Limitations / Cons of editing an active workflow? - jira

I actually moved to Jira and to be honest, it is really helpful and effective tool. I wonder everything has limitations, What are the limitations in jira when an active workflow is being edited?
There has to be some things that the user should be careful about. Any guidance would be highly appreciated :)

Wel, I got this from a link.
If a workflow is active, you cannot edit the workflow name (only the description)
You cannot delete the workflow steps
A step associated status cannot be edited
You cannot add any new outgoing transition if a step has no outgoing transitions (Global transitions are not considered).
A step’s Step ID cannot be changed.
If any one can add anything on this, please go ahead


How can we make a Work Item Creator automatically a Follower?

I am running Azure DevOps 2019 RC1 with an Inheritance Collection and a new Agile project.
I have a requirement that when a user creates a work item (task/issue), they must automatically be added as a follower of this work item. How can I achieve this? I have look in the rules for the work item under process customisation but it doesn't appear to be possible this way.
We are using the tickets to track issues. Whoever discovers the issue raises the ticket. The basic requirement is that anyone who raises a ticket should be automatically notified of its progress, even though they are not responsible for the development or testing.
Currently the work around is telling the user that when they create an issue they must click the Follow button, but it is easy for them to forget and then lose their updates. It seems like a very simple customisation so maybe I'm missing the obvious.
I think you can't auto follow things currently, but you can add notification setting that will send automatically emails when work item is updated. To do this, go to Project Settings > Notifications page and create new subscription. Select "Work/A work item is changed" and put "Members of ... team by role" in Deliver to selection. Set roles to "Created by" and untick the "Skip initiator".
Your problem would be addressed precisely with the feature requested in the official Azure DevOps' feedback platform here:
479189 - Automatically follow work items I interact with
(That page also mentions workarounds, including per-team one answered here, and a per-person alternative. See this comment. The shortcoming of both is that they don't allow to you to unsubscribe for selected tickets.)

JIRA: can a jira issue be moved out from done?

I moved by mistake a issue from not started to DONE. Is there a way to move back the issue?
I would rather let it "in progress".
The answer is yes, but you may have to customize your workflow to add a transition from the DONE status to another status. Make sure to clear the resolution using a post function so that your issue key is not marked with a strike through
Yes! Or no, or maybe :)
It depends on your issue type's workflow, but you can usually re-open the issue and set it to in-progress.
This, of course, may also be dependent on
What version of JIRA you're using
If you're using GreenHopper/JIRA Agile
If you have a custom issue workflow/lifecycle
What your user permissions are.
Any additional details about your JIRA instance might be helpful! Is it a hosted ( ala Atlassian on-demand ) or on-prem, etc.

Workflow and issue statuses in JIRA with a Scrum mode

Currently working with JIRA 5, I was looking for information about the handling Scrum in JIRA 6 with JIRA Agile (formerly Greenhopper). I saw, the there is now 3 statuses: To Do, In Progress, Done.
I find the 3 above statuses not enough. Particulary, we want to know if a story is still beeing clarified with the project owner, if is it a draft, if it has been approved by the customer. For a task, we also want to differenciate different steps in the "done" process: development done, review done, testing done, etc.
I'm looking for experience or any hints about this. My questions are: should I customize the workflow for my needs? Is there any standard workflows which already better supports Scrum? am I completly wrong and should I only use the basic concepts of JIRA for a Scrum process?
Any ideas/hints/experiences/links are welcome. Thank you.
You can customize the JIRA workflow ( and then map the new statuses into Agile columns
In case if you already have a configured workflow go to your Agile board, go to its configuration and navigate to tab "Columns". On this screen you can add your custom column name, change its position and drag&drop status to a new column in order to map issues with this status to a column. If you use standard flow and need more customized one which better fits to your process then the link provided by mdoar above explains how to do this in details.

JIRA Mark ticket as Accepted/Acknowledge

I've been looking for a way to have a user acknowledge a
ticket after it has been assigned to them. I don't know if
this is a built in feature or if there is a plugin that
will create a state/button for a user to accept a ticket
after it has been put in there queue. I would expect to
see something like this from the ticket window around
workflow or start progress but no amounts of digging
through configuration settings has turned anything
relevant up.
Does anyone know about this added functionality in JIRA?
Much thanks.
I did this by a custom workflow step. After an issue arrived to an assignee (with status New) he/she should move it to another step (with status Open). Until he/she does it, the issue is considered as not noticed/reached the assignee. Also I have had a report showing issues with New status for more than a predefined period of time.
I'm not aware of a ready-made plugin which performs similar task (perhaps, I should dig into my posts on Atlassian answers to discover some clues for other solutions).
As #Stan says above, a custom workflow is the way to implement this. The workflow functionality in JIRA is very flexible and as a result has a bit of a learning curve, but Atlassian's documentation is pretty good. Post back here if you need help.

Changing resolved status to Closed status for a user story in Jira

I am using Jira for organizing user stories for my project on Agile approach. When I tried to close a user story it shows the status as ' Resolved', rather than 'Closed'.
Can someone help me how to change the user story status to closed?
Please post your suggestions and help.
Its a bit hard to answer such a vague question - so if you can ellaborate a bit on the customization you have done in your JIRA instance, it can help.
Some pointers:
JIRA is using workflows to manage the flow an issue can use.
The default workflow that comes with an installation of JIRA is called "jira" and looks like this:
Depending on the customization of your JIRA installation, you can either change the workflow to go from Open to Closed when you use the "Resolve" operation.
If you are not the JIRA administrator, different workflow transitions can have various properties and conditions and validators set on them, for example checking for permissions. So if you are a user that does not have permissions to do a certain transition - you can see if you can change it via the permissions administation panel, or again - in the workflow validations.
