Unable to see the Query output - psql

Unable to see the query output.
Command changed from the postgres=# to postgres'#.
Please guide.
enter image description here

In your insert query the value 'Mango there is a typo, the closing string literal ' is missing. The console is waiting for that that is why you have the '# showing up.


How to expend tAssertCatcher to catch more errors than its default in talend?

I have a job which when I run it- I get this:
[ERROR] 11:47:54 org.talend.components.snowflake.runtime.SnowflakeRowStandalone- Query execution has
failed. Please validate your query.
net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: Execution error in store procedure
Numeric value '' is not recognized
but when I'm trying to catch this error- I cant.
I tried tAssertCatcher, tLogCatcher, tStatCatcher- and nothing has worked.
could anybody help please?
ok, finally I got a solution.
tAssertCatcher does not catch errors from stored procedures, so I created a joblet which contain the tAssertCatcher AND in addition, added in there:
input with schema almost identical to tAssertCatcher's schema:
moment, pid, project, job, language, origin, status, substatus, errorCode, errorMessage.
now- I connected between the tDBrow component which I want to catch error from this process- with Reject row to the joblet, and pass errorCode and errorMessage- this will be the exception and description.
in the schema I used tMap to add variables values to almost all the columns:
pid, status, jobName, projectName and the rest I passed hardcoded.
finally I got a solution... every time I'll have error in stored procedure- I'll get 2 detailed records: one that I created manually, and the another one is UNEXPECTED-EXCEPTION.
the additional part in the joblet

Where is the vTaskGetRunTimeStats output printed out?

In FreeRTOS vTaskGetRunTimeStats, pcWriteBuffer is getting populated with the time, but where is it printed out? I mean which part of the tasks.c prints out the contents of pcWriteBuffer ?
vTaskGetRunTimeStats() populates pcWriteBuffer with ascii string containing the run stats. It's up to you to print that string. You can simply do that with:
printf("%s", pcWriteBuffer);
For more info, see vTaskGetRunTimeStats docs.

I want to count detected strings in file with grep, excluding a specific phrase

Hi I'm trying to search a log file for the following words and assign the number of matches to a variable as a number.
But I don't want to match the words error or errors if its preceeded by "No "
So ignore error if its "no error" and ignore errors if its "no errors"
Here's what I have so far
ErrorCheck=$(grep -vi "No errors" $LOGFILE | grep -ciE "error|fail|can't" $LOGFILE)
Its not working out for me unfortunatly, any suggestions would be great.
PS I'm using microcore running busybox shell, so I have a slightly lean environment to work in.
All comments and suggestions welcome.
Thanks for your input.
Well, I think one problem is that the "-v" flag for grep will basically omit the entire line containing 'No errors' or any other string you specify. So if a single line contains both "no failures" and "can't" for example, you'd have a problem.
One possible (sort of janky) way to do this could be to store values in three different variables: NUM_COUNTED minus NUM_NOTS = ErrorCheck, which should account for having a "no failure" and an actual failure indicator in the same line.
NUM_COUNTED=grep -ciF 'error
can't' $LOGFILE
NUM_NOTS=grep -ciF 'no error
no fail' $LOGFILE
ErrorCheck=`expr $NUM_COUNTED - $NUM_NOTS`
Alternatively, this seems to be giving (mostly accurate) results:
ErrorCheck=$(grep -vi 'No errors' $LOGFILE | grep -ciF 'error
can't' $LOGFILE)
The -F flag just tells grep to look for string literals (error, fail, and can't) which are newline separated.
Hope this helps.

Bad result from groovy's ProcessGroovyMethods (UNIXProcess)

While using Grails 2.4.5 org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ProcessGroovyMethods on Ubuntu 14.04:
def command = "mysqldump -h${databaseProperties.host} -u'${databaseProperties.username}' -p'${databaseProperties.password}' ${databaseProperties.name} " + table
print command
def proc = command.execute()
def oneMinute = 60000
println "[[return code: ${proc.exitValue()}]]"
println "[[stderr: ${proc.err.text}]]"
return null
return proc.in.text.readLines()
I've got
[[return code: 2]]
[[stderr: mysqldump: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES) when trying to connect]]
but when I copy-paste printlined command into my bash I receive proper dump. What is going on?
I've also tried:
changing mysqldump to full path: /usr/bin/mysqldump
sending arguments as a String array but with the same
sending command as a regular String to execute:
"mysqldump -hlocalhost -u'root' -p'password' database table"
it works in system bash, it doesn't as a ProcessGroovyMethod...
After thinking about this overnight, I'm (still) convinced that the problem is related to your password. Since it's really not a best practice to provide the password on the command line (mysqldump even warns you about this), I think you should change tactics by creating a login-path.
Use the following command to create a login path (this is a one-time step):
mysql_config_editor set --login-path=name --host=localhost --user=youruser --password
Then change the command you're attempting to execute from Groovy to this:
def command="mysqldump --login-path=name database table"
This will work around the issue you're seeing and is more secure.
Original answer:
I was able to replicate the problem. String.execute() doesn't use a command shell, and therefore the single quotes are getting passed to mysqldump as if they were part of your password.
Edit: After some further thought, I don't think Groovy's String.execute() is the way to go here, because of its unexpected handling of quotes. It's fine if your password doesn't include spaces, but this is likely to be brittle.
If you need more control, you should consider using ProcessBuilder:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("mysqldump", "-h${databaseProperties.host}", "-u${databaseProperties.username}", "-p${databaseProperties.password}", databaseProperties.name, table);
Process p = pb.start();
Edit: Further research, just tested this with a password that includes spaces. command.execute() doesn't handle this properly, but using the ProcessBuilder method works.
Here's another post explaining some of the unexpected behavior of the String.execute() method:
Groovy: strings with embedded quotes don't execute as expected

Help with Nagios check_postgres.pl custom query

I have a postgres function that returns two columns
result, data
(int), (text)
If I run this command from postgres it returns the proper values and if I run it from the linux command line like this:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_postgres.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u postgres -db monitordb --action=custom_query --critical=1 --query="SELECT * from ops_get_status();"
It also return the proper values - at least it seems to and I don't get any errors.
But when I insert it in the commands.cfg and watch this through the Nagios frontend
it return (null).
The log file doesn't contain any detailed information for debugging this. So, what can I do to get to the bottom of this issue - any help greatly appreciated
I just had this same problem. Removing the semi-colon from the end of the query got it working.
Mail archives reference here:
Shot in the dark, but try enclosing the query in single quotes. The * might be somehow getting expanded.
A bit late, but I also got a similar error with a custom query, but it turns out you need to return a column called 'result' and it must be an integer.
For example:
check_postgres.pl --action=connection --db=db-name --host=x.x.x.x --dbuser=db-user --action=custom_query --critical=10 --warning=5 --query="SELECT count(id) as result from your-table"
