Orchestrator function code awaits on a task that was not created by a DurableOrchestrationContext method - azure-durable-functions

I have the following code in Orchestrator function:
var sourceGroups = await context.CallActivityAsync<AzureADGroup[]>(nameof(SourceGroupsReaderFunction), new SourceGroupsReaderRequest { SyncJob = syncJob, RunId = runId });
if (sourceGroups.Length == 0)
await _log.LogMessageAsync(new LogMessage
RunId = runId,
Message =
$"None of the source groups in {syncJob.Query} were valid guids. Marking job as errored."
await _calculator.SendEmailAsync(syncJob, runId, SyncDisabledNoValidGroupIds, new[] { syncJob.Query });
On running this, I see the following error:
Function 'OrchestratorFunction (Orchestrator)' failed with an error. Reason: System.InvalidOperationException: Multithreaded execution was detected. This can happen if the orchestrator function code awaits on a task that was not created by a DurableOrchestrationContext method. More details can be found in this article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/durable-functions-checkpointing-and-replay#orchestrator-code-constraints.
What am I missing?


Forwarding an incoming call after task reservation timeout

I am using Twilio Flex to support a call center. I have a TaskRouter workflow set up where Task Reservation Timeout is set to 120 seconds. In its filter, I've created two routing steps. The first one finds matching workers in the main queue and has a timeout of 120 seconds. After 120 seconds, it should move to Call Forward Queue. In the call forward queue, no workers exist (target worker expression: 1==2). I'm catching all these events with a "trEventListener" function. Once a task is moved into the Call Forward queue, I call the "callForward" function which uses twiml.dial() to connect the call to an external number. I also change this task's status to "canceled" with a custom reason so I can track it in flex insights. I am using the guide in this link to form my logic: https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021082934-Implementing-Voicemail-with-Twilio-Flex-TaskRouter-and-WFO.
Call forwarding is working fine but according to Flex insights, there are some calls that get handled after 120 seconds (between 120 - 300 seconds). Ideally, these should be forwarded as well. There is also no error logged for me to track down why this is happening to only a handful of calls.
Furthermore, in some cases, when I try to change the task status to cancel with my custom reason, it spits out the following error: Cannot cancel task because it is not pending or reserved. In other cases, it works fine. It's again hard to figure out why it's selectively working and not consistent in its behavior.
Here is the function code.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const client = context.getTwilioClient();
let task = '';
let workspace = '';
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: Event recieved of type: ${event.EventType}`);
// setup an empty success response
let response = new Twilio.Response();
// switch on the event type
switch(event.EventType) {
case 'task-queue.entered':
// ignore events that are not entering the 'Call Forward' TaskQueue
if (event.TaskQueueName !== 'Call Forward') {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: Entered ${event.TaskQueueName} queue - no forwarding required!`);
return callback(null, response);
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: entered ${event.TaskQueueName} queue - forwarding call!`);
task = event.TaskSid;
workspace = event.WorkspaceSid;
const ta = JSON.parse(event.TaskAttributes);
const callSid = ta.call_sid;
let url = `https://${context.DOMAIN_NAME}/forwardCall`;
// redirect call to forwardCall function
method: 'POST',
url: encodeURI(url),
}).then(() => {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: [SUCCESS] ~> Task with id ${task} forwarded to external DID`);
// change task status to canceled so it doesn't appear in flex or show up as a pending task
assignmentStatus: 'canceled',
reason: 'Call forwarded'
.then(task => {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: [SUCCESS] ~> Task canceled`);
return callback(null, response);
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: [ERROR] ~> Task not marked complete: `, err);
// doesn't warrant reponse 500 since call still forwarded :)
return callback(null, response);
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: [ERROR] ~> Task failed to forward to external DID: `, err);
return callback(err, response);
return callback(null, response);
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
console.log(`forwarding call`);
// set-up the variables that this Function will use to forward a phone call using TwiML
// REQUIRED - you must set this
let phoneNumber = event.PhoneNumber || context.NUMBER;
let callerId = event.CallerId || null;
let timeout = event.Timeout || null;
let allowedCallers = event.allowedCallers || [];
let allowedThrough = true;
if (allowedCallers.length > 0) {
if (allowedCallers.indexOf(event.From) === -1) {
allowedThrough = false;
// generate the TwiML to tell Twilio how to forward this call
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
let dialParams = {};
if (callerId) {
dialParams.callerId = callerId;
if (timeout) {
dialParams.timeout = timeout;
if (allowedThrough) {
twiml.dial(dialParams, phoneNumber); // making call :)
else {
twiml.say('Sorry, you are calling from a restricted number. Good bye.');
// return the TwiML
callback(null, twiml);
Any kind of help and/or guidance will be appreciated.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you redirect a call from a task, its task is cancelled with the reason "redirected" so you don't need to cancel it yourself.
Your code was failing to update the task occasionally because of a race condition between your code and the task getting cancelled by Twilio.

Missing Configuration File For Tests - Aqueduct

When implementing OAuth with aqueduct I mistakenly didn't follow the test driven development ideology, and I am paying for it now...
When I run my tests, I get the error:
"No configuration file found. See README.md."
Which is thrown from the initializeApplication method in my AppSink class.
As I understand it, tests make use of the config.src.yaml file so I have configured my test harness accordingly:
application = new Application<OdexSink>();
application.configuration.port = 0;
application.configuration.configurationFilePath = "config.src.yaml";
Since I was able to run the tests before I implemented the AuthServer etc, I suspect it happened along the way.
My test setUp is as follows:
var app = new Application<OdexSink>();
TestClient client;
setUp(() async {
await app.start(runOnMainIsolate: true);
client = new TestClient(app);
var ctx = ManagedContext.defaultContext;
var builder = new SchemaBuilder.toSchema(ctx.persistentStore, new Schema.fromDataModel(ctx.dataModel), isTemporary: true);
for (var cmd in builder.commands) {
await ctx.persistentStore.execute(cmd);
And my Test harness start() method is:
Future start() async {
RequestController.letUncaughtExceptionsEscape = true;
application = new Application<OdexSink>();
application.configuration.port = 0;
application.configuration.configurationFilePath = "config.src.yaml";
await application.start(runOnMainIsolate: true);
await createDatabaseSchema(ManagedContext.defaultContext, sink.logger);
await addClientRecord();
await addClientRecord(clientID: DefaultClientID, clientSecret: DefaultClientSecret);
client = new TestClient(application)
..clientID = DefaultClientID
..clientSecret = DefaultClientSecret;
My config.src.yaml file exits, and contains DB information.
Ah, just one small thing - in your setUp method, you are creating and starting an Application instead of that TestApplication harness. It should look like this
var app = new TestApplication();
setUp(() async {
await app.start();
All of the other stuff in setUp is already done in your test harness and you can use the TestClient as app.client:
expect(await app.client.request("/endpoint"), hasStatus(200));

Exception ETIMEDOUT in node.js

I write application for iOS, which uses Socket.IO. Sometimes my server JS-script falls with this error:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:983:19)
What I know is:
Script workes fine when I use only application for Android. That app uses Socket.IO for Android
Script workes fine when I use only web-client (yeap, with socket.IO)
Script startes to fall when I use iOS app.
Crash happens not always and not right away. Script falls after 5-10 minutes after connection and may crash, but may not.
So, I think the problem is in server library for socket.io, but exception fires only when iOS-client connecting.
How can I handle this exception?
There is problem was in the OAuth module on my node.js-server, which tried to check app token but had timeout to vk.com
I've edited vkapi module in my node.js server by adding "on" event for "https.get" function:
https.get(options, function(res) {
var apiResponse = new String();
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
apiResponse += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
var o = JSON.parse(apiResponse);
if (o.error) { self.emit('appServerTokenNotReady', o);
} else {
self.token = o.access_token;
https.get(options, function(res) {
var apiResponse = new String();
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
apiResponse += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
var o = JSON.parse(apiResponse);
if (o.error) { self.emit('appServerTokenNotReady', o);
} else {
self.token = o.access_token;
}).on('error', function(e) {
console.log('HTTPS error');
In general, you can handle these kinds of async errors by listening for the error event on whatever (e.g. request, connection, etc.) object.
The error event is special in that if there are currently no event handlers for it when it is emitted, the error will be thrown instead.

Wait for future to complete

I use my postgres database query to determine my next action. And I need to wait for the results before I can execute the next line of code. Now my conn.query returns a Future but I can't manage to get it async when I place my code in another function.
main() {
// get the database connection string from the settings.ini in the project root folder
db = getdb();
geturl().then((String url) => print(url));
Future geturl() {
connect(db).then((conn) {
conn.query("select trim(url) from crawler.crawls where content IS NULL").toList()
.then((result) { return result[0].toString(); })
.catchError((err) => print('Query error: $err'))
.whenComplete(() {
I just want geturl() to wait for the returned value but whatever I do; it fires immediately. Can anyone point me a of a piece of the docs that explains what I am missing here?
You're not actually returning a Future in geturl currently. You have to actually return the Futures that you use:
Future geturl() {
return connect(db).then((conn) {
return conn.query("select trim(url) from crawler.crawls where content IS NULL").toList()
.then((result) { return result[0].toString(); })
.catchError((err) => print('Query error: $err'))
.whenComplete(() {
To elaborate on John's comment, here's how you'd implement this using async/await. (The async/await feature was added in Dart 1.9)
main() async {
try {
var url = await getUrl();
} on Exception catch (ex) {
print('Query error: $ex');
Future getUrl() async {
// get the database connection string from the settings.ini in the project root folder
db = getdb();
var conn = await connect(db);
try {
var sql = "select trim(url) from crawler.crawls where content IS NULL";
var result = await conn.query(sql).toList();
return result[0].toString();
} finally {
I prefer, in scenarios with multiple-chained futures (hopefully soon a thing of the past once await comes out), to use a Completer. It works like this:
Future geturl() {
final c = new Completer(); // declare a completer.
connect(db).then((conn) {
conn.query("select trim(url) from crawler.crawls where content IS NULL").toList()
.then((result) {
c.complete(result[0].toString()); // use the completer to return the result instead
.catchError((err) => print('Query error: $err'))
.whenComplete(() {
return c.future; // return the future to the completer instead
To answer your 'where are the docs' question: https://www.dartlang.org/docs/tutorials/futures/
You said that you were trying to get your geturl() function to 'wait for the returned value'. A function that returns a Future (as in the example in the previous answer) will execute and return immediately, it will not wait. In fact that is precisely what Futures are for, to avoid code doing nothing or 'blocking' while waiting for data to arrive or an external process to finish.
The key thing to understand is that when the interpreter gets to a call to then() or 'catchError()' on a Future, it does not execute the code inside, it puts it aside to be executed later when the future 'completes', and then just keeps right on executing any following code.
In other words, when using Futures in Dart you are setting up chunks of code that will be executed non-linearly.

console.log not showing in Parse Logs page

In the below cloud code i would like to get a feedback of the saveAll function but after calling the code from my client in the parse Logs page i can only see:
I2014-10-08T15:28:32.930Z] v249: Ran cloud function acceptMeetingBis for user dyGu143Xho with:
Input: {"meetingId":"bUSTGNhOer"}
Result: Meeting accepted
Here is my cloud code:
Parse.Cloud.define("acceptMeetingBis", function(request, response) {
var userAcceptingTheMeeting = request.user;
var meetingId = request.params.meetingId;
var changedObjects = [];
var queryForMeeting = new Parse.Query("MeetingObject");
queryForMeeting.equalTo("objectId", meetingId);
success: function(meeting) {
var userCreatorOfMeeting = meeting.get("user");
userAcceptingTheMeeting.increment("acceptedMeetings", +1);
meeting.add("participantsObjectId", userAcceptingTheMeeting.id);
if (meeting.get("participantsObjectId").length === meeting.get("meetingNumberOfPersons")) {
meeting.set("isAvailable", false);
Parse.Object.saveAll(changedObjects, {
success: function(objects) {
console.log("Successfully saved objects"); //this line doesn't show up
response.success("objects saved");
error: function(error) {
// An error occurred while saving one of the objects.
//future query and push notifications will go here
response.success("Meeting accepted");
error: function() {
response.error("Failed to accept the meeting");
I will also need to add some push and another nested query after the saveAll() but before doing/trying that i would like to know if this is the right method to use or if i have to build the code in a different way. I'm new to javascript and honestly i'm struggling to understand some concepts, like promises. Any help would be much appreciated.
Your call to
is asynchronous, and you call
response.success("Meeting accepted")
immediately after making the asynchronous call, which ends the cloud code running of the method. If you simply replace the
response.success("objects saved")
response.success("Meeting accepted")
you should get what you want.
I didn't see the rest of your question about promises. You should check out Parse's documentation on chaining promises, which is what you want here.
Essentially, here's what you'll want to do:
Parse.Cloud.define("acceptMeetingBis", function(request, response) {
var userAcceptingTheMeeting = request.user;
var meetingId = request.params.meetingId;
var changedObjects = [];
var meetingToAccept;
var queryForMeeting = new Parse.Query("MeetingObject");
queryForMeeting.get(meetingId).then(function(meeting) {
meetingToAccept = meeting;
var userCreatorOfMeeting = meeting.get("user");
userAcceptingTheMeeting.increment("acceptedMeetings", +1);
return userAcceptingTheMeeting.save();
}).then(function(userWhoAcceptedMeetingNowSaved) {
meetingToAccept.add("participantsObjectId", userWhoAcceptedMeetingNowSaved.id);
if (meetingToAccept.get("participantsObjectId").length === meetingToAccept.get("meetingNumberOfPersons")) {
meetingToAccept.set("isAvailable", false);
return meetingToAccept.save();
}).then(function(savedMeeting) {
response.success("Meeting accepted");
}, function(error) {
response.error("Failed to accept the meeting");
For each asynchronous action you want to do, perform it at the end of one of the .then functions and return the result (it returns a promise). Keep adding .then functions until you're done all the work you want to do, at which point call response.success.
