Framework7 modal-overlay tap on iPad calls preventScrolling instead of handleClick - ios

I am using Framework7 inside of React for our view layer. I can get a popover to open and close just fine when viewing my app in Chrome. However, on the iPad I cannot seem to close the modal popover by tapping on the mask. After some debugging, it appears that this line of code within Chrome is where the handleClicks ends up getting called which will then close the modal as it should.
However, this same exact line of code when debugging on iPad shows preventScrolling as the listener instead of handleClicks. Any ideas on why this could be occuring or what I might be missing?

It turns out this was all an issue on my end. I was using the Framework7 custom build process and was not including the fast-clicks module. Once I added that to the custom build process it fixed my issue. Sorry to waste everyone's time!


react native pager view : Seeing a blank screen when I use setPageWithoutAnimation to last page

I am using version 5.1.11 on iOS. I am trying to jump to the last page using ref.current.setPageWithoutAnimation(lastPageIndex)
However, I see a blank screen and if I move my finger a little bit (left-right) on the screen it then shows me the UI. The UI is right there but it's out of focus.
This happens sometimes and sometimes it works correctly.
Can anyone guide me if I am missing something here?
Thank you.

Force Exit app on Android causes App to Freeze when reopened

It is hard to paste all the code because I do not exactly know what is happening. My app is using a Tab Navigator as it's main navigation, and it works perfectly fine when I run it normally.
Whenever I forcefully quit it using the Android left button, it stops working when I reopen it.
Once it is re-open, I am able to swipe through all my tabs but each screen is FROZEN. I cannot click anything and the Tab Navigator does not update (it shows the initialRoute still selected).
I am very confused on what is causing the problem, my initial guess would be something to do with listeners but I really don't know which part of my app causes this. I have added the Firebase tag for this reason. I would like to try turning off all my listeners if the app is force closed, but I don't know if this is possible.
Other details:
I mostly use 'on' listeners.

iOS cordova set DisallowOverscroll to true not only on the main screen of the app

I have a Cordova (version 6.3.1) app. This issue only occurs on iOS version of the app (Android works fine). Every time i press on a text box to insert a text after doing some scrolling, it jumps straight back to the top. After some investigating, I found out that
in cordovas "config.xml" only works on the main screen of the app, not if I go and click on a "modal" "KompressionStromper" in the video (it does not work inside there), so how can I enable it inside there? So the behaviour is not like in video?
Please see video here on iOS 10.0.2 (during the first seconds i also try to pull at the main screen from top to bottom but there the "DisallowOverscroll" option works as expected).
Any other suggestions and help will be highly appreciated.
For the specific element you can disable overscroll with jQuery.
element.ontouchmove = (event) => {
I strongly suggest that you also create a directive out of it, so it will be more done in a "angular way".

iOS keypad not getting hidden after upgrade to iOS 10 in angular js

I have recently updated device to iOS 10 and facing issues with hiding iOS keypad when i switch from one view to another.It was working well with iOS 9.3.
Programmatically what i have done is, i was intercepting some element and auto focusing one input box when i navigate to second view. And when i move back to first view it was getting hidden but now with 10.0 it doesn't hide it automatically.
Because of privacy concern i am not able to post my code here but this is an angular code where i have written a directive which intercepts clicks on input box in the second view and auto focuses the same which in turn makes keypad popping up.
Now my requirement is to hide this keypad when i move back to first view.
As iOS 10 is very recently released any help or suggestion on this will be greatly appreciated.
N.B: Everything works well with iOS 8 and 9.
Here is what i have tried:
Tried hiding active DOM element.
Also tried calling blur using target property of $element by passing that to my link function in the directive.
It looks like this is a bug in safari. I had the same issue today and was able to reproduce it with this fiddle:
It looks like if an input is removed from the dom via a touch event, the keyboard will become sticky. I've been able to get around it in my app by manually calling blur at the start of my event handler, before the route changes and the input is removed from the dom.

Menubar in UIWebview not showing up on first longpress action

So this problem is a little tricky. Basically, I found that the menu bar won't pop up in a UIwebview the first time you long press on a word. It would show something like this:
Example img
The words are selected, but the menubar is now showing. However, the second time you longpress on another word,the menubar just pops up fine.
Example img
Also, if you tap anywhere in the UIwebview or scroll it before longpressing on a word, the menu bar also shows up. It's just when the long press action is the first action you have with the UIwebview, the menu bar won't show up.
I checked this problem with some other third-party web browsers on app store (firefox, chrome). The same problem exists. However, Safari does not have this problem. Also, my iPad 2 does not have this problem either. But my iPad air does, so do the xcode simulators.
Not sure if I'm describing this problem clearly, thanks in advance for anyone that helps.
This problem is kind of Bug in iOS 9 web view
Me and my colleague was having same discussion yesterday.
Also it is only on Web view,Messaging apps works fine
