How can i access the GeoLite database in nginx? - docker

I run a Nginx proxy and want to use the GeoLite2-Country/city databases.
I followed the instructions on
and "".
So I have the required Nginx-module. Also I installed Libmaxminddb.
When I want to build my Docker-File I get this error:
"MMDB_open("/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb") failed - Error opening the
specified MaxMind DB file in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:17"
In the command window I can access to the Mmdb via
$ mmdblookup --file /etc/nginx/geoip/GeoIP/GeoIP2-Country.mmdb --ip
source: ""
So the file should be accessible.. (the path is different because the nginx.conf path starts at etc/nginx.
Maybe anyone have some idea I can try or faced the same problem?
Thank you and best regards from earth!
I am using "Alpine 3.13.5" && "Nginx-1.21.0"

The path in Nginx.conf needed to be a full path! Otherwise than the loaded module.


fail2ban won't start using nextcloud.log with jail

I have nextcloud installed and working fine in a docker but want to have fail2ban monitor the log files for brute force attempts. I know nextcloud has it's own baked in but it just throttles the log in attempts and I would like to all out ban them (I also have this problem with other containers as well). The docker-compose is set to create the nextcloud.log file to /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log. I followed this guide to create the jail
Fail2ban is running on the host machine however, fail2ban fails to start with:
[447]: ERROR Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for nextcloud jail
[447]: ERROR Async configuration of server failed
Thinking it was simply a permission issue, I chowned everything to root and tried to start again but still the service won't start. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the help!
The docker-compose is set to create the nextcloud.log file to /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log
Be sure this file really exists and your jail.local has correct entry logpath:
logpath = /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log
You can also check resulting config using dump:
fail2ban-client -d | grep 'nextcloud.*logpath'
But I'm still not sure the error message you provide was throwed by fail2ban, because its error messages look different, see
It should be something like:
-have not found a log file for nextcloud log
+Have not found any log file for nextcloud jail

DreamFactory how to disable wrapper "resource" in docker container

I'm using DreamFactory REST API in a Docker container and I need to disable wrapper "resource" in payload. How can I achieve this?
I have replaced the following in all of these four files:
but this doesn't fix my problem.
The change you describe is indeed the correct one as found in the DreamFactory wiki. Therefore I suspect the configuration has been cached. Navigate to your DreamFactory project's root directory and run this command:
$ php artisan config:clear
This will wipe out any cached configuration settings and force DreamFactory to read the .env file in anew. Also, keep in mind you only need to change the .env file (or manage your configuration variables in your server environment). Those other files won't play any role in configuration changes.

Docker-compose throwing error

Hello guys I'm trying to get my vagrant up but the docker keeps on throwing an error which is given below :
Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any parent. Are you in the right directory
The file is present at the root of my project. It was all working well but it just started to throw an error. Can somebody tell me what is it that I have done due to which I'm getting this error
well, I had this error but it was due to vagrant. If you are running vagrant then first of all enter into your vagrant machine using :
vagrant ssh command
and try to find the file over there. If you don't have it over there then this is the problem. That file is not being loaded over here because of which you are getting this error.
My error was coming because vagrant was not mounting the nfs partition because of which the whole project was not loading in the vagrant machine and after that, the docker command was being run. Since the project was not being loaded docker command was not able to find the required file.
If this is your problem try to mount your nfs partition first.
docker-compose -f rootoftheprojectpath/docker-compose.yml up -d
Check read permissions, typos, etc. Also check that your file is not empty

"docker-compose up" fails with error

I want to work on a project, but I need to use docker for running the app, but the docker-compose up command fails with this error:
System error: exec: "./wait_to_start": stat ./wait_to_start:
no such file or directory
The wait_to_start command is an executable python script in the subfolder backend/.
I need to determine why it cannot be executed. Either it's been searched in the wrong path, or there are access right problems, or maybe the wrong python version is used.
Can I debug it with details, or login with SSH and check the files on the virtual machine? I'm too unexperienced with Docker...
You can either set the "workdir" metadata to make sure you are in the right place when you start a container or simply call /backend/wait_to_start instead of ./wait_to_start so you remove the need to be in the proper directory.
Do debug with docker-compose I would do this:
docker-compose run --entrypoint bash <servicename>
That should give you a prompt and let you inspect the file and working directory, so see what's wrong.

Postgresql fails to be recognised on the correct path

I'm trying to setup a new app with postgresql so I can deploy with Heroku. However, when I run the app using 'rails server' my welcome to rails screen gives this error:
could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running
locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket
I'm sure this is the same issue as is covered here:
Repairing Postgresql after upgrading to OSX 10.7 Lion
But the fix by John Wang doesn't work.
I've tried adding 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' to the .bash_profile, .bashrc and .zshrc, none of which change the outcome. Calling which psql always returns /usr/bin/psql.
What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be much appreciated!
Running /usr/local/bin/psql gives the same error and running echo $PATH gives:
What happens if you run your locally installed psql directly?
/usr/local/bin/psql ...
If that works then it's the path you need to change. You can just try running the export in a terminal, then which psql. If that doesn't pick up the right psql then check the export worked with
echo $PATH
I'm not sure which .xxrc file you'll need to update then - not got a mac to hand I'm afraid, but at least you'll know the command will work.
Oh - I keep several different versions of PostgreSQL around and find it useful to have some aliases set up:
alias psql90='/usr/local/pgsql90/bin/psql -p 5490'
alias psql84='/usr/local/pgsql84/bin/psql -p 5484'
alias pg_dump90=...
Your $PATH is just a list of directories to check separated by ":". It starts /opt/local/bin rather than /usr/local/bin and if you look further along you'll see /usr/bin coming before /usr/local/bin. So - we need to do two things:
Find out which psql we actually want
Make sure we can edit our PATH
Firstly - find your postgresql.conf file and check what port you are running on. There are three items of interest: listen_addresses, port and unix_socket_directory. Then we'll see if there's a socket there.
ls -a <your unix_socket_directory>
You should see a "file" something like ".s.PGSQL.5432" where the 5432 is the port number from your config file. If there's no such file, it's not running and it's time to get it running. You may need to change the port number in the config file if it matches Apple's existing usage.
Then find what psql installations exist
find /usr -type f -name psql
find /opt -type f -name psql
Try and figure out which one you need, perhaps add --version to help.
Then, let's see about editing your PATH. You must have some changes in your settings file anyway, so let's see if we can find where that setting is.
grep -l 'local/bin' ~/.*rc
That should list filenames containing local/bin - have a look and see if they are editing your PATH.
