react native pager view : Seeing a blank screen when I use setPageWithoutAnimation to last page - ios

I am using version 5.1.11 on iOS. I am trying to jump to the last page using ref.current.setPageWithoutAnimation(lastPageIndex)
However, I see a blank screen and if I move my finger a little bit (left-right) on the screen it then shows me the UI. The UI is right there but it's out of focus.
This happens sometimes and sometimes it works correctly.
Can anyone guide me if I am missing something here?
Thank you.


iOS cordova set DisallowOverscroll to true not only on the main screen of the app

I have a Cordova (version 6.3.1) app. This issue only occurs on iOS version of the app (Android works fine). Every time i press on a text box to insert a text after doing some scrolling, it jumps straight back to the top. After some investigating, I found out that
in cordovas "config.xml" only works on the main screen of the app, not if I go and click on a "modal" "KompressionStromper" in the video (it does not work inside there), so how can I enable it inside there? So the behaviour is not like in video?
Please see video here on iOS 10.0.2 (during the first seconds i also try to pull at the main screen from top to bottom but there the "DisallowOverscroll" option works as expected).
Any other suggestions and help will be highly appreciated.
For the specific element you can disable overscroll with jQuery.
element.ontouchmove = (event) => {
I strongly suggest that you also create a directive out of it, so it will be more done in a "angular way".

Framework7 modal-overlay tap on iPad calls preventScrolling instead of handleClick

I am using Framework7 inside of React for our view layer. I can get a popover to open and close just fine when viewing my app in Chrome. However, on the iPad I cannot seem to close the modal popover by tapping on the mask. After some debugging, it appears that this line of code within Chrome is where the handleClicks ends up getting called which will then close the modal as it should.
However, this same exact line of code when debugging on iPad shows preventScrolling as the listener instead of handleClicks. Any ideas on why this could be occuring or what I might be missing?
It turns out this was all an issue on my end. I was using the Framework7 custom build process and was not including the fast-clicks module. Once I added that to the custom build process it fixed my issue. Sorry to waste everyone's time!

Xcode editor autoscrolls to the top of the page

Lately I have been experiencing strange behaviour in Xcode, after some period of coding it begins to autoscroll to the top of the current code page, and it wont let me scroll, if I am persistent in trying to scroll, my whole code disappears and the whole thing looks like this:
I am currently using Xcode 4.6.3 but the issue is also present in v. >= 5.0. Has anybody came across this type of problem. Please help, it is driving me mad.
I managed to get my code back by hiding and showing right panel in xCode, it seams to rebuilt the page, if U see in left corner of my screenshot there is a true line number but it is the only line in my editor, until I hide/show right panel then the code returns, after that if I continue scrolling it disappears again...
EDIT 2: Ok now I experienced another thing, my code just breaks, it turns in a bunch of letters scrambled across the screen, like code editor forgets all formatting and line breaks and just shows the code in some way. Again hide/show of right panel fixes the problem but just for a while.
The problem occurs when I make a syntax error or when intellisense offers me some autocomplete code and I don't complete that line in that exact moment. After that it's all down the hill. I'll try to capture the broken code and I'll post it when I do...
EDIT 3: I managed to capture the broken code so that you can see what I am up against:

Flex 4.6 IOS screen doesn't unpan after softkeyboard is dismissed

I am writing an app for IOS and Android using Flex 4.6. Everything is working fine on Android, but on IOS after the softkeyboard appears and the screen pans, when the keyboard is dismissed the screen never pans back down. The bottom half of the screen stays white and the top half remains shifted out of view. I have been searching online and through my code trying to figure out what could be wrong and I've had no luck. I have been running the program in debug mode, but no AS3 error messages are shown. My trace()s are printed, and the app will continue to work but obviously you are unable to interact with the top half of the app. Everything works fine if I set the softkeyboardBehavior in the XML to none, but then the user can't see where they are typing.
I have only been able to test this on my IPod touch with IOS 5.0.1. When I try to run my project in Flash Builders simulator neither the Android nor the IOS version will get past the splash screen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
I have seen that the softKeyboardDeactivate event from TextInput is not fired, as other actions that the unpan should cause are neither fired.
It seems it's a Flex 4.6 version bug. (
I've found a workaround, it's a little tricky but it works.
Put a new TextInput hidden on top of the View, then on focusOut event on the original TextInput, force focus on the hidden TextInput. Softkeyboard event will be activated for that TextInput and the pan will return to the top of the View, then take off the focus from the new TextInput and the softkeyboard will disappear.
The user will not notice about this tricky solution.
<s:TextInput id="ghost" x="-100" y="0" width="0" height="0"/>
<!-- ... -->
<s:TextInput id="original" focusOut="textInputFocusOutHandler(event)"/>
public function textInputFocusOutHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
Try adding the "enter" attribute to your TextInput. It worked for me but now I have the issue where it jumps vs. pan when the soft keyboard deactivates.
It seems that my problem was that I was using the StageText skin for my text boxes, which adobe says in the documentation causes panning and any type of scrolling not to work. Switching to the old TextInput skin seems to fix the problem, but you loose all the native features for the soft keyboard, which pretty much ruins your user experience unfortunatly.

How to navigate BlackBerry BrowserField2 in OS5

I am using the new BrowserField2 in BlackBerry OS5 to display HTML content in my app. There are 3 options available for navigation through links in that content.
CURSOR navigation uses a block cursor and actually moves through the characters of the page. Not very useful for me.
POINTER navigation uses a mouse like pointer that you move around the screen and hover over elements. This could work but there is a bug however in that the browser field captures navigation and never lets go so this mode is effectively broken if you share a screen with any other managers. Once your focus enters the browser field you cannot move focus back out and into neighboring fields. RIM has acknowledged the bug but has no work around.
NONE which is for custom navigation but they offer no explanation as to how you would do this.
What I ideally want is to simply have trackpad movements move the focus through the links and highlight them. Then a click would activate the link. I assume I would select the NONE option above and implement my own focus navigation but I am not clear how this can be accomplished with the new APIs.
Is anyone familiar with the new browser2 component could give some guidance?
There's a workaroudn to getting back the focus out of the BrowserField using the NAVIGATION_POINTER.
I found it in this thread:
"farahh" posted this:
I found out a hack..
with the navigation set to pointer mode, a click outside the browserfield manager invokes Manager.invokeAction(int). I used the getFieldWithFocus to verify which field has focus and then switch the focus to something else.
PD: i havent found out how to get the behaviour you want, i need that as well so if you got it working please let me know, its kinda urgent in my project =(
I actually reverted back to the older browser1 (OS4) component because the navigation problems in browserField2 (OS5) were a deal breaker for me. Luckily the OS4 browser does everything I need in terms of functionality and it has the exact navigation behavior I need and there are no focus problems mixing it with other views.
