Command pathing and 404 errors - desire2learn

I'm working on the most basic Valence use just to prove it works -- using php to run a "whoami" query.
I authenticate fine, get the userId, userKey, and userSig back. I set these in the userContext object. The call to createAuthenticatedUri seems to work well -- all parameters are in the GET url I would expect to see.
I've also verified that the command path (/d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami/) is valid, from another developer who is connecting to a a completely different server.
However, when I try to make the request, D2L tells me "404 Page not found".
I can make a call to /d2l/api/versions/ and that returns just fine.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

Please note that your path /d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami/ is not valid: the proper route for the whoami API call is /d2l/api/lp/{ver}/users/whoami without the trailing slash, and with the right version number filled in to target the API contract you want to target among those offered by the LMS -- in your case, that might be /d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami, but it's also likely that you have more modern API contracts available on your LMS as well, which you can determine using the call to retrieve the LMS' version table.


making a project with JIRA rest API. getting an Error as a response. But don't know the solution

I am running Jira on docker. And making a simple rest API call to make a new project.
But I am getting an error "You must specify a valid project lead".
I AM indeed specifying a valid user called "userOne" that I have made on my server.
Can someone help me out what the problem is?
I have attached a picture of the POST request that I am making
and the response that I am getting.
Additionally: the user that I am trying to make as a the lead is an ACTIVE user,
The screeenshot for that is attached below too.[in case that is something that can cause problems]
userOne is the full name of your user. The endpoint is expecting the username (which is unique across the whole instance), try changing it to user1.

RapidApi Testing returns `kutz-log-nil-tenantid`

On RapidAPI I have created a new API and added a simple GET endpoint (/version). Every call (from the Dashboard Test Endpoint feature and from the browser) returns
Anyone experiencing the same? Did I miss some configuration? I cannot see what it is wrong.
It looks like /version is a reserved word and cannot be used.
After creating a different endpoint (ie /status) it works fine.
RapidAPI documentation lists the reserved words but version in not one of them.
I think something was wrong from the backend when you were creating this endpoint because /version is not the reserved word.
It should work fine if you try this now.
Remember, you can always write to the RapidAPI support team( They are very active and would love to help you out.

Get User's Home Phone from Microsoft Graph API

My calls to the API to get users work just fine, but the default URL does not return the home phone number, or the ip phone number.
adding parameters works for other things
works too, I have tried homephone, homephones, homePhone, homePhones and ipphone, ipphones, ipPhone, ipPhones but do not get those properties returned. We can see the properties filled in on our local Active Directory, so they are in there.
Looking at the docs I don't see mention of home or ip phones but I am hoping I am missing something.
To extend on my comment
For some reason the fieldname ipPhone does not work, only a prefixed
version with a 33 character hash in it extension_<33chars>_ipPhone. I
don't have direct access to the system, but have been told its been
done correctly, so it works enough for us
The URL path we have is now:
The codes for both of our fields fields are the same.
I presume the codes for other orgs will be different, but just in case I have not used our actual ones here.
Some attributes (such as ipPhone) that are synchronized by default might not be exposed using the Microsoft Graph API. In these cases, you can use the Azure AD Connect directory extension feature to synchronize the attribute to Azure AD.

Request to Google Places API on iOS Returning REQUEST_DENIED

I'm not sure why I'm getting REQUEST_DENIED error when I'm using iOS key. When I used the one for web application, it works fine, but it's only for testing since I must test from specific IP address.
I followed the instruction on this page, Obtaining an API key, but I still can't get it work. Do you know if there is something else I have to do? I made sure the bundle name is correct already.
So it seems like as of 09/09/13, there is no support for Places API for iOS. You have to use the one for web with any referrer rather than specify any static IP. Hope this help saves someone sometime. It took me quite a few hours to find this out.

Why is Google Oauth returning `invalid redirect_urI` in my Rails app?

I'm adding Google Oauth2 to a Rails app, but have been unable to get past the early stages.
I've set up an app, and defined client ID and secret.But I'm getting Invalid parameter value for redirect_uri: Non-public domains not allowed: http://localhost/path/to/callback
What does this mean? Is this because I'm testing on a local dev environment?
Thanks for any ideas.
This might be because the app's URI differs from the sending URI. But when I go to Google and try to authorize the path to my dev app, I get OAuth2 redirect is invalid. Is this a limitation of using a locally hosted app?
The request I'm generating looks like this:
Is this correct. I've tried this with client_id including and excluding the section. Neither seems to work.
I was getting the redirect error for my python / tornado app running on ubuntu. Using localhost didn't work as the accepted answer highlighted. Google wants a public domain.
My solution was to piggyback "" which is public and create a sub domain in my /etc/hosts file. The sub domain would work on my local dev box and google would be happy with the domain. I registering the redirects via the google console and the redirect worked successfully for me.
I added the following to my /etc/hosts: devbox
In my case the IP was that of my machine. I could also have used instead.
My Google API console ( set up for a new client ID was:
"Application Type: Web Application".
Via "Your site or hostname (more options)":
In "Authorized Redirect URIs" I entered
In "Authorized JavaScript Origins" I entered
Using you can provide a public url to redirect to like
Tested and working.
I used my public hostname. It helps if you have a static IP address. I used to get my hostname. I plugged it straight into the Authorized JavaScript origins field when I created a new Web Application Client ID.
P.S. My hostname looked something like this:
This is my answer to a related question
For anyone else finding this, my problem was combination of several things.
I could not get callbacks to work on a local machine. The console API console suggests it is possible, but I couldn't get it working. Not sure of this is down to the service, or to my network/ connection/ firewall/ etc.
In the API console you must specify the full redirect URI, not just the root url back to your app.
Google lists scope parameters here It seems this information is outdated, and the correct format for these is now,, etc. Maybe someone else can confirm this?
I had a few other things going on as well. I had written a full explanation on another of my questions here on SO. Unfortunately my comments were deleted instead of moved by a moderator because I posted in the wrong place. I can't now remember all that I wrote. For others facing similar issue, feel free to comment, it may jog my memory so I can offer some ideas.
Error redirect_uri_mismatch - This error can occur when you entered an incorrect bundle ID in your Google Developers Console project that does not match your app's bundle ID. Check that your client ID and bundle ID match the values that are displayed in the Developers Console.
For me it was the function that built up the google url. I put line breaks in the string, once I removed the line breaks the url worked again.
I faced this issue but found it was really not an issue. As explained in my blog you can use the public redirect URI even when you are working on your localhost development machine. Google will just return the authorization code to the public URI where you can cut and paste it to your local machine.
