How to show worklog in a weekly breakdown on a JIRA dashboard gadget? - jira

For total worklog I use a Counter gadget summing time spent (and a simple filter specifying project, issuetype and labels (customfield).
Please advise, what filter and gadget should I use to see total worklog in a weekly breakdown?

You can try Sprint Burndown gadget.


JQL query to filter JIRAs based on the last commented date by a particular account / user

I am new to JIRA / JQL, and wanted help in knowing if the following is possible:
I want to filter JIRAs which have been commented on by a particular user (a bot account) in the past xx days
I want to filter JIRAs which have a particular regex in its comments in the past xx days
If the above cannot be done, I am open to suggestions as to how to achieve it using a combination of labels and description in the JIRA!
Sorry, but comments are stored within each Issue and you can't search for them globally using the native JQL query. You'd need to utilise the REST API to iterate through the Issues, extracting all the comments, then filtering the results.
Refer to this article in the Atlassian community Jira blog on the same topic and what third party tools can help work around the issue.

worklogcomment view and use in Jql

I am trying to view work-log comments of a user stories from filter in Jira. Can someone shed some light on how to retrieve it?
Unfortunately, it's not possible to access worklog comments from issue navigator in Jira. To access them you have to install one of the plugins that has worklog reports. As of now, Tempo Timesheets and Timesheet Reports and Gadgets are two most popular solutions for that.

How do I get the number of bugs reported per month on Jira?

I am new to Jira and am trying to find the number of bugs reported on Jira per month using JQL query.
In fact you could use the basic mode in Issues tab, to arrive at the report
Basic mode generates the JQL in the background with help of dropdowns and selections, Advanced lets you use the JQL
Requested JQL Query Below, for Month November
project = *YourprojectName* AND issuetype in (Bug, "Story bug") AND created >= 2018-11-01 AND created <= 2018-11-30

Google Calendar to Google Sheet integration

I help with scheduling for a post-secondary first aid team. We schedule students 7 days a week from 9am-9pm and 9pm-9am on a google calendar, and we use google sheets to keep track of how many shifts they have done on which day/night.
I was wondering if it would be possible to populate this google sheet, whenever we add a student to the calendar for their shift. So say I add Student A on October 31st (Monday), can I make the process of adding 1 to the total shifts they have done on a monday day automatic? (I have some coding knowledge)
Yes, it is possible. (I haven't tried it though)
You may use getEvents() methods from Calendar Service to get all events that occur within a given time frame.
Then, as suggested by #teatimer in this SO post, your range has to match the size of the values array in both columns and rows when setting the values on a range.
To help you on the implementation, kindly check these SO posts:
Import google calendar data into existing google spreadsheet
Import Google or iCal calendar data into a google spreadsheet.
You may want to also check this forum and try the given option too.

Jira issue solved per week, irrespective of creation date

How can I create a weekly graph in Jira, that shows me how many issues per solved per week, irrespective when they were created.
Thanks in advance
what version of JIRA are you using (hosted or OnDemand)? Are you using sprints / agile boards / Greenhopper? If you have those, then you should be able to leverage the burndown chart (and many other reports) in the Report tab of an agile board.
for custom details, you can use the issues search feature. and filter by resolution date
resolutiondate >= startOfWeek()
