I am currently doing sentiment analysis project. I fit the vectorizer with my train data in dataframe format. Then I transform the test data with the same vectorizer but it returns nothing for me. I did check the TfidfVectorizer.get_feature_names() and the desired transform word already exist inside the features. What is wrong with my vectorizer?
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer=lambda x: x)
x = vectorizer.fit_transform(data['clean_text'])
# output sad
# empty result
# return a whole 0 array
Sample data format (dataframe)
sentiment clean_text
0 0 [respond, go]
1 1 [sooo, sad]
2 1 [bulli]
3 1 [leav, alon]
4 1 [cry]
I am working with a subset of the 'Ames Housing' dataset and have originally 17 features. Using the 'recipes' package, I have engineered the original set of features and created dummy variables for nominal predictors with the following code. That has resulted in 35 features in the 'baked_train' dataset below.
blueprint <- recipe(Sale_Price ~ ., data = _train) %>%
step_nzv(Street, Utilities, Pool_Area, Screen_Porch, Misc_Val) %>%
step_impute_knn(Gr_Liv_Area) %>%
step_integer(Overall_Qual) %>%
step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
step_other(Neighborhood, threshold = 0.01, other = "other") %>%
step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = FALSE)
prepare <- prep(blueprint, data = ames_train)
baked_train <- bake(prepare, new_data = ames_train)
baked_test <- bake(prepare, new_data = ames_test)
Now, I am trying to train random forests with the 'ranger' package using the following code.
cv_specs <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, repeats = 5)
param_grid_rf <- expand.grid(mtry = seq(1, 35, 1),
splitrule = "variance",
min.node.size = 2)
rf_cv <- train(blueprint,
data = ames_train,
method = "ranger",
trControl = cv_specs,
tuneGrid = param_grid_rf,
metric = "RMSE")
I have set the grid of 'mtry' values based on the number of features in the 'baked_train' data. It is my understanding that 'caret' will apply the blueprint within each resample of 'ames_train' creating a baked version at each CV step.
The text Hands-On Machine Learning with R by Boehmke & Greenwell says on section 3.8.3,
Consequently, the goal is to develop our blueprint, then within each resample iteration we want to apply prep() and bake() to our resample training and validation data. Luckily, the caret package simplifies this process. We only need to specify the blueprint and caret will automatically prepare and bake within each resample.
However, when I run the code above I get an error,
mtry can not be larger than number of variables in data. Ranger will EXIT now.
I get the same error when I specify 'tuneLength = 20' instead of the 'tuneGrid'. Although the code works fine when the grid of 'mtry' values is specified to be from 1 to 17 (the number of features in the original training data 'ames_train').
When I specify a grid of 'mtry' values from 1 to 17, info about the final model after CV is shown below. Notice that it mentions Number of independent variables: 35 which corresponds to the 'baked_train' data, although specifying a grid from 1 to 35 throws an error.
Type: Regression
Number of trees: 500
Sample size: 618
Number of independent variables: 35
Mtry: 15
Target node size: 2
Variable importance mode: impurity
Splitrule: variance
OOB prediction error (MSE): 995351989
R squared (OOB): 0.8412147
What am I missing here? Specifically, why do I have to specify the number of features in 'ames_train' instead of 'baked_train' when essentially 'caret' is supposed to create a baked version before fitting and evaluating the model for each resample?
I understand how CountVectorizer works in general. It takes word tokens and creates a sparse count matrix of documents (rows) and token counts (columns), that we can use for ML modeling.
However, how does it deal with new words that can presumably show up in test data, that weren't in the training data? Does it just ignore them?
Also, from a modeling standpoint, should the assumption be that if certain words are so rare that they didn't show up in the training data at all, and that they aren't relevant for any modeling you might perform?
I am assuming you are referring to the scikit-learn CountVectorizer. Not that I know if any other myself.
Yes, when new documents are encoded, words that are not part of the vocabulary(created from the training data) are ignored by the count vectorizer.
Example of creating vocabulary: (https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer.html)
>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
>>> corpus = [
... 'This is the first document.',
... 'This document is the second document.',
... 'And this is the third one.',
... 'Is this the first document?',
... ]
>>> vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
>>> X = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)
>>> print(vectorizer.get_feature_names())
['and', 'document', 'first', 'is', 'one', 'second', 'the', 'third', 'this']
>>> print(X.toarray())
[[0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]
[0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1]
[1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1]
[0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1]]
Now, use transform on new document and you can see that the Out of vocabulary words are ignored:
>>> print(vectorizer.transform(['not in any of the document second second']).toarray())
[[0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0]]
With respect to the rare words that are not part of the training data, I would agree to your statement that it is not significant for modeling since we would want to believe that the words that are most relevant to create and generalize a good model are already part of the training data.
I have a final project in my first degree and I want to build a Neural Network that gonna take the first 13 mfcc coeffs of a wav file and return who talked in the audio file from a banch of talkers.
I want you to notice that:
My audio files are text independent, therefore they have different length and words
I have trained the machine on about 35 audio files of 10 speaker ( the first speaker had about 15, the second 10, and the third and fourth about 5 each )
I defined :
Y=zero_array + 1 in the i_th position ( where i_th position is 0 for the first speaker, 1 for the second, 2 for the third... )
And than trained the machine, and than checked the output of the machine for some files...
So that’s what I did... but unfortunately it’s look like the results are completely random...
Can you help me understand why?
This is my code in python -
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
import python_speech_features
import scipy.io.wavfile as wav
import numpy as np
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from random import shuffle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
winner = [] # this array count how much Bingo we had when we test the NN
for TestNum in tqdm(range(5)): # in every round we build NN with X,Y that out of them we check 50 after we build the NN
X = []
Y = []
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir("FinalAudios/") if isfile(join("FinalAudios/", f))] # Files in dir
names = [] # names of the speakers
for file in onlyfiles: # for each wav sound
if " " not in file.split("_")[0]:
names.append(file.split("_")[0].split(" ")[0])
names = list(dict.fromkeys(names)) # names of speakers
vector_names = [] # vector for each name
i = 0
vector_for_each_name = [0] * len(names)
for name in names:
vector_for_each_name[i] += 1
vector_for_each_name[i] -= 1
i += 1
for f in onlyfiles:
if " " not in f.split("_")[0]:
f_speaker = f.split("_")[0]
f_speaker = f.split("_")[0].split(" ")[0]
(rate, sig) = wav.read("FinalAudios/" + f) # read the file
mfcc_feat = python_speech_features.mfcc(sig, rate, winlen=0.2, nfft=512) # mfcc coeffs
for index in range(len(mfcc_feat)): # adding each mfcc coeff to X, meaning if there is 50000 coeffs than
# X will be [first coeff, second .... 50000'th coeff] and Y will be [f_speaker_vector] * 50000
except IndexError:
Z = list(zip(X, Y))
X, Y = zip(*Z)
X = list(X)
Y = list(Y)
X = np.asarray(X)
Y = np.asarray(Y)
X_test = X[:50]
X = X[50:]
Y = Y[50:]
clf = MLPClassifier(solver='lbfgs', alpha=1e-2, hidden_layer_sizes=(5, 3), random_state=2) # create the NN
clf.fit(X, Y) # Train it
for sample in range(len(X_test)): # add 1 to winner array if we correct and 0 if not, than in the end it plot it
if list(clf.predict([X[sample]])[0]) == list(Y_test[sample]):
# plot winner
plot_x = []
plot_y = []
for i in range(1, len(winner)):
plt.plot(plot_x, plot_y)
plt.xlabel('x - axis')
# naming the y axis
plt.ylabel('y - axis')
# giving a title to my graph
plt.title('My first graph!')
# function to show the plot
This is my zip file that contains the code and the audio file : https://ufile.io/eggjm1gw
You have a number of issues in your code and it will be close to impossible to get it right in one go, but let's give it a try. There are two major issues:
Currently you're trying to teach your neural network with very few training examples, as few as a single one per speaker (!). It's impossible for any machine learning algorithm to learn anything.
To make matters worse, what you do is that you feed to the ANN only MFCC for the first 25 ms of each recording (25 comes from winlen parameter of python_speech_features). In each of these recordings, first 25 ms will be close to identical. Even if you had 10k recordings per speaker, with this approach you'd not get anywhere.
I will give you concrete advise, but won't do all the coding - it's your homework after all.
Use all MFCC, not just first 25 ms. Many of these should be skipped, simply because there's no voice activity. Normally there should be VOD (Voice Activity Detector) telling you which ones to take, but in this exercise I'd skip it for starter (you need to learn basics first).
Don't use dictionaries. Not only it won't fly with more than one MFCC vector per speaker, but also it's very inefficient data structure for your task. Use numpy arrays, they're much faster and memory efficient. There's a ton of tutorials, including scikit-learn that demonstrate how to use numpy in this context. In essence, you create two arrays: one with training data, second with labels. Example: if omersk speaker "produces" 50000 MFCC vectors, you will get (50000, 13) training array. Corresponding label array would be 50000 with single constant value (id) that corresponds to the speaker (say, omersk is 0, lucas is 1 and so on). I'd consider taking longer windows (perhaps 200 ms, experiment!) to reduce the variance.
Don't forget to split your data for training, validation and test. You will have more than enough data. Also, for this exercise I'd watch for not feeding too much of data for any single speaker - ot taking steps to make sure algorithm is not biased.
Later, when you make prediction, you will again compute MFCCs for the speaker. With 10 sec recording, 200 ms window and 100 ms overlap, you'll get 99 MFCC vectors, shape (99, 13). The model should run on each of the 99 vectors, for each producing probability. When you sum it (and normalise, to make it nice) and take top value, you'll get the most likely speaker.
There's a dozen of other things that typically would be taken into account, but in this case (homework) I'd focus on getting the basics right.
EDIT: I decided to take a stab at creating the model with your idea at heart, but basics fixed. It's not exactly clean Python, all because it's adapted from Jupyter Notebook I was running.
import python_speech_features
import scipy.io.wavfile as wav
import numpy as np
import glob
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
audio_files_path = glob.glob('audio/*.wav')
win_len = 0.04 # in seconds
step = win_len / 2
nfft = 2048
mfccs_all_speakers = []
names = []
data = []
for path in audio_files_path:
fs, audio = wav.read(path)
if audio.size > 0:
mfcc = python_speech_features.mfcc(audio, samplerate=fs, winlen=win_len,
winstep=step, nfft=nfft, appendEnergy=False)
filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
speaker = filename[:filename.find('_')]
data.append({'filename': filename,
'speaker': speaker,
'samples': mfcc.shape[0],
'mfcc': mfcc})
print(f'Skipping {path} due to 0 file size')
speaker_sample_size = defaultdict(int)
for entry in data:
speaker_sample_size[entry['speaker']] += entry['samples']
person_with_fewest_samples = min(speaker_sample_size, key=speaker_sample_size.get)
max_accepted_samples = int(speaker_sample_size[person_with_fewest_samples] * 0.8)
training_idx = []
test_idx = []
accumulated_size = defaultdict(int)
for entry in data:
if entry['speaker'] not in accumulated_size:
accumulated_size[entry['speaker']] += entry['samples']
elif accumulated_size[entry['speaker']] < max_accepted_samples:
accumulated_size[entry['speaker']] += entry['samples']
X_train = []
label_train = []
X_test = []
label_test = []
for entry in data:
if entry['filename'] in training_idx:
label_train.extend([entry['speaker']] * entry['mfcc'].shape[0])
label_test.extend([entry['speaker']] * entry['mfcc'].shape[0])
X_train = np.concatenate(X_train, axis=0)
X_test = np.concatenate(X_test, axis=0)
assert (X_train.shape[0] == len(label_train))
assert (X_test.shape[0] == len(label_test))
print(f'Training: {X_train.shape}')
print(f'Testing: {X_test.shape}')
le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
y_train = le.fit_transform(label_train)
y_test = le.transform(label_test)
clf = MLPClassifier(solver='lbfgs', alpha=1e-2, hidden_layer_sizes=(5, 3), random_state=42, max_iter=1000)
cv_results = cross_validate(clf, X_train, y_train, cv=4)
{'fit_time': array([3.33842635, 4.25872731, 4.73704267, 5.9454329 ]),
'score_time': array([0.00125694, 0.00073504, 0.00074005, 0.00078583]),
'test_score': array([0.40380048, 0.52969121, 0.48448687, 0.46043165])}
The test_score isn't stellar. There's a lot to improve (for starter, choice of algorithm), but the basics are there. Notice for starter how I get the training samples. It's not random, I only consider recordings as whole. You can't put samples from a given recording to both training and test, as test is supposed to be novel.
What was not working in your code? I'd say a lot. You were taking 200ms samples and yet very short fft. python_speech_features likely complained to you that the fft is should be longer than the frame you're processing.
I leave to you testing the model. It won't be good, but it's a starter.
I have 1320 training samples (sea surface temperature) and each sample is a 2d array(160,320) so the final array is in the shape (1320,160,320). I would like to normalize them to values between 0 and 1 using MinMaxScaler(). I get the error "Found array with dim 3. MinMaxScaler expected <= 2.". My code is as follows. I could loop through all the 1320 samples, normalising them one by one but I would like to know if there is a way to normalize all of them because Max and Mix for each sample is not the same.
scaler = prep.MinMaxScaler()
sst = scaler.fit_transform(sst)
As far as I know, you can't really do it only using MinMaxScaler(). np.apply_along_axis won't be useful either since you want to apply a min-max scaler over 2D slices. One solution could be something like this:
import numpy as np
a = np.random.random((2, 3, 3))
def customMinMaxScaler(X):
return (X - X.min()) / (X.max() - X.min())
np.array([customMinMaxScaler(x) for x in a])
But I guess it wouldn't be much faster than iterating over the samples.
I having some trouble understanding the tensorflow BasicLSTMCell num_units input parameter.
I have seen other posts but I am not following so hoping a simple example will help.
So say we have the following LTSM RNN model below. How do I determine the number units the cells require? Is it possible to have such a structure for a LTSM RNN?
Input Vec 1st Hidden Layer 2nd Hidden Layer Output
20 x 1 20 x 1 5 x 1 3 x 1
Follow, I have given a sample code for your model by using a dynamic rnn (https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/dynamic_rnn)
N_INPUT = 20
N_TIME_STEPS = #Define here
input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, N_TIME_STEPS, N_INPUT], name="input")
lstm_layers = [tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(N_HIDDEN_UNITS1, forget_bias=1.0),tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(N_HIDDEN_UNITS2, forget_bias=1.0),tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(N_OUTPUT, forget_bias=1.0)]
lstm_layers = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(lstm_layers)
outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(lstm_layers, input, dtype=tf.float32)
The input (input in the code) for the model should be in the shape of [BATCH_SIZE, N_TIME_STEPS, N_INPUT] and the output (outputs in the code) of the RNN is in the shape of [BATCH_SIZE, N_TIME_STEPS, N_OUTPUT]
Hope this helps.