I want to deploy pgadmin in my OpenShift namespace, but when I am deploying the default pgadmin image from docker.hub, I have an error:
/entrypoint.sh: line 8: can't create /pgadmin4/config_distro.py: Permission denied
You need to define the PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL and PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD environment variables.
But, I can't access full priveleges OpenShift, i am not admin cluster, i can't do oc adm policy add-scc.
I tried to create Dockerfile
FROM dpage/pgadmin4 as pgadmin4
USER root
RUN chown 1000640000:1000640000 /pgadmin4 && \
sed -i 's/5050/1000720000/g' /etc/passwd && \
sed -i 's/5050/1000720000/g' /etc/group && \
find / -user 5050 -exec chown 1000720000 {} \; && \
find / -group 5050 -exec chown :1000720000 {} \; && \
sed 's#python /run_pgadmin.py#python /pgadmin4/run_pgadmin.py#g' /entrypoint.sh
USER 1000640000
VOLUME /var/lib/pgadmin
EXPOSE 80 443
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
And if i docker build and deploy to OpenShift, I will still have an error
Maybe there is some other way to bypass the ban and install pgadmin?
Do what #rzlvmp advised you. Also do not EXPOSE 80 443. In Openshift if you do not have a cluster-admin role to perform oc adm policy add-scc which even if you have it, it is not the good idea to dealing with scc anyhow, you are not able to expose port lower than 1024. Use EXPOSE 8080 8443 for example. Only process started under root UID could use port lower then 1024.
File permissions work better in OpenShift if you recognize your container runs with GROUPID=0 instead of trying to fine tune for the uid.
Instead of embedding that high uid in your container image, chgrp 0, and chmod g+rwx
My Dockerfile extends from php:8.1-apache. The following happens while developing:
The application creates log files (as www-data, 33:33)
I create files (as the image's default user root, 0:0) within the container
These files are mounted on my host where I'm acting as user (1000:1000). Of course I'm running into file permission issues now. I'd like to update/delete files created in the container on my host and vice versa.
My current solution is to set the image's user to www-data. In that way, all created files belong to it. Then, I change its user and group id from 33 to 1000. That solves my file permission issues.
However, this leads to another problem:
I'm prepending sudo -E to the entrypoint and command. I'm doing that because they're normally running as root and my custom entrypoint requires root permissions. But in that way the stop signal stops working and the container has to be killed when I want it to stop:
~$ time docker-compose down
Stopping test_app ... done
Removing test_app ... done
Removing network test_default
real 0m10,645s
user 0m0,167s
sys 0m0,004s
Here's my Dockerfile:
FROM php:8.1-apache AS base
FROM base AS dev
COPY entrypoint.dev.sh /usr/local/bin/custom-entrypoint.sh
ARG user_id=1000
ARG group_id=1000
RUN set -xe \
# Create a home directory for www-data
&& mkdir --parents /home/www-data \
&& chown --recursive www-data:www-data /home/www-data \
# Make www-data's user and group id match my host user's ones (1000 and 1000)
&& usermod --home /home/www-data --uid $user_id www-data \
&& groupmod --gid $group_id www-data \
# Add sudo and let www-data execute it without asking for a password
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends sudo \
&& rm --recursive --force /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& echo "www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/www-data
USER www-data
# Run entrypoint and command as sudo, as my entrypoint does some config substitution and both normally run as root
ENTRYPOINT [ "sudo", "-E", "custom-entrypoint.sh" ]
CMD [ "sudo", "-E", "apache2-foreground" ]
Here's my custom-entrypoint.sh
set -e
sed --in-place 's#^RemoteIPTrustedProxy.*#RemoteIPTrustedProxy '"$REMOTEIP_TRUSTED_PROXY"'#' $APACHE_CONFDIR/conf-available/remoteip.conf
exec docker-php-entrypoint "$#"
What do I need to do to make the container catch the stop signal (it is SIGWINCH for the Apache server) again? Or is there a better way to handle the file permission issues, so I don't need to run the entrypoint and command with sudo -E?
What do I need to do to make the container catch the stop signal (it is SIGWINCH for the Apache server) again?
First, get rid of sudo, if you need to be root in your container, run it as root with USER root in your Dockerfile. There's little value add to sudo in the container since it should be an environment to run one app and not a multi-user general purpose Linux host.
Or is there a better way to handle the file permission issues, so I don't need to run the entrypoint and command with sudo -E?
The pattern I go with is to have developers launch the container as root, and have the entrypoint detect the uid/gid of the mounted volume, and adjust the uid/gid of the user in the container to match that id before running gosu to drop permissions and run as that user. I've included a lot of this logic in my base image example (note the fix-perms script that tweaks the uid/gid). Another example of that pattern is in my jenkins-docker image.
You'll still need to either configure root's login shell to automatically run gosu inside the container, or remember to always pass -u www-data when you exec into your image, but now that uid/gid will match your host.
This is primarily for development. In production, you probably don't want host volumes, use named volumes instead, or at least hardcode the uid/gid of the user in the image to match the desired id on the production hosts. That means the Dockerfile would still have USER www-data but the docker-compose.yml for developers would have user: root that doesn't exist in the compose file in production. You can find a bit more on this in my DockerCon 2019 talk (video here).
You can use user namespace to map different user/group in your docker to you on the host.
For example, the group www-data/33 in the container could be the group docker-www-data/100033 on the host, you just have be in the group to access log files.
I have a pod and NodePort service running on GKE.
In the Dockerfile for the container in my pod, I'm using gosu to run a command as a specific user:
exec /usr/local/bin/gosu mytestuser "$#"
FROM ${DOCKER_HUB_PUBLIC}/opensuse/leap:latest
# Download and verify gosu
RUN gpg --batch --keyserver-options http-proxy=${env.HTTP_PROXY} --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org \
--recv-keys B42F6819007F00F88E364FD4036A9C25BF357DD4 && \
curl -o /usr/local/bin/gosu -SL "https://github.com/tianon/gosu/releases/download/1.12/gosu-amd64" && \
curl -o /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc -SL "https://github.com/tianon/gosu/releases/download/1.12/gosu-amd64.asc" && \
gpg --batch --verify /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc /usr/local/bin/gosu && \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gosu
# Add tini
ADD https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini /tini
RUN chmod +x /tini
ENTRYPOINT ["/tini", "--", "/startup/startup.sh"]
# Add mytestuser
RUN useradd mytestuser
# Run startup.sh which will use gosu to execute following `CMD` as `mytestuser`
RUN /startup/startup.sh
CMD ["java", "-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom", "-jar", "/helloworld.jar"]
I've just noticed that when I log into the container on GKE and look at the processes running, the java process that I would expect to be running as mytestuser is actually running as chronos:
me#gke-cluster-1-default-ool-1234 ~ $ ps aux | grep java
root 9551 0.0 0.0 4296 780 ? Ss 09:43 0:00 /tini -- /startup/startup.sh java -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -jar /helloworld.jar
chronos 9566 0.6 3.5 3308988 144636 ? Sl 09:43 0:12 java -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -jar /helloworld.jar
Can anyone explain what's happening, i.e. who is the chronos user, and why my process is not running as mytestuser?
When you RUN adduser, it assigns a user ID in the image's /etc/passwd file. Your script launches the process using that numeric user ID. When you subsequently run ps from the host, though, it looks up that user ID in the host's /etc/passwd file, and gets something different.
This difference doesn't usually matter. Only the numeric user ID matters for things like filesystem permissions, if you're bind-mounting a directory from the host. For security purposes it's important that the numeric user ID not be 0, but that's pretty universally named root.
When you run a useradd inside the container (or as part of the image build), it adds am entry to the /etc/passwd inside the container. The uid/gid will be in a shared namespace with the host, unless you enable user namespaces. However the mapping of those ids to names will be specific to the filesystem namespace where the process is running. Therefore in this scenario, the uid of mytestuser inside the container happens to be the same uid as chronos on the host.
I'm trying to deploy metricbeat on openshift, and after many hours of work i cannot have it worked.
The same image is running normally on docker.
Thank you
FROM docker.elastic.co/beats/metricbeat:7.2.0
COPY metricbeat.yml /usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml
USER root
RUN mkdir /var/log/metricbeat \
&& chown metricbeat /usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml \
&& chown metricbeat /usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat \
&& chmod go-w /usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml \
&& chown metricbeat /var/log/metricbeat
COPY entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/custom-entrypoint
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/custom-entrypoint \
&& chown metricbeat /usr/local/bin/custom-entrypoint
ENV PATH="/usr/share/metricbeat:${PATH}"
USER metricbeat
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/custom-entrypoint" ]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat -e --strict.perms=false -c /usr/share /metricbeat/metricbeat.yml
Error: /usr/local/bin/custom-entrypoint: line 2: /usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat: Permission denied
The Dockerfile shows switching to the root user while setting up the directory structure and permissions when building the image, and finally switching to USER metricbeat to run the container with it.
However, by default OpenShift runs containers with a user with a random UID (from a preconfigured range).
One option is to relax the security policy as Graham Dumpleton suggested.
To make it work without relaxing the security, I'll suggest to change ownership as follows:
RUN chown -R metricbeat:root /usr/share/metricbeat \
&& chmod -R 0775 /usr/share/metricbeat
...or incorporate the above two commands in the first RUN instruction.
I'm working with Hugo
Trying to run inside a Docker container to allow people to easily manage content.
My first task is to get Hugo running and people able to view the site locally.
Here's my Dockerfile:
FROM alpine:3.3
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && \
apk add --no-cache go bash git openssh && \
mkdir -p /aws && \
apk -Uuv add groff less python py-pip && \
pip install awscli && \
apk --purge -v del py-pip && \
rm /var/cache/apk/* && \
mkdir -p /go/src /go/bin && chmod -R 777 /go
ENV PATH /go/bin:$PATH
RUN go get -v github.com/spf13/hugo
RUN git clone http://mygitrepo.com /app
ENTRYPOINT ["hugo","server"]
I'm checking out the site repo then running Hugo - hugo server
I'm then running this container via:
docker run -d -p 1313:1313 --name app app
Which reports everything is starting OK however when I try to browse locally on localhost:1313 I see nothing.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
docker ps gives me:
9e1f12849044 app "hugo server" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes>1313/tcp app
And docker logs 9e1 gives me:
Started building sites ...
Built site for language en:
0 draft content
0 future content
0 expired content
25 pages created
0 non-page files copied
0 paginator pages created
0 tags created
0 categories created
total in 64 ms
Watching for changes in /ltec/{data,content,layouts,static,themes}
Serving pages from memory
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop
I had the same problem, but following this tutorial http://ahmedalani.com/post/so-recursive-it-hurts/, says about to use the param --bind from hugo server command.
Adding that param mentioned, and the ip we have --bind=
It works to me, I think this is a natural behavior from every container taking a localhost for self scope, but if you bind with takes a visible scope to the main host.
This is because Docker is actually running in a VM. You need to navigate to the docker-machine ip instead of localhost.
curl $(docker-machine ip):1313
Delete EXPOSE 1313 in your Dockerfile. Dockerfile reference.
I'm currently running Openshift, but I am running into a problem when I try to build/deploy my custom Docker container. The container works properly on my local machine, but once it gets built in openshift and I try to deploy it, I get the error message. I believe the problem is because I am trying to run commands inside of the container as root.
(13)Permission denied: AH00058: Error retrieving pid file /run/httpd/httpd.pid
My Docker file that I am deploying looks like this -
FROM centos:7
MAINTAINER me<me#me>
RUN yum update -y
RUN yum install -y git https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
RUN yum install -y ansible && yum clean all -y
RUN git clone https://github.com/dockerFileBootstrap.git
RUN ansible-playbook "-e edit_url=andrewgarfield edit_alias=emmastone site_url=testing.com" dockerAnsible/dockerFileBootstrap.yml
RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants/; for i in *; do [ $i == systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/*;\
rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/local-fs.target.wants/*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/*udev*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/*initctl*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/basic.target.wants/*;\
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/anaconda.target.wants/*;
COPY supervisord.conf /usr/etc/supervisord.conf
RUN rm -rf supervisord.conf
VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
EXPOSE 80 443
#CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]
CMD ["/usr/sbin/httpd", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]
Ive run into a similar problem multiple times where it will say things like Permission Denied on file /supervisord.log or something similar.
How can I set it up so that my container doesnt run all of the commands as root? It seems to be causing all of the problems that I am having.
Openshift has strictly security policy regarding custom Docker builds.
Have a look a this OpenShift Application Platform
In particular at point 4 into the FAQ section, here quoted.
4. Why doesn't my Docker image run on OpenShift?
Security! Origin runs with the following security policy by default:
Containers run as a non-root unique user that is separate from other system users
They cannot access host resources, run privileged, or become root
They are given CPU and memory limits defined by the system administrator
Any persistent storage they access will be under a unique SELinux label, which prevents others from seeing their content
These settings are per project, so containers in different projects cannot see each other by default
Regular users can run Docker, source, and custom builds
By default, Docker builds can (and often do) run as root. You can control who can create Docker builds through the builds/docker and builds/custom policy resource.
Regular users and project admins cannot change their security quotas.
Many Docker containers expect to run as root (and therefore edit all the contents of the filesystem). The Image Author's guide gives recommendations on making your image more secure by default:
Don't run as root
Make directories you want to write to group-writable and owned by group id 0
Set the net-bind capability on your executables if they need to bind to ports <1024
Otherwise, you can see the security documentation for descriptions on how to relax these restrictions.
I hope it helps.
Although you don't have access to root, your OpenShift container, by default, is a member of the root group. You can change some dir/file permissions to avoid the Permission Denied errors.
If you're using a Dockerfile to deploy an image to OpenShift, you can add the following RUN command to your Dockerfile:
RUN chgrp -R 0 /run && chmod -R g=u /run
This will change the group for everything in the /run directory to the root group and then set the group permission on all files to be equivalent to the owner (group equals user) of the file. Essentially, any user in the root group has the same permissions as the owner for every file.
You can run docker as any user , also root (and not Openshift default build-in account UID - 1000030000 when issuing this two commands in sequence on command line oc cli tools
oc login -u system:admin -n default following with oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n projectname where projectname is name of your project inside which you assigned under your docker