docker with makefile volume mounts - docker

So recently came across this weird case where I am trying to access file in my local dir into my container.
When I run the following command on terminal it runs fine and shows the expected list of file
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/mnt/data -w /mnt/data-sink ls
But when I try to run this via makefile it shows nothing,(I run make in the same path where I run the docker cmd in the previous step)
docker-publish: build
echo "Publishing $(APP_NAME) snapshot $(VERSION)"
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/mnt/data -w /mnt/data-sink ls

$(shell pwd) worked simply $(pwd) in make didnt do the shell interpolation.


No access to volume after docker run -v

The following command runs fine on my local machine.
docker run -it --rm --ulimit memlock=-1 \
-v "$HOMEDIR/..":"/home/user/repo" \
-w "/home/user/repo/linux" \
Running it in a docker-in-docker evirionment (that means the mentioned docker command is executed in a container on google cloudbuild) is leading to two problems though:
Docker complains The input device is not a tty. My workaround: I simply used only docker run -i --rm.
Somehow the assigned volume and working directory on the container do not exist under the given path. But i checked them on the host system and they exist, but somehow do not make it until the container.
I thought also already about using docker exec but there i don't have the fancy -v options. I tried both, the docker run command with the -i and the -it flag on my local machine where it both runned fine. Anyway on cloudbuild i get the tty error when usind -it and the unacessible volume problem occurs when using -i.

How to run commands in Docker container

Hello I m trying to follow the step by step guid to build jpeg xl (I m on windows and try to build a x64 version for linux)
docker run -u root:root -it --rm -v C:\Users\fred\source\tools\jpegxl\jpeg-xl-master -w /jpeg-xl
I have the container running but I don't know how to run the command inside :
CC=clang-6.0 CXX=clang++-6.0 ./ opt
I tried CC=clang-6.0 CXX=clang++-6.0 ./ opt and I get ./ No such file or directory no command seems to work when I do "ls" it display nothing
Does someone knows how to get this to build?
Make sure that you start a bash terminal inside the container:
docker run -it <image> /bin/bash
I believe /bin/bash is missing from your docker run command. As a result, you are executing the command for clang inside your own environment, not the container.
You can set the environment variables by using -e
-e CC=clang-6.0 -e CXX=clang++-6.0
The full command to log in into your container:
docker run -u root:root -it --rm -e CC=clang-6.0 -e CXX=clang++-6.0 -v C:\Users\fred\source\tools\jpegxl\jpeg-xl-master -w /jpeg-xl /bin/bash
They have updated the image without updating the command so the command is
CC=clang-7 CXX=clang++-7 ./ opt
The discution is here:
Can't build from docker image "Unknown clang version"

Create MakeFile that Runs Docker Image and Changes Directory?

I would like to create a makefile that runs a docker container, automatically mount the current folder and within the container CD to the shared directory.
I currently have the following which runs the docker image and mounts the directory with no issue. But I am unsure how to get it to change directory.
docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD):/projects dockerImage bash
I've seen some examples where you can append -c "cd /projects" at the end so that it is:
docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD):/projects dockerImage bash -c "cd /projects"
however it will immediately exit the bash command afterwards. Ive also seen an example where you can append && at the end so that it is the following:
docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD):/projects dockerImage bash -c "cd /projects &&".
Unfortunately the console will just hang.
You can specify the working directory in your docker run command with the -w option. So you can do something like this:
docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD):/projects -w /projects dockerImage bash
You can find this option in the official docs here

docker run image diff not executing properly

I'm having an issue with docker run syntax... I've tried these 2 commands and they both seem to generate the error message on the last line.
docker run --rm ${DOCKER_ARGS} -i ${BUILD_IMAGE} /bin/bash -c "diff /usr/local/bin/protoc /go/bin/protoc2"
docker run --rm ${DOCKER_ARGS} -i ${BUILD_IMAGE} diff /usr/local/bin/protoc /go/bin/protoc2
diff: /go/bin/protoc2/protoc: No such file or directory
Am I missing something syntax-wise? I'm not sure why it's not running my command properly.
$ sudo cp /bin/ls /bin/ls2
$ docker run --rm -v /bin/ls2:/bin/ls2 ubuntu:16.04 diff /bin/ls /bin/ls2
Binary files /bin/ls and /bin/ls2 differ.
So I am pretty sure that your local mount doesn't exists and creates a directory.
Change your run statement to
docker run --rm ${DOCKER_ARGS} -i ${BUILD_IMAGE} /bin/bash -c "ls -alh /go/bin/protoc2 && diff /usr/local/bin/protoc /go/bin/protoc2"
And you will know what is wrong

How to COPY files of current directory to folder in Dockerfile

I'm trying to create a Dockerfile that copies all the files in the currently directory to a specific folder.
Currently I have
COPY . /this/folder
I'm unable to check the results of this command, as my container closes nearly immediately after I run it. Is there a better way to test if the command is working?
you can start a container and check.
$ docker run -ti --rm <DOCKER_IMAGE> sh
$ ls -l /this/folder
If your docker image has ENTRYPOINT setting, then run below command:
$ docker run -ti --rm --entrypoint sh <DOCKER_IMAGE>
$ ls -l /this/folder
If it is only for testing, include the below command in your docker file:
RUN cd /this/folder && ls
This will list the directory contents while docker build
