No access to volume after docker run -v - docker

The following command runs fine on my local machine.
docker run -it --rm --ulimit memlock=-1 \
-v "$HOMEDIR/..":"/home/user/repo" \
-w "/home/user/repo/linux" \
Running it in a docker-in-docker evirionment (that means the mentioned docker command is executed in a container on google cloudbuild) is leading to two problems though:
Docker complains The input device is not a tty. My workaround: I simply used only docker run -i --rm.
Somehow the assigned volume and working directory on the container do not exist under the given path. But i checked them on the host system and they exist, but somehow do not make it until the container.
I thought also already about using docker exec but there i don't have the fancy -v options. I tried both, the docker run command with the -i and the -it flag on my local machine where it both runned fine. Anyway on cloudbuild i get the tty error when usind -it and the unacessible volume problem occurs when using -i.


Understanding a Docker .Sh file

The .sh file I am working with is:
docker run -d --rm -it --gpus '"device=0,1,2,3"' --ipc=host -v $HOME/Folder:/Folder tr_xl_container nohup python /Path/ -p/Path/ |& tee $HOME/Path/log.txt
I am confused about the -v and everything after that. Specifically, the -v $HOME/Folder:/Folder tr_xl_container section and -p/Path/. If someone would be able to help breakdown what those commands mean or point me to a reference that does, that would be very much appreciated. I checked Docker documentation and Linux command line documentation and did not come up with anything too helpful.
A docker run command is split up in 3 parts:
docker options
the image to run
a command for the container
In your case -d --rm -it --gpus '"device=0,1,2,3"' --ipc=host -v $HOME/Folder:/Folder are docker options.
tr_xl_container is the image name.
nohup python /Path/ -p/Path/ is the command sent to the container.
The last part, |& tee $HOME/Path/log.txt isn't run in the container, but takes the output from the docker run command and saves it in $HOME/Path/log.txt.
As for -v $HOME/Folder:/Folder, it's a volume mapping or more precisely, a bind mount. It creates a directory in the container with the path /Folder that is linked to the directory $Home/Folder on the host machine. That makes files in the host directory visible inside the container and if the container does anything with files in the /Folder directory, those changes will be visible in the host directory.
The command after the image name is for the container and it's up to the container what to do with it. From looking at it, it looks like it runs a Python program stored in /Path/ in the image. But to be sure, you'll need to know what the image does.

What does it mean when Docker is simultaneously run in interactive and detatched modess

I'm new to Docker and came across this confusing (to me) command in one of the Docker online manuals (
$ docker run -d \
-it \
--name devtest \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app,readonly \
What I found confusing was the use of both the -it flag and the -d flag. I thought -d means to run the container in the background, but -it means to allow the user to interact with the container via the current shell. What does it mean that both flags are present? What am I not understanding here?
The -i and -t flags influence how stdin and stdout are connected, even in the presence of the -d flag. Furthermore, you can always attach to a container in the future using the docker attach command.
Consider: If I try to start an interactive shell without passing -i...
$ docker run -d --name demo alpine sh
...the container will exit immediately, because stdin is closed. If I want to run that detached, I need:
$ docker run -itd --name demo alpine sh
This allows me to attach to the container in the future and interact with the shell:
$ docker attach demo
/ #

docker with makefile volume mounts

So recently came across this weird case where I am trying to access file in my local dir into my container.
When I run the following command on terminal it runs fine and shows the expected list of file
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/mnt/data -w /mnt/data-sink ls
But when I try to run this via makefile it shows nothing,(I run make in the same path where I run the docker cmd in the previous step)
docker-publish: build
echo "Publishing $(APP_NAME) snapshot $(VERSION)"
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/mnt/data -w /mnt/data-sink ls
$(shell pwd) worked simply $(pwd) in make didnt do the shell interpolation.

Issue in saving file from docker container to host

I am using below command to save files generated from Docker container to host machine. But my files are not being saved after I exit the container. I tried different ways but none is working.
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)/sever-data/src:/data" test bash
Thank you
I tried the following command to save container data to the host directory and its working perfectly fine.
sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/sever-data/src -w /sever-data/src

why can i not run a X11 application?

So, as the title states, I'm a docker newbie.
I downloaded and installed the archlinux/base container which seems to work great so far. I've setup a few things, and installed some packages (including xeyes) and I now would like to launch xeyes. For that I found out the CONTAINER ID by running docker ps and then used that ID in my exec command which looks now like:
$ docker exec -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY 4cae1ff56eb1 xeyes
Error: Can't open display: :0
Why does it still not work though? Also, how can I stop my running instance without losing its configured state? Previously I have exited the container and all my configuration and software installations were gone when I restarted it. That was not desired. How do I handle this correctly?
Concerning the X Display you need to share the xserver socket (note: docker can't bind mount a volume during an exec) and set the $DISPLAY (example Dockerfile):
FROM archlinux/base
RUN pacman -Syyu --noconfirm xorg-xeyes
ENTRYPOINT ["xeyes"]
Build the docker image: docker build --rm --network host -t so:57733715 .
Run the docker container: docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY so:57733715
Note: in case of No protocol specified errors you could disable host checking with xhost + but there is a warning to that (man xhost for additional information).
