECT ecdImages.checkSum, ecdImages.creationDate, ecdImages.filename, ecdImages.height, ecdImages.latitude, ecdImages.locationString, ecdImages.longitude, ecdImages.order, ecdImages.photoId, ecdImages.photoLogValues, ecdImages.requiresDeletion, ecdImages.requiresUpload, ecdImages.rotationAngle, ecdImages.scale, ecdImages.source, ecdImages.timestamp, ecdImages.title, ecdImages.transform, ecdImages.width, ecdImages.x, ecdImages.y, ecdImages.book__objectid, ecdImages.page__objectid FROM ecdImages WHERE ecdImages.__objectid=?;
could not prepare statement: near "order": syntax error
Order is of type Integer 16 and for your reference, I am currently using Encrypted-Core-Data as found on github. Any thoughts?
As pointed out by CL in the comments, I was using a reserved keyword. Refer to SQLite Keywords.

Ruby on Rails jsonparse error

Already I have spent a lot time to resolve the issue but not getting the actual reason.
I have a issue during parsing the json, below is the my josn which i am trying to format.
ERROR: 757: unexpected token at '"{\"requestId\":\"2323423432\",\"bids\":\"[ {\\"adId\\":50000001, \\"bidNative\\":100,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-1\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}, {\\"adId\\":60000002, \\"bidNative\\":200,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-2\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}, {\\"adId\\":60000002, \\"bidNative\\":300,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-3\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}]\"}"'
actually wherever it shows 2 slashes there are actually 3, but i dont know why stack overflows editor shows like this.
