Print to printer via Bluetooth(non Airprint) in iOS? - ios

I need to print an image from my iOS app to bluetooth thermal printer which is not AirPrint enabled. As we can not use UIKit print for non AirPrint printer, I chose to use 3rd party SDK.
Used this SDK and tried to print image where i can print small sized images, but when it comes to large one, it got crash on appending bytes saying index out of range, this is the function
`private func eachLinePixToCmd(src: [UInt8], nWidth: Int, nHeight: Int, nMode: Int) -> [UInt8] {
var data = [UInt8]
let p0 = [0, 0x80]
let p1 = [0, 0x40]
let p2 = [0, 0x20]
let p3 = [0, 0x10]
let p4 = [0, 0x08]
let p5 = [0, 0x04]
let p6 = [0, 0x02]
let nBytesPerLine: Int = (nWidth + 7) / 8
var k: Int = 0
for _ in 0..<nHeight {
data.append(ESC_POSCommand.beginPrintImage(xl: UInt8(nBytesPerLine % 0xff), xH: UInt8(nBytesPerLine / 0xff), yl: UInt8(1), yH: UInt8(0)).rawValue)
var bytes = [UInt8]()
for _ in 0..<nBytesPerLine {
bytes.append(UInt8(p0[Int(src[k])] + p1[Int(src[k + 1])] + p2[Int(src[k + 2])] + p3[Int(src[k + 3])] + p4[Int(src[k + 4])] + p5[Int(src[k + 5])] + p6[Int(src[k + 6])] + Int(src[k + 7])))
k = k + 8
let rdata: [UInt8] = data.flatMap { $0 }
return rdata
Please let me know if any other SDK available or where to make changes on appending bytes?
Hope for the reply!!

I faced the same issue with the print images, this is due to thermal printer limitations. Here I have compressed the image before sending it to print image.
func resizeWithWidth(width: CGFloat) - > UIImage ? {
let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat(ceil(width / size.width * size.height)))))
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
imageView.image = self
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(imageView.bounds.size, false, scale)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
else {
return nil
imageView.layer.render( in: context)
let result = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
else {
return nil
return result
//Set the width to 256 for example
let myImage = image.resizeWithWidth(width: 256) !
let compressData = myImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.6)
//max value is 1.0 and minimum is 0.0
let compressedImage = UIImage(data: compressData!)
var ticImage = Ticket(.image(image, attributes: .alignment(.center)))
if bluetoothPrinterManager.canPrint {


CVPixelBuffer resulting into garbage image on the device, while working as expected on the simulator

I am trying to create an image out of artificially created data and want to use CVPixelBuffer:
private func RGBAImage(width w: Int, height h: Int) -> UIImage? {
let width = w * Int(UIScreen.main.scale)
let height = h * Int(UIScreen.main.scale)
// Prepare artificial data
let dataPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: width * height * 4)
for i in 0..<width {
for j in 0..<height {
dataPtr[4 * (i + j * width)] = UInt8(sin(Double(i) * 0.01 * .pi / Double(UIScreen.main.scale)) * 127 + 127)
dataPtr[4 * (i + j * width) + 1] = UInt8(255)
dataPtr[4 * (i + j * width) + 2] = UInt8(0)
dataPtr[4 * (i + j * width) + 3] = UInt8(0)
// Convert data into CVPixelBuffer
var pxBuffer: CVPixelBuffer?
width * 4,
[kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey: [:]] as CFDictionary,
guard let cvPxBuffer = pxBuffer else {
return nil
// Generate image from CVPixelBuffer
let ciImage = CIImage(cvImageBuffer: cvPxBuffer)
return UIImage(ciImage: ciImage, scale: UIScreen.main.scale, orientation: .up)
The code works fine on simulator and shows as this :
But the same code shows garbage results on the device :
What am I missing here? Any suggestion is welcome.
Figured out myself. I still don't know why CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes doesn't work, but I was able to make it work by creating the pixel buffer with CVPixelBufferCreate and setting value of each RGB address one by one. This should be a better approach as well since I don't need to create an array first.
Here is the working code for both device and simulator:
private func RGBAImage(width w: Int, height h: Int) -> UIImage? {
let width = w * Int(UIScreen.main.scale)
let height = h * Int(UIScreen.main.scale)
let bytesPerPixel = 4
// Create CVPixelBuffer with artificial data
var pxBuffer: CVPixelBuffer?
guard let cvPxBuffer = pxBuffer else {
return nil
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(cvPxBuffer, CVPixelBufferLockFlags(rawValue: 0))
let bufferWidth = Int(CVPixelBufferGetWidth(cvPxBuffer))
let bufferHeight = Int(CVPixelBufferGetHeight(cvPxBuffer))
let bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(cvPxBuffer)
guard let baseAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pxBuffer!) else {
return nil
for row in 0..<bufferHeight {
var pixel = baseAddress + row * bytesPerRow
for col in 0..<bufferWidth {
let alpha = pixel
alpha.storeBytes(of: UInt8(sin(Double(col) * 0.01 * .pi / Double(UIScreen.main.scale)) * 127 + 127), as: UInt8.self)
let red = pixel + 1
red.storeBytes(of: 255, as: UInt8.self)
let green = pixel + 2
green.storeBytes(of: 0, as: UInt8.self)
let blue = pixel + 3
blue.storeBytes(of: 0, as: UInt8.self)
pixel += bytesPerPixel;
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(cvPxBuffer, CVPixelBufferLockFlags(rawValue: 0))
// Generate image from CVPixelBuffer
let ciImage = CIImage(cvImageBuffer: cvPxBuffer)
return UIImage(ciImage: ciImage, scale: UIScreen.main.scale, orientation: .up)

How to convert YUV frames (from OTVideoFrame) to CVPixelBuffer

I need to convert YUV Frames to CVPixelBuffer that I get from OTVideoFrame Class
This class provides an array of planes in the video frame which contains three elements for y,u,v frame each at index 0,1,2.
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSPointerArray *planes
and format of the video frame
#property (nonatomic, retain) OTVideoFormat *format
That contains Properties like width, height, bytesPerRow etc. of the frame
I need to add filter to the image I receive in the form of OTVideoFrame, I have already tried these answers :
How to convert from YUV to CIImage for iOS
Create CVPixelBuffer from YUV with IOSurface backed
These two links have the solutions in Objective-C but I want to do it in swift. One of the answers in second link was in swift but it lacks some information about the YUVFrame struct that the answer has reference to.
The Format that I receive is NV12
Here is what I have been trying to do till now but I don't know how to proceed next :-
* Calcualte the size of each plane from OTVideoFrame.
* #param frame The frame to render.
* #return tuple containing three elements for size of each plane
fileprivate func calculatePlaneSize(forFrame frame: OTVideoFrame)
-> (ySize: Int, uSize: Int, vSize: Int){
guard let frameFormat = frame.format
else {
return (0, 0 ,0)
let baseSize = Int(frameFormat.imageWidth * frameFormat.imageHeight) * MemoryLayout<GLubyte>.size
return (baseSize, baseSize / 4, baseSize / 4)
* Renders a frame to the video renderer.
* #param frame The frame to render.
func renderVideoFrame(_ frame: OTVideoFrame) {
let planeSize = calculatePlaneSize(forFrame: frame)
let yPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.ySize)
let uPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.uSize)
let vPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.vSize)
memcpy(yPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 0), planeSize.ySize)
memcpy(uPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 1), planeSize.uSize)
memcpy(vPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 2), planeSize.vSize)
let yStride = frame.format!.bytesPerRow.object(at: 0) as! Int
// multiply chroma strides by 2 as bytesPerRow represents 2x2 subsample
let uStride = frame.format!.bytesPerRow.object(at: 1) as! Int
let vStride = frame.format!.bytesPerRow.object(at: 2) as! Int
let width = frame.format!.imageWidth
let height = frame.format!.imageHeight
var pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? = nil
var err: CVReturn;
err = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, Int(width), Int(height), kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange, nil, &pixelBuffer)
if (err != 0) {
NSLog("Error at CVPixelBufferCreate %d", err)
Taking Guidance from those two links I tried to create Pixel buffer but I got stuck every time at this point because the conversion of the Objective-C code after this is not similar to what we have in Swift 3.
For those who are looking for a fast solution, I did with swift Accelerate
using vImageConvert_AnyToAny(_:_:_:_:_:) function.
import Foundation
import Accelerate
import UIKit
import OpenTok
class Accelerater{
var infoYpCbCrToARGB = vImage_YpCbCrToARGB()
init() {
_ = configureYpCbCrToARGBInfo()
func configureYpCbCrToARGBInfo() -> vImage_Error {
var pixelRange = vImage_YpCbCrPixelRange(Yp_bias: 0,
CbCr_bias: 128,
YpRangeMax: 255,
CbCrRangeMax: 255,
YpMax: 255,
YpMin: 1,
CbCrMax: 255,
CbCrMin: 0)
let error = vImageConvert_YpCbCrToARGB_GenerateConversion(
print("Configration done \(error)")
return error
public func convertFrameVImageYUV(toUIImage frame: OTVideoFrame, flag: Bool) -> UIImage {
var result: UIImage? = nil
let width = frame.format?.imageWidth ?? 0
let height = frame.format?.imageHeight ?? 0
var pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? = nil
_ = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, Int(width), Int(height), kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA, nil, &pixelBuffer)
_ = convertFrameVImageYUV(frame, to: pixelBuffer)
var ciImage: CIImage? = nil
if let pixelBuffer = pixelBuffer {
ciImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
let temporaryContext = CIContext(options: nil)
var uiImage: CGImage? = nil
if let ciImage = ciImage {
uiImage = temporaryContext.createCGImage(ciImage, from: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: CVPixelBufferGetWidth(pixelBuffer!), height: CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pixelBuffer!)))
if let uiImage = uiImage {
result = UIImage(cgImage: uiImage)
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer!, [])
return result!
func convertFrameVImageYUV(_ frame: OTVideoFrame, to pixelBufferRef: CVPixelBuffer?) -> vImage_Error{
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
if pixelBufferRef == nil {
print("No PixelBuffer refrance found")
return vImage_Error(kvImageInvalidParameter)
let width = frame.format?.imageWidth ?? 0
let height = frame.format?.imageHeight ?? 0
let subsampledWidth = frame.format!.imageWidth/2
let subsampledHeight = frame.format!.imageHeight/2
print("subsample height \(subsampledHeight) \(subsampledWidth)")
let planeSize = calculatePlaneSize(forFrame: frame)
print("ysize : \(planeSize.ySize) \(planeSize.uSize) \(planeSize.vSize)")
let yPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.ySize)
let uPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.uSize)
let vPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.vSize)
memcpy(yPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 0), planeSize.ySize)
memcpy(uPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 1), planeSize.uSize)
memcpy(vPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 2), planeSize.vSize)
let yStride = frame.format!.bytesPerRow.object(at: 0) as! Int
// multiply chroma strides by 2 as bytesPerRow represents 2x2 subsample
let uStride = frame.format!.bytesPerRow.object(at: 1) as! Int
let vStride = frame.format!.bytesPerRow.object(at: 2) as! Int
var yPlaneBuffer = vImage_Buffer(data: yPlane, height: vImagePixelCount(height), width: vImagePixelCount(width), rowBytes: yStride)
var uPlaneBuffer = vImage_Buffer(data: uPlane, height: vImagePixelCount(subsampledHeight), width: vImagePixelCount(subsampledWidth), rowBytes: uStride)
var vPlaneBuffer = vImage_Buffer(data: vPlane, height: vImagePixelCount(subsampledHeight), width: vImagePixelCount(subsampledWidth), rowBytes: vStride)
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pixelBufferRef!, .readOnly)
let pixelBufferData = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pixelBufferRef!)
let rowBytes = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(pixelBufferRef!)
var destinationImageBuffer = vImage_Buffer() = pixelBufferData
destinationImageBuffer.height = vImagePixelCount(height)
destinationImageBuffer.width = vImagePixelCount(width)
destinationImageBuffer.rowBytes = rowBytes
var permuteMap: [UInt8] = [3, 2, 1, 0] // BGRA
let convertError = vImageConvert_420Yp8_Cb8_Cr8ToARGB8888(&yPlaneBuffer, &uPlaneBuffer, &vPlaneBuffer, &destinationImageBuffer, &infoYpCbCrToARGB, &permuteMap, 255, vImage_Flags(kvImagePrintDiagnosticsToConsole))
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBufferRef!, [])
let end = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
print("Decoding time \((end-start)*1000)")
return convertError
fileprivate func calculatePlaneSize(forFrame frame: OTVideoFrame)
-> (ySize: Int, uSize: Int, vSize: Int)
guard let frameFormat = frame.format
else {
return (0, 0 ,0)
let baseSize = Int(frameFormat.imageWidth * frameFormat.imageHeight) * MemoryLayout<GLubyte>.size
return (baseSize, baseSize / 4, baseSize / 4)
Performance tested on iPhone7, one frame conversion is less than a millisecond.
Here's what worked for me (I've taken your function and changed it a bit):
func createPixelBufferWithVideoFrame(_ frame: OTVideoFrame) -> CVPixelBuffer? {
if let fLock = frameLock {
let planeSize = calculatePlaneSize(forFrame: frame)
let yPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.ySize)
let uPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.uSize)
let vPlane = UnsafeMutablePointer<GLubyte>.allocate(capacity: planeSize.vSize)
memcpy(yPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 0), planeSize.ySize)
memcpy(uPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 1), planeSize.uSize)
memcpy(vPlane, frame.planes?.pointer(at: 2), planeSize.vSize)
let width = frame.format!.imageWidth
let height = frame.format!.imageHeight
var pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? = nil
var err: CVReturn;
err = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, Int(width), Int(height), kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange, nil, &pixelBuffer)
if (err != 0) {
NSLog("Error at CVPixelBufferCreate %d", err)
return nil
if let pixelBuffer = pixelBuffer {
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, .readOnly)
let yPlaneTo = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 0)
memcpy(yPlaneTo, yPlane, planeSize.ySize)
let uvRow: Int = planeSize.uSize*2/Int(width)
let halfWidth: Int = Int(width)/2
if let uPlaneTo = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 1) {
let uvPlaneTo = uPlaneTo.bindMemory(to: GLubyte.self, capacity: Int(uvRow*halfWidth*2))
for i in 0..<uvRow {
for j in 0..<halfWidth {
let dataIndex: Int = Int(i) * Int(halfWidth) + Int(j)
let uIndex: Int = (i * Int(width)) + Int(j) * 2
let vIndex: Int = uIndex + 1
uvPlaneTo[uIndex] = uPlane[dataIndex]
uvPlaneTo[vIndex] = vPlane[dataIndex]
return pixelBuffer
return nil

How to read and log the raw pixels of image in swift iOS

I need to read pixel values of an image and iterate to print in swift output, I have written this so far and used a RGBAImage class to read out pixels. I'm getting lost from CGContextRef to Iteration. I tried to write from CGImage, getting pixel data from objective C language to swift since I wanted to work in swift.
func createRGBAPixel(inImage: CGImageRef) -> CGContextRef {
//Image width, height
let pixelWidth = CGImageGetWidth(inImage)
let pixelHeight = CGImageGetHeight(inImage)
//Declaring number of bytes
let bytesPerRow = Int(pixelWidth) * 4
let byteCount = bytesPerRow * Int(pixelHeight)
//RGB color space
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
//Allocating image data
let mapData = malloc(byteCount)
let mapInfo = CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedFirst.rawValue)
//Create bitmap context
let context = CGBitmapContextCreate(mapData, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, Int(8), Int(bytesPerRow), colorSpace, mapInfo.rawValue)
let pixelImage = CGBitmapContextCreate(pixels, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, mapInfo)
let CGContextRef = pixelImage
let CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, pixelWidth, pixelHeight), inImage)
//Iterating and logging
print("Logging pixel counts")
let pixels = calloc(pixelHeight * pixelWidth, sizeof(UInt32))
let myImage = CGImageRef: inImage
let myRGBA = RGBAImage(image: myImage)! //RGBAImage class to read pixels.
var number = 0
var currentPixel:Int32 = 0
currentPixel = pixels * UInt32
for number in 0..<pixelHeight {
for number in 0..<pixelWidth {
var color = color * currentPixel
print(( + + / 3.0)
return context!
I created small class for this:
class ImagePixelReader {
enum Component:Int {
case r = 0
case g = 1
case b = 2
case alpha = 3
struct Color {
var r:UInt8
var g:UInt8
var b:UInt8
var a:UInt8
var uiColor:UIColor {
return UIColor(red:CGFloat(r)/255.0,green:CGFloat(g)/255.0,blue:CGFloat(b)/255.0,alpha:CGFloat(alpha)/255.0)
let image:UIImage
private var data:CFData
private let pointer:UnsafePointer<UInt8>
private let scale:Int
self.image = image
guard let cfdata = self.image.cgImage?.dataProvider?.data,
let pointer = CFDataGetBytePtr(cfdata) else {
return nil
self.scale = Int(image.scale) = cfdata
self.pointer = pointer
func componentAt(_ component:Component,x:Int,y:Int)->UInt8{
assert(CGFloat(x) < image.size.width)
assert(CGFloat(y) < image.size.height)
let pixelPosition = (Int(image.size.width) * y * scale + x) * 4 * scale
return pointer[pixelPosition + component.rawValue]
func colorAt(x:Int,y:Int)->Color{
assert(CGFloat(x) < image.size.width)
assert(CGFloat(y) < image.size.height)
let pixelPosition = (Int(image.size.width) * y * scale + x) * 4 * scale
return Color(r: pointer[pixelPosition + Component.r.rawValue],
g: pointer[pixelPosition + Component.g.rawValue],
b: pointer[pixelPosition + Component.b.rawValue],
a: pointer[pixelPosition + Component.alpha.rawValue])
How to use:
if let reader = ImagePixelReader(image: yourImage) {
//get alpha or color
let alpha = reader.componentAt(.alpha, x: 10, y:10)
let color = reader.colorAt(x:10, y: 10).uiColor
//getting all the pixels you need
var values = ""
//iterate over all pixels
for x in 0 ..< Int(image.size.width){
for y in 0 ..< Int(image.size.height){
let color = reader.colorAt(x: x, y: y)
values += "[\(x):\(y):\(color)] "
//add new line for every new row
values += "\n"

Swift - Compare colors at CGPoint

I have 2 pictures which I want to compare, if pixel color is the same to save it.
I detect the color of the pixel by this UIImage extension function:
func getPixelColor(pos: CGPoint) -> ??? {
let pixelData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(self.CGImage))
let data: UnsafePointer<UInt8> = CFDataGetBytePtr(pixelData)
let pixelInfo: Int = ((Int(self.size.width) * Int(pos.y)) + Int(pos.x)) * 4
let r = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo]) / CGFloat(255.0)
let g = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo+1]) / CGFloat(255.0)
let b = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo+2]) / CGFloat(255.0)
let a = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo+3]) / CGFloat(255.0)
return ???
For example, I run the scanner on picture 1 and save it in an array? Or dictionary? And after that I run the scanner on picture 2 and when I have the information from 2 pictures to compare it with what function?
I want to see on which CGPoint the pixels colors are identical from 2 images?
I update getPixelColor to return me "(pos)(r)(g)(b)(a)" and after that I created this function which left only duplicates (BEFORE USING THIS FUNCTION YOU HAVE TO .sort() THE ARRAY!)
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
var duplicates: [Element] {
var arr:[Element] = []
var start = 0
var start2 = 1
for _ in 0...self.count{
if(self[start] == self[start2]){
return arr
This returns me something like this:
"(609.0, 47.0)" I know that the color is black at this point I do x-536 to fit iPhone 5 screen and when I make an attempt to draw it again it draws something wrong... maybe I can't do it properly.. help?
have the UIImage extension return a UIColor. use this method to compare each pixel of the two images. if both pixels match, add the color to an array of arrays.
extension UIImage {
func getPixelColor(pos: CGPoint) -> UIColor {
let pixelData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(self.CGImage))
let data: UnsafePointer<UInt8> = CFDataGetBytePtr(pixelData)
let pixelInfo: Int = ((Int(self.size.width) * Int(pos.y)) + Int(pos.x)) * 4
let r = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo]) / CGFloat(255.0)
let g = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo+1]) / CGFloat(255.0)
let b = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo+2]) / CGFloat(255.0)
let a = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo+3]) / CGFloat(255.0)
return UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a)
func findMatchingPixels(aImage: UIImage, _ bImage: UIImage) -> [[UIColor?]] {
guard aImage.size == bImage.size else { fatalError("images must be the same size") }
var matchingColors: [[UIColor?]] = []
for y in 0..<Int(aImage.size.height) {
var currentRow = [UIColor?]()
for x in 0..<Int(aImage.size.width) {
let aColor = aImage.getPixelColor(CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
let colorsMatch = bImage.getPixelColor(CGPoint(x: x, y: y)) == aColor
currentRow.append(colorsMatch ? aColor : nil)
return matchingColors
used like this:
let matchingPixels = findMatchingPixels(UIImage(named: "imageA.png")!, UIImage(named: "imageB.png")!)
if let colorForOrigin = matchingPixels[0][0] {
print("the images have the same color, it is: \(colorForOrigin)")
} else {
print("the images do not have the same color at (0,0)")
for simplicity i made findMatchingPixels() require the images be the same size, but it wouldn't take much to allow different sized images.
if you want ONLY the pixels that match, i'd return a tuple like this:
func findMatchingPixels(aImage: UIImage, _ bImage: UIImage) -> [(CGPoint, UIColor)] {
guard aImage.size == bImage.size else { fatalError("images must be the same size") }
var matchingColors = [(CGPoint, UIColor)]()
for y in 0..<Int(aImage.size.height) {
for x in 0..<Int(aImage.size.width) {
let aColor = aImage.getPixelColor(CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
guard bImage.getPixelColor(CGPoint(x: x, y: y)) == aColor else { continue }
matchingColors.append((CGPoint(x: x, y: y), aColor))
return matchingColors
Why not try a different approach?
The Core Image filter CIDifferenceBlendMode will return an all black image if passed two identical images and an image with areas of non black where two images differ. Pass that into a CIAreaMaximum which will return a 1x1 image containing the maximum pixel: if the maximum value is 0, you know you have two identical images, if the maximum is greater than zero, the two images are different.
Given two CIImage instances, imageA and imageB, here's the code:
let ciContext = CIContext()
let difference = imageA
withInputParameters: [
kCIInputBackgroundImageKey: imageB])
withInputParameters: [
kCIInputExtentKey: CIVector(CGRect: imageA.extent)])
let totalBytes = 4
let bitmap = calloc(totalBytes, sizeof(UInt8))
toBitmap: bitmap,
rowBytes: totalBytes,
bounds: difference.extent,
format: kCIFormatRGBA8,
colorSpace: nil)
let rgba = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(
start: UnsafePointer<UInt8>(bitmap),
count: totalBytes)
let red = rgba[0]
let green = rgba[1]
let blue = rgba[2]
If red, green or blue are not zero, you know the images are different!

Colour correction of Photoshop LUT filter using CIFilter

Using photoshop to create LUT filter and use iOS CIFilter to read the LUT image, filter image created by iOS is not corresponding to the filer image created by photoshop.
How can I trace the issue?
This is the original image
This is the image with filter I created from photoshop
This is the image with filter I created from iPhone
This is the LUT image I am using
please Try This its work for me
public class LUTsHelper {
public static func applyLUTsFilter(lutImage: String, dimension: Int, colorSpace: CGColorSpace) -> CIFilter? {
guard let image = UIImage(named: lutImage) else {
return nil
guard let cgImage = image.cgImage else {
return nil
guard let bitmap = createBitmap(image: cgImage, colorSpace: colorSpace) else {
return nil
let width = cgImage.width
let height = cgImage.height
let rowNum = width / dimension
let columnNum = height / dimension
let dataSize = dimension * dimension * dimension * MemoryLayout<Float>.size * 4
var array = Array<Float>(repeating: 0, count: dataSize)
var bitmapOffest: Int = 0
var z: Int = 0
for _ in stride(from: 0, to: rowNum, by: 1) {
for y in stride(from: 0, to: dimension, by: 1) {
let tmp = z
for _ in stride(from: 0, to: columnNum, by: 1) {
for x in stride(from: 0, to: dimension, by: 1) {
let dataOffset = (z * dimension * dimension + y * dimension + x) * 4
let position = bitmap
.advanced(by: bitmapOffest)
array[dataOffset + 0] = Float(position
.advanced(by: 0)
.pointee) / 255
array[dataOffset + 1] = Float(position
.advanced(by: 1)
.pointee) / 255
array[dataOffset + 2] = Float(position
.advanced(by: 2)
.pointee) / 255
array[dataOffset + 3] = Float(position
.advanced(by: 3)
.pointee) / 255
bitmapOffest += 4
z += 1
z = tmp
z += columnNum
let data = Data.init(bytes: array, count: dataSize)
let cubeFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIColorCubeWithColorSpace")
else {
return nil
cubeFilter.setValue(dimension, forKey: "inputCubeDimension")
cubeFilter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputCubeData")
cubeFilter.setValue(colorSpace, forKey: "inputColorSpace")
return cubeFilter
private static func createBitmap(image: CGImage, colorSpace: CGColorSpace) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>? {
let width = image.width
let height = image.height
let bitsPerComponent = 8
let bytesPerRow = width * 4
let bitmapSize = bytesPerRow * height
guard let data = malloc(bitmapSize) else {
return nil
guard let context = CGContext(
data: data,
width: width,
height: height,
bitsPerComponent: bitsPerComponent,
bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow,
space: colorSpace,
bitmapInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedLast.rawValue,
releaseCallback: nil,
releaseInfo: nil) else {
return nil
context.draw(image, in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height))
return data.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: bitmapSize)
now us this class
let colorSpace: CGColorSpace = CGColorSpace.init(name: CGColorSpace.sRGB) ?? CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
let lutFilter = LUTsHelper.applyLUTsFilter(lutImage: "demo.png", dimension: 64, colorSpace: colorSpace)
lutFilter?.setValue(outputImage, forKey: "inputImage")
let lutOutputImage = lutFilter?.outputImage
if let output = lutOutputImage {
outputImage = output
