get Error or stack trace from an app crash iOS - ios

hi i want to know the error from a crash of my app in production, I figured out how to recognize if my app crashed during last time execution with crashlitycs but I want the error or the stack trace for send it to a service of my own with user feedback.
is there a way to obtain this error or stack trace with crashlytics, another package or native solution?


iOS binary rejected due to crash on launch, cannot recreate, only have error log to go from

I submitted my app to iOS the other day and unfortunately it got rejected. Apparently it crashed on launch. The game runs perfectly on Android, and I cannot re-create this "crash on launch" on iOS. For me it just works. But my test-environment is limited to an iphone 5 and emulators.
Could someone please take a look at these error logs and see if they can find something?
Error log: Here
If you know why, or have any ideas/suggestion, please let me know.
According to log your exception code 0x8badf00d . This code indicates that an application was terminated by iOS because a watchdog timeout occurred. Basically, the application took too long to launch, terminate, or respond to system events.

IOS Firebase Invitation crashing while loading contacts Objective-C

I implemented Firebase invite method and it works great for the first time. But after that, while I trying to invite it crashed. I can't trace where it from but asked in log about:
While I add this symbolic breakpoint in my project it hangs my app and give these errors: (see in pics)
which I can't trace why happened this? If any anyone can't give a solution at least help me trace the problem out.

How do I track a crash without any error output with an external accessory attached?

I'm currently developing an app that controls an external accessory, so I can't debug the app with xcode while testing most features. I'm already saving log output to a file on the device, but I just starting seeing an unexpected crash that doesn't leave any error output.
Is there any way to get more information from the crash without having access to a stack trace?

Debugging stack trace

My application for windows phone uses Microsoft Ad SDK and recently I have noticed a lot of crashes in the application which I feel has something to do with the Ad SDK/control. The stack trace provided by the App Hub for the app can be accessed from here.
Any idea what is causing the crash?
By the stack trace I think you have the same problem that this guy had:

Blackberry crash log collection

Is there a mechanism to collect all the stack traces of a BlackBerry application if I am doing OTA app delivery?
I believe Apple collects and gives us the crash logs, or you can extract them by connecting the iPhone to a dev machine and using XCode to read the crash logs. Is there an equivalent mechanism for the Blackberry?
If not, are there any libraries that can log all the exceptions and push them out to a server?
Automated collection just isn't possible. There's no way to get a stack trace in a String, which would be the first step of an automated crash handler.
There's a StackOverflow question just about getting the stack as a string:
Is there a way to get the stack trace of an exception in form of a String in Blackberry?
If you are doing development and can connect your computer to the device, you can get the event log or console output by using javaloader.exe. JavaLoader has a pretty long help page which it displays if you run it without arguments. You can find JavaLoader.exe in your Eclipse plugins folder, where the BlackBerry JDE is unpacked.
The StackOverflow question that mentions JavaLoader:
Tool to get BlackBerry log
If you really want to ask your users for stack traces, they will appear in the Event Log automatically (at least, for uncaught exceptions). They can use ALT-LGLG from the device home screen (on devices with keyboards) to get into the Event Log, and then from there they can copy the day's events to the clipboard and paste into an email.
The biggest downside to this approach is that the event log is often larger than the clipboard can hold, so you won't get a full event log.
