UITabBarItem accessibilityLanguage not working - ios

So I have an app with four tabs.
The language on the tabs (danish) are different from the one on my phone (English).
Handling accessibility in the app, this is of course a case I'd like to handle.
And it works everywhere in the app except for the tab bar items.
Buttons, labels etc. are being read properly in danish, when setting someItem.accessibilityLanguage or someLabel.accessibilityLanguage.
When I'm trying to do the same with the tab bar items, nothing seems to work.
I've tried view.tabBarItem.accessibilityLanguage = "da" + setting .accessibilityLanguage on the view itself, the tabBarController, the tabBar and even the navigationController that the view is added to.
Is this intended behaviour from Apple? A bug? Or am I doing something wrong?
When setting view.tabBarItem.accessibilityLabel to various texts it works. So it's definitely registering my changes and not just reading the title that is set for the actual label on the tab bar item.


Too Many Items for Nav Bar Layout in iOS

I need some help figuring out how to fix the layout of a navigation bar in an iOS app. When adding navigation to 'child' views of a given screen, my approach so far has been to add buttons to the 'leftBarButtonItems' collection of the UINavigation item. As long as the number of buttons doesn't exceed 3 or 4 everything works great.
Unfortunately, I now have a screen that requires additional buttons. Everything seemed to build fine, but when I actually run the application I end up with a jumbled mess like this:
Is there a better way to layout a UI with nav and toolbar buttons like this? If putting the buttons in the nav bar is actually the correct way, what do I need to do to make the layout handle cases where the content can't fit?
I wouldn't bother with adding any extra buttons. Users expect most apps to behave in similar ways, and (while this is technically possible) it's an unusual thing to do.
Apple's HIG states:
Avoid crowding a navigation bar with too many controls. In general, a navigation bar should contain no more than the view’s current title, a back button, and one control that manages the view’s contents.
And, even if you choose to ignore Apple's HIG, this will certainly won't be good for accessibility. Your users can (and will) change the text size with Dynamic Type - so your assertion that it's OK if the "number of buttons doesn't exceed 3 or 4" will be proven false by someone.
You'd be better to add a toolbar instead, or find some other way of providing those features.
The navigation bar often has the title of the previous view on the left side. The right side contains a control, like Edit or a done button, to manage content within the active view.
Navigation bar Example
Apple documentation recommends to avoid crowding a navigation bar with too many controls.
A navigation bar should contain no more than the view's current title, a back button, and one control that manages the view's contents.
For the back button you should use the standard one. As for the text-field it should have enough room. If items in the nav bar are crowded consider separation by inserting fixed space by using UIBarButtonSystemItemFixedSpace constant value in UIBarButtonItem.
For more information visit the following link.
The way to go when you need 3 or more items is by using either nav bar or toolbars. You can combine both nav bar and toolbars. For more information use apple documentation on toolbars.

UITabBarController storyboard launch screen - initial tab?

I'm using a storyboard as my launch screen in my app, it contains a UITabBarController with 5 UINavigationControllers. The storyboard doesn't do anything but provide launch screens.
What I want to do is change the default selected tab. I'm currently stuck with this:
And once the actual view controllers load I get this:
As you can imagine it's a bit jarring to have the selection jump like it does. I don't know how to change the tab programmatically since I cannot attach a custom class to anything in a launch screen. Of course, I don't really care if I do it for real, if there's a way to fake it with icons of different colors, that's fine as well, but the system adds that tint to selected icon.
Is there a way to do this with a storyboard launch screen? Thanks.
Don't use a tab bar controller in your LaunchScreen.storyboard. Instead use a normal view controller and add a tab bar, then add tab bar items as required. That seems to be the only way to make a tab bar without any index selected.
Though this question was asked years ago, I've wrangled with it quite a bit and figured out a workaround that I'm satisfied with for my app TimeFinder.
The other answers here have made some good suggestions, but trying to build a replica of TabBarController sounds challenging and unsustainable, and I didn't have much luck with the User Defined Attributes hack mentioned by Akshay Agrawal 1.
Since the problem is ultimately that the wrong item is shown as selected in the launch screen, I decided to hide the selection entirely by changing the selected image tint color to light gray to match the color of the other unselected tab bar item icons 2.
This allowed me to copy and paste my project's top-level view controllers (view controllers embedded in navbarcontrollers embedded in a tabbarcontroller) into the Launch Screen storyboard, delete all the inessential connections and view controllers, and end up with a quality launch screen that makes the app appear to load faster than it does.
Here's my Launch Screen storyboard for reference 3, and here is my app which will have this launch screen update shortly 4.
TimeFinder on the App Store
Use this piece of code in your view will appear method.
yourTabBarController.selectedViewController=[yourTabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:2]

What approach should i use when making tab bar application

I'm started to work at new place as iOS programmer. I joined existing project and got an assignment that i don't really know how to approach.
So my problem is this: when you press a button, next window has to have a tab bar with four icons, this means four different navigation stacks. Its not that hard to make, but in main screen i have more then four icons, and if i press any one of them next window always has to have a tab bar with four static icons, like shortcuts or something.
So what should I do? Does anyone had the same situation? I want to start with a good advice to save trouble later on.
You should probably rethink the app design. Tapping an item on the tab bar shouldn't result in a different number of tab bar items, as it leads to an unstable and unpredictable UI.
While not the most efficient in terms of visible content, you could introduce a segmented control (or a similar custom view) on top right under the navigation bar (if there is one), as seen in the Facebook app (though here it is used to perform actions, not changing views).
Your root view controller should be embedded in a navigation controller. Then push a view controller which contains any number of tab bar items not TabBarController. Then you can present each view controller either push or custom.

Single navigation bar in iOS tabbed app

I'm doing iPhone tabbed application, but I need to use navigation bar also (just for app title and single icon for Settings in the corner) like twitter did: link. I have 4 tabs in my app too. I was wondering is there any chance to create only one navigation bar, so when I want to change it, I will change it only in one place?
I was looking at this tutorial, but there are two "Navigation Bar" objects. And I would like to have single object that will appear in every tab.
Right now I created tabbed app and manually added navigation bar item into first tab. Then I copied it into others. It works ofc, but I'm not sure about that solution:/
Your use of separate navigation controllers for each tab isn't a bad solution.
Setting up the navigation bar and its items in only one place is also a good idea. To achieve this, you could always have your view controllers derive from a custom view controller that overrides navigationItem.

iOS - Set UITabBar Icons

I've checked a couple of solutions, saw you can set it in the storyboard but to set the icon you have to set it as a default identifier, and doing so removes the title and sets the default one, if you set the title to your own title it reverts to custom and no icon image once again.
I'd like to use the default iOS icon images for this, instead of downloading some images off the web.
I also tried to set it up in the AppDelegate in didFinishLaunching by getting the TabBar by accessing the rootViewController, but it gives me an undefined selector error when setting the tab bar items. What does seem to work is setting the tabBarItem property in my view controllers, but this way only one is set when the view shows and I want them both to be set already, also same issue as with the identifier in storyboard, it sets the default title of the icon.
It's against the iOS HIG to use the system-provided tab bar icons with non-standard titles. It's not a good idea because the icon/title combinations are part of the common UI language that users come to expect.
So you won't find a way in the standard APIs to set system-provided tab bar icons without also setting the corresponding standard titles.
