Dictionary not appending values - ios

I think I'm introducing some logic error and I might be missing something here.
Please consider the following code:
// Model
class MyModel: NSObject {
let month: Int
let destiny: String
init(month: Int, destiny: String) {
self.month = month
self.destiny = destiny
var datasource: [MyModel] = []
var dict: [Int : [MyModel]] = [:]
func fillDatasource() {
for _ in 0...20 {
let month = Int.random(in: 1...12)
let destiny = "Any"
let model = MyModel(month: month, destiny: destiny)
func fillDict() {
datasource.forEach {
let month = $0.month
print(dict) // always empty
Inside my fillDict function the array is always nil.
I think this is because the key doesn't exist , so the value cannot be appended to that specific key.
My question is: if the key doesn't exist, calling the append function would insert the key as well?
Am I missing something here?

Your assumption is incorrect and there is no reason to think that this would insert a new array.
It might seem intuitive for this case but it may be very wrong for some cases. How about something like this:
Should this construct a new garage for my car? I think not. But even if so; what if default constructor is unavailable and this is actually defined as a protocol:
protocol Garage {
func parkCar(_ car: Car)
var garages[String: Garage]
there is no way for Swift to fill in this object automatically.
Technically there would be a possible solution for this work that Swift would automatically construct an object for you in dictionary if this object had a default constructor and possibly the object type is a struct or a final class... But this would most likely only introduce more confusion than it would solve.
The most straight forward solution to your example is what #Sh_Khan wrote (but later deleted) which is:
if dict[month] == nil {
dict[month] = [$0]
else {
Probably some more feasible approach would be
dict[month] = (dict[month] ?? []) + [$0]
but as described in a comment there is already a method that does exactly that for you:
dict[month, default: []].append($0)
I hope we can agree that this is a more general approach and it fixes all cases. For instance
garages[myName, default: PublicGarage(parkingSpot: myName)].parkCar(myCar)

You can update your fillDict method to the following:
func fillDict() {
datasource.forEach {
let month = $0.month
if dict.keys.contains(month) {
} else {
dict[month] = [$0]
We need to check if the month key already exits in the dictionary, than append in it's array else we are assigning a new array against a month in the dictionary

Dic is empty because dic[month] is nil, the value has never been altered.
To group array by a property of the array elem, I'd use the following:
dic = Dictionary(grouping: datasource) { (model) -> Int in
return model.month


RxSwift Observe variable fields of struct type in array

I have a problem with observing array of my custom type, that have a Variable fields. I want to create observable event, that will check, if value of this fields changed.
I have a struct:
struct Type {
let name: Variable<String>
let email: Variable<String>
And I have a array:
let array: Variable<[Type]>
All I need is Observable, that will return true, when field name count will be greater than 0. I try to play with Observable.combineLatest, but I cannot convert properly array.
First of all, you should not be using Variable anymore, as it's deprecated. You should use BehaviorRelay instead.
I'm not sure I understand your question clearly. But you probably need something like this:
// namesNotEmpty will be true if all elements in array have name.count > 0
let namesNotEmpty: Observable<Bool> = array.asObservable()
.flatMap { array -> Observable<[String]> in
if array.isEmpty {
// so that some event is emmited when array is empty
return Observable.just([""])
return Observable.combineLatest(array.map { $0.name.asObservable() })
.map { array in
array.filter { $0.isEmpty }.isEmpty
We know that Variable is deprecated and Variable is just a thin wrapper around a private instance of BehaviorSubject (nice comment about that). So, you can use BehaviorSubject instead.
Next thing, it's not good idea to put Rx type everywhere you want. The better way is to keep array and your Rx property separately.
For example:
struct CustomType {
let name: String
let email: String
private var array: [CustomType] = [] {
didSet {
if array.first(where: { $0.name.isEmpty }) == nil {
var subject = PublishSubject<Void>()
// and handle changes
subject.subscribe(onNext: {
// logic
Here we have array of pure CustomType objects that trigger subject to send event when if condition is correct. This is much better and cleaner, because your logic is separated.
P.S. Also, if you not good at *Subject, i suggest you to google about it, because maybe your code need another sort of *Subject.

Check duplicates properties on Swift array

I have a custom class called Place with 3 properties:
Name (String)
Category (String)
GeoPoint (CLLocationCoordinate2D)
I have an array of type [Place] of 100 objects and I want to check if there are duplicates on the GeoPoint property (just on this one).
How can I check duplicates of a specific property in an array of custom objects?
Although the accepted answer is good, I'd like to chip in.
There are two more ways to achieve what you want, and they both benefit from functionalities provided by SDK.
1 - Use Sets as Tj3n mentioned in a comment.
To achieve this you would need to make your Place conform to Hashable protocol.
class Place : Hashable {
var name = ""
var category = ""
var geoPoint: CLLocationCoordinate2D = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
var hashValue: Int {
get {
return geoPoint.longitude.hashValue &+ geoPoint.latitude.hashValue
func ==(lhs: Place, rhs: Place) -> Bool {
return lhs.geoPoint.latitude == rhs.geoPoint.latitude && lhs.geoPoint.longitude == rhs.geoPoint.longitude
The &+ operator in hashValue means "add, and don't crash at overflow". Using it is as straightforward as it can - let set = Set(yourArrayOfPlaces) - the set will contain only unique, in regard to geoPoint, places.
2 - Use KVC. While this is more of an Objective-C world, I find it a useful tool. To achieve this, you'd need to make Place inherit from NSObject. Then getting an array of unique places can be reduced to this one line :
let uniquePlaces = (yourPlacesArray as NSArray).value(forKeyPath: "#distinctUnionOfObjects.geoPoint")
You can do something like this:
var dict : [String : Int] = [:]
for place in arr {
if dict[place.GeoPoint] != nil { // Not in dictionary
if dict[place.GeoPoint] >= 1 { // If already there
return true // Duplicate
} else {
dict[place.GeoPoint]! += 1 // Increment instance
} else {
dict[place.GeoPoint] = 0 // Put in dictionary
return false // No duplicates
Where you loop through a [Place] array and check to see how many have the same GeoPoint. Then check to see if there's one there more than once.

Storing an array of strings using Realm's RLMArray

Does anyone know how you can use Realm to store an array of strings? I'm trying to map the following response into Realm correctly:
"zoneInfo": {
"tariffInfoLines": [
"In this city you pay per minute."
We have a zoneInfo object that contains a tariffInfoLines array. This tariffInfoLines array contains strings. In Realm there are two different variable types for storing data. The first is RLMObject which allows your standard NSString, int, long etc.
The second type is RLMArray, which is used for arrays (as NSArray is not supported). You have to give the array a type, which must be a class that subclasses RLMObject. We have so far got around this by using a ABCRealmString object, as shown below:
#property RLMArray<ABCRealmString> *tariffInfoLines;
ABCRealmString contains an NSString property (it is basically a wrapper):
#property NSString *value;
However what this means is that when Realm tries to map the response to persist the data, it is looking for a value for the key "value" (the name of the property). It appears that it expects a response similar to the following:
"zoneInfo": {
"tariffInfoLines": [
"value": "In this city you pay per minute."
In the project, we have it working for the following structure:
"userOptions": [
"wantsEmailNotifications": true,
"wantsPushNotifications": false
This has an array, with objects inside that have clear key value pairs that Realm can map to. The zoneInfo structure appears to be the only place that we have an array with sets of values inside without them being inside an object or having any keys.
If anyone could shed some light on this, regarding if this is possible using Realm, or whether an API change is required to match a structure that Realm can map.
Cross posting from the github issue response: Although this example demonstrates how to store flat arrays of strings on a Realm model, you can extend this pattern to store anything from arrays of integers to native Swift enum's. Basically anything that you can map to a representable type in Realm.
class RealmString: Object {
dynamic var stringValue = ""
class Person: Object {
var nicknames: [String] {
get {
return _backingNickNames.map { $0.stringValue }
set {
_backingNickNames.appendContentsOf(newValue.map({ RealmString(value: [$0]) }))
let _backingNickNames = List<RealmString>()
override static func ignoredProperties() -> [String] {
return ["nicknames"]
// Usage...
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
let person = Person()
person.nicknames = ["John", "Johnny"]
for person in realm.objects(Person) {
print("Person's nicknames: \(person.nicknames)")
// Prints:
// Person's nicknames: ["John", "Johnny"]
UPDATE (most of the previous answers are no longer correct):
You can now store primitive types or their nullable counterparts (more specifically: booleans, integer and floating-point number types, strings, dates, and data) directly within RLMArrays or Lists. If you want to define a list of such primitive values you no longer need to define cumbersome single-field wrapper objects. Instead, you can just store the primitive values themselves.
Lists of primitive values work much the same way as lists containing objects, as the example below demonstrates for Swift:
class Student : Object {
#objc dynamic var name: String = ""
let testScores = List<Int>()
// Retrieve a student.
let realm = try! Realm()
let bob = realm.objects(Student.self).filter("name = 'Bob'").first!
// Give him a few test scores, and then print his average score.
try! realm.write {
print("\(bob.testScores.average()!)") // 93.0
All other languages supported by Realm also supports lists of primitive types.
For the Swift 3.0 here is the change (in my case the Xcode 8 compiler didn't offer auto fix when i switched to swift 3.0 so I had some pain to resolve it).
_backingNickNames.append(objectsIn: newValue.map { RealmString(value: [$0]) })
The RealmString approach is good, but you end up with a new RealmString every time you update the values, leaving a ton of unused objects laying around if you don't clean them up.
I would suggest using something like:
fileprivate let separator = "\u{FFFF}"
class Person: Object {
fileprivate dynamic var _nicknames: String?
var nicknames: [String] {
get { return _nicknames?.components(separatedBy: separator) ?? [] }
set { _nicknames = newValue.isEmpty ? nil : newValue.joined(separator: separator) }
override static func ignoredProperties() -> [String] {
return ["nicknames"]
extension String {
func toStringObject() -> StringObject {
return StringObject(initValue: self)
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == String {
func toStringObjects() -> List<StringObject> {
let list = List<StringObject>()
for s in self {
return list
extension Int {
func toIntObject() -> IntObject {
return IntObject(initValue: self)
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == Int {
func toIntObjects() -> List<IntObject> {
let list = List<IntObject>()
for s in self {
return list

How do I type check, without including subclasses? [duplicate]

When trying to understand a program, or in some corner-cases, it's useful to find out what type something is. I know the debugger can show you some type information, and you can usually rely on type inference to get away with not specifying the type in those situations, but still, I'd really like to have something like Python's type()
dynamicType (see this question)
Update: this has been changed in a recent version of Swift, obj.dynamicType now gives you a reference to the type and not the instance of the dynamic type.
This one seems the most promising, but I haven't been able to find out the actual type so far.
class MyClass {
var count = 0
let mc = MyClass()
# update: this now evaluates as true
mc.dynamicType === MyClass.self
I also tried using a class reference to instantiate a new object, which does work, but oddly gave me an error saying I must add a required initializer:
class MyClass {
var count = 0
required init() {
let myClass2 = MyClass.self
let mc2 = MyClass2()
Still only a small step toward actually discovering the type of any given object though
edit: I've removed a substantial number of now irrelevant details - look at the edit history if you're interested :)
Swift 3 version:
type(of: yourObject)
Swift 2.0:
The proper way to do this kind of type introspection would be with the Mirror struct,
let stringObject:String = "testing"
let stringArrayObject:[String] = ["one", "two"]
let viewObject = UIView()
let anyObject:Any = "testing"
let stringMirror = Mirror(reflecting: stringObject)
let stringArrayMirror = Mirror(reflecting: stringArrayObject)
let viewMirror = Mirror(reflecting: viewObject)
let anyMirror = Mirror(reflecting: anyObject)
Then to access the type itself from the Mirror struct you would use the property subjectType like so:
// Prints "String"
// Prints "Array<String>"
// Prints "UIView"
// Prints "String"
You can then use something like this:
if anyMirror.subjectType == String.self {
print("anyObject is a string!")
} else {
print("anyObject is not a string!")
The dynamicType.printClassName code is from an example in the Swift book. There's no way I know of to directly grab a custom class name, but you can check an instances type using the is keyword as shown below. This example also shows how to implement a custom className function, if you really want the class name as a string.
class Shape {
class func className() -> String {
return "Shape"
class Square: Shape {
override class func className() -> String {
return "Square"
class Circle: Shape {
override class func className() -> String {
return "Circle"
func getShape() -> Shape {
return Square() // hardcoded for example
let newShape: Shape = getShape()
newShape is Square // true
newShape is Circle // false
newShape.dynamicType.className() // "Square"
newShape.dynamicType.className() == Square.className() // true
Note: that subclasses of NSObject already implement their own className function. If you're working with Cocoa, you can just use this property.
class MyObj: NSObject {
init() {
println("My class is \(self.className)")
As of Xcode 6.0.1 (at least, not sure when they added it), your original example now works:
class MyClass {
var count = 0
let mc = MyClass()
mc.dynamicType === MyClass.self // returns `true`
To answer the original question, you can actually use the Objective-C runtime with plain Swift objects successfully.
Try the following:
import Foundation
class MyClass { }
class SubClass: MyClass { }
let mc = MyClass()
let m2 = SubClass()
// Both of these return .Some("__lldb_expr_35.SubClass"), which is the fully mangled class name from the playground
// Returns .Some("__lldb_expr_42.MyClass")
If you simply need to check whether the variable is of type X, or that it conforms to some protocol, then you can use is, or as? as in the following:
var unknownTypeVariable = …
if unknownTypeVariable is <ClassName> {
//the variable is of type <ClassName>
} else {
//variable is not of type <ClassName>
This is equivalent of isKindOfClass in Obj-C.
And this is equivalent of conformsToProtocol, or isMemberOfClass
var unknownTypeVariable = …
if let myClass = unknownTypeVariable as? <ClassName or ProtocolName> {
//unknownTypeVarible is of type <ClassName or ProtocolName>
} else {
//unknownTypeVariable is not of type <ClassName or ProtocolName>
Swift 3:
if unknownType is MyClass {
//unknownType is of class type MyClass
For Swift 3.0
String(describing: <Class-Name>.self)
For Swift 2.0 - 2.3
Here is 2 ways I recommend doing it:
if let thisShape = aShape as? Square
Here is a detailed example:
class Shape { }
class Square: Shape { }
class Circle: Shape { }
var aShape = Shape()
aShape = Square()
if let thisShape = aShape as? Square {
println("Its a square")
} else {
println("Its not a square")
if aShape.isKindOfClass(Square) {
println("Its a square")
} else {
println("Its not a square")
Old question, but this works for my need (Swift 5.x):
print(type(of: myObjectName))
Comment: I don't see how #JérémyLapointe answers the question. Using type(of:) only works by checking the compile-time information even if the actual type is a more specific subclass. There is now an easier way to dynamically query the type in Swift 5.1 without resorting to dynamicType like #Dash suggests. For more details on where I got this information, see SE-0068: Expanding Swift Self to class members and value types.
Swift 5.1
// Within an instance method context
// Within a static method context
This allows the use of Self as shorthand for referring to the containing type (in the case of structs, enums, and final class) or the dynamic type (in the case of non-final classes).
The proposal explains well why this approach improves on dynamicType:
Introducing Self addresses the following issues:
dynamicType remains an exception to Swift's lowercased keywords rule. This change eliminates a special case that's out of step with
Swift's new standards. Self is shorter and clearer in its intent. It
mirrors self, which refers to the current instance.
It provides an easier way to access static members. As type names grow large, readability suffers.
MyExtremelyLargeTypeName.staticMember is unwieldy to type and read.
Code using hardwired type names is less portable than code that automatically knows its type.
Renaming a type means updating any TypeName references in code. Using self.dynamicType fights against Swift's goals of concision and
clarity in that it is both noisy and esoteric.
Note that self.dynamicType.classMember and TypeName.classMember
may not be synonyms in class types with non-final members.
If you get an "always true/fails" warning you may need to cast to Any before using is
(foo as Any) is SomeClass
If a parameter is passed as Any to your function, you can test on a special type like so :
func isADate ( aValue : Any?) -> Bool{
if (aValue as? Date) != nil {
print ("a Date")
return true
else {
print ("This is not a date ")
return false
Depends on the use case. But let's assume you want to do something useful with your "variable" types. The Swift switch statement is very powerful and can help you get the results you're looking for...
let dd2 = ["x" : 9, "y" : "home9"]
let dds = dd2.filter {
let eIndex = "x"
let eValue:Any = 9
var r = false
switch eValue {
case let testString as String:
r = $1 == testString
case let testUInt as UInt:
r = $1 == testUInt
case let testInt as Int:
r = $1 == testInt
r = false
return r && $0 == eIndex
In this case, have a simple dictionary that contains key/value pairs that can be UInt, Int or String. In the .filter() method on the dictionary, I need to make sure I test for the values correctly and only test for a String when it's a string, etc. The switch statement makes this simple and safe!
By assigning 9 to the variable of type Any, it makes the switch for Int execute. Try changing it to:
let eValue:Any = "home9"
..and try it again. This time it executes the as String case.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
class A {
class func a() {
func getInnerValue() {
class B: A {
override class func a() {
print("yeah yeah")
B.a() // yeah yeah
A.a() // yeah
B().getInnerValue() // yeah yeah
A().getInnerValue() // yeah

How do you find out the type of an object (in Swift)?

When trying to understand a program, or in some corner-cases, it's useful to find out what type something is. I know the debugger can show you some type information, and you can usually rely on type inference to get away with not specifying the type in those situations, but still, I'd really like to have something like Python's type()
dynamicType (see this question)
Update: this has been changed in a recent version of Swift, obj.dynamicType now gives you a reference to the type and not the instance of the dynamic type.
This one seems the most promising, but I haven't been able to find out the actual type so far.
class MyClass {
var count = 0
let mc = MyClass()
# update: this now evaluates as true
mc.dynamicType === MyClass.self
I also tried using a class reference to instantiate a new object, which does work, but oddly gave me an error saying I must add a required initializer:
class MyClass {
var count = 0
required init() {
let myClass2 = MyClass.self
let mc2 = MyClass2()
Still only a small step toward actually discovering the type of any given object though
edit: I've removed a substantial number of now irrelevant details - look at the edit history if you're interested :)
Swift 3 version:
type(of: yourObject)
Swift 2.0:
The proper way to do this kind of type introspection would be with the Mirror struct,
let stringObject:String = "testing"
let stringArrayObject:[String] = ["one", "two"]
let viewObject = UIView()
let anyObject:Any = "testing"
let stringMirror = Mirror(reflecting: stringObject)
let stringArrayMirror = Mirror(reflecting: stringArrayObject)
let viewMirror = Mirror(reflecting: viewObject)
let anyMirror = Mirror(reflecting: anyObject)
Then to access the type itself from the Mirror struct you would use the property subjectType like so:
// Prints "String"
// Prints "Array<String>"
// Prints "UIView"
// Prints "String"
You can then use something like this:
if anyMirror.subjectType == String.self {
print("anyObject is a string!")
} else {
print("anyObject is not a string!")
The dynamicType.printClassName code is from an example in the Swift book. There's no way I know of to directly grab a custom class name, but you can check an instances type using the is keyword as shown below. This example also shows how to implement a custom className function, if you really want the class name as a string.
class Shape {
class func className() -> String {
return "Shape"
class Square: Shape {
override class func className() -> String {
return "Square"
class Circle: Shape {
override class func className() -> String {
return "Circle"
func getShape() -> Shape {
return Square() // hardcoded for example
let newShape: Shape = getShape()
newShape is Square // true
newShape is Circle // false
newShape.dynamicType.className() // "Square"
newShape.dynamicType.className() == Square.className() // true
Note: that subclasses of NSObject already implement their own className function. If you're working with Cocoa, you can just use this property.
class MyObj: NSObject {
init() {
println("My class is \(self.className)")
As of Xcode 6.0.1 (at least, not sure when they added it), your original example now works:
class MyClass {
var count = 0
let mc = MyClass()
mc.dynamicType === MyClass.self // returns `true`
To answer the original question, you can actually use the Objective-C runtime with plain Swift objects successfully.
Try the following:
import Foundation
class MyClass { }
class SubClass: MyClass { }
let mc = MyClass()
let m2 = SubClass()
// Both of these return .Some("__lldb_expr_35.SubClass"), which is the fully mangled class name from the playground
// Returns .Some("__lldb_expr_42.MyClass")
If you simply need to check whether the variable is of type X, or that it conforms to some protocol, then you can use is, or as? as in the following:
var unknownTypeVariable = …
if unknownTypeVariable is <ClassName> {
//the variable is of type <ClassName>
} else {
//variable is not of type <ClassName>
This is equivalent of isKindOfClass in Obj-C.
And this is equivalent of conformsToProtocol, or isMemberOfClass
var unknownTypeVariable = …
if let myClass = unknownTypeVariable as? <ClassName or ProtocolName> {
//unknownTypeVarible is of type <ClassName or ProtocolName>
} else {
//unknownTypeVariable is not of type <ClassName or ProtocolName>
Swift 3:
if unknownType is MyClass {
//unknownType is of class type MyClass
For Swift 3.0
String(describing: <Class-Name>.self)
For Swift 2.0 - 2.3
Here is 2 ways I recommend doing it:
if let thisShape = aShape as? Square
Here is a detailed example:
class Shape { }
class Square: Shape { }
class Circle: Shape { }
var aShape = Shape()
aShape = Square()
if let thisShape = aShape as? Square {
println("Its a square")
} else {
println("Its not a square")
if aShape.isKindOfClass(Square) {
println("Its a square")
} else {
println("Its not a square")
Old question, but this works for my need (Swift 5.x):
print(type(of: myObjectName))
Comment: I don't see how #JérémyLapointe answers the question. Using type(of:) only works by checking the compile-time information even if the actual type is a more specific subclass. There is now an easier way to dynamically query the type in Swift 5.1 without resorting to dynamicType like #Dash suggests. For more details on where I got this information, see SE-0068: Expanding Swift Self to class members and value types.
Swift 5.1
// Within an instance method context
// Within a static method context
This allows the use of Self as shorthand for referring to the containing type (in the case of structs, enums, and final class) or the dynamic type (in the case of non-final classes).
The proposal explains well why this approach improves on dynamicType:
Introducing Self addresses the following issues:
dynamicType remains an exception to Swift's lowercased keywords rule. This change eliminates a special case that's out of step with
Swift's new standards. Self is shorter and clearer in its intent. It
mirrors self, which refers to the current instance.
It provides an easier way to access static members. As type names grow large, readability suffers.
MyExtremelyLargeTypeName.staticMember is unwieldy to type and read.
Code using hardwired type names is less portable than code that automatically knows its type.
Renaming a type means updating any TypeName references in code. Using self.dynamicType fights against Swift's goals of concision and
clarity in that it is both noisy and esoteric.
Note that self.dynamicType.classMember and TypeName.classMember
may not be synonyms in class types with non-final members.
If you get an "always true/fails" warning you may need to cast to Any before using is
(foo as Any) is SomeClass
If a parameter is passed as Any to your function, you can test on a special type like so :
func isADate ( aValue : Any?) -> Bool{
if (aValue as? Date) != nil {
print ("a Date")
return true
else {
print ("This is not a date ")
return false
Depends on the use case. But let's assume you want to do something useful with your "variable" types. The Swift switch statement is very powerful and can help you get the results you're looking for...
let dd2 = ["x" : 9, "y" : "home9"]
let dds = dd2.filter {
let eIndex = "x"
let eValue:Any = 9
var r = false
switch eValue {
case let testString as String:
r = $1 == testString
case let testUInt as UInt:
r = $1 == testUInt
case let testInt as Int:
r = $1 == testInt
r = false
return r && $0 == eIndex
In this case, have a simple dictionary that contains key/value pairs that can be UInt, Int or String. In the .filter() method on the dictionary, I need to make sure I test for the values correctly and only test for a String when it's a string, etc. The switch statement makes this simple and safe!
By assigning 9 to the variable of type Any, it makes the switch for Int execute. Try changing it to:
let eValue:Any = "home9"
..and try it again. This time it executes the as String case.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
class A {
class func a() {
func getInnerValue() {
class B: A {
override class func a() {
print("yeah yeah")
B.a() // yeah yeah
A.a() // yeah
B().getInnerValue() // yeah yeah
A().getInnerValue() // yeah
