RapidApi Testing returns `kutz-log-nil-tenantid` - rapidapi

On RapidAPI I have created a new API and added a simple GET endpoint (/version). Every call (from the Dashboard Test Endpoint feature and from the browser) returns
Anyone experiencing the same? Did I miss some configuration? I cannot see what it is wrong.

It looks like /version is a reserved word and cannot be used.
After creating a different endpoint (ie /status) it works fine.
RapidAPI documentation lists the reserved words but version in not one of them.

I think something was wrong from the backend when you were creating this endpoint because /version is not the reserved word.
It should work fine if you try this now.
Remember, you can always write to the RapidAPI support team(support#rapidapi.com). They are very active and would love to help you out.


Microsoft Graph API for Education: error listing user schools

I'm trying to retrieve the educationShool list of an educationUser from Microsoft Graph per the API reference:
I am getting this error:
Error message: The request URI is not valid. Since the segment
'memberOf' refers to a collection, this must be the last segment in
the request URI or it must be followed by an function or action that
can be bound to it otherwise all intermediate segments must refer to a
single resource.
I have reproduced this issue in the Graph Explorer, if I try to send this request, I get the same error:
If I try to list the Classes (I think it should be a very similar scenario), it works ok:
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug in the API?
I was able to reproduce this and it looks like there may be a bug here. While that gets investigated, I can confirm that it works properly in the /beta release:
I'd suggest using /beta for this particular call if possible.
Update: This issue has been resolved and education/{users}/schools should now be working in both v1.0 and Beta versions.

OAuth in Jira - 'consumer_key_unknown' while requesting token

I am trying to connect to Jira using OAuth. I have followed this manual and I have created app link in Jira instance and configured it with proper consumer key and public key. When I try to request a token using code from the example I am getting 401 with following message (same for python and perl instance):
I am out of ideas what can be wrong. I will appreciate any tips.
Well, I believe that I have configured Application link in the wrong place. I have been somehow navigated to the link wiki/admin/listapplicationlinks.action. Then I accidentally found plugins/servlet/applinks/listApplicationLinks which looked pretty much the same as first but content was different. I have added link to the second location and everything works well now. Sorry for confusion.
I also had this similar error. So I then used different "consumer key"(tried to make this unique) other than the given one in the example manual. After searching a lot in internet about this error, I got to know that as most people are using that same consumer key(given in example manual), a database error occurred due to which this error was thrown.

Does nesting an itms-services URI change behavior of the protocol?

I see the following snippet posted all over the internet:
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http:/oursite.com/myApp.plist" id="text">
Kind of hard to believe that is a standard practice. Is there any difference between itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url= and itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=?
It's a typo, but it doesn't stop the installs working.
Probably because it forms a url like this:
and it's probably taking the last url.
I just ran both through the Charles Web Proxy and the responses (and requests) are identical. (Ignore the 401's - that is the server requesting authentication).
As you can see they both result in the same request.
But, of course this could change in the future Apple updates.
So stick to the single itms-services version.

Command pathing and 404 errors

I'm working on the most basic Valence use just to prove it works -- using php to run a "whoami" query.
I authenticate fine, get the userId, userKey, and userSig back. I set these in the userContext object. The call to createAuthenticatedUri seems to work well -- all parameters are in the GET url I would expect to see.
I've also verified that the command path (/d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami/) is valid, from another developer who is connecting to a a completely different server.
However, when I try to make the request, D2L tells me "404 Page not found".
I can make a call to /d2l/api/versions/ and that returns just fine.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Please note that your path /d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami/ is not valid: the proper route for the whoami API call is /d2l/api/lp/{ver}/users/whoami without the trailing slash, and with the right version number filled in to target the API contract you want to target among those offered by the LMS -- in your case, that might be /d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami, but it's also likely that you have more modern API contracts available on your LMS as well, which you can determine using the call to retrieve the LMS' version table.

Request to Google Places API on iOS Returning REQUEST_DENIED

I'm not sure why I'm getting REQUEST_DENIED error when I'm using iOS key. When I used the one for web application, it works fine, but it's only for testing since I must test from specific IP address.
I followed the instruction on this page, Obtaining an API key, but I still can't get it work. Do you know if there is something else I have to do? I made sure the bundle name is correct already.
So it seems like as of 09/09/13, there is no support for Places API for iOS. You have to use the one for web with any referrer rather than specify any static IP. Hope this help saves someone sometime. It took me quite a few hours to find this out.
