When using Floyd's algorithm on a full circular linked list, the head becomes None - linked-list

I have a linked list. I am writing a function that returns False if there is no loop in my linked list and True if there is.
When I perform the algorithm, I need to have 2 pointers: one is slow and the other is fast.
Algorithm used:
slow will move one step
fast will move two steps
if slow==fast, then loop exists
and to break the loop :
set fast at head, move fast=fast.next and slow=slow.next till fast.next is not equal to slow.next, and then set slow.next as None.
But in the following case my head becomes None. Can you help fixing this?
def detectAndRemoveCycle(head):
if head is None:
while slow and fast and fast.next:
if slow==fast:
while fast.next != slow.next:
return True
return False
Here is the case when my code fails, as it points my head to None

You are right, this algorithm will not always work when the linked list is circular, i.e. when the head node is part of the cycle.
There are several ways to resolve this. A simple solution is to create a temporary new head node that is prepended to the given head node. Then it will also work for this special case:
def detectAndRemoveCycle(head):
if head is None:
head = Node(None, head) # <--- add this
# ...rest of your code
This assumes your Node class is defined with a constructor that takes a second argument, like this:
class Node:
def __init__(self, value, nxt=None):
self.value = value
self.next = nxt


Clean way to loop over a masked list in Julia

In Julia, I have a list of neighbors of a location stored in all_neighbors[loc]. This allows me to quickly loop over these neighbors conveniently with the syntax for neighbor in all_neighbors[loc]. This leads to readable code such as the following:
active_neighbors = 0
for neighbor in all_neighbors[loc]
if cube[neighbor] == ACTIVE
active_neighbors += 1
Astute readers will see that this is nothing more than a reduction. Because I'm just counting active neighbors, I figured I could do this in a one-liner using the count function. However,
# This does not work
active_neighbors = count(x->x==ACTIVE, cube[all_neighbors[loc]])
does not work because the all_neighbors mask doesn't get interpreted correctly as simply a mask over the cube array. Does anyone know the cleanest way to write this reduction? An alternative solution I came up with is:
active_neighbors = count(x->x==ACTIVE, [cube[all_neighbors[loc][k]] for k = 1:length(all_neighbors[loc])])
but I really don't like this because it's even less readable than what I started with. Thanks for any advice!
This should work:
count(x -> cube[x] == ACTIVE, all_neighbors[loc])

How to share the same index among multiple dask arrays

I'm trying to build a dask-based ipython application, that holds a meta-class which consists of some sub-dask-arrays (which are all shaped (n_samples, dim_1, dim_2 ...)) and should be able to sector the sub-dask-arrays by its getitem operator.
In the getitem method, I call the da.Array.compute method (the code is still in it's very early state), so I would be able to iterate batches of the sub-arrays.
def MetaClass(object):
def __getitem__(self, inds):
new_m = MetaClass()
inds = inds.compute()
for name,var in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(var,da.Array):
setattr(new_m, name, var[inds])
except Exception as e:
setattr(new_m, name, var)
return new_m
# Here I construct the meta-class to work with some directory.
m = MetaClass('/my/data/...')
# m.type is one of the sub-dask-arrays
m2 = m[m.type==2]
It works as expected, and I get the sliced arrays, but as a result I get a huge memory consumption, and I assume that in the background the mechanism of dask is copying the index for each sub-dask-array.
My question is, how do I achieve the same results, without using so much memory?
(I tried not to "compute" the "inds" in getitem, but then I get nan shaped arrays, which can not be iterated, which is a must for the application)
I have been thinking about three possible solutions that I'd be happy to be advised which of them is the "right" one for me. (or to get another solution which I haven't thought of):
To use a Dask DataFrame, which I'm not sure how to fit multidimensional-dask-arrays in (would really appreciate some help or even a link that explains how to deal with multidimensional arrays in dd).
To forget about the entire MetaClass, and to use one dask-array with a nasty dtype (something like [("type",int,(1,)),("images",np.uint8,(1000,1000))]), again, I'm not familiar with this and would really appreciate some help with that (tried to google it.. it's a bit complicated..)
To share the index as a global inside the calling function (getitem) with property and its get-function-mechanism (https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#property). But the big downside here is that I lose the types of the arrays (big down for representation and everything that needs anything but the data itself).
Thanks in advance!!!
One can use the sub-arrays.map_blocks with a shared function that holds the indices in its memory.
Here is an example:
def bool_mask(arr, block_info=None):
from_ind,to_ind = block_info[0]["array-location"][0]
return arr[inds[from_ind:to_ind]]
def getitem(var):
original_chunks = var.chunks[0]
tmp_inds = np.cumsum([0]+list(original_chunks))
from_inds = tmp_inds[:-1]
to_inds = tmp_inds[1:]
new_chunks_0 = np.array(list(map(lambda f,t:inds[f:t].sum(),from_inds,to_inds)))
new_chunks = tuple([tuple(new_chunks_0.tolist())] + list(var.chunks[1:]))
return var.map_blocks(bool_mask,dtype=var.dtype,chunks=new_chunks)

Lua : copying a table efficiently (deep copy)

I try to make efficiently a copy of a lua table. I have written the following function copyTable() that works well (see below). But I imagined I could have something more efficient using the "passing by value" mechanism of the functions. I made a few tests to explore this mechanism :
function nop(x)
return x
function noop(x)
return x
function nooop(x)
return x
function copyTable(datatable)
local tblRes={}
if type(datatable)=="table" then
for k,v in pairs(datatable) do tblRes[k]=copyTable(v) end
return tblRes
print(tab) -->table: 0x1d387e0 tab={1,2,3}
print(nop(tab)) -->table: 0x1d387e0 tab={1,2,3}
print(noop(tab)) -->table: 0x1e76f90 tab={1,2,3}
print(nooop(tab)) -->table: 0x1d387e0 tab={1,2,3,4}
print(tab) -->table: 0x1d387e0 tab={1,2,3,4}
print(copyTable(tab)) -->table: 0x1d388d0
We can see that the reference to the table is transferred unchanged through the functions (when I just read it or add things) except within noop() where I try a radical modification of the existing.
I read Bas Bossink and the answer made by Michael Anderson in this Q/A. Regarding the passing or tables as arguments, they emphasized the difference between "arguments passed by ref" and "arguments passed by values and tables are references" with examples where this difference appears.
But what does that mean precisely ? Do we have a copy of the reference, but what difference does that make with a passing through ref since the data pointed and therefore manipulated is still the same, not copied ? Is the mechanism in noop() specific when we try to affect nil to the table, specific to avoid the deletion of the table or in which cases does it trigger (we can see with nooop() that it is not always the case when the table is modified) ?
My question : how the mechanism of passing tables really works ? Is there a way to make a more efficient way to copy the data of a table without the burden of my copyTable ?
The rules of argument passing in Lua is similarly to C: everything is pass by value, but tables and userdata are passed around as pointers. Passing a copy of a reference does not appear so different in usage, but it is completely different than passing by reference.
For example, you brought this part up specifically.
function noop(x)
return x
print(noop(tab)) -->table: 0x1e76f90 tab={1, 2, 3}
You are assigning the value for the new table[1] into variable x (x now holds a new pointer value). You didn't mutate the original table, the tab variable still holds the pointer value to the original table. When you return from noop you are passing back the value of the new table, which is empty. Variables hold values, and a pointer is a value, not a reference.
Missed your other question. No, if you want to deep-copy a table, a function similar to what you wrote is the only way. Deep copies are very slow when tables get large. To avoid performance issues, you might use a mechanism like "rewind tables", which keep track of changes made to them so they can be undone at later points in time (very useful in recursive with backtrack contexts). Or if you just need to keep users from screwing with table internals, write a "freezable" trait.
[1] Imagine the {} syntax is a function that constructs a new table and returns a pointer to the new table.
If you are sure that those 3 assumptions (A) are valid for "tab" (the table being copied):
There are no table keys
t1 = {}
tab = {}
tab[t1] = value
There are no repeated table values
t1 = {}
tab = {}
tab.a = t1
tab.b = t1
-- or
-- tab.a.b...x = t1
There are no recursive tables:
tab = {}
tab.a = tab
-- or
-- tab.a.b...x = tab
Then the code you provided is the smallest and almost as efficient as possible.
If A1 doesn't hold (i.e. you have table keys), then you must change your code to:
function copyTable(datatable)
local tblRes={}
if type(datatable)=="table" then
for k,v in pairs(datatable) do
tblRes[copyTable(k)] = copyTable(v)
return tblRes
If A2 doesn't hold (i.e. you have repeated table values), then you could change your code to:
function copyTable(datatable, cache)
cache = cache or {}
local tblRes={}
if type(datatable)=="table" then
if cache[datatable] then return cache[datatable]
for k,v in pairs(datatable) do
tblRes[copyTable(k, cache)] = copyTable(v, cache)
cache[datatable] = tblRes
return tblRes
This approach only pays off, though, if you have lots of repeated large tables. So, it is a matter of evaluating which version is faster for your actual production scenario.
If A3 doesn't hold (i.e. you have recursive tables), then your code (and both adjustments above) will enter an infinite recursive loop and eventually throw a stack overflow.
The simplest way to handle that is keeping a backtrack and throwing an error if table recursion happens:
function copyTable(datatable, cache, parents)
cache = cache or {}
parents = parents or {}
local tblRes={}
if type(datatable)=="table" then
if cache[datatable] then return cache[datatable]
assert(not parents[datatable])
parents[datatable] = true
for k,v in pairs(datatable) do
tblRes[copyTable(k, cache, parents)]
= copyTable(v, cache, parents)
parents[datatable] = false
cache[datatable] = tblRes
return tblRes
My solution for a deepcopy function which handles recursive tables, preserving the original structure may be found here: https://gist.github.com/cpeosphoros/0aa286c6b39c1e452d9aa15d7537ac95

Newbie rails logic & syntax questions

I am learning rails and have come across the following code which I would like to use. The code in question is the answer by John F Miller (first answer) in the following link:
How to render all records from a nested set into a real html tree
def tree_from_set(set) #set must be in order
buf = START_TAG(set[0])
stack = []
stack.push set[0]
set[1..-1].each do |node|
if stack.last.lft < node.lft < stack.last.rgt
if node.leaf? #(node.rgt - node.lft == 1)
buf << NODE_TAG(node)
buf << START_TAG(node)
buf << END_TAG
buf <<END_TAG
def START_TAG(node) #for example
def NODE_TAG(node)
I am unsure of the following and would appreciate any guidance.
I see this will cycle through "set" assigning each item to the object "node" however I cannot determine what [1..-1] does.
set[1..-1].each do |node|
Following the logic I cannot understand the purpose of removing the last item from the array "stack"
It appears this command in this context is no longer supported in ruby after 1.9. I believe the intention was to return to the start of the loop and repeat.
A "subarray" with all but zeroth element.
Negative array indices -x in Ruby are shorthands for length-x. That is, -1'st element is the last. Range 1..-1 is "first to last", but since arrays are zero-indexed in Ruby, that means "all but zeroth element".
The stack holds "how deep you are", more precisely, which elements are you currently in. When examining the next element, if you "went out", you should close the list you left (possibly multiple times!) before adding the current item.
As for retry: I think it should be redo. If you stepped outside, you have to make sure you close every list you have to: once per iteration you pop from the stack, close the closest list and loop this until you are inside the top element on the stack, in the context for the current node to be inserted.
Actually, thus code assumes you only have one tree with set[0] its root. By adding to line 6 a check (with ||) if the stack is empty you eliminate this flaw, need for pushing set[0] manually, and thus exclusion of it from the loop. Because if the stack is empty, you are in hyperspace that contains everything, so you shouldn't bother comparing anything. This gives you the possibility of rendering multiple element trees (possibly without common root) from one list.
I believe the clean solution to this is a recursive one, replacing "home-made stack" with Ruby's call stack. I can't come up with a solution too quickly on this though.

Fast implementation of queues in Lua?

I am making a game using Lua and I need to use Breadth-first search to implement a fast path-finding algorithm which finds the shortest path between the enemy AI and the player.
I will have up to 3 enemies using this algorithm at once and map is a 2-dimensional tile-based maze. I have already implemented collision detection so now all that is left to do is get a way for the enemies to find the shortest path to the player in a way that can be done quickly and and preferably about 80-90 times per second per enemy.
When I previously implemented breadth-first search, I used a queue in C++. From what I have read about Lua, stack implementations using tables are very efficient since the elements don't need to be shifted after push() (AKA table.insert) and pop() (table.remove) operations. However, I have theorized that queues with large sizes can be very inefficient in Lua, because if you want to insert/remove something from index 1 of a table, all other elements in the table must be shifted either upward or downward in the table.
Thus, I would like to ask some simple questions for those experienced in Lua. What is the simplest and/or fastest implementation of a queue in this language? Is it even possible to have a fast queue in Lua or is it just generally accepted that Lua will always be forced to "shift" all elements for a queue operation such as pop() or append()?
EDIT: I understand that the underlying implementation of "shifting elements" in Lua tables is written in C and is therefore quite optimized. I just would like to know if I have any better options for queues before I begin to write a simple table implementation.
A fast implementation of queue(actually double queue) in Lua is done by the book Programming in Lua:
List = {}
function List.new ()
return {first = 0, last = -1}
It can insert or remove an element at both ends in constant time, the key is to store both first and last.
function List.pushleft (list, value)
local first = list.first - 1
list.first = first
list[first] = value
function List.pushright (list, value)
local last = list.last + 1
list.last = last
list[last] = value
function List.popleft (list)
local first = list.first
if first > list.last then error("list is empty") end
local value = list[first]
list[first] = nil -- to allow garbage collection
list.first = first + 1
return value
function List.popright (list)
local last = list.last
if list.first > last then error("list is empty") end
local value = list[last]
list[last] = nil -- to allow garbage collection
list.last = last - 1
return value
