Micropython: https request blocks further requests - iot

I'm on a M5Stack atom lite running micropython, making POST requests to a given endpoint with json payload. The following code leads to suspicious behaviour:
if (pin1.value()) == True:
if uart1.any():
req = urequests.request(method='POST', url='https://my-server.com/my-endpoint', json={'requestCode':'yadayada'})
if req.status_code == 200:
The first request succeeds and the correct payload is sent to the endpoint. Yet, all subsequent requests fail.
The same holds true for GET requests to https endpoints.
If I change to http, both GET and POST requests work fine, one after another.
Defining the content type in the headers has no effect.
Neither does closing the session right after the request (using headers).
As of request 2, to a https endpoint, I get the exception:
Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong with these https-requests? Thanks in advance for any hints!


Is there any way, how to get the redirect uri?

Let's have a WebAssembly (wasm) originating from .net code.
This wasm uses HttpClient and HttpClientHandler to access a backend API at https://api.uri.
The actual backend API location might change in time (like https://api.uri/version-5), but there is still this fixed endpoint, which provides redirection (3xx response) to the current location (which is in the same domain).
The API allows CORS, meaning it sends e.g. Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * headers in the responses.
In the normal (non-wasm) world, one just:
Plainly GETs the https://api.uri with no additional headers (CORS safe).
Retrieve the Location: header (containing e.g. https://api.uri/version-5) from the 3xx response as the final URI.
GETs/POSTs the final URI with additional headers (as needed, e.g. custom, auth, etc.).
Note: In ideal world, the redirection is handled transparently and the first two steps can just be omitted.
Although in the wasm world:
You are not allowed to (let the wasm/browser) send the OPTIONS pre-flight requests to a redirecting endpoint (https://api.uri).
You can't send any non-cors headers, when wanting to prevent pre-flight requests (reason for two stages, plain and full, described above).
You can't see the Location: header value (like https://api.uri/version-5) when trying the manual redirection (HttpClientHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = false), because the response is just artificially crafted with HTTP status code of 0 and ReasonPhrase == "opaqueredirect" - adoption to browser's Fetch API. What a nonsense! #1...
You can't see the auto-followed Location: header value in response.RequestMessage?.RequestUri, when trying the (default) automatic redirection (HttpClientHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = true), because there is still the original URI (https://api.uri) instead of the very expected auto-followed one (https://api.uri/version-5). What a nonsense! #2...
You can't send the full blown request with all the headers and rely on the automatic redirection, because it would trigger pre-flight, which is sill not allowed on redirecting endpoint.
So, the obvious question is:
Is there ANY way, how to handle such simple scenario from the Web Assembly?
(and not crash on CORS)
GET https://api.uri => 3xx, Location: https://api.uri/version-5
GET https://api.uri/version-5, Authorization: Basic BlaBlaBase64= ; Custom: Cool-Value => 200
Note: All this has been discovered within the Uno Platform wasm head, but I believe it applies for any .net wasm.
Note: I also guess "disabled" CORS (on the request side, via Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors) wouldn't help either, as then such request is not allowed to have additional headers/methods, right?

Charles, empty request body with non-empty response body

I used Charles to record a session and when I check one of the sessions, I found that there is no request body but I can see a response body, I am confused about this as how am I seeing a response without sending a request?
Also, I noticed that I can choose to see the request and response body on my phone's Charles, but on my desktop Charles, I can only see the tab called Content, I tried clicking on the request and response in the under the View tab, nothing happened as well. Does anyone know why?
I am confused about this as how am I seeing a response without sending a request?
A request consists of a few things:
Always: an HTTP method (GET, POST, or similar)
Always: a path (/document/123)
Optional: any number of HTTP headers (my-header: abc)
Optional: a request body
A response consists of:
Always: an HTTP status (404)
Always (in HTTP/1): an HTTP status message (Not Found)
Optional: any number of HTTP headers (my-header: abc)
Optional: a response body
In your case, you are sending a request, it's just that your request only contains a method, URL and headers, but no body. That's totally normal and this is very common for most HTTP requests.
The request and response body are totally independent: it's fine for neither to have a body, or for just one (either one) to have a body, or for both to have a body.
As an example, a GET request to https://google.com/search from a browser will include a method (GET) and a path (/search) and a selection of headers from the browser (such as a user-agent), but won't include any body, and the response will have a status (200) and message (OK), headers about the response data (e.g. content-length: ...) and the body will be the HTML for the google search page.

AWS API Gateway issue for HTTP Method

I created an AWS API-gateway for an HTTP method PUT. When I do a test in API-gateway, that works fine, but when I call it from a REST client, I get 404 bad-request and missing authentication token errors. I didn't set any authorization to true or a required API key to true.
I passed these query parameters to a REST client:
auth_id : 8798iuyiu123123
time_stamp :1231231
test_json : [{"id"=>"1","value"=>"mount"},{"id"=>"2","value"=>"chart"}]
content-type : application/json
When I change the test_json value to %5B%7B%22id%22:%221%22,%22value%22:%22test%22%7D,%7B%22id%22:%222%22,%22value%22:%2213+%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%, then I get the response.
i am new to react, calling from react
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.query({ auth_id: localStorage.auth_id})
.query({ time_stamp:this.props.time_stamp})
.query({ test_json:JSON.stringify(newadd)})
should i pass this test_json through body?
Am I doing anything wrong?
This is usually related to requesting a URL that doesn't exist. Please make sure you're using the correct HTTP method and resource path to a valid resource (the sample invoke URL does not include any resource path). If this still doesn't work. Make sure you actually deployed your API.
The HTTP Response of Bad Request is because you have the Query Parameter that are not URL Encoded. There are 2 things that you can do now:
Pass the test_json as Query Param but making sure that they are URL Encoded. This will put a restriction on the size of the string and hence Not Recommended.
Pass the test_json as Request Body. (Recommended)

Request URI too long via POST request

I'm sending a POST request via Net as such:
http = Net::HTTP.new(mixpanel_endpoint.host, mixpanel_endpoint.port)
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(mixpanel_endpoint.request_uri)
The issue is that the request_uri is over the max limit. It's a BASE64 encoded string.
Does anybody know what to do about this?
<Net::HTTPRequestURITooLong 414 Request URI Too Long readbody=true>
Net::HTTPRequestURITooLong is a 414 HTTP code from the server, you will need to change the request to conform to what the endpoint allows.
10.4.15 414 Request-URI Too Long
The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI
is longer than the server is willing to interpret. This rare condition
is only likely to occur when a client has improperly converted a POST
request to a GET request with long query information, when the client
has descended into a URI "black hole" of redirection (e.g., a
redirected URI prefix that points to a suffix of itself), or when the
server is under attack by a client attempting to exploit security
holes present in some servers using fixed-length buffers for reading
or manipulating the Request-URI.
reference: https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
Are you adding the data directly to the URL?
Try splitting out the endpoint URL from the data. For example:
Net::HTTP::Post.new(request_endpoint, "whatever_param_value=#{base64_encoded_data}")

Does every successful HTTP request always return status code 200?

In Delphi, I'm using Indy's TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge coupled with TIdHTTP to send/receive data via HTTP. On the Server, I don't have any fancy handling, I always just respond with a simple content stream. If there's any issues, I only return information about that issue in the response content (such as authentication failed, invalid request, etc.). So, on the client side, can I assume that every successful request I make to this server will always have a response code of 200 (OK)?
I'm wondering because on the client, the requests are wrapped inside functions which return just a boolean for the success of the request.
Inside this function:
IdHTTP.Get(SomeURL, AStream);
Result:= IdHTTP.ResponseCode = 200;
This function handles any and every request which could possibly fetch data. If there were any issues in the request, This function should return False. In my scenario, since I always return some sort of content on the server, would the client always receive a response code of 200 in this function?
I guess the real question is, if I always return some sort of content and handle all exceptions on the server, then will the server always return status code of 200 to each request?
"Does every successful HTTP request always return status code 200?"
See w3.org: HTTP/1.1 Status Code Definitions (RFC 2616)
The answer is No. All 2xx are considered successful.
That may depend on the HTTP method used.
Should your web-server application always return 200 upon success? That may as well depend on the request method and the signal it intends for the client . e.g.
for PUT method (emphasis is mine):
If an existing resource is modified, either the 200 (OK) or 204 (No
Content) response codes SHOULD be sent to indicate successful
completion of the request.
for POST method:
The action performed by the POST method might not result in a resource
that can be identified by a URI. In this case, either 200 (OK) or 204
(No Content) is the appropriate response status, depending on whether
or not the response includes an entity that describes the result.
If a resource has been created on the origin server, the response
SHOULD be 201 (Created) and contain an entity which describes the
status of the request and refers to the new resource, and a Location
header (see section 14.30). Responses to this method are not
cacheable, unless the response includes appropriate Cache-Control or
Expires header fields. However, the 303 (See Other) response can be
used to direct the user agent to retrieve a cacheable resource.
As you can learn from the RCF, every method SHOULD have it's own success status codes, depending on the implementation.
Your other question:
"can I assume that every successful request I make to this server will always have a response code of 200 (OK)?"
You can always expect Status code 200, if your web server always responds with Status 200. Your web server application controls what response it returns to the client.
That said, Status code 200 is the Standard response for successful HTTP requests (The actual response will depend on the request method used), and in the real world of web servers, SHOULD be set as default upon successful request, unless told otherwise (As explained in Remy's answer).
To answer your specific question:
can I assume that every successful request I make to this server will always have a response code of 200 (OK)?
The answer is Yes, because TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge wraps TIdHTTPServer, which always sets the default response code to 200 for every request, unless you overwrite it with a different value yourself, or have your server do something that implicitly replies with a different response code (like Redirect() which uses 302, or SmartServeFile() which uses 304), or encounter an error that causes TIdHTTPServer to assign a 4xx or 5xx error response code.
However, in general, what others have told you is true. On the client side, you should handle any possible HTTP success response code, not just 200 by itself. Don't make any assumptions about the server implementation.
In fact, TIdHTTP already handles that for you. If TIdHTTP encounters a response code that it considers to be an error code, it will raise an EIdHTTPProtocolException exception into your code. So if you don't get an exception, assume the response is successful. You don't need to check the response code manually.
If there is a particular response code that normally raises an exception but you do not want it to, you can specify that value in the optional AIgnoreReplies parameter of TIdHTTP.Get() or TIdHTTP.DoRequest(). Or, if you are are using an up-to-date Indy 10 SVN revision, a new hoNoProtocolErrorException flag was recently added to the TIdHTTP.HTTPOptions property so the EIdHTTPProtocolException exception is not raised for any response code.
Successful resposes are 2xx List_of_HTTP_status_codes
i did the following. Process straight all 200`s and LOG exceptions. worked, not a single non 200 - except unauthorized and timeouts (password or sometimes unavaliable server). but many/all responses will be considered for a wide range of mainstream apps.
while (iRedo < 3) do begin
s := Self.HTTPComponent.Get( sUrl );
if self.HTTPComponent.ResponseCode = 200 then begin
// IDEIA - log what happend if not 200
logWhatHappend( s, HTTPComponent ); // then log content, headers, etc
inc( iRedo ); sleep( 5 );
